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Everything posted by liney23

  1. Shine on, Clay Aiken. G'night, y'all. (((HUGS))) to those who could use one. And yeah, I think he resorts to the defense mechanisms when he's uncomfortable. Perhaps her having fangs threw him off a little. 00lsee... that poem is wonderful! Thank you, I needed that! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  2. Oh good god. ETA: Considering that elsewhere in the article the writer describes how Clay arches his eyebrow in that "queenly way of his"....the above excerpt does Clay NO favors whatsoever, IMO. I don't need to know who Clay is with or what he does, but I really don't think this kind of answer just creates opportunities for misquotes and extrapolation and rumor building. Oh well. He's the one who has to live with his words, so I'll let him decide. muski... I will wait impatiently for your take on this article when you have had more time to think about it and maybe a second read. I hated it. The picture had to have been chosen deliberatively and it is awful. The part you quoted above, about shutting off his urges... I just can't see Clay even discussing that with a journalist he has never met before. And, when in hell did arching your eyebrows become queenly. There was just enough good stuff (how smart he is) to mask what was a very sophisticated hatchet job to me... course I'm just a hick from mid-Illinois so what do I know! Grrrr!
  3. What? REALLY? In this fandom? No way! hee well I can honestly say I have no idea what to expect and it gives me a rush. I hope he keeps on surprising me forever. Well... I betcha it ain't gonna be all ballads! I'd love it if there were a humorous song on the cd. I think we'd all enjoy that.
  4. hee that sounds like a good idea...oops unless we are still planning to send him a gift or something. But I think a copy of FCA pin would be great. Oh but maybe Jerome won't let him take things from the fans...y'know security risks? Did anyone try to give him something before? Ansa.... Play... I would give Jerome the Finding Clay on Broadway pin, but his name is copywrited and giving him the Finding Clay Aiken/Sir Robin one might get us in trouble if he's in the mood or someone on his staff is. I'd definitely give him the Broadway one, tho, cause it's so cute and apropo to Spamalot.
  5. cindilu... I agree with the above. This play/parts was/were tailor-made for Clay... fits him to a tee. I think he is a great comedic actor. I think he could do meaty roles, too, cause I LOVED his ending stalk-out in Scrubs. He protrayed angry/hurt at the same time very well and I watched that part over and over again. I think he is so empathic that he can put himself in the place of someone who has experienced that same thing very easily. It is going to be sooo much fun to see where this man goes in his career. I just know that whatever direction it takes it will be interesting and fun and I'll be there to watch and enjoy! Love that man!!! KAndre... I laughed till my stomach hurt at your adventure just to arrive in NYC... CMSU!!! THANKS!!! Please feel free to do more!
  6. ducky... bolded part (mine) CMSU Alsolutely true! It's part and parcel of watching Clay do anything at any time. In person or at home (well, at home I usually just get a silly grin on my face). Play...
  7. I love being blissfully ignorant when it comes to gossip and attention-seekers. I was once at their mercy before I got too busy in RL to check other boards and that happy situation led me to my latest mantra: Do Not Stray From FCA. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think there's nothing I need to know that I don't find out being here ... the company is fabulous, and apparently I'm missing a lot of crappola! YAY!!! keepingfaith... you have the perfect solution, plus you rhyme... Yes, that question was asked at the stagedoor. Bookwhore... WORD every word! You are totally right! I do hope we have video of the HB singing. That would be cool... and thru his myspace, we could share it with Herbert (Tom something, isn't it) and impress him even more with how wonderful Clayfans are.
  8. *sniff* God, this just KILLS me! It's sooooooo Clay AND soooooooo us! I mean, really. Maybe this synergy we have between us---between Clay and his fans---is replicated with other celebrities, but I'm just completely new to this whole thing. He can ask us things...can direct us and we're there. And he KNOWS we will be. There's never doubt on either side, is there? He KNOWS who we are. The bad with the good, but he depends on the good. muski... now you made me schmoopie... sniff. He's such a sweetheart and a major Broadway show cast is finding that out and will spread the word. You can't get much better than that. Hope the reviews are great... I'm getting nervous. Wonder when they will come?
