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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Claygasm wrote: Want to hear the latest theory about the mythical album? That since Clay has now said several times in his blogs that he's looking for a producer (no mention of new songs or anything else like that), maybe he'll be rerecording several songs with just one producer. This means eventually that the fans will get to hear those Nashville songs, as well as the new songs he sang during the JBT. Could this theory be possible? I suppose, but I do think it's a stretch that because he's talked about needing a producer that this is all that's needed. (I suppose too that if they do find that special producer, this person would be able to work their magic and we'd have new music from Clay by the end of this year. ) I think what frustrates me is exactly as Claygasm said -- let it go. I cannot pin my hopes and dreams for Clay Aiken on something that he MIGHT have done a few years ago. I would totally prefer to let CLAY control the way things are going with his career. (Remember that "Clay" being the last word in Team Clay thing I mentioned a few days ago? Still believin' it....) Does this mean I wouldn't be happier than a clam if I do get to hear these songs recorded? Heck no -- but that's only because I love to hear new music from Clay Aiken, period.
  2. Naw, it's just the remains of a pitcher of bloody marys somebody knocked during the wild partying that went on over the weekend while you were gone. :trink3: :all_coholic: :bier: Yes, but don't you have to kill a few tomatoes to make Bloody Marys?
  3. :00003653: to Miss Hope you have a fantastic day! That billboard made me :lmaosmiley-1: But it still looks pretty darn cool. Wonder if some really demented fan will try to steal that thing? Or will at least ask the advertising company to have that after the show is over? You know, it simply floors me that people, some fans even, think that Clay Aiken does boring. I suppose I could imagine not liking something he's done (although that is very unlikely for me personally), but BORING? With that quick wit of his? Boring is the last thing on my mind when I'm watching or listening to Clay. He's the master of showmanship! When I first saw George Clooney on ER, I hated him. Thought he was a stuck-up pompous ass, and was very glad he left the show. Also didn't think he was that hot back then. Now, though -- oh yeah, baby. I love his self-deprecating sense of humor, his passion for charity work, and my God, he's aged incredibly well. I've been thinking of seeing this movie for him and Matt Damon. Brad Pitt? Piffle. Oh puhleez. I guess some people are truly never satisfied with what they have, and always need to be thinking of what could have been. I have to admit I'd love to hear that album someday (couchie, I'm working on that plot to break into RCA's vault), but c'mon -- I'm perfectly happy with ATDW. I love this album. He did a fantastic job of creating something that I believe reflects him. And WTF is the point of bringing this "missing album" up now, right before :TourExcite: Oh yeah, I guess people like to kill buzz, don't they? :angry22:
  4. Thank you. Beautiful, just beautiful, and so, so very true. And then, I read your "never failed to lift me up..." and my brain actually went to "on the stage...." (Remember the AI2 TV special? keepingfaith, have you sen that clack? OMG, that was so much fun....) muski, sorry that the BLAZE didn't do so hot. :F_05BL17blowkiss: BWAH! I might have to steal that for a signature on a few message boards.... I think I've only dreamt of Clay once -- he was playing my town, near the waterfront. It was JBT time, because I remember the jukebox on the stage. BUT -- floodwaters were overtaking the stage. And yet, Clay was playing! Am I trying to cure him of his water phobia or what? But, get this -- my husband dreams of Clay every so often!!! *sigh* Thanks for pointing this out to me, for I had not heard about this. My thoughts and prayers are with ALL the soliders fighting in the world. And yes, I tend to worry about Clay the most when he goes on these UNICEF things. There is SO much talent in this fandom, I'm so floored by it. Thank you ALL for creating what you do. I enjoy the montages, the wallpapers, the photoshops, and so much more. Celebrity Fit Club is on now!!!!!!!
  5. Oh. My. God. I distinctly remember that moment -- I first was doing a WTF over the hair, but on repeated viewings....this walk out on to the stage was so freakin' hawt. At that very second, he OWNED the place, even if practically no one in the theater (or watching on TV for that matter) knew that it was Clay Aiken. And then...he laughed. That beautiful grin that he has (or had, depending on how you feel about the teeth, I don't really care). That smile lit up a thousand days for me. Amazing moment in history. Now this picture, though -- I just have to repost again because he was so amazingly cute that day. My chameleon. I wuv him.
