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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Whew, kf's daughter is OK! Boo! luckiest1's laptop died! And I'm in "eat everything in front of me" mode. Someone stop me please! I think it's time to watch those clips again. Dancing Clay is all kinds of hawt!
  2. keepingfaith, I'll be praying that you hear from her soon! Cute recap from Claymd4evr (CB):
  3. Don't you know you are suppose to buy 7? DOH! [tm Homer Simpson] Where the heck is my fan card? I need to burn it, I guess -- I'm a bad fan. *g* Oh, well no wonder. This Midwesterner took FOREVER to "get" those kinds of European looks. Don't mind me, I'll probably love it in a few days. (I did that with the first AMA look -- the long tuxedo coat made me swoon, but the contrasting stripes on the shirt and tie made me see, well, stripes, for a few days....) Me too! HA HA! Just a note -- I read that Uno, the beagle that won the Westminster Dog show last night (and he's a cutie!) will be having a steak dinner tonight at Sardi's in Manhattan. For those going to see Clay -- you may also see another celebrity! Hee.
  4. Long, catch-up post ahead. Scroll if you like.... This is me...just the little bit of angsting I saw today had me rolling my eyes and sitting on my hands to keep them away from the keyboard, lest I say something that would get me in trouble. Pre-emptive worrying about something we have no control over just seems so pointless. Kim I feel the same way too. I'm sad that I feel the twinges of "oh dear, what is this fandom going to go through next?" when I think about the album. Having said that, I realized, as I was thinking that way, that I was worrying in advance about some other fan's reactions. It's that "endless circle" thing one more time. I'm going to try my best to let it all go, and just enjoy the album Clay releases. *waves back at soulsista* Man, I hadn't heard a few of those speculations regarding Vanessa, Clay's former manager, specifically the one about the leak of the TITN video. I guess I was out of the loop then. {{{{{{{{{Scarlett}}}}}}} Thanks, ldyj. I think it's pretty rude to throw stuff at a musician at the last minute, but everything turned out okay. I play so much music these days that I've gotten pretty good sight-reading out of necessity! I've had it happen to me in music too, but with my latest library job, I get the same kind of thing. "Can I bring my class to the library today and have you do an orientation?" Uh....only if I don't already have 5 other things going. I'm always appreciative of the faculty that schedule their orientations weeks in advance with me. I thought of this the other day too. It will be kind of sad not having Clay on JK this year. Maybe Sarah Silverman will film a clip saying that she's dumped Matt Damon for Clay? I think they have in the past, but I'm not sure. I do hope so though -- that would make some money for them, surely. I know I'd buy at least 2 copies! Say that 5 times fast! Hee. I agree Jenna. I think I tend to agree with the others that said that this is probably Mary. She's a trusted part of his crew, and I think she's good with a stopwatch too. *g* Yep. It's all about the surprise for me, for the most part. I can at least wait until a press release! Fantastic clips to wake up to this morning! He sounds so happy in the interview, and I loved seeing the clips of the show. Makes me totally excited to be seeing this live very soon! OTOH...can I buy Clay some Granimals? Man, that shirt with that sweater. Ick. I like the sweater, but with that shirt? Geez. luckiest1, good luck with your training! OK, off to try and work with a head cold. I don't feel like I'm going to die, but my head is definitely stuffed up. *sigh* *hugs to jamar*
  5. Just curious....what do you think that "something" is? I guess for me, it's simply an agreement between the two that he'll record the music he wants to record; if it's good stuff (according to RCA standards....and that's a whole 'nother ball of wax), RCA will market the shiznit out of it. If's it's not....well, they've kept Clay, as an artist, happy. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of insecure people in this world, and they don't like to be told that they're not cool. And unfortunately, they've still got some control of the media. This is one of those "it's gonna take some time" things, IMO.
  6. I didn't mention that one yesterday, but yeah, it does say a LOT. There's a new level of acceptance there for him, and I think that fantastic. I thought of this very same thing yesterday as I was driving home from work. I'm sure this "attitude" of Clay's (and Jaymes') probably doesn't make the suits at RCA very happy, because to them, radio play is the be-all and end-all. Thing is, Clay would run into the same attitude at ANY of the major labels. In a way, Clay, with this statement, suggests to me that he's a very independent artist. He's trying to get respect for what he wants to do, not what some marketer can do for him. I've always had that feeling about him; he wants to be himself as much as possible, and for the most part, damn the consequences. I've always loved that about him. I was there!!!! I remember that! It was so funny! *bonds with cha cha over this because we seem to be the only two that weren't at Interlochen* *g* Wow! What a fantastic resource! Thank you so much cha cha! And thanks for the great banner too. Love the changes in the taglin. Gibby, I hope everything works out well for you, both health wise, and also for your mental stability. I hate that when someone throws something at me at the last minute, so I feel your pain over that. Guh.
