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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. My dear muski, I'm in the same boat. I just found out that my family reunion is that weekend. I love my family dearly, and we only get to see most of these cousins (all 50 of us!) once a year. Last year I missed because of my nephew's wedding, so I really didn't want to miss this year. Therefore, though -- the NC concerts are out for me. Now I've just got to whittle my choices down to Texas, California, or New York. AM radio girl checking in here. Loved listening to the top 40 stuff, which at the time was so varied as compared to today (IMO). And yes, I was always a teeny-bopper -- the Monkees (*waves at KAndre*) and the Bay City Rollers (*waves at luckiest1*) were big for me. I discovered the Beatles in high school, but never "fell" for them. My husband though is a HUGE fan -- his framed Beatles poster is right next to my framed Star Trek poster in our family room. muski must still be on her concert high if she didn't pick up on this right away. *g* I'm still pumped for this tour. Amazingly so. I'm looking forward to a nice, laidback night with me, Clay, an orchestra, and some wine. I hope.
  2. And a big old :F_05BL17blowkiss: to you too! ITA -- when this place is hopping, it's soooooooooo much fun. When there's not a lot to talk about....well, we do a pretty good job of just chilling, you know? I've not seen any created angst, just because Clay isn't doing anything that we can see. I actually kind of like that. And baby, you can tell it like it is anytime, luckiest1! Don't forget that there's lots of these kinds of things too -- :laola0: :ura: I hear ya! I kept praying for that big lottery payout the other day, but no go. Dallas may be the one for me too rcknrllmom. Maybe I can pick you up in Iowa on the way.... But I'd really like to do the Biltmore show too. Patience.....wait for those dates.....
  3. So far for me, NONE of the shows are driveable, so I'm expecting something a little closer to me to show up. I'm thinking he may play south Chicago, though -- First Midwest Bank Ampitheater (used to be Tweeter Center) is a distinct possibility. I have to confirm one date on my schedule, plus there's a possibility of a second, work related conflict (on a weekend no less, a series of classes that is competitive to get into). But if he sticks with weekends, I'll just have to pick a weekend, and plan on flying that weekend. My financial situation could be in a bit of jeopardy -- hubby is very dissatisfied with his job at the moment, and we may be at single income (me) by that time. (If ya'll believe in prayer/good thoughts, now would be a good time....) However, he and I talked about it last night, and he said I should plan on ONE fly trip this tour, plus any driveables. But I'm still bouncing up and down on just the IDEA of Clay touring! EEEEEEEEE! And no matter where he goes during that time of the year, we'll have sweaty Clay! At least I don't think he'll be trying do dance in a leather jacket at the same time, though. :medium-smiley-070:
  4. I have to be patient, and also figure out when my family reunion is in August. But I too would love to go to the Biltmore show! That would be great! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for CG and Philly! Hmmmm...Texas is looking pretty good to me right now for a trip....
  5. Ansa, I just got an email from Aron about this. (I'm so special. ) While I haven't had my full dose of caffeine yet, it sounds like if you donate through the Six Degrees site on March 17 or after (through March 31), it will also count toward the Beta Alpha chapter you belong to. Once you've made your donation, send a copy of your receipt to Aron (and if you need the email address, I have it), with your Beta Alpha chapter in the subject line. Your donation will then be also credited to Beta Alpha as well. This makes me happy, for I hadn't made my Six Degrees donation yet, and this will help FCA-MAD too! I went back and reread Clay's "give them a fing...er, hand" blog last night, and the "rules" were clear as a bell to me. He says that the "contest" would require "thinking and planning," but that people should "WAIT" for the rules before beginning. I suppose, though, that since I didn't pick apart every single space in the blog for a clue on what he was REALLY saying, I totally missed the point. :medium-smiley-070: bottlecap, I agree about the posting of the blog so early. I wonder if he had a sleepless night that evening, considering that was the GMA morning. Maybe the blog came to him in a dream! What's this? I see posts above mine WITHOUT emoticons. This.Will.Just.Not.Do.