  6. Go BLAZE! muski, I sincerely hope they do well, and that no one collapses from dehydration. It's 91 degrees here today....too hot for me.... EEEEEEEEEEE! Is your name on the FCA representing list yet? *note to self: add atinal's name to list after completing this long-assed post* I simply LOVED that movie, and that line stuck with me as well. I love being uncool -- and I own up to it every time someone suggests it. It really doesn't doesn't it? The way someone finds something he does so charming and others find the exact same thing cringeworthy fascinates me. Frequently surprises me too, but I'm getting used to that. I have never, ever had anyone tell me that! I mostly get blank stares and "who?" or I get "Oh, that guy from AI? What ever happened to him?" or "Oh, he's gay, isn't he?". Not once has anyone but the 70-something woman I work with whose granddaughter is doing the internship at Chatauqua (and it looks like they will be there for Clay's concert!) has ever said they liked him! I get a combination of responses actually. Some people have never heard of him, period, but others know who he is, and are at least interested in why I like him so much. Some are now fans too, because of me. *g* BWAH! And I'm going to my shows as the pasty white girl that I am. It's just ME, you know.... Don't worry about it. I just realized that every once in a while, I need to point it out, especially as newbies show up. For the record -- I used to be part of a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism, that recreated the Middle Ages. My name in the society was Lady Jocelyn (Jocelyn also being my real middle name). When I first signed up for a free email account so many years ago, I tried for ladyjocelyn, but it was taken. So, I took the first "a" out. Little did I know it would cause such confusion later on, especially as I chose it as my universal screen name on the net. I too love hearing screen name stories.... Want a whole song like that? This piece, shot by jojoct at the final JBT show in Atlantic City, took my breath away. It literally looks as if he's singing Mandy directly to the camera, and thus the viewer. Guh. Claytonfan20 -- what a story! AAAAGH! I would have been pulling my hair out.... I think for me my horror story was the concert that never was, for me -- Waukegan this past year. God wasn't very nice to me that day and decided that we needed a snowfall of over a foot. So much for seeing a first show. Glad everything worked out well. But isn't 20/20 still on TV? *g* Bingo! I think he's probably seen "Damn Yankees" a few times too, and taken the moral of that story to heart. Mandatory smilie here: :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:
  7. I haven't had my coffee yet this morning, but I do want to say this: clayzedover.... And I'll add a couple for couchie and Ansa and cindilu2 and....hell, everybody around here. And a :big hug: to Totally... BTW, I keep reading clayzedover's name as clay-ze-dover. Why is that? I need to apologize to her for thinking that! *Of course, people still see my name as Idyjocelyn....heh*
  8. I think I've got one more thing to say, before I go to bed for the evening. *and the crowd went "hooray, she's going to bed...* I've seen this phrase quite frequently lately about Clay's career: plotted and planned. I'll agree that there very like is a plan to his career....but I think sometimes I forget that plans can go awry in a HURRY, and through no fault of your own. And that may be why people like Totally feels like there may NOT be a plan. He's gone through this whole thing once, when he simply KNEW he was going to be a teacher....until AI came along and blew everything out of the water. Sometimes, it just happens. My feeling is that we'll never know everything that goes on behind the scenes, even in 10 years when Clay writes that next book. And, in that case, it will only be his side of the story. One of my favorite songwriters, Don Henley, wrote a line that has always resonated with me -- "there are three sides to every story, yours, mine, and the truth." As much as I'd love to hear Clay's side of what's gone on in the past few years, I'd love to hear it from David Foster, Jaymes, Roger, and yes, even Clive's side. 'night all.
