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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Soooo....am I the only one here? Am I the only who cares all that much at this point? Heh. Charla and Mirna -- boy, they know how to work the flights, that's for sure. Unfortunately, after that those, Charla's physical type is just not good. The BQ's -- I think I'm amazed that it took them this long to finally snap at each other. I really like them. Eric and Danielle? I'm still Yuck at them.
  2. WHA??? I haven't heard that story. Tell me more -- please!! Ah yes, the Oprah day -- in other words, the reason I got on the net for Clay Aiken. You see, I had set my VCR for that appearance, only to have messed up my times and not getting it. I knew someone had to have it, and thus, I searched the internet. The rest, as they say, is history. I thought he was cute that day, if a bit hyper...and if I remember correctly, a bit "happy" too. Heh. muski has pictures, I'm sure. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  3. {{{{{{{{{{muski}}}}}}}}}}}}} I guess my advice is -- do what you feel is best. I understand the feeling; sometimes choices between a fun-loving 12-year-old and a responsible adult are really, really harrrrrrrrrrd. I've made choices on both sides. For example, I totally missed the Chicago book signing and Christmas concert in 2004, because I was in charge of the book club at my library and that was the scheduled night. It killed me, because I knew that would be a chance for me to get close to Clay and see those pretty green eyes, and yet, responsibilty prevailed. OTOH -- this past Christmas, the shows close to me were on a weekend when both my handbell choir was scheduled to play at church, and also I was supposed to be a supporting musician at a Madrigal Dinner. In this instance, I was able to reschedule the bell choir, and let the director of the Madrigal's know I was not going to be in town. (It helped a great deal to know about the concerts in early September....) My bell choir played this morning, two services. We're now finished until fall! Topic: I'd love it if Clay would involve a handbell choir in his next Christmas concert!
  4. Wahhhhhhhhh....no one reads my posts. I posted that link yesterday morning. Wahhhhhhhhhhh... ....and just to add to the dislike for me...*g*...Conan, IMO, has done some good stuff. He's been the producer of one of my favorite shows lately, "Andy Barker, PI" (starring his former cohort Andy Richter). Having said that, though -- I just don't watch his late night show. Never did really -- I'm usually in bed. And most of his stuff standup wise is just to sophomoric for my taste. As far as him and Clay goes....Conan the non-barbarian seems to just have a thing for the Clay and just can't admit it. JMO.
  5. I was just going to come in here to offer :garfieldodie-grouphug: to those experiencing :Tour4: this morning....only to discover that CG edited her post! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
  6. North Carolina Gives Back to American Idol This is hysterical! The details in this piece make it totally worthwhile. Barbeque: as a Food Network junky (and as someone from nowhere NEAR the south, thus having no claim whatsoever to this type of food), it really, really, really depends on where you're from. Everyone does it different, and calls it different. The only thing I can say is that grilling and barbequing are really two different things -- grilling is FAST, barbeque cooks SLOW. Welcome alliesmom!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Diva, that was certainly BWAH-worthy, although I prefer "pasty white boy" to "honky." Would have been hard to make that rhyme, though, eh? I wish I knew, I wish I knew -- but isn't that part of what makes him so infinitely fascinating? It's so much fun for me to just watch the different transformations. {{{{{{{{{muski}}}}}}}}}} for :Tour4: Woohoo for couchie's Warriors! *um, basketball, right? What city?* ETA: The final two batches of the mee2u2 high res pictures on CV. Scroll down to find them.
  7. *sob* I need to talk about this. Anyone out there who can help me? Wonderful wedding....totally loved Luka that he would try to pull this off. He knew full well that Abby wasn't going to go for the traditional wedding -- and yet, I think HE wanted it. Thus, his surprise. I personally thought it incredibly sweet. Man -- what is it about Neela that attracts people to her? I can vary with her (sometimes like her, sometimes not) but tonight I felt sorry for her. Too much attention from those around her. (I personally would go with Dubenko -- I think he's cool....) But then...Ray. OMG. I'm sad. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really like Ray, and I'm afraid that this is NOT going to be good. What a night. Maybe more tomorrow.
  8. OK, it's pretty official for me. I'm going to Houston (have my ticket for that one) and will be buying for Tulsa as well. The eHP is adopting me for the weekend. I'm stocking up on bling right now.
  9. Yeah, that really piqued my interest as well -- it gives some new life to the character of Jack. From what I've read, we'll be finding out very soon what Jack was doing in that week with the Others, and I'll bet something new and shocking (heh) will be revealed then. Are people just glossing over something that I saw last night, or are did others see this as well, and aren't making a big deal of it yet? Isn't parachute girl the same chick that Locke helped with her tent early on in the episode? I truly thought so -- and if true, plus the way the Others had the file on Sawyer, makes me suggest that the Others have files on every single passenger on Flight 815. To me, it looks as if she's an Other who has studied Desmond's file, and knows everything about him.
