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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I agree...and then adding John C. Reilly made it even better. Awww, these two kids are both adorable. And I loved Abigail in Little Miss Sunshine.
  2. My opinion: Ryan probably studied under the original first class jerk on the Red Carpet, Joan Rivers. It sounds like he's taking after her. Glad I missed his comments to Jennifer.
  3. Nicole -- great color for the dress, but it sure didn't need that extra thing on the shoulder. The hair worked with the outfit, though.
  4. I love Ellen DeGeneres. That is all.
  5. Well, shoot...I liked Helen Mirren's dress. Thought it seems like a good dress for someone of her age and body type. What's this about Jennifer Hudson's dress being bad? I'll have to look for a picture of that. This is a cool little montage...Eddie Murphy cracked me up!
  6. Well, you know how I feel about the Romber....so if they go, I'll be OK. But NOT Team Cha Cha!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAGH! And the race is on again! I'm gonna leave this halfway through though to watch the Oscars.
  7. cindilu2, I have two things: 1) BWAH!!! and 2) OMG, he's so beautiful. Thank you for both. It makes me feel better after Ansa totally ignoring my post about there already being a thread about the Oscars (otherwise known as the Academy Awards). *g* *sob* Ansa doesn't love me. *g*
  8. Well gee...I thought we already HAD an Oscar thread. One started by me, thank you very much. *sigh* Signed, the neglected admin... The thread is here.... I'll be watching, although I think I will also try to watch TAR at the same time. Should be interesting.... Yes diva, I'm in the midwest, but we're at the south end of the storm that rolled through, and it was warm enough that all we got was mostly rain. It might snow on us again tonight though.
  9. Wow, I come back from a day at Mom's (actually cut short because of the weather), and then church this morning, and y'all have written some really fantastic posts..... KAndre, I know I'm a minion, but I'll also be one of these too.... Fantastic post. I guess that's just too easy..... I used to be a HUGE Star Trek fan, and in particular, Brent Spiner, who played Data. He appeared at a convention in Indianapolis, driving distance from me, in 1994. I met up with two women from England who pretty much followed the man wherever he went. They had all kinds of plots and schemes in their minds. Actually, their intensity turned me off the fandom a bit. But I guess my point is that no, Clay fans are not alone in this regard. That is something that has been bugging me for a long time now within the fandom. All this talk I've been reading to "having the PYT's in the front" and such bugs me greatly, because it's conforming to society's standards of being desirable for their money just because they are young and cute. BS. As far as I know, my money's still good. In a way, having the focus on Clay's fans, and their ages, simply points out to me that yes, older women still spend money, and have a good time. I don't see why "we" can't be proud of that fact. Happy belated birthday dreamlarge, and thank you, thank you, thank you for posting. Also, the montage was wonderful. I didn't recognize that Alison Krause song, it's great -- and paired with the gorgeous pictures....Swoon. If we as fans just learn to accept that Clay can manage his own career and like it or not and for better or worse the "Claymates" will always be part of the narrative, I think we'll all have more fun and less angst. I think I was hoping that by now, almost 4 years into this fandom, that this lesson would be learned. Guess not....makes me sad, actually..... Listen, I think CLAY himself likes the focus to be on the fans. I mean really -- he picks on fans during practically every tour he's done. He talks to them, he asks questions, he reads their signs -- he's focusing on the fans. I think he gets a kick out of ALL of his fans, no matter their shape, age, race, or creed. If he enjoys it so much, I can deal with it too. And fan-freakin'-WORD to jmh. My job as a fan of Clay Aiken is to enjoy him, not to micromanage his career. for muski..... to diva!!! And let us know when you get a new kitty or two! Have a great time couchie! Aha! So that's how the Aiken Lyric Random Generator works! It's because of his mis-matched socks, which have a little sensor in them. When he sings the lyrics RIGHT, he gets a shock! And there's Roger, backstage, with the button, pushing it and getting glee from shocking Clay! As for what socks Clay should wear....I think either none at all, or else toe socks. All the better for him to wear his flip-flops!
  10. I don't have time to write much here, but I'd again like to :F_05BL17blowkiss: to all of you here..... ....and then post a link on CV to more pretties from the M&J show.... Again, you'll need sunglasses for a few of them.... And there's now a fan photo out from backstage at the SCC concert, via the CH.... Off to see Mom today....if we make it through the freezing rain and sleet. This message was brought to you today by elipses....