  9. PuddinsJoy, fantastic montage!!!! V.V. nice. Yum. Heh....mine was the total opposite. Got mine for Tulsa immediately, but nada for Houston. *shrug* I totally agree with this, even though I know it's incredibly, INCREDIBLY hard. He's the man in charge of his career, and he'll go where he wants to go when he wants to go. Maybe his choices haven't been OURS, but IMO that's OK. As for TC and what they've done for him, I'll pull out the old chestnut that I do every time this topic comes up. Some fans insist on focusing on the first part of the phrase, "team." Me? I always pay attention to that second word, for IMO Clay is the one running much of the show, and if he truly didn't like the way something was going, there would be changes made. Finally -- and I know this one is hard too -- but watching much of what Clay does through the eyes of a "non-fan" actually makes me sad. I try to watch Clay and enjoy him, pure and simple. Enjoy him for what he IS -- let others make up their own minds about him. You might be surprised. I have an office mate who hears both the good (UNICEF) and the bad about Clay (almost none of it from me in both cases). What does she focus on? The good, and the voice and talent. She hears it, and she's not a connected fan at all. Right now, he's in a bit of a "down" publicity cycle, but I think that will change as the tour ramps up. (One place where TC didn't do so great last time....*g*) Also, as he's said time and time again, people are going to believe things about him that THEY want to believe. And finally -- he's got titanium ones, and sometimes that includes saying some things that make others cringe (including me, but very infrequently). I'm willing to pay that price to watch him through the years. There's simply a lot of FAITH that has to happen in this fandom sometimes. JMO. Thanks for increasing my chances CG! While I do understand wanting quality time with Clay instead of a hurry up thing, I really just want a chance to say "thanks" and get my picture with him. And I also think that his sense of humor comes through, no matter if you've got 5 seconds or 24 hours with him. (Wouldn't that be loverly?) Now, I do agree that I probably won't win, and that those same people who win over and over again will piss me off. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yessssssssss [tm Sally]. Thank you! Jamar, I loved the Mavericks, but haven't kept up with Raul at all. Need to check out some things, I guess.
  10. Paul McCartney plays small NYC club Included in the Rolling Stone article is the set list. Sounds like it would have been a fantastic show.
  11. I was going to quote lots of people here, but then I got stuck at the reference desk, and there's no time to do a full response, but I did want to say something about Clay's career and "stratosphere"." (Hey, that rhymes!) To me, I think a LOT of this all comes down to "wants" vs. "needs." Do I want his career to have a stratospheric trajectory? Of course I do...if of course, that's what HE wants. But I truly do want the best for him. Do I NEED to have him have that trajectory? Nope. He seems to be doing pretty darn well at the moment, and right now I am content with watching his career unfold at the pace I think he's set. I get the feeling though that more than a few fans NEED him to be at that upper echelon of stardom, because IMO it justifies their feelings toward him (which they can't explain to others). Also, another quick point: there's a timetable to consider. Again, I feel some fans think that he should be at superstar level RIGHT FUCKING NOW! And there's no placating them otherwise. Meanwhile, I'm really like muski in that I feel things happen in their time, and maybe Clay is really planning on a slow and steady career. I've used the "slow and steady wins the race" thing more often than not on Clay Aiken fan boards. I want Clay around for a long time, rather than burn out in a few years. I think Clay realizes that as well. CG, I agree with you that Kelly's career isn't in "crisis" mode over this tour thing -- but gosh, reading the headlines in the online media sources, you would think so. I think I've actually seen "crisis" used a few times. (Right now, no time to look for them though....) That's where I can see cindilu's point as being manipulation. I'm not all the way convinced that everything is a publicity stunt....but there's definitely some spin going on, IMO. I truly think she'll be fine, sell at least a million copies of the new album, have a reasonably successful tour this summer/fall, and have a great career.
  12. Wow, both of those clips are fantastic. The opera guy has a wonderful operatic voice, and I hope his appearance on the show, whether he wins or not, provides him with the career he deserves. I'm not an opera fan at all, but he truly has a fantastic sound, IMO. The girl's performance blew me away too -- because as Ansa said, there's some nuance there, some that most singers never achieve. Having said that, though -- I always worry about kids that age appearing on shows like that, just from the business point of view. She'll have to grow up in a hurry, and that almost always makes me sad. thread title heee although he's now soft and hard rockin' heee Heh. I love this for a thread title too. This was a cool "non-blog" for me. Just bein' a chatty Cathy, which is so much fun. Other than that...nuthin'. It's Friday, and I want to go home.
  13. He blogged!!!!!! Short but sweet..."espanyolee"!!! Hee. And he's still talking to producers. Yep, that albums coming out ANY day now....
