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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. 4 things: 1) KAndre -- us bad? Are you kidding? We're so bad we're good! Good luck in Vegas -- play some nickel slots for me, OK? 2) Just gotta say that the discussion today has been right-f**kin'-on. That is all. 3) Sorry to hear about Buble being so bad last night. I do like him, and don't mind his "schtick" at all -- but everyone I've heard from today says he was just BAAAAAD. Therefore, I'll just imagine Clay singing a standard or two to me, and I'll be in my happy place. 4) Just gotta quote bottlecap here, just 'cause....*g* Oh crappity crap crap -- I didn't want to read that news about Nokia. Crappity crap crap.
  2. That's how I judge it too - don't even own a scale anymore. Sadly, my clothes are yelling at me! I'll admit that my clothes were the first thing to tell me that I needed to lose weight. Same thing with my husband. HOWEVER -- when my husband and I both came to this realization, we did buy a GOOD scale, and discovered the awful truth. We were both at almost at a nice round number, and neither of us wanted that. Now, we weigh ourselves once a week. It's not conducive, IMO, to obsess about the scale, but it is good to have some ideas of the numbers too. If you don't like to drink, red grape juice supposedly gives you the same nutritional benefit. Honestly, this is my downfall. I'm actually pretty good in moderation, in that I just never have been able to eat a whole 1 lb. bag of M&M's in one sitting, or 3 plates of pasta). For me, the problem really is serving size. When I cook (which I LOVE to do), I make sure it is a balanced meal, and have some sort of vegetable with the meal. But I love my red meat (sorry CG), and steak is a massive favorite. And of course, a serving of steak is like 3 oz. WTF?!?!? That's two bites. Sorry, can't do it. I also tend to pile on what looks to be enough to fill me up of other dishes, but turns out to be about 3 servings total. But I'm working on it -- my next purchase I want is a home kitchen scale to weigh my servings. Back to the story I started this post with. My husband and I both looked at each other and decided that enough was enough. So, there's one key -- find someone to work with you. My husband and I motivate each other -- there are days when one or the other of us just doesn't feel like working out, but the other will guilt the person into going. Point number 2: schedule the exercise, just as you schedule appointments in your life. My husband and I decided on 3 times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday) and we pretty much stick to it. It's a permanent part of our schedule now after a year. As for where and how we workout -- look into a local community college. I'm lucky in that I work for one -- but that afforded me membership into their Circuit Training class. My husband had to pay the full tuition for each semester -- which was $95. (Mine was much cheaper). At the end of May, we will have finished 4 "classes," basically our workout sessions. You have to attend so many times in order to get an A, a B, etc. (32 visits gets you an A...and my husband and I hit that this week, with 5 weeks left in the semester). At this point then -- we can register for a yearly "membership," and it's MUCH cheaper than any professional gym. They have weights as part of the circuit training, plus elliptical machines, treadmills, and recumbent bikes. Now, every community college may not have something like this, but it might be something to investigate. BTW, after doing this for a year, and not changing eating all THAT much -- I've lost 15 pounds. My husband lost 25 (damn him). Now I've got start with those portion sizes... I think they key is finding something YOU enjoy doing, and then just simply doing it. It might take a while to find the right thing, though.
