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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Well, I know there is at least a few of us who will be there on March 30 for the matinee. I already have my ticket though... Yeah, that's kind of my take on the whole thing too. This fandom, IMO, has made me very cynical. So, I try to combat it by enjoying the good things when they come my way, and ignoring the crap. And honestly -- I've probably got a bit of the "weak character" myself. I'm not as honest about things to people's faces as I probably should be. That's why I really don't want to be the boss at my workplace. *g*
  2. Happy St. Patick's Day! I fixed corned beef and cabbage yesterday for dinner (yum), even though the Irish don't do such a thing. It's still good food though. I'm still fighting the cold that started to get me this past weekend. The pill form of Zicam I think is helping somewhat. However, it's not helping my mental state all that much. I'm like muski -- work is a bear (with way too much to do), I don't feel so hot, and I'd rather be looking at pictures of boyfriend, and planning my trip to see CLAAAAAY! [/whine]
  3. Via shineinnc at the CH... Clay speaks Japanese!
  4. For muski: For 00lsee: In this one I can see he is smiling, even if it IS just his eyes: And for FCA:
  5. The Playbill write up that someone asked for earlier is FINALLY up on playbill.com! It Takes Two
  6. Actually, to me, it does look like he's had a haircut....and I think I hear 00lsee sobbing. I don't see any "curls at the nape of the neck." *sob*
  7. Hey gang! Mom is doing fine, although she looks weak after her surgery. But...hey! She's almost 87 years old! She deserves to feel a bit week after surgery earlier! merrieeee, I always tell people that my interest in Clay Aiken has made me learn soooooooooo much about technology. 5 years ago, I barely knew how to burn a damn CD. Now I can do so much -- and many of you out there know more than I do. Scarlett!!! I'm glad you checked in, and I hope you're having fun in NYC with boyfriend! That picture with him and Shannon just makes me laugh and laugh, just 'cause of the mandals. I totally agree with laljeterfan in that it seems he just wears what he wants to, you know? And you're right 00lsee -- some areas of the country, I'm sure mandals are hip and cool and all that jazz. But in others....not so much. Thing is -- does it really matter? As I said, he just seems to wear things that make him happy, and I like that. OTOH, for some reason....the close ups of his eyes do nothing for me. To me (opinion only) he looks really rather tired. I think for me, I need the eyes and the SMILE together to make me really swoon. Jerome is looking fine, I must say. annabear, the bear is sooooo cute! Happy belated birthday Gibby!!!!!!! You sly person, you! And you're only as old as you feel, you know?
  8. Clay signing a crutch! Scarlett -- where are you?!?!?!?! She wrote at the CH: From an unnamed blog (via CV): I'm off to visit my Mom today. I'll see ya'll tonight!
  9. Pretty pretty pictures from The Ideal Idol from geekette (CH)
  10. *sprays chicken soup all over FCA and sends a text to Sir Robin about heading over to ldyj's with plenty of Lysol* Sorry, chickie...If he's coming over, I don't want him to get sick again. lol BWAH!! Now I'm coughing because I'm laughing! Hee. I stopped at big bad evil WalMart before going home and found some Zycam. Isn't that the stuff playbiller keeps talking about? Anyway, I'm trying it out to see if it will help me shake a cold that much sooner. In the meantime, I'm going to lay here with my kitty cats and my laptop. Ooo, and I should get some tea now too.
  11. Awwww laughn -- when we see you smile, we can face the world, we can do anything. *g* Great picture, and I'm so happy for you! luckiest1 writes the best recaps. Just sayin'. And with that, I think I might beg out of work early. I think you guys breathed on my computer, for it feels like my head is filling up with gunk. And I cannot be sick!
  12. Thanks for posting that bottlecap. I'm really surprised that we didn't have that in our archives here. BTW, if anyone wants Searching at FCA 101, PM me and I'll try to give some helpful handy-dandy hints. Or maybe I'll just start a thread....