  9. I can't imagine Sean not letting them know about this if he read it on his myspace. They probably, if they know, think it's a Clay stalker. Whatever... I hope she doesn't get up there more than once, however she got the seats. I wonder if the reviewers will attend this weekend. Sounds like he is getting comfortable with the role and starting to improvise... something he is VERY good at! Hmmmm... no comment on a summer tour. Quite frankly I wouldn't expect one until late summer, if at all. I'm thinking he wants more NJU at his concerts and it may take awhile for this cd to get big enough for more to want to attend his concerts... besides, he'll be exhausted by then and may just need a break. We'll get a Christmas tour, I'm sure... hope a banter one again. Couchie... my pins came, too... no postage due. THANKS!!!!!
  10. Bookwhore... I read somewhere that during the interview part with Ringo the subject got onto the size of Ripacrit's butt. I'm figuring Ringo didn't care for her hogging his time, especially when they insisted he cut his song time. So, my read is that her need to be the center of attention during his time pissed him off just a little.
  11. Wanda.... I woke up this morning singing "Not Dead Yet." That's a catchy tune, dang it! skybar... skybar... Clay made a place for himself in my heart because of who he is... loving, caring, sharing, courageous, intelligent, respectful, and more. He looks at people's heart, not their exterior. He is always open to learning new things. He is always trying to be more. He is accepting of himself and others. He takes the high road more often than not. And, then, there is the sex appeal... I have said it often... he is not perfect, he is just right! I'm sure my list is too short, but that's what came to mind right off the bat. Biggest reason of all! He makes me try to be a better person and he's FUN and brings me JOY and, this fandom is FUN more than not.
  12. {{{{{{{{Claygasm}}}}}}}}} I am very sorry for the loss of your father. What a lot of great things happening lately! Wanda... BWAH! I've done that! I really am taller than the 2 inches I felt afterward! muski... I like your definition of the acronym better than Bookwhore's, tho her's is very fitting! I LOVE that recap that says how much he has improved already. Expected that to happen, but it feels good to hear it. That's why they call in the reviewers after a couple of weeks. Mike/Eric/whoever won't invite them until they are sure Clay is doing his best. I wonder if they tell them when the reviewers are going to be there. Not sure I'd want to know. ausdon... KEWL for you!
  13. I have enjoyed today/tonite's lovelies to the depth of my being... the pix (meesa... thanks), the AP article... all the higher beings there are... thanks! What a day. And, Scarlett... those caps from the View were NICE! Tomorrow we get more, so I'm going to bed with visions in my head! GAH!!! HE'S FREAKIN' GORGEOUS!!! Just in case no one noticed! Hehe
  14. Skybar said... I have never understood the dissing either. He is one of the most successful of the alumni and yet they never miss a chance to diss him in some small way and I firmly believe AI5 was meant to be a diss and Clay turned it around on them completely. They should be bragging about him up one side and down the other. Oh, well... their loss! ETA: Please send purdy flowers to my funeral, as those high res's have kilt me dead! GAH!!! That is a photoshoot! They could use almost any of those for an album cover for sure! S.W.O.O.N. (Those tags are criminal, dang it!)
  15. Weeeellll, could it be he is wearing the dance whateveritscalled, but no one showed him how to wear it, so it's just sitting there bunching up while what's supposed to be in it is hiding below all free and happy?????
  16. Play... Fear... Mr.Fear... have a GREAT time! It's sad about Heath. Some people just seem to self-destruct. It's very sad! I thought the View was a little short, but loved it. I wish he would get himself to the point where he has opinions on how he looks and quits letting someone just do what they want to with him... down muski! I thought he looked great today, but his hair at the GFI auction was the ultimate blonde Clay... S.W.O.O.N!
