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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I think my favorite line of the Newsday review is this: "Aiken blends into the sophomoric adorableness of the show" Once again....he wasn't attempting for "star turn," he was attempting for "team player," and he succeeded. I love that. Cotton, thanks for the reminder. I'm one of those people who is ALWAYS torn between "do it now, life is short" and "plan for the future." It's a struggle, to be sure....but you know, every so often you've just got to say "WTF!" [tm Risky Business]. I do not begrudge ANYONE who can (and does) see shows a gazillion times. Do I get jealous? Well, sure, mainly because I'd like to be doing that too, but there's no way I CAN. But I seriously don't begrudge anyone who does it, and I certainly wouldn't suggest to anyone that they shouldn't post a review because of that.
  2. Newsday.com Clay Aiken Fits as Sir Robin in "Spamalot"
  3. I haven't seen any of the movies either....but I gotta watch my man Jon Stewart. I love him. Someday, Clay Aiken will appear on Jon's show, and I'll be in heaven. BTW, for those of you get WGN channel 9 out of Chicago, Clay's Scrubs episode is being rerun tonight at 11 Eastern time.
  4. Yeah, that. IMO, it's an interesting paradox. For some, I think the passage of 5 years and more media representation on how manipulative AI was in seasons after Clay's probably gives an "A-HA!" moment when rewatching season two. In other words, "man, the show has since shown itself to be rather manipulative....I see now that it was then too." OTOH, there are going to be some people who, for whatever reason, don't see anything all that different. And frankly, there are probably going to be some people watching Rewind who are like "eh, whatever -- that was a fun show!" It truly is sad that some will still want to believe in the hype (or non-hype, in the case of Clay *g*), but I think there are some out there who will see it way differently. Just depends on those damn filters we all have. Sewing?!?!? Ew, icky. I can do a hem. I can sew a button. That's about it. But put me in a kitchen, and I'm in heaven. That was my experiences growing up. Home Ec class was torture when we did sewing, but I loved the cooking and baking sections. Go figure.
  5. {{{{{{{{{{{{{gbmifan and family}}}}}}}}}}}}} *hands out Kleenex* {{{{Clay}}}}} I hope he gets better soon. I've read already that he won't be doing the stage door at all this weekend. I feel really badly for those who this was their only weekend to see Clay.
  6. Good morning FCA! The Brad Paisley concert last night was a blast, and I'm quite hoarse from yelling, my hands hurt from clapping, and my husband and I had a fanatastic time. This morning, I was awakened by a phone call that one of the employees, who always works Saturdays, is sick. Guess whose job it is to find a replacement? *sigh* But I did find someone to cover part of the shift at least. From what I understand of it, this is EXACTLY the reason I love this show, and why it's so great that Clay is doing it. I originally thought, way back when this was just a rumor, that Clay would get bored doing the same show day after day. I can now say that I was totally wrong, and this is the reason why. He's finding new ways to add to the character, and can add things that may or may not have been suggested by Mike Nichols or Eric Idle. Gotta love that...it gives his sharp improvisational skills something more to work with. Concerts immediately after Spamalot? I'll be there if it happens, but I'm not counting on it. I've decided that I must be a Type C personality -- I'm too laid back to even be considered a Type B, let alone Type A. So, I'm sure I'm projecting some of me onto him when I think that he's got to a have a bit of time off before starting this whole thing again. I certainly wouldn't want the man to burn out. Yeah, I know he wants to strike when the iron is hot, and I can see that being a good thing. But I just can't see IMMEDIATE tour. Maybe in a month, month and a half. *shrug*
  7. cha cha, have a safe trip tomorrow, and have a fantastic time! Cotton -- I WANT ONE OF THOSE BEARS!!!! *sigh* Where do you live? Could I fly there real fast to get one from you? I have PayPal! cindilu, once again you have outdone yourself. Fantastic wallpapers! Off to a concert tonight!