  3. Between atinal and Claygasm here today -- yeah, it was good for me. I'm spent. Ciggies, anyone?
  4. Hey NCgurrrl...or should I say "heyhowareya?" Honestly, I understand that feeling. All of us, I believe, want people who we know (including ourselves) to get recognition. To me, that's simply human nature. I've learned, however, that if someone I know doesn't get credit -- I just have to let it go for my own sanity. Again, this can be a difficult thing (that "human nature" stuff talking), but wallowing in the mire just makes things worse. JMO. That ties into what I wrote previously -- letting things go. There seems to me to be a lot of grudges held in the fandom -- toward Clive, TC, RCA, other fans. Heck, there are a few that still can't let go of the stuff Simon said, and that was four years ago. Again, I'm not saying that it is easy to let go of these grudges, and maybe they shouldn't be let go totally (the "forgive but not forget" thing). However, I guess I just don't see the point of holding on to these grudges on a public board. As couchie said, this particular instance is OVER. What is really the point of publicly stating repeatedly that this was a bad idea a few weeks ago, when the whole incident is NOW finished? And the BAF may have made money from it? (You're right NCgurrrl in that maybe the whole thing is fraud, and you ask good questions. But it is up to the individual to decide that.) AMEN. OK, now for the pretties....from ClayIzzaQT via the CH via probably somewhere else (I didn't make a note of it, I was blinded by the beautiful): Just gotta say....I'm fascinated by the long, lean finger. Finally -- muski -- :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm printing today another ream of paper at work. *g*
  5. Getting to this week's episode might be just as bad, I'm hoping that we can watch it Friday night. And watching the previews? All I could think about was the catfight on "Knot's Landing" several years ago. Hee.
  6. I've always simply believed that Clay Aiken "pimped" AI for two reasons: 1) he knows that this show is how he got to be famous. He knows that if Diane Bubel hadn't badgered him to go on the show, that he'd have no foundation, because of his resultant fame that came from the show. He knows that he pretty much owes much of where he is now to AI. JMO. 2) I also think that the MEDIA likes going to Clay and finding out his opinions on AI. He's a good "talker," and he has a good head on his shoulders for things like this. Again, just my opinion, but I truly think these are the only two reasons why he talks about AI so much. Clayzorback, I do agree with you though about RCA -- it sure sounded like he's going to be with them again next time to me too. I hope they get it figured out soon too -- I've got plane tickets already and I'll be pissed if I have to change them for any reason. Even Clay.
  7. Claygasm, :F_05BL17blowkiss: I know (and I think you do too) that you're probably preaching to the choir here, but I enjoyed reading your post and hope that maybe ONE poddie will see it and consider it. Bravo.
  8. Are y'all ready for a post of massive proportions? In other words, are your scrolling fingers ready? *g* I just couldn't post yesterday, and then was too tired to really care. But this morning -- relaxed, refreshed, and fairly alert. OK, so I probably could use another cup of coffee.. CG, congrats on the good tickets for Orlando. I hope for your sake it is the last show of this tour. Someday, I'll have the chance for that myself, I hope. Clay (and crew) always do something that is pretty darn cute/good/schmoopie during those last shows. Bolding mine. This is one of those double standards within the fandom that drives me nuts -- I think because it hits close to home for me. I was raised on a farm -- the nearest "big" city was 30 miles away, and even then, its population was just over 40,000 people. *waves to atinal* When people start saying things about Clay being "small town" it makes me want to scream, because it certainly sounds as if it is an insult. WHY? Just because the way I grew up is different doesn't make it any worse than someone who grew up in a big city. (BTW, I think Raleigh is HUGE city...*g*) It just makes are morals and standards DIFFERENT. Sure, there's probably some "judgemental" when Clay talks about the way he tries to live his life -- but I see just as much "judgemental" when people deride him for talking about that too (as roseviolet so rightly said). One of the things that struck me again yesterday is that I'm pretty darn good at planning meetings and such like this. (I have the same reaction after my wedding -- damn, I'm good. *g*). Maybe muski and I should start our own meeting planning service for Clay fans? oh SNAP! I didn't even put two and two together...so busy trying to run back to work. This is the person who wrote that press release that we discussed last week. Well we said the ultimate test of how good a press release is was the result. And fuckin' bingo.... because having all that information in the press release got People interested in doing an article. All of this talk about about publicists..let me bring up my "profession" for a minute...profession in quotes cuz I just have a degree in it but haven't worked in the field. LOL. I throw my non qualifications right out front. What I loved about the press release and I think the "experts" hated was that it was all