  17. This has been the bestest of times. The cast gave him a party... that makes me schmoopie-faced. I love how well he is doing at this and the good reports we are getting about the cast accepting him. That goes a long way in the theatre community I've heard. I think I'll open a lemonade stand and earn some extra money... then I could hitchhike thru the states that are warm enough... then maybe a train. I could pick up bottles and cans too. Whatchathink??? That could work... right?
  18. I right-clicked and saved this one sooo fast... then tried to make it my desktop. Well it was so big, only his hands were showing, so I had do make it smaller at least 5 times before it fit just right (typical for Clay, wouldn't you say) This weekend was just wonderful... the constant joy, the giggles, the swooning, the clack... who said we couldn't have clack. If we get stage door clack from every weekend, we'll have a lot and will still be able to say what weekend it was from what he is wearing. What more can a fan ask?
  19. Wanda... BAWH!!! I'm with you. Also, thanks for the info that the critics are invited! Didn't know that! CG... I gotta tell you... NOTHING could bring me down at this moment in time! The man is a second lead in a very popular and successful play on Broadway and he is doing a fantastic job of it, by all reports. Don't let anything bring you down either... it is just her opinion! I just finally watched the whole of Spamalot, courtesy of 0lsee (THANKS) and man that is the stupidest thing I've ever seen and I roared thru most of it and can just imagine the fun Clay is having doing this. This part seems tailor made for him! Off to help Brett beat Eli (sorry bout that, Eli... I like you, but love Brett). I tried to fix my computer on my own and it ain't happening, so... off it goes to the pc doctor. I'd really like to be able to see the pictures being posted and to reply to pm's.
  20. What an amazing weekend... and there's two more shows. Couchie... you are the best! I'm going to try to get more memory in my computer tomorrow so I can reply to pm's and see pictures and fun stuff like that there. I have a permanent grin on my face from all this joy! Playbiller... I know what you're saying. I don't expect this to make him an instant worldwide phenom. But, I can't help feeling this is the first step in a full-bodied career in entertainment for Clay. I think his talent is sooo broad that he will be a singer/actor on tv, film and stage/this, that, and everything.
  21. Got this from a friend who was there last night... [quote}He chases the bar girls in the Excalibur scene...all the knights are getting a drink...marguarita's and beers and he gets a coke...... I wonder if someone convinced him that in order to dance well he needs to wear shoes that fit better, so he did... no extra 2 inches to trip over. Makes sense to me and maybe he will get used to it and start wearing shoes that fit him better. Could happen! This excitement is just sooo much fun! Wheee!!!
  22. Play just called again... - He did great on the dancing, especially on his big number... it was perfect! - Everyone got great applause at the curtain call, but Clay got thunderous applause. - Very funny as the monk and he wore his glasses for that part. - Did some very fance dancing in the finale in the tux. - She thought he did some extra singing in the Chorus Line - glory notes. - Lots of people in the alley... Jerome kept poking his head out until Faye and Brett came back and he escorted them in. She thought he done good!!! SOOOOO!!! KEWL!!!!!!
  23. Absolutely velcro! I watched this number just this morning and now know why his legs were so sore... wow! I'm so excited tonight that I'm almost out of my skin!!!
  24. Just talked to Play. She said... - She thinks they added a bit of the Spam song for him... he sang and sang till someone made him stop. - His timing was just a bit off here and there, but one of the cast would nudge him so it wasn't terribly noticeable and he kept up. - He helped a lady off of something that Play didn't think he should have... gentleman Clay, cause no one helped the other two ladies down. - His accents (cockney for the guard and understated brit for Sir Robin) are very good. - His dancing is a bit uncoordinated compared to the professionals, but he will get better and good enough for opening night - the place is PACKED!!! She'll call me back after she climbs down 10 flights of stairs after the show is over (in the highest high seats, she is) Whooo hooo!!!
  25. This is soooo exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. I can't wait for intermission reports! I wanna hear his brit accent... I wanna!!!
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