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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. djs, thank you just thank you. Hey jorepak -- whenever someone asks this question (and don't feel bad, you're not the first, but I'm sure you won't be the last), I tend to refer people to couchie's post from the middle of January (located here) couchie's good, y'all. Yay! txflrgrl is our balance point in height! Now technically, we should buy tickets for the FCA in a group, and then those of use tall ones would unfortunately be in the, say, 4th row. Those shorter in FCA get closer to the front. Sound like a good plan?
  2. So.....is anyone going to watch Simon Scowell on 60 Minutes this evening? Claygasm perhaps? :medium-smiley-070: My husband and I watch this show every week, so I'll probably watch it. What will I say afterwards, though? Will it be ? Or will it be :whatutterclaptrap: ? I'm also guessing there might be a little bit of as well. (Bias? Me? No way....*g*) We'll just have to see, won't we? And I'll probably forget everything he said as soon as the interview is finished. Hope the rest of the fandom does the same.... playbiller, I love your new avatar, and got it immediately! And then, it made me think of this...
  3. I've never experienced either first OR last concert adrenaline. I was supposed to, for the JNaCT 2006, but damn that snow storm. That's why I'm really hoping for another date either the night before or the night after Dallas -- because that series of shows would really work out the best for me. Unfortunately, I'm just not rich enough to get to all the shows I'd truly like to. And I understand people like Shady and Claygasm who want their only show experiences to be good ones, with great seats at least one time during the tour. For me, I'm learning that sometimes, just the experience of being in the room with Clay is worthwhile. His last two tours, I only got to see him once -- neither with upcloseandpersonal seats. But it was still thrilling beyond belief for me. As for where the FCA gathering is held, I know full well that we'll just not be able to get EVERYONE together. But, whomever is there -- I'm sure drinks will be raised for those missing. :bier: pkmiller, you certainly didn't offend me. It's just not something I can change, you know? But I do try my best to help others see, if I can. muski -- yes, see if your contact can make more special pastries! The concerts themselves -- I'm actually looking forward to some of these lawn seating shows, if I can get to one. Yes, the wait beforehand could be torture, but I'm honestly not expecting a HUGE bunch of teenies trying to get to the front. (Or, if they do...isn't that the desired demographic for the front rows now? :medium-smiley-070: ) Also, the weather could be terrible -- or it could be totally beautiful. I think back to my Illinois State Fair concert, where I had track tickets (standing, open area, in front of the stage). Waited 3 hours in beautiful weather and had a blast. So, I tend to hope that these shows will be like that. I also think it would be cool to just have a blanket, some wine, and some cheese to make the evening quite lovely. Finally, I think there could be lots of families at several of these shows -- it's that kind of atmosphere. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for the tour!
  4. Welcome pkmiller! Glad you made yourself known here -- and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better! And Happy Saint Patrick's Day everyone! Really? The one board I used to read (and have been checking the threads lately for information), that's the thread with practically the least activity! I'm with you in that I'm holding out hope for another show or two in that same general area, midwest style. This is one distinct possible show for me (as long as there are a few more in the area....) We do good weird -- and we all do it. Heh. BWAH...omg this is so right. Yeah it just seems like there won't be a seat left but after the requisite old ladies (LOL..me included) get their seats the first few days... we'll spend the next 4 months blasting RCA and ROger I'm sure for not promoting the concert and Clay could sell out if anyone knew he was coming. I always keep in mind that about 500 empty seats to every concert are actually sold seats, left open from the upgrading frenzy. Oh God, thanks for reminding me about this -- only not. I'm frankly very sick of "blaming" people in Clay's camp for whatever happens. It's too convenient and easy to do this when people just can't look themselves in the mirror and face what it is they are truly upset about. In the case of ticket sales, IMO it's probably about being scared that Clay will just "go away" if he doesn't sell enough. It's easy to blame Clive Davis for an album of covers (that Clay full well said he had a major hand in as well) when in fact, it's simply that people are disappointed that the team (including Clay) picked songs they don't like. I find the blame game to be just tiring myself. Saw it. Deleted it immediately afterwards. I'm not THAT desperate for clack. I have not made one single plan for these shows at the moment. My name isn't on any list, no hotel reservations made, nothing. I'm starting to get a little less zen, but I think that's because I'm reading about the craziness with the lists and such on the other boards that it's affecting me. I truly do want to wait and see what else shows up...although... Is there a Wikipedia entry for the word "fame-whore?" Because if there isn't, there should be, and this should be used as the definition. Bravo, woman. Very good attitude there, and one that I'm at as well. I've had fantastic seats and not-so-good ones, and I just have to tell myself that I'll be breathing the same air as Clay, and take it for what it's worth. I'll enjoy myself madly. I'm sorry to hear about that. I also always feel a bit guilty when people say things like this -- because at almost 6 foot tall, I'm usually one of the people doing the obstructing. It's a real bind sometimes for me -- I want the best, but I also hate that people are having a terrible time seeing around me. What to do, what to do? The California shows are totally doable for me time-wise...but it looks to me as if everyone and their mother are going to those shows, and especially for the Pala show, I'm wondering if tickets could be really tight to get. I also agree that expenses could be high for this one. And damn it, I don't have FF miles. I'm gonna have to sign up for that, aren't I? But if several really cool people are there, and it turns out to be the FCA gathering place, I'm there.