over the place. Talked about too much. I don't think it was really all over the place..it was organized but just had a lot of information. Now, what if the gala hadn't been mentioned as many people thought shouldn't have been. Would there even be a People article? But it was this press release that got People interested. They were able to take the whole Kevin Bacon thing - and put Charity and Clay together. But what happened from there seems to be kismit. The reporter they got to do the actual story (and this is where my profession comes in) showed a basic curiosity. She allowed that curiosity to take her places that weren't already pre established. She contacted this eddie person who provided her with GREAT, POSITIVE information on Clay and his charity work. She gave her links to TBAF and UNICEF. They had no idea that Clay was an Ambassador. And really, it is a really well kept secret. But this reporter did her homework Good reporters aren't just people who are too stupid to understand PR. She did her job the right way. This all worked really well to give Clay some well deserved publicity. Kudos to the press release. Of course we may get more good press or some fall out of the whole thing so the complete result isn't known just yet. I tried to snip something out of this, but I couldn't. First of all, I was so busy with other things that I didn't put two and two together on this one either. But, in the end, it WORKED. It go Clay's name out there, to a major publication, and emphasized things that either people are always curious about with Clay (the AI connection) or things that certain fans think should be better publicized (the new album in the works, his charity work). I'm pleased as punch at how this article came about, and how well it turned out. BTW, I just went to the article on the People page again, and they've changed the picture to one during his M&J appearance. LOL..yep I so agree. 6 monthe of hell I do agree and moreso for people that have dived in. I ran to my corner and have had a pretty wonderful last 6 months. In many ways I took the chicken's way out but I really had too many things on my plate, serious important things but in the long run, it saved my fandom. Mine too. And yes, I've felt like I was "running away" rather than trying to continue to fight and be one of the few sane voices in the fandom (if I do say so myself). But after a while, there was only so many more times that I could pound my head against the wall, and I finally just had to give up for my sanity's sake. I think what's interesting about this whole take on his feelings on AI is that it IS considered newsworthy in the first place. He's almost always been the "go-to" person regarding AI, ahead of most of the winners. Well, the media isn't going to ask Taylor -- he's already dissed the show in public several times. Carrie and Kelly? IMO, too successful to be asked about the show anymore. Ruben and Fantasia? Not as successful. Clay seems to be "just right" -- successful without being snotty about it (since he didn't win and such). That actually was my take on it too, although he may be hearing enough about the show this year to know that he's just not interested in watching it. cha cha trusty, hope your boss/BIL feels better soon! I'm still up for trying a MOAM listening party, if I can find a good time, and if I can decide how to divide the album in half, or if we should do it all in an evening. Glad to know I'm not alone on this. The fandom for a few people is their job, I think -- and they can't let their hearts run with the good feelings about Clay without their "brains" getting in the way. There's gotta be a mix of the two, IMO -- and sometimes I just want to enjoy Clay. All done now. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  9. I'm tired. It's been a long but good day. I actually pulled off my summit, with very little problems. Forgot one piece that was mentioned briefly to me several months ago -- and never follow up on. One projector that decided to give everyone a seasick tour of the web (wavy screen). Other than that -- it was good. I'm just posting to say THANK YOU to luckiest1 for her awesome recap. I'm jellus too, but also extremely happy for you and your family and friends. What a magical night. OK, I'm off for some dinner. Need sustinance.
  10. Thanks bottlecap, for that People article. 2 things: wonder if the definition of "soon" will be his definition, or the fans? *g* And also, love this quote: It just tells me, again, that he had more of a say about ATDW than many want to give him credit for. I'd love to talk about this all day, but I'm running a summit at my workplace, and will be computerless for the entire day. Wah. Have a great day everyone.
  11. Ooooh, I'd forgotten about that. As for the amount raised, I'd say -- it's a buttload and leave it at that. Yeah, sorry dude. I'm not home Wednesday nights, and even then, I've got Lost to watch. Besides, I watch too much TV. But Clay -- thanks for asking. *g* Nah...but we can accomplish whirled peas. :medium-smiley-070:
  12. As you can see, it's just an advertisement. Ooooh, off to watch the clip again. Glad it's up on YouTube...that way I don't have to sneakily find a way to download it on my computer here at work. (For the record -- atinal has listened to "The Prayer" mucho times. Me? I've watched this clip more times than I can count....love that snarky little s**t...)
