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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Hee, luckiest1 and I were posting at the same time. Bookwhore -- What Not to Wear on TLC. Love that show! But I'm so out of it, I only have 3 purses, and maybe 8 pair of shoes total. I'd rather buy tickets to Clay shows than buy 50 pair of shoes. *g* CRAP! ON TOP AGAIN!!!
  2. I haven't gotten my album yet. And I did give the $50! Watch, as soon as I post this I get the email.... Heh...didn't work...I want that email... So I'll post this instead: cityguideny.com And Now for Something Completely Silly: Monty Python's Spamalot ____ Sadly, I've done some reading around already about this article, and most seem to be focusing on the fact that Clay, once again, says "we're" embarrassing him. I don't know, I just don't take it all the personally, ya know? Besides, I think that he's trying his best to not have all the Clay fans focusing on HIM, but rather the cast as a whole. To me, that's understandable. I'm sorry for the people who take it personally when he says stuff like that, but it's just not me. *shrug*
  3. Unicef Field Notes: Coming Soon: Clay Aiken's Holiday Album! Needless to say, I almost had a heart attack at "holiday album" but I knew in the context of a UNICEF posting....heh. Be on the lookout!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  4. Toni7babe's photo album from the past weekend There's a buttload of pretty there. annabear, I love the bear! Can't wait to see the finished product. I'd love to have one too. Sure you can't go into mass production?
  5. Thread title, muski!!!! Oh definitely! Hee! Ok, back to the grind. I hate my job.
  6. Saturday matinee pictures in this thread at the Clayboard! I love the confuzzled look in this one...even Jerome looks a bit confuzzled....
  7. For muski.... Maybe it will get her bigger name gigs - this is a good group to be in and it is a Monday, so Clay could support her. Not who is credited as the composer! Thik we know how she got this gig.
  8. And to add another recap... from HopelesslyDevoted at the CB. He's such a quick wit. I love him.
  9. My version of kf's fantasy? Well, I don't think Letterman will advertise that Clay's going to be on SNL (competing networks, dontchaknow?), but I would love to see him on Letterman one week, SNL the next week. But you know what I'm really hoping for, and I think could happen soon?!?!? Clay appearing on The Daily Show. With the writer's strike now over, good guests such as Clay would be more than willing to appear on the show, publicizing him in Spamalot. Right?! RIGHT!?!?!?!? OTOH...I'm not good at the speculating game, all that much. I like saying "that could happen" but past that....heck, there's been such much belief on some things that were just speculation that I tend to try to keep HOPING but not speculating. *shrug*
  10. Bookwhore, I only read about 3 posts at my old haunt before I backed out as quickly as I could, so my theory could be incorrect here. But I think you've pretty much summed it up with this one sentence, actually. There are some that feel that we should have news from RCA about now regarding the album, since Clay has mentioned the May date. They are expecting information handed on a silver platter, and since it's not coming from RCA....well, can you fill out there rest? In a way, it's back to "same old same old." Oh, and I think some feel that since RCA hasn't said anything, the album probably won't be released in May. Personally -- it's not my job to know what's going to be happening with this next album. I actually like the secrecy involved with so much of this. Before the internet, most of us didn't know much about our favorite artists and their albums until about 2 weeks before the release date, anyway! I also feel that release dates are so nebulous. Delays happen. *shrug* Anyway, I'm excited too, and looking forward to getting information when it's time. And then hearing that album the day it is released. I've been incredibly good about staying unspoiled for all three Clay's albums; no need for me to start now! So, can someone confirm if my theory is correct?
  11. Yes, I'm going to post-ho rather than edit. Now that I've gotten a bit more coffee in me, at least.... skybar, while I haven't watched this weeks episode yet, I can agree with this. That "cast" was magical, and I think they do seem like a bunch of "kids" who to this day, still keep tabs on each other. I wasn't really turned off by any of them either, other than maybe Kimbermeeeee and Corey. Yeah, Carmen's vibrato was a bit jarring, but I've actually heard worse in other amateur singers. *shrug* As far as Tyra being at the LA show....I did a quick search on this board, and here is what I found. I posted this on August 6; I had just chatted with Ansa, who was at the LA show: I don't know if there was any confirmation over it though. I'll keep looking. So damn true.
  12. ...it's luckiest1's birthday!!!!! I hope you have a fantastic day. Enjoy the new laptop!!!! Speculation amongst the fandom?!?!?! Surely you can't be serious. That never happens in this fandom. Nuh-huh. Can't be. *eye roll* Oh well. It happens. I'll just stay here where it's nice and warm. And cuddly with Clay in that green sweater.
  13. Since we're talking about differing opinions.... ...I've always LOVED that damn sweater. I think it looks soft and pettable and soft and snuggy and soft and huggable and soft and.... Guh. *pets sweater lovingly and calls it "baby"* *pets man inside sweater and calls him "MINE!!!!!"* muski, this makes perfect sense to me. Off to visit my Mother today...... ETA: screen caps from bigappleforClay's video from last night -- she was also in the front row! My favorite is this one....
  14. {{{{{{luckiest1}}}}} That so sucks. OMG, that clip of Clay. OMG. HewassocloseIthoughtIcouldkisshim. Actually, I may have attempted to kiss my monitor at one point. Fortunately, hubby was not around. Also fortunately, I don't wear lipstick, just Burt's Bees Lip Balm. What a gorgeous man. Bringing this over from the CV: The actual blog entry:
  15. AAAGH! The CH vault doesn't have it yet, and I don't have a key at CV! AAAAGH! Anybody got a sendspace?!?!?!?!? Or a YouTube?
  16. Recaps from last night: from bfs (OFC): butterflyshine at CV wrote: butterflyshine wrote: Clayngel at CB wrote:
  17. I had this, because I had an Italian charm made from this one. I have a whole bracelet of nothing but JBT.....and that's just one of three Italian charm bracelets. (One of the other two is all Clay, the other is my "RL". Hee)
  18. Two more recaps from last night: From clayngel at CB : From MLK973 at the CH: Count me in as another one who would really love to see Clay talking about his experience. And how gracious of Jonathan Hadary and the cast to ask Clay to do this in the first place (even if it was a surprise to Clay)! *hugs gently FromClaygary in order not hurt her any more than necessary*
  19. jamar, it worked for me when I switched from IE to Mozilla. Love him blowing a raspberry into the camera. Hee. "I too have found my grail!" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!
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