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Everything posted by liney23

  1. Told you I'd be right back!!! clayzorback... thanks again! YUM!!! SWOON!!!
  2. muski... I agree with every single WORD of the above! I actually wondered, as the CITH tour went on and his hair got lighter and the glasses didn't go away and the sidburns came back if he wasn't seeing if we would still see him as sexy and appealing as Clayton as we do Clay. I wondered if he wants to be more himself/Clayton all the time, not just when he is UNICEFing or BAFing or lecturing. I mean, who knows what is in the man's head at any given moment, but he has kept the two separated pretty much by appearance these years. Wonder if he's just tired of needing to. Or, Clay may come back with a vengence when he does promo for Spamalot! Enough of my musings for the day! WELCOME to the newbies/delurkers!!! This is the bestest board eveh!!! clayzorback... Those pics/gifs you posted a couple pages back were the coolest!!! I loved them! I should have QUOTED them and brought them forward to see again, but I didn't know it would take me so long to get here, dang it! In fact, I think I'll just go get them now! Be right back!
  3. Muski... :F_05BL17blowkiss: WORD!!! Claygasm... I LOVED this post! Wanda... Love this (bolding mine) I hope it makes the thread title for sure! 1. What is your favorite Clay recorded song? One... one... AIW... I don't care what time of year it is, when I need a lift, I play this over and over and over. Something about it lifts my spirit and feeds my soul. 2. What is your favorite Clay live performance? Anything from Long Island. He was the personification of triumph and courage that night! 3. What is your favorite Clay tour? JBT hands down!!! tho I LOVE the banter from JNT06 and SST. I stayed at work an extra half an hour just to post, since I cannot from home, so don't expect anything else until I get back to work tomorrow. I peeked around a bit today and I must say... I LOVE FCA!!! Thank you all for being you!
  4. muski... I enjoyed!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I left my comments in that thread. I read it twice as a matter of fact and loved it twicely! HAWT!!! couchie... I have read that exact same thing and wondered WTH???? It went Gold, people. Sure, if you compare almost triple platinum to gold, that is a downswing, but many artists would love gold. About the fan criticism... I have a theory. I think the mindset of AI zonked many people. They got used to Slimon picking apart almost every performance and just figured Clay would feel more at home in his career if they continued that pattern for him. Think how loving they are being by constantly finding fault with everything he does. And, by copying that critical style, they are being just as cool as Slimon! Isn't that thrilling for them? By the way, my home computer is getting worse. I could not post this weekend, so I'm going to have to take it to the pc hospital and see what is wrong. I downloaded a new virus software and that didn't fix it. I have 3.5 GB of free space, so I don't think that's it either. So, I may only be around during working hours, dang it! I can read and keep up, just not post/reply. ETA: Perma... WORD to your whole post! And that picture just joined the cast for my 2008 calendar I am putting together... gorgeous! jj... I think just going to see Clay once in everything still makes you a fan... I think! LOL Now, I am an craz...enthusiastic fan and go to multiples every chance I get. I just get SUCH a rush being in his presence, plain and simple!
  5. CG... thank you for that lovely gift! The post and the montage! couchie... glad your mom is doing well! Have a blessed time tomorrow! muski... you gonna give us a present? Urya? Huh? Pretty please! Play, Gibby, Wanda, Couchie, luckiest and the rest of the Vegas crowd... I'll be watching for you tomorrow! TGIFs was so much fun! So worth the 10 hours of driving! This is the bestest board with the bestest people and am sending you all love and light and a wish for health, happiness, and Hope (tm CHA)!!!
  6. Play... thanks for the duo/trio walk down memory lane. I got your sent item (didn't want to use the word package). THANKS!!! I love the scarf! He loves me! Sigh! muski.... Whew! Is it hot in here or is it just me? That image is going to keep me warm tonight! What you can do with just a few sentences is miraculous! I'll be here in the a.m., but want to wish all those who won't be a Very Merry Christmas. Claygasm, treat yourself to your favorite movie, your favorite dessert, your favorite clack that makes you laugh and have a Very Good Day instead of Christmas! Call/email itunes and explain and then ask them if you can send that one in and exchange it for one that works. {{{{couchie and couchie's mom}}}} I wonder if those stories at the concerts were prophetic? My ex-BIL died unexpectedly last Friday. No one knew he had cancer, he didn't want anyone to know. Quite a shock. He was my favorite ex and I'm sad, even tho I hadn't seen him for 15 years.