  5. Viteradiva, there's no hotlinks in your post, and the one link isn't complete. Can you please try again? Thanx [tm CHA].
  6. muski, I LURVE "The Onion!" But it's actually a nationwide weekly newspaper -- I think they are based out of NYC. Their original homebase was Madison, Wisconsin! Everyone should check out their satire -- www.theonion.com Their piece de resistance was their issue right after 9/11, it was brilliant. They've also got several books out with their headlines. I think my husband and I have most of them. As a librarian who is always trying to steer kids (and faculty) away from Wikipedia and on to library resources, this is one of my favorite articles by The Onion ever. Topic: I think Clay would love The Onion. play, I've never had a major problem with getting rooms for tours either. Usually, I just beg to sleep on the floor in someone's room, and they let me. *g*
  7. I identify with both these posts so, so much. I can also identify with dreamlarge -- I've gotten "upgrade fever" more than a few times in my years as a Clay Aiken fan. But for the most part, I'm being very, very laid back with this entire process of tickets this time. Why? Mainly because we simply don't have all the facts yet. There are still dates to be announced, and there's time to get in via TB and the OFC for the dates already announced. Sure, I want seats that will get me upclose and personal with Clay (although I'm hoping a M&G will satisfy my cravings for that *g*), but if not -- I've just gotta be chill. One thing I have discovered with people who buy in the group sales -- they then later buy ANOTHER seat because the original just isn't good enough. It sometimes makes the people who buy in the group and who can't afford to upgrade feel like schmucks. And what is it with all these people going to show, after show, after show? What concerns me is that I think more than a few are of the pod mentality -- and when the first show setlist turns out to be the entire ATDW album plus a few original songs (as I believe it will), they are going to be un-freakin'-happy. But yet, they will still go to all the shows. I don't understand. I need to start compiling a list of thread titles, because I really, really, really like this. He does smolder, doesn't he? I laugh at those pictures from yesterday, but I think for me it's because I see "regular guy Clay" there -- someone who doesn't really care about the trappings of celebrity when he's flying. I laugh because I'm happy about that. No kidding! No one should treat ANYONE like that, even if I know it happens on a regular basis. Grrrrrrrrrrr......
  8. I thought the flip-flops looked a bit worn, myself. Both my hubby and I are the type that if we're going to the grocery/hardware store, we'll just throw on coats and go, you know? Now, with traveling, it's a bit of a different story -- but we certainly don't dress up. I don't think either of us go to "Clay extremes" though. Yes!!! Perfect! Shoot -- could have used that idea for the non-existant OFC tabloid contest. :medium-smiley-070: I too think he's in LA to work on something to surprise us. What could it be? What could it be?
  9. Isn't that kind of the point of "paparazzi" pictures? To catch high-level celebrities looking not-so-good? I'd take it as a compliment that he still has paparazzi wanting to catch him. *g* But I'd really like to burn those shorts. Even if they make me laugh.
  10. It's that "cute/hawt hobo" thing.... I love that Raleigh or Durham is with him in that bag though. He's such a sweet puppy dad.