  14. *squishes atinal* I think if Langly and Garth had a child, it would look like Roger. (But I do have to admit the first time I saw a picture of Roger, I thought of Langly...) As far as the Jason Davis Band MySpace page discovery goes...well, shoot. We may have to modify what looks to be the next thread title....Heh. {{{{{{{{{muski}}}}}}}}} *sends smart brainwaves to Totally*
  15. Ms. Posty-McPostho today.... New pictures from CV, via getclayaiken.com *waves at YSRN and laughn*: These would be from before the GMA appearance in 2006, I think. *sniff* I need some more Cheez Doodles, as only one of two people on this board who liked the Christmas special...*waves at luckiest1*
  16. From the public side of the OFC: Very, very cool.... Clayzor, do not give up hope about merchandise. As most of us are remembering, there was nothing for presale on the OFC for his last tours. The previous tours (IT, NAT, and JNT 2004) weren't OFC related.
  17. I'm actually getting a little nervous about this...shouldn't something be up on the OFC by now? I need both a program and a new keychain, not to mention a magnet and various over-priced t-shirts that I'll never wear.. :TourExcite: I can't remember how it shook down for the JNT 2005, but I strongly remember that the OFC didn't offer stuff from the JBT for purchase until the very first night of the show. The link for the store opened immediately after that first show. Everyone was still in the glow of that first JBT show....and then the link for the merchandise opened. The boards cleared while people were buying their stuff. And I've GOT to wear my T-shirts! I've got too many to mention (I'm sure it's about 10 or so), and I love to wear them. Keychain? Yep. Need that too. I resisted the magnets for the longest time, and finally broke down during the JNT 2005. Heck, I've even got the bucket hat -- wore it in Ireland too. Sharing your brain on this one. I also share a brain with jmh on this: I truly think that if Clay had fought hard, really hard, for the album that so many think he had -- the situation between him then and Kelly now would be awfully, awfully similar. But Clay kept his head on straight, decided that the fight wasn't worth it, and instead produced a gorgeous album. I would venture a guess that both Clay and Clive had a bunch of compromise in the arrangement. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like Kelly followed in Clay's example. I also think that he may have called HER at some point. Just a hunch.
  18. Wow. Just wow. {{{{{{{Those who were going to one of her shows}}}}}}}}} play, I hope that some of the merchandise doesn't have dates on it, so it can be reused later. (I see you've made that point yourself now....) Sheesh, since I'm on the main thread, I suppose I have to connect this to Clay somehow. Um....um....I can't imagine what the bloodbath would be like if a canceled concert tour had happened for him. Actually, I'm thinking it may have been somewhat smart for him to have booked smaller theaters this go around. I think this tour will build him a new and different audience. In Kelly's case, it seems to me that the situation just went "pie-in-the-sky" -- and now she's got pie on her face instead. Ooooo, something else to tie this to Clay -- I'm looking forward to getting new Clay merchandise! I NEEEEEEEEEEED a new program! (And I wonder when the pictures for it were taken? What did the hair look like?) jamar, I almost forgot -- I loved your son's response. He sounds like a good egg.
  19. play, thanks for letting me know about that. I ordered two copies of WTWNN -- as I realized that I didn't have a copy of that in my collection. And like bottlecap, I've got to be complete, you know? Yeap, last year I ordered the pre-MOAM stuff from the Clayboard store so I could have a complete collection of Clay's recordings for my clack collection. Still hoping it will all be eBay platinum someday when I need to finance my retirement... That's why we need to keep recruiting the younger fans - so when they are in their high-earning years, they'll buy all our "vintage" Clay stuff from us. We can only hope. Either that, or in my case my husband will be going through all this stuff after I'm dead and buried, tossing it in the trash.