  7. I think we have found something I think Clay would rather not see on YouTube! BWAH!!! Great tour/great last show/great finale!!!
  8. Ah, couchie....so true. Our destination is this ---a network of 'unlikely' friends built with blinders on against outwardly filters of 'real life', a renewed sense that the nice guy can finish first (even if he came in second!), fun and a rebirth of naughtiness and the freedom to express it, lots of laughter and silliness that transcends age groups, real soul-searing joy from a voice unparalleled, self revelations that have led many to self improvement, and a tingling excitement--for some the first they've felt in years---over what's next. For me, these things all came about because of a nice young man named Clayton who has guided me to them. muski... Beautiful post! I'm all schmoopie now! claygasm... that explains a whole lot! Hard to believe the tour is over. They are off to Mexico tomorrow, then back for Spamalot. Busy next few months! Where did this year go???
  9. Bottlecap... LOVED your tongue picture essay. I think you are absolutely right... he was speaking to you in tongues/code!!! BWAH! I'll support your delusions on that entirely! Merryclay... I hope they come to their senses, too. Not sure they will be any more exposed than they already are. My bet is that what with Spamalot coming up, Clay would not want any of this crap out in the media at this time. I guess we'll see. Whatever is in Clay's best interest is what I want to have happen. I don't want him to have to make any more lemonade, dang it! We've had enough to fill Lake Erie! Spikesmom... HAPPY BIRTHDAY and enjoy your date with Clay!
  10. cindilu... THANK YOU!!! I love that montage! It was a great job of putting the best parts of all the videos from that night. His love for his Poppa was so apparent! couchie... sorry you had to put up with their presence. Someone somewhere that was sitting right behind them said one of them was texting FC at the end to find out why no AIW. Unfreakinbelievable and sad!
  11. Do you have access to the Clayversity vault? If so, it's there under "Montages_tributes/General_Montages/hosaa". It's called "Papa's Beautiful Star". I don't see it under hosaa's folder at CU. Bottle... I am a member, but don't have access to the vault. I know I have it saved somewhere, so I'll just have to dig out my cds and start looking. Thanks!
  12. Play... as far as I know, you just save the desired photo to your photobucket account, then post it with credit to who took it if it is not already tagged. Question: JNT05.... there was a montage made of Clay singing Star of Bethlehem to his Poppa. It started with him reading out of LTS. It was excellent, but I cannot find it on CU. Obviously, I'm not looking in the right place. Anyone know where it is hidden or can post a link? Thanks!!! I want it! LOL
  13. muski... I agree that this hairstyle is PERFECT for him and he looks sooo handsome. Crossing my fingers that it lasts more than 5 minutes or 5 days for evern 5 weeks. Did ya'll read about the M&G recap (it's good, so don't grimace). At the end, Clay said, "That's all and you all smelled so nice." The man is sooo quick and funny and he so knows all about us.
  14. Hey, I wanna sway and wave a glow stick and sing/hum kumbya.... wait for me!
  15. zena... that is beautiful! I'm all schmoopie now. That says it for me, too! He brings me joy! cha cha... WOW... my eyes went straight to heaven on that one and hasn't left yet. And, it appears muski missed that gem. She must be overtired or lightening struck her or sompin' It's all in the way he moves...me! BWAH!