  6. djs, my own choice experts (as in, the cats Spot and Quincy) think you're funny. Bwahvo! bottlecap also brings the funny lately with her bondage exploits. What. (See, sometimes writing without emoticons works too, IMO. But there's no fun in that, right? ) And if I remember correctly, Miss divayenta brought forth a poem yesterday that, to use a popular phrase around here at the moment, CMSU! (Why oh why isn't there an emoticon for that?) I love this place. Shadylil is in da house! So...the Clay "contest" is no more. Doesn't really surprise me, actually. After picking myself up off the floor from reading that blog, I figured it would probably never happen. It read like either he needed a venting fix, or else he just needed to make his point without being overtly public about it. I'd say in either case, it worked. Bravo Clay.
  7. Welcome FullyFunctional -- I like your style! You've just described me in a nutshell. Sure, the connection to "Playmate" can be a distasteful to some -- but hey, if the connection makes me a blond with a bigger chest, I'm all for it. *g* Seriously, though, it's not the term I'd choose for myself (I personally like "Clay Aiken fan") but I also cannot work myself into a lather over it. I also take a bit of my cues from Clay -- he seems to be at least OK with the term, and didn't he trademark it? *shrug* And just for that -- time for a RAVE!!! :club0: To me, this fandom is supposed to be fun, and I think emoticons symbolize that to me. They're goofy, lighthearted. I do agree with playbiller that when you're working, they are a nuisance -- but since I have my own office now, it doesn't matter nearly as much. *g* I can also see what muski says in regards to their "non-verbal" usage. Some people just communicate better that way, and that's just a difference -- doesn't make them worse (or better) than anyone else. As I said, I'm not a big emoticon user, but...heh...I may have to start using them more often. I like the selection we have here, especially this guy: And of course, this is me on a Friday afternoon: And finally, I think this is my motto, and it seems to be the motto of more than a few around here:
  8. muski, I'm glad Shadow is feeling a bit better. And have fun at the Salsa dance class! Yes, his blog and his post at the OFC make me smile. There's nothing he's done, really, that doesn't make me smile, though. I'm a terrible prognosticator, so the only thing I can think of that he's developing is possibly that TV series he's been dying to do. It will be interesting, to say the least, if it does come to pass -- the fandom's reaction will be very interesting to me. I'll join you in that.... :04: :laola0:
  9. To give the somewhat opposite end of the spectrum.... Didn't watch him in the original Survivor. Hated him in the All Stars version. Wasn't impressed with him game play in their first TAR season. And while I agree that they are better players than I probably give them credit, I am just as happy to see them gone. Again, I'll say that they are good players....but when he wasn't it first, he truly did lose focus. That makes for bad racing. I also know that part of my problem with them being in the race again was that they've won one reality show, came in second in another, and have had two other reality shows besides. This is one of those instances where I really want their 15 minutes to be up. (I'll also say that I wanted this all-stars to be totally "winner free" -- while I like Uchenna and Joyce, I wish they weren't in the race either.) Finally, to add to Ansa points -- why did Rob "have to play a part?" Only to make entertaining TV? As much as I hate Schmirna, at least I think that's the way they are in real life (*shudder*). I've never gotten the feeling that Rob is a real person. Sure, I know that reality shows like "characters" -- but if they can't come out organically, I'm not into them. My sympathies to those who liked the Romber.
  10. I knew I loved KAndre for more than one reason.
  11. *Snoopy Happy Dance of Joy* As much as I would be happier to have Schmirna gone, gone, gone -- I'm almost as happy that the Romber is out of the race. Except for Schmirna again -- I think I'll enjoy the race a whole heck of a lot more. Why? Because the racers will stop focusing on "where's Romber?" and start racing. Go Cha Cha!!!!!!!! Heidi, join me in the Cha Cha love!
  12. YAY Team Cha Cha! They are so cool. I want them to win it all. Rob is losing his cool, and that's not smart racing. Damn it, the Schmirna team is annoying.
  13. Mirna and Schmirna get on my nerves so fast. Why me? I know things? I've only read spoilers..... ...but Rob really needs to learn to spell. Just sayin'. And their take on the other challenge doesn't look like a good choice either, if the Guidos just past them up.
  14. I know why you're nervous. Hooray for Teri and Ian getting on the flight, and Joe and Bill NOT. I like Joe and Bill OK, I just like Teri and Ian better. (I have a soft spot for Ian after his visit to Vietnam the last series....)