  20. See -- not all that hard, really. I'm glad you posted so I can quote you...and you know what? I'm looking forward to seeing Clay too! I'm in the "don't care" camp -- he could do the entire concert standing on his head, and I'd be perfectly happy. (And hey -- Waldo would be that much closer to the microphone on the mic stand then! Hee) In my mind, this kind of goes against the grain of "ignore, ignore, ignore" -- but yet, it also makes perfect sense to me. Do I go looking for crap comments on my man Clay Aiken? Nope. But when I do stumble upon one, I'll generally get the gist of it, and then do as laughn says -- either snort, laugh, wrinkle, and MOVE ON!!! It doesn't seem that hard to me, but it must be to others. But, I'll keep saying it over and over again -- Clay doesn't need my protection. To paraphrase Clay: people will see in him what they want to see in him. I do find it incredibly funny that sooooooo many people see in him "gay" and yet just as many see the total opposite. AMEN. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you, Clayzor and the others who have been targeted. I guess for me it all boils down to -- what is the freakin' point of it all? It just seems so crazy to me to want to go out and create havoc in other's lives like that. Doing it in Clay's name just makes it all that much more bizarre. Totally agree. I've seen it implied on boards that "Clay must be reading us!!!!" when something happens. Maybe he does...and maybe it's just happenstance, you know? It's also funny to joke around with that for a while, but when it gets repeated enough, I guess some start to believe it. And in the end, goodness and joy is what makes this whole thing fun -- plus drooling over Clay. And I'm waiting to see how long it takes playbiller to find a smiley of this very thing. ETA: Oh, and laughn? ONLY front row? After four years of pictures and videos, I imagine more than just the first row would be good seats for THAT show... Shoot, I think I could purchase a ticket for the cheap seats in the last balcony and be good to go on that one. New title thread poll going up within the hour.....
  21. Hey gang -- time to test the limits of the number of quotes again....and make sure that scroll wheel works, 'K? THANK YOU. Since beginning to hear this story about Kelly a few weeks ago, I was immediately transferring the kind press she's getting from it to what would possibly have happened if Clay had stood up to Clive as well. I truly think the publicity would have been worse, actually. (Calling him a "diva" about losing his passport and asking for the PM would have been NOTHING, IMO...) ITA Jenna. I’ve always heard that there is such thing as a “sure thing,” especially in the entertainment business. The killer part is that some of Clay’s fans, IMO, don’t want to believe that. They’ll believe it about almost everyone else, but Clay is SPECIAL and should be handed everything on a silver platter. Well, he IS special – he’s got so much more than talent, IMO, and I really do think that he’ll go so very far in the business. But there’s got to be some realism worked into it too, and we certainly don’t know what’s going to happen 2, 3 or 5 years down the line. JMO. Oh God, yes. Loved your comparison of Clay and Linda Ronstadt, BTW. Eh…I like SOME country. Jingoist crap makes me turn it off so fast – but then I love the Dixie Chicks like crazy, and one of my favorites at the moment is Brad Paisley. His song “Alcohol” is one of the funniest songs I think I’ve ever heard. He also looks good in a pair of jeans. Just sayin’. ITA. Money does talk, I’ll grant you that. But sheesh, there’s a fine balance between that and a good song. Finding that balance can be extremely difficult, and also rather frustrating, I’m sure. jmh, thanks for linking to that Japanese blog. That was almost too much cuteness for so early in the morning. I said “almost.” And again, apply that to Clay – he’s still learning too, IMO. I know!!!! I'm looking forward to meeting you too! It’s coming up fast now! Thank God…I need a Clay hit so very badly, not to mention the chance to be fangirly with new friends. Aw man, Macca came in at two? That bites. And totally agree with the comparison (as loathe as I am to do that kind of thing) with Macca as far as ATDW sales go. Ooooooohhhhmmmmm…. play regarding your feelings toward Kelly and “she should know this,” I don’t think I totally agree….because every single one of us is different. You had quite a bit of experience by the time you were 25. I didn’t. Some people NEVER get that experience. I think the key, as has been said earlier, is if she learns from this, or makes the same “mistakes” again. And again – some people can NEVER see their own mistakes. I’ve wondered that too. Loved your post about multifaceted Clay. Ooooh, I guess I’d better be looking for thread title suggestions….. Ansa, you know I love you, right?
  22. {{{{{{{{{bottlecap}}}}}}}} You're a good, good person. To you, YSRN and other Sony owners: my husband's Sony TV, bought in 1991, died 2 years ago (therefore allowing us to buy a 45" LCD High-Def TV). The TV in my office, from RCA, also bought in 1991, is still plugging along. *sigh* I would say there's hope for you. *g* I'm in for a red garter, even if I can't go to Vegas. BWAH!!! But I think at this point, the tour will always be the DCAT. I'd love to have that shirt though -- would the graphic move like that? *g*
  23. GUH. You know you could "accidentally" hit your TV with a mallet, like this guy....
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