  11. Hey gang -- just got back from a local college production of "Our American Cousin." Yes, the play that was produced at Ford's Theater in Washington, DC in the mid 1860's. Very interesting play -- very quaint in the humor. At the same time, kinda creepy....I mean, knowing what eventually happened that fateful night..... YAY!!!!! djs got the pictures in! I'm not sure which cat I'd be....but at least I'd know I was with friends here at FCA. A good drunk bender here would be hella fun. *g* georgia....take care sweetie! :F_05BL17blowkiss: merieeee, always bring binoculars to a Clay show, no MATTER where you sit! I have no problem with it, and I would venture there are others who feel the same way. CG, loved your photomontage. And the ending....simply brilliant. (But then, I've always imagined Clay giving me that kind of a kiss on the cheek...*sigh*) As for muski....well, I'll just WORD you here. Does that count? Have a great weekend, even without the jacuzzi. (BTW, nice use of mirrors this afternoon.....WHEW! )
  12. A bit of a soap box again from me...scroll if you want.... I think what makes me the most sad about the past 18 hours or so in the fandom is this: where's the squeeing and eeeing over the fact that boyfriend was cute, handsome, smart, funny, self-depricating, and just plain pretty cool?!?!?! Instead, it's been talk about one of Clay's fans, and nothing but talk (some of it not particularly nice). OK....so maybe Cookie did use the Claymobile to have an "in" with Clay at some point. And whether you like that or not, it's not really my point. I joined this fandom with the idea that many of us were being 12 again. Saying to ourselves "what a cute guy." Saying "what a fantastic voice." Saying "isn't he just the bestest boyfriend ever?" These were the kinds of things that real star-struck 12-year-olds would say, and it was a lot of FUN. Now, however, it sure seems as if the inner fangirl on more than a few people has simply up and died. For what reason? I do not know. And what's sad to me is that these few, vocal, missing-the-fangirl-gene, have affected so much of the rest of the fandom. I mean, even here -- there was less squeeing and eeeing and more "grumble grumble grumble" over what was said by others in the fandom. I say that as someone who was not immune to this either, I did my share of grumbling. I guess my point is that it just simply seems that there is no joy in Clayville anymore. And that makes me sad. OTOH, I will try my darndest to keep MY joy up and running, through this place. Oh, and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Wasn't Clay cute yesterday? I love him.
  13. djs, I'm not even getting the red X's, I'm just getting the description of your pictures. I'd try saving each picture to your hard drive, and then uploading them to something like photobucket (make sure the uploading option is for "message board"). Once they in photobucket, you can post the pictures to the board using the IMG feature. If you need help, PM or email me. Speaking of images.... I'm uploading more to the my photobucket....hold on.... Three more...
  14. to the ladies of the FCA. I honestly gave up trying to post at most of the other boards because I found myself doing this more often than not. And then I'd want to do this but I didn't want to hurt my poor innocent computer, which really was doing nothing wrong. In the meantime, I think I'm going to buy a bunch of mirrors, and ask fans to take a look at themselves very, very hard in them.
  15. bottle, this is in the very last segment of the show. Clay, Mike and Juliet come out to the VIP area (heh) and Clay momentarily forgets that there's a camera following him. He quickly realizes that the camera is on his back, so he's crouching down a bit and then twirls around very quickly to face the camera. I really like that gif, but it makes me seasick. I'm still inordinately in love with the appearance yesterday. I think the karaoke thing was priceless, and him after the clip, with him singing that song he couldn't get out of his head (what was that song anyway? I could only sorta place it) really cracked me up. I luv him. From mee2u2 at CV. PLEASE DO NOT POST AT THE OFC!!!! You'll need sunglasses for the last two....just a warning.... BTW...I still love him.
  16. Claygasm, is there any way to slow down those gifs? I love them, but they make my head hurt.... From butterflyshine at the CH: Lucky beyotch. There's also video of Clay from the closing segment outside via BigAppleforClay available at Clack Unlimited.
  17. I've just finished watching the clack from today. To Cookie: I thought the entire show was so much fun. I couldn't stop grinning the entire time. He's smart, he's funny, he's friendly, he's adorable. I really, really enjoyed his interactions with Cookie, and I think diva may be right, as he got to know her more, he seemed to warm up to her that much more. Perfectly understandable to me, because she really was a sweet woman. Sure, she dressed her car up -- but why not? It's her money, her car. The trivia game was cute too. I just loved everything about this. I hope Cookie is lurking here. :F_05BL17blowkiss: couchie, are you going to miss ER this evening too? *g*
  18. Thanks for the streaming links, Claygasm. I too love just watching him interact with those around him. The clip about the USO care packages was funny, especially when they decided that it would be a good idea to give Clay a glue stick. *g* As far as the trivia goes -- I would have done just a'right. Didn't know his principal's name, though. play, I tried to learn to drive a stick once, and then managed to stall the car out in the middle of a busy intersection and couldn't get it going again. That was enough for me. Maybe that will be one of those things I'll get around to learning when I'm 60. BTW, I thought Cookie was adorable at the end of the quiz clip. 40 years of marriage, her husband is cool with her loving Clay (and seems to be a fan himself)....what sweetness. Love her.
  19. I've snuck a look at the first of the 6 segments (otherwise known as "working" *g*). He's simply adorable, and there are no words to describe how much I loved the karaoke segment. I think the rocker dude, and Clay and Mike with the lighters, was my most favorite part. Cookie looks to be a real sweetheart, a very nice woman who simply loves Clay Aiken and isn't afraid to show it. More power to her. Clay and I have a connection -- I can't drive a stick shift either! Hopefully I'll get to see this entire thing tonight..... It makes my blood boil as well...and it makes me shake my head in frustration. Claygasm, another great rant. :F_05BL17blowkiss: muski -- BWAH!!!!
  20. Maybe a private concert for all FCA people? :F_05BL17blowkiss: I am, of course, adding salt to this report, but since it fits in with MY theories *g*, I'll take it!
  21. Are people really saying that? If so...I'm just not gonna say anything, because that attitude pisses me the hell off. Can't wait to hear this...New Yawker Clay. I think too, because he's so skinny, and because he was pictured so often with Ruben, that he does get that "you're taller" thing a lot.
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