  7. Cotton -- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! CG -- BIG HUGS!!!!! Sorry for the yelling. But when things are gooooooood (and getting a fantastic interview from Clay definitely counts), I can't help but yell. EEEEEEEEEEE!
  8. Ok, now that I've read the article more than a few times.... Love the opening paragraph. It seems to me to capture the essence of Clay Aiken quite well, IMO. I think I love his manager. A lot. Shows me that he knows that Clay's a smart man, and ultimately, Clay's the one in charge of his career. Heh. I :::heart::: David Hibbard at the moment too. Unless its WYSYLM, or MDYK. *g* I can just imagine that for him at the moment. Wow. Probably a fantastic experience for him. :::heart::: YOU GO CLAY!!!! Thread title? I've thought this for YEARS regarding Clay Aiken. Glad to know that he feels the way I do. I :::heart::: Clay. Time to leave work (ha ha) now, but I've got this stupid grin on my face.
  9. Good article from ABC News on when your favorite shows will be back I'm hopeful that Lost can pull out some more episodes. And while I'm sorry for the Heroes fans, that means I can catch up with the second season online! *g*
  10. yup and thus my major issue. And of course let's not forget those people we do it to is never on OUR board and OUR people never have any bad behavior. <snip> Keldaker, I just really find the constant discussions of specific fans to be OTT and it overshadows Clay. I mean does their behavior garner a week of discussions? There are rude people everywhere in life. It reflects only on them. IF they are that OTT they should be ignored not given the attention they may seek. Same goes for Baby mama and the texting delusional one. Are these McVargas girls now going to be reported on as though they are part of the show? Yes, it strikes me that the McVargas gals are pretty OTT; and then the fan's reactions to them are OTT; and the reactions again are OTT; and so on, and so on, and scooby dooby dooby. It's one big endless circle. keldanker, I'm sorry you felt like we were talking about you here. I personally didn't see any of wanda's list from you, so you're cool. I do have to say, though....it's so hard to be non-judgemental. As a matter of fact, being non-judgemental, IMO, is in it's own way being judgemental. Another one of the endless circle things, and I think it's something that every single human being does. *hands couchie a rice cake and a glass of water* Oh, I don't either. But I do agree with Jenna that frequently the "connections" are what get the tickets. And yes, I've been privy to those connections more than once. And I just wish I had the "money is no object" thing for me so I could utilize those connections frequently. Again, I know I can't judge....but it's hard sometimes. couchie, I think there's probably some way to get Rewind off your DVR, but I don't know what it is. Yes, Clay still has a role in the show, but in much less capacity for now. They really had to edit the Motown episode a LOT -- performance, very brief comments from the judges, and then the 2007 interview on that performance from the person who sang. The results were given in less than 2 minutes. Wish AI did it like that NOW instead of dragging it out for a whole damn hour. *g*
  11. wanda, I kinda like your style. *g* I went to her blog, and read her "critique" for the Motown show. Sounds like she's not going to be watching Rewind any more, there's too much messing with Clay's stuff for her taste. Oh well. Could be. I also wonder if, even after 5 years, there's still some hard feelings regarding what did (or didn't) happen during his AI years. I personally am enjoying watching the show again after some time has past. I'm getting some perspective on some of the other performers, and I love the "way back machine" thing for Clay. (I also loved his "how sweet" in regards to the signs made for him. Little did he know at that time....) Totally IMO, but I think for some it's "all about MEEEEEE"; this fandom has it's share of that, and this is why the same people have front row tickets too. Sure, it's hard to not have front when you HAVE had front row (I can speak from experience on that), but there's a level of selfishness in some that simply overwhelms me. I can kind of see that here as well. Besides, I'm so tall that when I do get to do this in March, I'll be three rows back from the railing and I should still be able to reach over everyone there and get my autograph. *g* Very true. And, in a way, I think the reporting of this will "cement" the fact for some, including those who haven't experienced the stage door phenomenon yet. I find that rather sad.
  12. laughn, sorry to hear that your are sick too. Tis the season, unfortunately. I'm so glad I got my flu shot at least, but I'm still expecting some sort of cold before the season is out. I totally agree with this paragraph. There were days when I actually did try to present an alternate point of view; sometimes others listened, sometimes I had my head bitten off. It always seemed to depend on my mood, as well the mood of the board (the best I could read it, that is...sometimes hard to do with just the written word. And a lot of emoticons. *g*) And there have been a few times where I know full well I played "Devil's Advocate," just to try and get a point across. From my person experience though, and for my sanity, I finally had to give up reading and posting at most other boards. Yes, it made me incredibly sad, because there were (and still are) friends at these places. But, in many instances, I could find myself either falling into the group mindset, or else I was so frustrated at my inability to provide an alternate viewpoint, that I was getting physically ill. Didn't like either feeling. And so, I stopped frequenting these places. I may check a few of the minor threads at these places, but for the most part, I find that I'm simply happier if I just ignore. Yeah, maybe I won't get the up-to-the-minute Clay news immediately, but I'm learning to deal with that. You know, this blog confirms a suspicion that I had regarding the 2007 Christmas tour. (OK, it's still a suspicion, but bear with me, 'k?) The 2006 Christmas tour had so much interaction with the fans, as did the DCAT. But the 2007 Christmas tour, he boxed himself up on a little bitty portion of the stage, with almost no time to talk with anyone on the stage, let alone the audience. I'm thinking he did that on purpose, and not just for artistic sake (although I do believe that was part of it as well). I think maybe he was practicing for Spamalot with that. He knew that he was going to have to pretty much cut off all transactions with the audience during the show, so the Christmas tour gave him an idea of how well he'd do with that. JMO.