  8. The Associated Press Clay Aiken Deftly Acts Supremely Silly in "Monty Python's Spamalot"
  9. Don't forget...always look on the bright side of life! Hee. Gibby...jinx! I think, according to Linda's website, she herself has donated an original drawing to the BAF for auction. I think her stuff is beautiful, but I do also think that there's a very very very fine line with her stuff (and almost any clack out there, for that matter) and copyright issues. That's me, the librarian. But couchie is right, Clay himself could easily stop that one; she's pretty public with it, but yet she's had no complaints. I call that a "good thing" myself. couchie, that's cool to hear about the last album party. I think so much of it for me (and I'll add an "unfortunately" here) is the way everything the last time was plotted and planned and more plotted and more planned, and frankly for me, it just got to be too much. I also think the last time so much of it was created in order to get an "in" with Clay and his gang of advisors (totally IMO) and that just turned me off. You know, it's really hard to turn off feelings when they've got a "history" attached to them. I know that so much of my feelings about Clay are frequently tainted by some of the stuff I've seen and experienced in this fandom. It makes me quite sad....and yet they are something I cannot totally turn off either. I was having a bit of a hard time the other night when the People magazine story broke; everyone was EEEEEEEEing (as was their right) and I was thinking to myself "I'll eeeeeeeee, but I hope people don't place their hopes so high that if something doesn't happen, the fall will be great." I really feel this board is pretty good at doing that kind of thing, keeping expectations in check. But I'm pretty sure there are others that will feel personally hurt if the album doesn't come out on May 6, or if the album doesn't sell a million in the first week, or whatever. I love dearly all you people who can dream big for Clay, I truly do. But sometimes my German Lutheran reserved nature comes out, you know? Sorry, that turned into a mini-rant. I'm tired; it's been a long week at work. Fortunately, tonight I'm going to see Brad Paisley in concert, and that will help me a great deal. That man sings funny country songs (my favorite is "Alcohol"; video is here), and he's cute to boot.
  10. 00lsee, are you talking audio or video? Here's FCA Media, which gives lots of great audio, including many "best ofs." But video? Not sure on that one. My cynical nature is kicking in this morning, because I rolled my eyes at the announcement of the CD Release party in LA. I'm sure it will probably be fun; no doubt about it actually. But I think for this album, I'm just going to go to WalMart at midnight, pick up my copy, and take it home with me. Listen to it once, come here to FCA and post my initial reactions, listen to it again, and then go to bed, dreaming the entire night of Clay's wonderful voice. I guess I don't feel the need to "share" this experience with so many people this time; I'd rather it just be "me and Clay." And then you guys after we're finished and I'm smoking a cigarette.
  11. EEEEEEEEEEEE! on the album news. I think that calls for some dancing 'nana's! :bday2: ....for NANA4CLAYAIKEN and skybar. (OK, I cheated and saw on a different board that it's skybar's birthday...) That Linda Huber drawing is stunning. My husband looked over my shoulder last night and saw it; he said "photoshop?" I said "no way." He was impressed. *g*
  12. Are we really positive that Aaron is part of the Oceanic 6? Technically, he wasn't on the manifest of the plane. I honestly hadn't even thought of Aaron being the kid. For a minute I thought maybe Kate and Jack had gotten it on at the island too, and that's where the kid came from. I'm still fascinated by this show. I just don't watch it obsessively!
  13. Entertainment Weekly (ew.com) Stage Review: Monty Python's Spamalot
  14. Spamalot recap (with stage door video) from bigappleforclay from getclayaiken, with her permission: ___ As a regular EW reader, I'd say that review was pretty darn good. They're harsh on practically everyone, unless you're considered "REALLY HIP!" *barf* But yet, I still read the mag....frequently they have good snark, and there's a good cover story on Tyra Banks this week. {{{{{{muski}}}}}} And, since I tend to do this for poor wayward unflattering-to-most pictures (such as the faux-hawk picture)... *pets silly UNICEF picture and calls it "pretty"* *g*
  15. Here is my wish for the new album: I want what he wants. That's all I can ask for, really. I'm his fan, and I'm willing to go along with anything he throws at me. BTW, this wish also goes for any future tour, any future album, and his entire career. You'll probably hear me say this about 20,000 more times in the next few years.
  16. 00lsee, I'd just give it up if I were you. You simply can't fool us. *g* Cool article in People. It gives me hope, and it sounds exactly the way I want this album to go....as Clay doing what he feels is his strength. Good for him. EEEEEEEEEEEE!
  17. people.com Clay Aiken Album to Be Released in May
  18. Some stage door pics via the ClayBoard (thanks to Clayphan): A few of my favorites:
  19. Thread title poll at the top of the page. Only 3 choices this time! I think we're slipping!
  20. Broadwayworld.com With two pictures of Jenny Hill, Clay, and Quiana: There's also a cute picture of Sean McD (with a guitar, no less!) and a picture of Sean with his parents.
  21. OK, latest question from me: I've got two tickets to the show so far. March 28 I'm in the 3rd row of the center mezzanine, right on the aisle. March 30, afternoon show, I've got second row dead center of the center orchestra. Today, I was looking at seats for the 8:00 show on March 29. Most of the stuff popping up was way on the sides of the floor....until front row center mezzanine showed up. My question is this: do ya'll think I should try to get that mezzanine seat and pay $125 for it; or wait until a few days before I go, and see what appears (at either the same price as the mezzanine seat, or maybe a cheaper ticket)? In other words, does the Ticketmaster theory seem to work for Telecharge too? Do ya'll think something in like row H of the center orchestra would show up at that time?
  22. *squishes cindilu2 to thank her PROFUSELY for the pictures* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! He's so dweemy. *dispenses virtual vicoden to KAndre* I bet she feels better now....*g*
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