  13. I've wondered that too -- but I would guess that many of the "patrons" of these places are not as technologically literate as Clay Aiken fans. (I don't mean that to sound ageist, really...) Also -- just remember -- Houston tickets were phone only as well, and that turned out fantastic (thanks to the beautiful KAndre! :F_05BL17blowkiss: ). OK, so there was someone for Houston that didn't get their beloved front row seats and complained -- but that person, IMO, should NOT get front row seats ever again, as karma for the stunt she pulled. I showed a picture of Clay from Saturday night to my office mate. She almost DIED. Thinks he's one of the most adorable men on the planet at the moment, and she REALLY likes the beard. Yeah, she's been Clayverted.
  14. Yep. They make it to Illinois too. I think they make it to California as well -- that's why muski hasn't been heard from -- she wasn't at the Gala that I know of. I believe the only ones from here who attended were the two you mentioned. Good for you! I'll probably have to live vicariously through you then -- although maybe next year those $175 tickets will be easier to get.... I know, fat chance. EVERYONE is going to try for those next year. The only think I can tell you is that it is a Grammy jacket. As far as we (the fans) know, Clay wasn't at the Grammy's, so no idea on how he got it. (Maybe he got it from the Dixie Chicks?) Loving the pictures that have come through. I'm also still waiting patiently for more of the clack to arrive -- I'm actually a little surprised that more hasn't shown up yet. I guess maybe people are still flying back to their homes? But I will be patient. Truly. Heh.
  15. This is the most adorable picture of him I've ever seen. What a cute face. I wuv him.
  16. Honestly...I read the question "why Clay?" and my brain kinda fuses. I think for me, I'm like the old Bud Lite commercials -- "why ask why?" Sometimes I just realize that there are things that just cannot be explained, and IMO, this is one of those things. I've just learned to enjoy Clay -- yes, he does things that makes me think, but for the most part, I'd really just rather be happy that he is in my life. I don't know if that makes me shallow, or an angelwinger, or what -- but I just go with the flow with him. I think CG is right, muski must be dead.
  17. Yep, the Guido's have no chance....with all 3 teams there at the same time. I love this roadblock, this is funny. Obviously these guys have not put on armor before -- I have, and it's not fun, and it IS heavy. Buh Bye Guidos.
  18. Mirna and Schmirna? HA HA HA HA!
  19. I remember that -- wasn't that Uchenna and Joyce's season? It seems like there was another time when something rather sobering was part of their tasks, but I sure can't remember that. I'm just grateful that this time, everyone treated that visit to Auschwitz with respect. As you said, a few weren't real good at Nelson Mandela's cell. OMG yes. That was so sweet of the chacha's to give the prize to Uchenna and Joyce. Both teams are just so good hearted, you know? In the end, THAT'S what I like in my TAR teams -- I don't really care about their racing skills totally (because I think it is as much LUCK as anything else), but I like good and nice and respectful people.
  20. I wonder if the producers planned this, so that it would equalize? If they hold on to these intersection things until they thing they need them? I'd love to know the answer to that question.
  21. That was one of the most touching things I've seen on TAR in a while. An intersection AND the Fast Forward? Oh I bet the BQ's are going to be pissed!!!!
  22. Sheesh, the Guidos are not going to be able to make that up. I could be totally wrong, but I think they are goners at this point.
  23. I cannot imagine being the Guidos or Eric and Danielle -- traveling tired like that would make me really crankly. Ooh, they are going to Auschwitz. That should be very sad. Well, now we know why the two hour episode -- another leg of one team starting when others are still out on the previous leg. When will the Schmirnas realize that they don't need to talk in accents? Grrrrr.
  24. You're right....no road block. I think your suggestion is probably correct in that they need to come up with a BIG equalizer again. The logistics for the way the show has panned out this season have to be a nightmare (not that they aren't anyway, but more so this time).
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