  13. Cool recap so far luckiest! *adds a few candles of thanks to the altar of the person who got rid of Clay's tshirts* Waldo in 3-D? *pretends to get the creeping crud at work so I can find flights for this show NOW*
  14. Geez play -- I don't think I have the God Bless the USA single! Heh. Welcome tiggergirl!
  15. I just wanted to see this picture again. Talk about a tall drink of water on a hot day.... *slurp* wandacleo -- THANK YOU for the recap! What glorious details! EEEEEEEE! luckiest1 -- THANK YOU for the pictures! I can't wait to get home this evening to see the video. Last night, my husband and I went to see one of the grand dames of country music, Loretta Lynn. It was very cool to see a living legend...even if my husband and I (at age 45 each) were probably some of the youngest people there. *g* Anyway, I almost had to laugh the entire evening. Here's the story: sitting right in front of us was this lady, probably about 50 or so. The opening act came on (a husband and wife team, The Wrights, with just two guitars and some good harmonies), and this lady started harumphing. Heard her after they were over: "I didn't come to see them, I was bored, I want to see Loretta Lynn." Well, then the main part of the show started -- except, that at age 70, Loretta "farms out" some of her show to her kids, grandkids, and her supporting band. This lady was NOT happy. She was there to see Loretta, damn it, and who were these people to take Loretta's time. All I could think about was the people who would leave during Q&A's solos, or who would grumble about their solos cutting into "Clay's time." Heh.
  16. Interesting blog entry.... Brian & The Biz: Adventures in Entertainment of a Celeb Interviewer My Life as a Claymate _____ Sorry to hear about your crud couchie! aikim, my kitties send their sympathies (they've been through this before). Four words: top loading cat carriers. Heh. We were just talking about yellow sweater girl, and she shows up. Maybe she's a member here? *g*
  17. Yellow sweater girl: (Clickable picture) I'm not sure if this was her first "appearance," but at least this is where her name came from. It's from the Kenneth Cole fashion show that Clay attended in 2005. She tends to be "around" whenever Clay's in NYC. I remember people noticing her outside "The Early Show" when Clay appeared for the Toys for Tots campaign (?) -- I think she was even caught on fan videos. However, no one knows her name (thank God, IMO).
  18. On the Spamalot webpage -- create your own Easter card! I like the tag line to picture 6: "Thanks Clay. Keep up the good work!" And yes, picture number 5 is a bit creepy.
  19. Make sure you view all 6 pictures. There are a few stage door shots in there. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! The lady in the hat in picture three? That's luckiest1's daughter, crimsonice! And luckiest1 is in picture four! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Kareneh, Rachel Ray just did a Food Network show on feeding pets. Here is her recipe for Doggie Buscotti.
  20. Hey! That's when muski and I will be there too! We'll have to try and meet up!
  21. Sorry you're feeling sick bottlecap. Hee. More on the recap front: stuff from Ms. Marm (CH) hippoga at CB wrote: From tonight's show (March 12): MonicaJuliet at CB wrote: WinkAtMe at CV wrote: austenfan at CB wrote: A polaroid scan from kimiye (CH) http://home.earthlink.net/~ch_geekette/peasantelgordo.jpg lsdollylovesclay at CB wrote:
  22. 00lsee, you are a naughty, naughty woman.... bottlecap -- BWAH!!!! Was that blind piece in The Onion? CG, in many ways I totally agree with you, and yet, I know I do bury my head in the sand regarding much of talk, when it comes to politics, or religion, or even Clay sometimes. It's the "conflict" part of it that makes me way uncomfortable. I do have a reason why I tend to flee with this though...and many parallels can be drawn between this fandom and the state of the world today. I read this phrase on a different board lately, and I hope this person who created it (who also posts on this board) doesn't mind me borrowing it for a minute: "last word-itis." To keep this to the Clay perspective for a bit -- I think most of us have seen it. IMO, people talk past each other in order to have final say on something in regards to Clay's career, Clay's song choices, etc. Also IMO, it's why more than a few of us finally gave up on our old boards. The ability to "agree to disagree" got totally lost. I feel the same way with much of politics. I do try my best to read and keep up with the issues -- but the spin in this world today is just so great. And then, you get the same kind of thing I mentioned above, someone always needing the last word. Ultra-conservatives and ultra-liberals alike. And then, there's a bunch of people in the middle just trying to make sense of it all. There will be some that just throw their hands up in the air because they are fed up, being bombarded by so much freakin' information. I saw the banner that started this whole discussion last night. My thought: I almost posted a banner in order to get equal time for my candidate. But then, I decided it best to just "agree to disagree" and move on. I guess my hope with this board is that we all find an outlet to learn about the topics to make informed decisions, but that this board is to, first and foremost, celebrate Clay Aiken. I'm sure none of this made sense. I think I need more coffee. Besides -- the state of the world today -- I blame Clive Davis. *g* *and of course, fifty people posted in the time it took me to post my little rambling*
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