  15. Have you told Mr. Muski this yet? Please have one of your daughters take a picture of him when you tell him....I'd love to see his reaction. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Oh dear. Stick a fork in me, I'm done. I know that TV projects are incredibly risky. But I just have to believe that if anyone can make it work, Clay Aiken can. He's got too much humor and smarts in him to just "simply have a recording career" and I want the world to see that. I'm in with him doing TV as well. Downloaded now, and they montages are AWESOME! That was such a magical night. I'm glad I was there to see it live, and now glad to have a great memory preserved with these montages. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to both you ladies! But, but, but, if you use your super seekrit decoder ring it CLEARLY says he is leaving RCA and has signed with David Foster's label and is about to put out a 2-CD set of rocking original songs, with a Dula Disc AND that this tour will be filmed for a DVD and TV special to be shown in the fall, which will end with a :finger: to Clive Davis! Clear as a bell! :medium-smiley-070: It's the ONLY way it can be too. Right? *sigh* I'll take "both" for $200, Alex. But what is this concept of "refund?" In our household that has been a moot point for the last few years. *sigh* bottlecap, my husband has this new Lucinda album, and that was the song that really caught my ear on it. I agree that Clay probably doesn't have the "grit" in him quite yet...but you know, stranger things have happened.
  16. Clayzoback! Enjoy your time here -- as you probably know, we love to EEEEEE and SQUEEEEEE about Clay, but in a very respectful way. Feel free to join in on the conversation at hand. playbiller, thanks for the information on Jenna. I had looked her up this morning, knowing about her book, but didn't read the small print about where she was now. I think one of the things that really got me upon 167th reading of the blog was him talking about him being proud of himself for surviving the UNICEF party. Way to go Clay! His blogs make me happy -- they invariably put a smile on my face. Gotta love him.
  17. What fun to wake up to this morning! He's such a little cuss, sometimes. I'm glad he made it to Brazil without the fans knowing (or at least posting about it on the boards). I personally think muski should send Clay a bill for being his travel agent this time. (BTW, she certainly seems to have some scarily correct premonitions about Clay in her fiction sometimes....what's up with that? *g*) I would venture a guess that he met Barbara Bush (the younger) because she was there supporting her sister Jenna, who is also a UNICEF ambassador, and is now writing a book on AIDS in Africa for teenage readers. No matter how I feel about their father....I think it's tres cool that he met her. I'm gonna have to read it a few more times to get the full gist of this blog. But I just gotta say that I LOVE him to very much. I also love that he knows how to use emoticons quite well.
  18. Thanks FCAers for the clarification of Clay's title with the UNICEF organization. I think I've always just thought of him as "UNICEF Ambassador" without knowing exactly which branch per se he's been working. Sometimes I just get confuzzled, y'all. YAY for Texas in July! To me, as with others here, the excitement is in the air, with the anticipation of the tour and the tour dates. I look forward to seeing Clay as much as I reasonably can, bearing in mind work and family obligations, not to mention finances. BUT -- I will get to the decided FCA gathering, come hell or high water!
  19. I kinda think that what's I meant to say earlier. Sure, it may be "cynical jumping on the bandwagon," but if it gets money to those who need it the most -- that's fine with me. I haven't decided if I'll give yet or not, honestly. I understand what you are saying, and yes, that bugs me. But I think what bugs me more is the deep resentment AGAINST the show that more than a few on the Clay boards seem to have -- "you must never watch the show again, they hurt Clay in the process." I don't feel that here, but I've felt it at other boards. In my mind, I'm saying "just let it go, already. Please." BWAH! Hope you feel better soon! Part of the money raised will be for the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, so it's kinda sorta a conflict of interest. But -- he's done work for them too, right? Off to dinner and a movie!