  10. to all that need them -- and isn't that really all of us? But I know there are days when special ones are needed too....right Diva? Clayzorback? I love that picture of Clay at the radio station. In a way, he looks like he's a 12 year old trying to pull of a "grownup" look ("hey, I'm a big boy." Yes, muski, that's for you...it's a freebie). But at the same time, I love his smile -- he simply glows and radiates joy, and it's infectious. Love him. EEEEEEEEEEEEE for rcknrllmom! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: I'll be seeing you there! All I have to do is get tickets to Tulsa and then make changes to my original flights (grumble grumble), and I'm ready to go!
  11. Welcome alliesmom -- join us in the main thread, if you feel so inclined! And we'll have to talk, because I'm going to Houston and Tulsa too. I think the evil Houston Posse (eHP) has adopted me for this tour.
  12. Clayzorback, you are sooooooo me regarding the last two episodes (and with almost everything in your post, except for you wanting to kill Jack, I still like him, sue.me). I really like Sun and Jin, but that episode was pretty meh for me. But last night? Whoa. What a mind blower. I'm glad they put that commercial break in when we found out Locke's daddy's "name" at one point was Tom Sawyer....because then my husband and I were doing the "OK, do we remember this? OMG, that was the guy who was bilking Sawyer's Mom! Oh. My. God. This is gonna get goooooooooooood." And I'm also now REALLLY curious about the Others -- how the hell do they know so much about the crash victims? Where did they get these files? I've read somewhere that one of the creators of the show discounts the purgatory theory (but of course, that probably means nothing....). Parachute chick? OMG, why didn't I think of that? I guess I'm still hopeful enough to think that they actually could be rescued! Anybody been reading any articles on the show? I can at least give hints to who the flashbacks are for the final three episodes, if anyone is interested.
  13. AirTran Airways Inflight Magazine
  14. EEEEEEEEEE! I missed this the first time, glad the rest of you quoted it so I'd find it! The friendship between the three of them seems so sweet and just so REAL, y'know? Thanks play for bringing that. I'm planning on getting KLo's album soon (probably in a huge Amazon order to get free shipping *g*). BTW, thanks CG for bringing over the Clelly mention too. That made my heart swell a bit as well. I think for me, I like the way he seems to inspire loyalty in his friends. He meets people and either they don't quite "figure him out," or else they get him immediately and become friends for life. And -- to me, anyway -- it seems that way in both his business and personal life (of course, not knowing how either of those really are, I'm again probably talking out of my butt). The business side is probably less likely, I know....but we've seen Mary by him almost from the beginning of his touring life. Also, all those tech people that he keeps thanking during his shows. Good for Clay -- and good for those around him too. jmh, you are me. Heh. ETA: AirTran Airways Inflight Magazine ETA AGAIN! More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set one) First post on page More high res pictures from mee2u2 (set 2) Again, first post on page. Don't post them at OFC, please!
  15. I've thought more than a few times that the Christmas tour was a "dry" run (damn, there's that word again...sorry muski) for this upcoming ATDW tour. We saw what came out of that -- some of the funniest stuff from him in a LONG time. Mr. Clay Aiken, comedian. Just because he's got 40 other people on stage with him doesn't mean he can't talk to the audience and show his comedic intelligence. And yes, I'm totally delusional because I believe that he'll do a great mix of songs on this tour, but the focus will be on ATDW. jmh, I know what you are saying -- and I know you're only trying to help us see the light -- but damn it, I'm going to go out on a limb and keep my belief in ATDW. I'm so sad, aren't I? Me too! Love it! couchie, I love you. I'm with you in the "follow his lead" car. OT: my husband got a promotion today! He'll now be the head of his library. He's happy but apprehensive. But I'm so proud of him.
  16. Sounds like my kind of concert -- but then, I'm easy enough that all I needed to hear were the words "Clay Aiken" and I'm good. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :TourExcite: :TourExcite: :TourExcite:
  17. I think where my "confusion" comes in is this: the UNICEF and BAF connections. I personally feel that he wants to give those organizations as much publicity that his celebrity would allow. They are near and dear to his heart at this point. But...balance that with the types of "in-depth" questions he'd probably be asked along side publicizing those organizations, and he, IMO, would have to make a choice...and I just have a gut feeling that he's not in the mood to bare his soul quite yet. Of course, I do not know Clay Aiken, so I could be talking out of my butt. Heh. I just wish it was snark coming from some fans, but sadly, it's not. I must be 11 1/2 then, because my husband and I still rest our hopes on lottery tickets (not many each week, though, but still). My husband and I are trying our best to save, but it's hard for both of us, because we like toys and we like to feel good immediately when buying toys (smutters, just stay out of that, OK? *g*) With no kids, it's a bit easier, but it's also harder too -- we're only spending on ourselves, and yet we know that we have to rely on ourselves and ourselves alone when it comes to retirement. *sigh* Topic: I think Clay doesn't have to worry about retirement finances.