  16. Claygasm... WORD, especially to my bolded parts (no, not my bold parts, geesh!) Also, not just for Clay to be cool, but for them to be vindicated for being his fan. Jenna.... WORD to your post, too. My thoughts about RCA... since he is not like their overall stable of artists, I do not think they knew what to do with him besides try to market him and make him into being like the rest of their artists. He wouldn't cooperate and that made friction, I'm sure. They won't drop him. He hasn't had one album go less than Gold (EPs not counting as an album in my book). These days, even Gold is good. I'm hoping, and I'm sure Clay is too, that they have a better handle on him next CD. Clay let it be known that he thought a covers album at that time was a mistake, but he made a beautiful album. I agree that so many of his fans bad mouthing the cd on his own fansite was a BAD idea... now we know just how bad. He has also said that he liked who he worked with at RCA and that all the labels are pretty much alike, so unless something changes, Clay is going to stay at RCA... until he leaves. They are not going to kick him out as long as he keeps going at least Gold. Muski.... ah... memories of the Black Leather Pants Thread still make me giggle at times. I roared at so many of your posts. I used to have your "shopping for black silk basketball shorts" posts to read whenever I needed to laugh. Don't know if I still have them. I added my donation to UNICEF. I think, with the timing between tour/Holidays/Spamalot, that it might be a harder sell to get the $100,000 by Jan. 1 than the last time they had a drive. To start this before he has even been there or done any publicity for it also seems to me to be a hindrance. I hope I'm wrong. Crossing my fingers!!!
  17. YUMMMMMMY!!! I will have to get used to the blonde, but who knows how long this will last, so the point may be moot. The hair cut and style slay me, tho, so I hope this continues for awhile irregardless of color! The UNICEF field notes said "family". I hope that means Brett is going, too. If it was just his mother, wouldn't it have said that? I so want the 3 of them to be together. I wanna hear KAndre's recap and description of Couchie's position in the eHP... bet it has something to do with bringing up the rear... LOL
  18. muski.... BWAH!!! All I want to know is if it is kinky??? If so, I hope you had fun! BWAH!!! Wanda.... falling down laughing here... does blond-headed Clay rev your engine??? Sorry, but I got that impression for some reason. As the hair kept getting lighter, I began thinking that he was going back to his natural color so he wouldn't have to dye it all the time for his run in Spamalot, plus he always goes pretty natural for UNICEF, too. Man looks HAWT!!! Wonder if Faye will be on the tour bus with Clay for the final dates of the tour? That might be very interesting for her. Hope Bret can go too!
  19. bottlecap... I love your picture captions and how you make them fit the pictures to tell a bit of a story! KEWL!!!
  20. keepingfaith... WORD to your post about the desperation you felt. Now we know why. I have NEVER understood why Clay bashing is allowed on the OFC. I know Clay is all for free discusson on his board, but you would think common courtesy and good sense would say that free discussion does not mean certain people stating over and over again all the things they don't like about Clay/his doings and lombasting anyone who disagrees. I don't want Stepford Clayfans, not ever allowed to say they don't like something, but there has to be a medium place on the spectrum. I love this board for exactly that reason. The mindset of "If I know someone important, then I'm important" is behind a lot of this mess. I wish people would realize that's not true, that they need to be important to themselves first in order to feel important in the healthiest way. Crossing my fingers on that one! muski... you can never post that picture too often! Sompin' about that picture. Wish I could put my finger on it... just sompin' about that picture!
  21. Claygasm... in reference to pictures of Clay with glasses on... you're giving in... I know you asked for them to be shopped out, but... even with the glasses you said I'm flabbergasted! And, almost speechless! The hair was cute... but the concert with the psychodelic lighting.... not so much! Lighting guy.... step away from the balls on the walls and you won't get hurt!
  22. muski... BWAH!!! If the writers weren't stricking, you could write your own sitcom from your mama's situation for sure!
  23. ldyj... thanks. This is my favorite of the bunch... I wonder if Mr. Aiken will make a funny story about his hair sticking out in the future. I can hear him now! laughn... loved your recap! I felt I was there with you! cindilu... great minds run in the same circles... LOL I bet that one is a lot of people's favorite... it is seriously sexy!
  24. muski... BWAH!!! absolutely... but, but, those are Christmas balls.... I'm really surprised you didn't recognize them, being you are so tuned into balls! rohdy... I LOVED that youtube. I, too, am sending it to a lot of people! Thanks! Couchie... great landing, lady! May the rest of your trip go as funly (is too a word, cause I just made it up)! clayzorback.... well said! I remember that album thread. I could not believe how negative it was. There was one poster that, no matter what anyone said, she would post this long-ass post refuting every point by point by point. I learned how to scroll really well in that thread. I was VERY happy when they pulled it! I have NEVER understood the policy over there that you cannot criticize any poster for any reason, but you can criticize Clay to your heart's content! Geesh! I stay a member for the blogs and that's it!!!! Idjits!!!
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