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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. couchie, I agree with that choice: This version has the section of LTS added to it talking about his Grandfather. I don't tear up much in regards to Clay, but this one got to me: This was from the last show of the 2007 DCAT, in Orlando.
  2. I think you're wanting this clip: Still brings a lump to my throat watching it now....
  3. ew.com (Entertainment Weekly's Hollywood Insider column) Clay Aiken to Appear on "America's Next Top Model" etonline.com Clay Aiken Takes On Modeling Job
  4. jmh, don't worry about your doing the "search" function before I get around to it. I'll PM you more about this...
  5. LOTS of thread title poll choices at the top of the page! And I'm just a cheesy gal, for I've loved almost any of the songs mentioned in the past 24 hours. The only song that, if Clay sang, I'd spork my eyes out with is "Having My Baby." Hmmmm...did Clay sing that to Jaymes at one point in time? *g*
  6. I've just spent two hours dealing with a printer problem, so if you want to do it -- go for it. Maybe confer with jmh, as she has done a lot of work on thread titles this time. Maybe it's time to train someone else?
  7. I thought I only got the ones that you HADN'T gotten. I tried, at least. We may have to instigate a rule that if it ISN'T posted in this thread, it won't be considered. Especially since one of the admins *coughcouchiecough* doesn't seem to use this thread very much...
  8. From kf: AND Shortened a bit, but from merrieeee: AND AND From Scarlett: From KAndre: From claylove: From wandacleo:
  9. I've read somewhere else that the applicants to appear on ANTM had to have cleared on their schedules October through December 2008, so the shows have been shot already. The speculation is that this is the appearance that Clay alluded to during the "talk back" thing at Spamalot. "I shot something yesterday, but I can't say any more than that." That was in late November, so...hmmmm...what was his hair like back then? Looking forward to seeing him in this....
  10. What would Clay's be? Breast exams? Maybe -- using his tongue? That was for you bc...
  11. Sorry to hear about your Mom jmh, but I'm glad she's OK for now! Good luck with the caretaking... As for Clay's "influences" -- I guess I've always thought that he really doesn't pay that much attention to WHO it is he likes, it's more the actual sound that he's trying to achieve. He seems to know what he likes sonically, and will take bits and pieces from all sorts of things to make a sound that fits him. JMO.
  12. Good news about your daughter Caro! Via the CV: Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS Broadway Bears So far, the "Cats" bear is edging out the Spamalot bear for the highest bid. Here's the write up on the Sir Robin bear. (annabear, I think you should take notes on this bear...):
  13. YAY for luckiest1 and luckiestson!
  14. Well then the people who are on Broadway must indeed be very special people! Hee! And then, I also remember reading in an interview with Clay that during a couple of points during YWSOB, when the chorus is singing along with him, that he's just mouthing along the lyrics -- in order to catch his breath!
  15. claytonic, I think there's MUCH more to it than "being a real singer." I personally can't stand Britney's recording voice, but love Christina Aguillera's singing voice. Yet, both routinely lip synch during their shows. Is it because of their voices? Nope -- it's because they are singing, dancing, and juggling a whole bunch of other things at the same time. The coordination has got to be hard. As for singing the SSB at the Super Bowl? Well, first of all -- the crowd noise is terrible. But more importantly, again its the coordination with the other musicians, especially when using a symphonic background. Oh, and this doesn't always happen at the Super Bowl either. Try the Presidential Inauguration: Yo-Yo Ma's Performance on January 20: pre-recorded? couchie -- JINX!
  16. And the reason why it is usually lipsynched is for practical purposes -- usually synchronization with the backing musicians. But there are ALWAYS people out there who believe that because some singers can't "sing" with out lipsynching, ALL singers who do it must have bad voices. Shrug. The SSB at the World Series, however, is frequently NOT lipsynched, because whoever does it performs it acapella (meaning, without backing music, just solo singing). Topic: Clay sang at the World Series. Did really well too.
  17. My husband, for many years, was such a romantic. For Christmas, birthdays, and Valentine's Day for more than a few years, I received the 7 seasons of TNG. I :::heart::: my husband. Bingo! This fandom, in many ways, was built on "Claying it forward" -- helping out those that couldn't burn CD's and DVD's, at no cost (or just the cost of postage). I do this for people, and don't mind doing it in the least. You just gotta ask sometimes! Ooooo, that reminds me....I owe a couple of DVD's to people....gotta run. Scarlett, from Allrecipes.com Substitution list:
  18. KAndre, please add me to your list of proud crazies, as I much prefer Star Trek: The Next Generation over classic Trek. And I'm proud crazy to be a fan of Clay Aiken (and yes, will call myself a Claymate from time to time)...
  19. I loved Bruce too. He rocked the house, in 12 minutes...which is quite a feat for him (he who routinely does 3 1/2 hour shows without a break). I guess whenever I "feel" that kind of patronization, you know what I do? I roll my eyes along with them. I think a lot of what I do as a Clay Aiken fan is TOTALLY crazy (see canfly's post earlier that ended with "am not"), and if it were anything else, I would probably be snickering too. Being a Clay Aiken fan is not to be taken seriously, IMO, and I laugh along with it. I guess that's why the Claymate term doesn't bother me so much, because I see it as tongue in cheek, and actually worthy of some eyerolling toward myself. As for what tribeca experienced, yes, that was rude. Rudeness doesn't have an exclusive name called Claymate, though -- shoot, Spamalot BEFORE the Clay Aiken fans had the Monty Python fans who could recite whole scenes. I would venture a guess a few people probably got pissed off at them too. Unfortunately, the world is full of rude people. Oh tribeca -- I'm afraid those people at your Spamalot show were probably NOT the worse of the fandom. Not by a long shot. They were just rude. Let's put it this way -- I'm very very glad Clay has Jerome.
  20. Aw man, I liked the Clydesdale running away to the circus to join his true love... But what brought me to tears was bringing out on the field during the pregame the crew of the plane that landed in the Hudson River. *sob*
  21. I watch the Super Bowl for the Ads, and the halftime show. While nothing will top U2 in 2002, I think Springsteen will put on a good show. Awww....Clay and Reed went to see Brad. Good for both of them. Can I join cindilu in the Snoopy Dance of Joy over this? And yeah, add the disclaimer for me too. LOL.
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