  11. How about a pin that says "I :::heart::: emoticons"....maybe with the crazy chicken added for good measure? :medium-smiley-070: muski, if you need "Just, er....Buddies" or "Good Buddies" in Word format, I have those. I've finished rereading the first, and am working on the second. Makes for good bedtime reading. *g* I actually have "Good Buddies" at work (please don't tell, OK?). The printer at work is a lot faster, and prints on both sides of the page. What. BTW, muski you made this librarian so very glad to see you visiting your library. Support your local library!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm still waiting for Clay to do one of those celebrity READ posters....like these! Yes, the excitement for the concerts is getting me, and giving me goosebumps. Cannot wait. Is it July yet? chacha trusty, that is outstanding! I'll remember this for our next thread title.... Uh guys....where is everybody? Well, I'll post the one picture I have time for -- from today, at LAX supposedly. Clay Aiken is camera shy
  12. cha cha trusty! I love Claymatized, think it's a wonderful site you have. Hope you enjoy it here -- would you like drink? He's either going to be spending a LOT of time on that bus, or else he'll be flying. It almost looks to me that he's trying to accommodate the fans the best he can (going to some places he hasn't been in a while), no matter the dates and such. I'm just happy he's touring -- and I somehow get the feeling he will be too. IMO he gets real joy from singing to live audiences. atinal, I'm thinking that a logical place to play after Dallas would be St. Louis (although that kinda throws my theory above out of the water). Maybe you, me, and rcknrllmom could make a ROAD TRIP!!!!! I KNOW! Two days ago we hit a record 78 degrees. Yesterday, I was sweating up a storm at work, just because the heat was still on in the building. Today, while no snow, it's back down to 35 degrees. It's insane.
  13. OK, I gotta ask....is this a reaction to the events in RL earlier today, or something else?
  14. This is georgia: So I'm bringing some :nature-smiley-014: and a :big hug: to her! Question: what is this "iPod" from which you speak? It's a foreign concept to me... I feel like such a luddite with my CD player. I do use my PDA for mini-clack sessions though -- the cards don't hold a lot, but they help me get through a workout at the gym. Topic: should Clay work out at a gym? Discuss.
  15. My dear muski, I'm in the same boat. I just found out that my family reunion is that weekend. I love my family dearly, and we only get to see most of these cousins (all 50 of us!) once a year. Last year I missed because of my nephew's wedding, so I really didn't want to miss this year. Therefore, though -- the NC concerts are out for me. Now I've just got to whittle my choices down to Texas, California, or New York. AM radio girl checking in here. Loved listening to the top 40 stuff, which at the time was so varied as compared to today (IMO). And yes, I was always a teeny-bopper -- the Monkees (*waves at KAndre*) and the Bay City Rollers (*waves at luckiest1*) were big for me. I discovered the Beatles in high school, but never "fell" for them. My husband though is a HUGE fan -- his framed Beatles poster is right next to my framed Star Trek poster in our family room. muski must still be on her concert high if she didn't pick up on this right away. *g* I'm still pumped for this tour. Amazingly so. I'm looking forward to a nice, laidback night with me, Clay, an orchestra, and some wine. I hope.
  16. And a big old :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you too! ITA -- when this place is hopping, it's soooooooooo much fun. When there's not a lot to talk about....well, we do a pretty good job of just chilling, you know? I've not seen any created angst, just because Clay isn't doing anything that we can see. I actually kind of like that. And baby, you can tell it like it is anytime, luckiest1! Don't forget that there's lots of these kinds of things too -- :laola0: :ura: I hear ya! I kept praying for that big lottery payout the other day, but no go. Dallas may be the one for me too rcknrllmom. Maybe I can pick you up in Iowa on the way.... But I'd really like to do the Biltmore show too. Patience.....wait for those dates.....
  17. So far for me, NONE of the shows are driveable, so I'm expecting something a little closer to me to show up. I'm thinking he may play south Chicago, though -- First Midwest Bank Ampitheater (used to be Tweeter Center) is a distinct possibility. I have to confirm one date on my schedule, plus there's a possibility of a second, work related conflict (on a weekend no less, a series of classes that is competitive to get into). But if he sticks with weekends, I'll just have to pick a weekend, and plan on flying that weekend. My financial situation could be in a bit of jeopardy -- hubby is very dissatisfied with his job at the moment, and we may be at single income (me) by that time. (If ya'll believe in prayer/good thoughts, now would be a good time....) However, he and I talked about it last night, and he said I should plan on ONE fly trip this tour, plus any driveables. But I'm still bouncing up and down on just the IDEA of Clay touring! EEEEEEEEE! And no matter where he goes during that time of the year, we'll have sweaty Clay! At least I don't think he'll be trying do dance in a leather jacket at the same time, though. :medium-smiley-070:
  18. I have to be patient, and also figure out when my family reunion is in August. But I too would love to go to the Biltmore show! That would be great! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for CG and Philly! Hmmmm...Texas is looking pretty good to me right now for a trip....