  13. Yeah, that's it exactly. I do think there's time when he teases us (sorry about the "royal" there), but IMO is more of the "teases-haha" variety instead of the "teases-sexual" variety. The line gets blurred, though, in cases like the ring at the BAF gala. I personally was LOL at that moment, because I was going "that little s**t" while it seemed every one else was going "groan, mumble, holy s**t, etc." No freakin' kidding. I can't actually see these pics on my work computer, so I'll just sigh and appreciate the captions... BWAH! luckiest, sorry to hear about your "interesting" morning today. Hope everything turns out for you and your son, and that you warm up!!!! I think most of the latest story is a good round of "telephone tag." Nothing more, nothing less, IMO. *shrug*
  14. I think I'm between couchie and CG with my feelings on the TITN video. I loved it at the time, thought it pretty hawt, but I never once thought it really fit with the song. Now, 4 years later....I'm OK with it. There are still a couple of looks that he gives that still give me chills (like the one bottlecap posted, whew), but in a way, I don't think the video has aged particularly well. Why do I think Clay nixed the video? I think Ralston shot him as "hawt and sexy" and he wasn't comfortable with that at all. I'm still actually not convinced that he thinks that way about himself even today. I know I'm in the minority for that, but there's so many times where people say "he so knows" when he does something some fans find so incredibly sexy, and I'm thinking "he just playing with the damn microphone stand, he doesn't even know he's doing that." I really think a lot of his "sexy" is purely unconcious for him, and as soon as it's pointed out to him....it becomes a bit of a joke. IMO, it's still sexy, to be sure....but he's not doing it for us, per se, he's just doing it. EEEEEEEEEE! Clay was just on my TV. Doing that train maneuver. Which may have been planned to be sexy. *g*
  15. CG, thank you for the recap! Talk about nerve-wracking! I'm so glad she made it and that you both had a fantastic time! *dons surgical mask and hands playbiller some chicken soup* Hope you feel better soon. I'm not in Clay's head at all, but I suspect he sees himself as a "character actor" -- one who is great in those supporting roles, as part of a company. Also, character actors are frequently the "comic foils" in the dramas, and I think he'd like that. Would he be good as a dramatic actor? I think he might, but again, it really depends on what he wants to do. I just love reading the reports on how he seems to fit in with the entire cast. This is a skill in and of itself, and it looks as if he's developed that quite well. I also think, as skybar said, that the man is a learning machine. He's soaking up the entire experience, continuing the grow in his career choices. It's so fantastic for him that he's gotten this experience, and it's up to him to see where this experience takes him.
  16. Welcome BrightLights and ClayAnn! ClayAnn, when in March are you going to Spamalot?
  17. Incredibly long, but incredibly funny and fangirly recap, from STPTeach at the CH (with help from jules): she added this in the CH main thread:
  18. Request please: could someone point me in the direction of the buy/sell Spamalot tickets at both Clayversity and The ClayBoard? kthnxbye.
  19. *high fives jamar* EEEEEEEEEEEEE! Also.... 104 days until "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (May 22) 168 days until the next "X-Files" movie (July 25) EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Yes, I'm a geek. Why do you ask?
  20. FromClaygary, I hope everything works out well with your wrist! OUCH!!! I NEEEEEEED one of those t-shirts. NEEEEEED. (I think I'm also going to have to buy a killer bunny puppet for my husband, though....) I'm back from my meeting, and I'm so tired....I can barely think straight. Bed time for me.
  21. luckiest, thanks for bringing over the recaps. I hope Tom and Hannah are OK. Snow? I laugh at snow! HA HA! Seriously, it's been an interesting winter here too; however, my husband is Minnesota born and bred, and he's gotten me used to snow. Actually, we're at the point that we prefer snow and cold to brown and cold (which frequently happens here). What I'm tired of is the gray -- I need sunshine once in a while! muski, sorry to hear about the plane tickets going up. I got mine early, and I'm glad I did. Just over $200 round trip for me. Of course, I'm not flying nearly as far as you. I'm out for the day today; 3 hour drive, meeting for 5 hours, and then another 3 hour drive. Hopefully the roads are good. Later taters!
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