  20. Co-tour? Hmmmm...I think my wildest dream would be what I'd call the SAM tour -- Clay touring with the Dixie Chicks (both managed by SAM). First of all, 'cause I'm vengeful sometimes, it would make some heads explode in the fandom -- and as far as that goes, outside the fandom as well ("how dare he tour with those rebel rousers?!?!?!"). Heh. This tour would unfortunately, though, TOTALLY kill his chances for radio. *g* But he'd still sell a buttload of albums. Seriously, though -- I just want him to keep touring, no matter if he shares the tour, or headlines by himself. As for duet partner...someone suggested Allison Krause. She'd be good. As for a "current hot pop/rock star" -- man, I'd love it he did a duet with Bono. But that's truly a pipe dream, I think. Nope, I'm with you on this one too. At the time, I was not fond of Simon, to say the least, and I'm still not totally crazy about his "persona," even though that seems to be softening a bit this season, to me. But I've never understood the out and out hatred for him. Me? I reserve my hatred for people like...well, let's just say the current political climate makes me a bit crazy at the moment. There's some prime skit material in this paragraph. I mean, I can see Prince and Clay having a prayer circle together before the show; or Clay making Beyonce wear flats, because she'd be taller than him in her 5 inch heels. Jon Stewart and Clay together? *swoon* This totally cracked my s**t up. Has anyone checked the Gerard Butler fan boards to see if there is outrage over how they were portrayed with this article? *g* I had AI on last night in background, while I was on my computer. Honestly -- I rolled my eyes when Ryan was giving that spiel myself, partially because of Simon's image and such. But you know, ITA with muski here -- I'm not about questioning motives in this instance. If it helps people, it helps people. Shoot, I might have to vote that night. Hopefully someone will give me a performance worthy of my vote, as well as a contribution. Again, I'm with muski. We've heard Clay say somewhere that he'll be traveling for UNICEF in April. I can totally see this being a way to promote a cause near and dear to his heart, and also give a little back to the show that made him famous. I think, when I started hearing things like this from Clay, I may have had those thoughts too, but I quickly got rid of them when I learned more about the man. And yet, I've heard very similar grumblings from several in the fandom, who would rather he not do these kinds of things, and instead he should just "shut up and sing." (Hey, there's that Dixie Chicks connection again!) I also think that much of the basis for many of Clay's "hatahs" is that he seems too good to be true, that he can't be that sincere, yadda, yadda, yadda. But to me -- and I think to those who actually take the time to find out more about Clay -- they can see what a caring and thoughtful young man he is, someone who tries to do his best. The key word there is "tries." He's not perfect, and he knows that (as do I) -- but it doesn't keep him from trying.
  21. play, I can see the clip but there's no sound. Clay content -- hubba hubba he's cute.
  22. Quick answer to CG's question (I want to talk more later about the other stuff she's written): my husband recently had a fairly new Western Digital 350 gig external hard drive simply die on him. After doing some research, in his opinion -- the bigger the hard drive, the more likely it is to fail. We then ended up buying a couple of 160 gig drives. I think I'd stay with no more than 200 gigs for now, and buy another one later.
  23. Heh. I first read your question, and then went to see how big the Nokia is -- 6500. Now, in Texas, isn't that considered a SMALL venue? Heh. But yeah -- while I do think that Clay can sell many tickets just by being Clay Aiken (both to his devoted fans and those who still just remember him from AI2), it sure seems as if something else may come through shortly. Don't know what it is, and honestly....don't care to know right now. I'd rather have those full tour dates instead. *g* Ooops, I see luckiest1 has posted about the different configurations for the Nokia. At this point, who knows. I watched this interview last night via the CBC website. (Have no idea how long this link will last...) I almost choked with laughter when he mentioned the lunch thing with Clive Davis. All I could think about was a few poddie heads exploding. But there was some other good stuff in this interview too. One of the things he said is that he used to take on any and all projects offered to him -- now he doesn't. He only does projects where he thinks he can "do good." I took that pretty well. The other thing was that he mentioned his two "talents." I can't remember the second, but the first was "I can recognize someone who can sing." Again, I think that's a pretty good sign, in that he knows what Clay can do. Oh, I know. I may have to watch that again myself. The show seemed so innocent back then, and IMO it was very heartwarming. I think a lot of true friendships were born that season, and it showed onscreen. Yes, I have the episodes on my computer, but I'm seriously hoping American Idol Rewind does season two next year. While the revisionist history might be in full throttle, it will be cool to see that magic again.
  24. And, conversely, if Jacob said "Clay sucked as a boss, he fired me," there would be effigies created and burned, and "Jacob is the anti-christ" would become a new mantra. And that's just for starters. I love Clay -- I love following his work, his tours, and just have a blast doing so. (I also love the friends I've made through this fandom.) But I know that not everyone in the world is going to love (or hate) the man. If that's true, the world would be a boring, boring place.
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