  18. Works that way with comedy shows too. I'm a big fan of Andy Richter's style of comedy, and he's come through with 2 great shows in the past few years, "Andy Richter Saves the Universe" and "Andy Barker, PI." The last show had 4 showing on Thursday nights, and then was buried on Saturday to play out its run. I was bummed for a week about that one. The point is, if a show doesn't make a splash in the first two outings, it's pretty much gone. It's sad. Therefore, I can totally feel Clay's pain in regarding the possible cancellation. We'll just have to see, won't we? And I love him when he begs. *g*
  19. Oh dear....to borrow a phrase from muski, that man CMSU! Don'cha just love the dichotomy of him? First he's all serious and stuff, getting an award for his work with children. Not even a week later, and he's like a 12 year old kid, begging for his favorite show to be kept on the air. Anyway, I LOL'd all the way through that blog. Meanwhile, I'll go to those hospitals and put their TV's on Jericho....but I ain't watching it either. Sowwy Clay. Lost is on tonight. couchie -- he dragged Mary into it too. Hmmmmmm..... Yes, that's what I see as well -- the focus. The drive. The guy who wants to do his best, and knock it out of the park. That picture is simply stunning. (And yes, I'm shallow enough to "gulp" at the eyelashes. Whoa mama!) I'd really like this as well. Man's got a fascinating mind, and I'm afraid not all that many people know about it. I would really love to hear his viewpoints on what is going on in his life. I'd be enthralled, I'm sure, and I think not.just.us people would really think long and hard (heh) about their view of him after such an interview. Unfortunately, though, two things: 1) for some reason, the media DOES think that we'd rather hear about Britney's latest escapades, or Lindsay Lohan's latest rehab stint. The media is so cynical in this regard. H.A.T.E. 2) I'm not totally convinced that Clay wants to let that part of his life out yet. He may still be in "process" stage, at least with the latest Afghanistan stuff. OTOH, he did a good job with the media last week. I don't know...now I'm confused. Happens all the time.
  20. Scroll down the page to mee2u2's posting of a stunning early picture Scroll down to last post on page for the 3 silhouette pictures As always, these pictures should not be posted on the OFC.
  21. Hey everybody -- let's hit the wayback machine! Old/New Getty Images from AI2 This one is really cool.... Ah yes, the days of young Clay. He looks funny with the spikes now, doesn't he?
  22. play, I skimmed a bunch of forums after googling "spill on laptop," and here are a few general recommendations: 1) TURN THE COMPUTER OFF! 2) Take out the battery and dry it off thoroughly. 3) Let the computer dry for a few DAYS. After this, try it and see what happens. If the spill got into the hard drive, you may be fried. So, I'm listening to CV's Clay radio -- and having a great time going over the IT and NAT. What a young, fun time that was. The one that struck me that really put a smile on my face was the opening strains of the Clay/Quiana WY. Why? Because I realized when Quiana started singing that it was the last show of the IT, where Jerome came out and was "singing" Quiana's part in the blond wig. I wish I could have been there for that one, but the clack still makes me laugh, even just thinking about it. I'm looking forward to Clay putting a smile on my face again this summer. I think this tour will be a blast -- hearing songs we've not heard before, with the Aiken charm live. He's so good at making me believe in his songs, if that makes any sense -- I can feel his passion when he sings live. Hearing that with ATDW songs will probably make me faint. I love that unique man.
  23. Here's my whole take on the hair: he's a guy. Really, that's pretty much it in my book. I really don't think it's THAT big of a deal to him, he pretty much "goes with the flow" regarding how he looks. Just my gut feeling, but I think he tends to look in the mirror and shrug, no matter if the fans later think he looks fantastic, or if the fans think he looks like c-r-a-p. And I'm really at the point with my fandom that I can't be all that shallow with him any more. I look at those pictures, and I see a guy who is HAPPY with his life, and I think about how proud I am that he got this award in the first place. To me, his voice, his humor, and the difference he's made in some children's lives, not to mention many fan's lives, is first and foremost.[/angelwing]
  24. EEEEEEEEEEEE! Thank you merrieeee! I think the suit is cooler than cool -- nice, not-so-subtle pattern which, to me, gives the suit some texture. He's so cute, and I'm so proud of him!
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