  19. Ansa, I just got an email from Aron about this. (I'm so special. ) While I haven't had my full dose of caffeine yet, it sounds like if you donate through the Six Degrees site on March 17 or after (through March 31), it will also count toward the Beta Alpha chapter you belong to. Once you've made your donation, send a copy of your receipt to Aron (and if you need the email address, I have it), with your Beta Alpha chapter in the subject line. Your donation will then be also credited to Beta Alpha as well. This makes me happy, for I hadn't made my Six Degrees donation yet, and this will help FCA-MAD too! I went back and reread Clay's "give them a fing...er, hand" blog last night, and the "rules" were clear as a bell to me. He says that the "contest" would require "thinking and planning," but that people should "WAIT" for the rules before beginning. I suppose, though, that since I didn't pick apart every single space in the blog for a clue on what he was REALLY saying, I totally missed the point. :medium-smiley-070: bottlecap, I agree about the posting of the blog so early. I wonder if he had a sleepless night that evening, considering that was the GMA morning. Maybe the blog came to him in a dream! What's this? I see posts above mine WITHOUT emoticons. This.Will.Just.Not.Do.
  20. djs, my own choice experts (as in, the cats Spot and Quincy) think you're funny. Bwahvo! bottlecap also brings the funny lately with her bondage exploits. What. (See, sometimes writing without emoticons works too, IMO. But there's no fun in that, right? ) And if I remember correctly, Miss divayenta brought forth a poem yesterday that, to use a popular phrase around here at the moment, CMSU! (Why oh why isn't there an emoticon for that?) I love this place. Shadylil is in da house! So...the Clay "contest" is no more. Doesn't really surprise me, actually. After picking myself up off the floor from reading that blog, I figured it would probably never happen. It read like either he needed a venting fix, or else he just needed to make his point without being overtly public about it. I'd say in either case, it worked. Bravo Clay.
  21. Welcome FullyFunctional -- I like your style! You've just described me in a nutshell. Sure, the connection to "Playmate" can be a distasteful to some -- but hey, if the connection makes me a blond with a bigger chest, I'm all for it. *g* Seriously, though, it's not the term I'd choose for myself (I personally like "Clay Aiken fan") but I also cannot work myself into a lather over it. I also take a bit of my cues from Clay -- he seems to be at least OK with the term, and didn't he trademark it? *shrug* And just for that -- time for a RAVE!!! :club0: To me, this fandom is supposed to be fun, and I think emoticons symbolize that to me. They're goofy, lighthearted. I do agree with playbiller that when you're working, they are a nuisance -- but since I have my own office now, it doesn't matter nearly as much. *g* I can also see what muski says in regards to their "non-verbal" usage. Some people just communicate better that way, and that's just a difference -- doesn't make them worse (or better) than anyone else. As I said, I'm not a big emoticon user, but...heh...I may have to start using them more often. I like the selection we have here, especially this guy: And of course, this is me on a Friday afternoon: And finally, I think this is my motto, and it seems to be the motto of more than a few around here:
  22. muski, I'm glad Shadow is feeling a bit better. And have fun at the Salsa dance class! Yes, his blog and his post at the OFC make me smile. There's nothing he's done, really, that doesn't make me smile, though. I'm a terrible prognosticator, so the only thing I can think of that he's developing is possibly that TV series he's been dying to do. It will be interesting, to say the least, if it does come to pass -- the fandom's reaction will be very interesting to me. I'll join you in that.... :04: :laola0:
  23. To give the somewhat opposite end of the spectrum.... Didn't watch him in the original Survivor. Hated him in the All Stars version. Wasn't impressed with him game play in their first TAR season. And while I agree that they are better players than I probably give them credit, I am just as happy to see them gone. Again, I'll say that they are good players....but when he wasn't it first, he truly did lose focus. That makes for bad racing. I also know that part of my problem with them being in the race again was that they've won one reality show, came in second in another, and have had two other reality shows besides. This is one of those instances where I really want their 15 minutes to be up. (I'll also say that I wanted this all-stars to be totally "winner free" -- while I like Uchenna and Joyce, I wish they weren't in the race either.) Finally, to add to Ansa points -- why did Rob "have to play a part?" Only to make entertaining TV? As much as I hate Schmirna, at least I think that's the way they are in real life (*shudder*). I've never gotten the feeling that Rob is a real person. Sure, I know that reality shows like "characters" -- but if they can't come out organically, I'm not into them. My sympathies to those who liked the Romber.
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