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Everything posted by liney23

  1. I join those who are at work, not working, just waiting for the time to pass. I did pull up 0lsee's DL and watched a bit. Man, Clay has a LOT to do in this play. No wonder he's nervous! He'll do fine. Once he hits that stage, he'll transform into Entertainer Clay and wow everyone. I, too, hope somehow we get to hear his British accent.
  2. Someone at CH remembered that Jan 17th, 2006 at 4am Clay posted the bible verse and our world flipped upside down. That blew my mind. The last two years have been filled with ups and downs. The fandom circled the wagons for him, but also suffered and became hypervigilant and afraid. These last two weeks have been so filled with joy and anticipation and, I think, healing. He and we, IMO, are ready to go forward, stronger for the last two years, into the stratosphere he was headed for before the mess. And, will appreciate it and treasure it all the more. Break a leg, Clay/Sir Robin!!! Everyone have FUN tonight!!! {{{{{ldyj}}}}}
  3. I'll be home from work 5ish, just as the play starts. I will be glued to the computer for the night, by the phone, waiting with bated breath. Have a blast everyone!!! Break a leg, Clay.... blogger extraordinaire!
  4. Play... you tried. I imagine you have to break the rules more than just once to get banned. Clay looks so gorgeous with his hair like that... it is soooo him. I don't care what color it is, but I REALLY like the longer without bangs look. I was never a bangs lover, just a Clay lover... I hope Clay has the biggest blast of his life with this play!!!!
  5. merry.... so true... ldyj... looking forward to the pics... he was soooo gorgeous that day! I have a remedy for a bad headache. My dentist told me about it. Take two aspirin/bufferin type products... two hours later take two Advil/ibuprofin type products... two hours later two more aspirin/bufferin... two hours later, two Advil/ibuprofin. You're not overdosing on anything, but this combo is equal to a pain pill and can be safely used as one for a time. I used this when I sprained an ankle once and it works well. Clay has just been so at ease when he's been seen this last week or so, that either he's the best actor alive or he is doing fine in reheasals and he's gotten good feedback from the theatre folk. I believe he's gonna knock 'em dead. My nerves have to do with the reviews more than anything else. I believe the Broadway critics will be fairly fair cause after how well Fantasia did, they believe an American Idol CAN do well on Broadway. Plus, he's just so dang funny and making people laugh never hurts anything, IMO. The serious critics will wait until he's had a couple of weeks under his belt before their review, I hope. I heard they did that with Fantasia. And, he's used to pressure. AI was a good school for that. EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!!!!
  6. Eyes were too low. wando... And, why would your mind leap to that conclusion??? {{{{{couchie and mama}}}}} Cotton... try Spagetti Squash with the usual spagetti tomato sauce with veggies in it. It's not pasta, but it's an ok substitute. Good luck! muski... this made me schmoopie. Love it and hope it gets into the next thread title vote!!! I was away from the computer last weekend and it has taken me this long to catch up! For a good reason, tho... so many exciting things are happening!!! LOVE the Spamalot pictures! Publicity here we come!!! Yeah, I figure once he gets totally used to the role and the toll it takes on him at first, he will be able to do other things for a couple of hours a day... like any recording/album cover designing-posing/etc. I'd not be surprised to see the CD pushed back a bit, but this year for sure! EEEEEEEEEeeeee!!!! Life is good right now!
  7. skybar... don't worryaboutit!!! We want people to give their opinions... just not 6 times to make us agree with them. So, you're good! Jenna... Great wishes! I agree wholeheartedly! KAndre... WORD! Except I think it's a tie between chestnut long-haired Clay and blond long-haired Clay. Wonder why he thinks he looks ugle with long hair... the man is seriously gorgeous! Love your Graduate scenario... hope it happens for you! Cotton... WORD to you, too! Man, you guys had some good wishes... very articulate and wonderful! May they all come true! Especially the bolded (mine) part! jmh... GREAT post! I tried to quote you, but I got the multiple quotes all messed up, but I liked your whole post. {{{{{{Claygasm and family, especially father}}}}}} I, too, was with both my parents when they died of cancer... not fun and takes a while to get over, but I have always been so thankful that I was able to be there with them, to hold their hands as they let go of the physical. We're thinking of you! ETA: Oh, I see skybar came back... goody!!! We didn't chase her away. Hang around skybar, you'll get used to us.... honest!
  8. YSRN... whew... someone what watching out for you, that's for sure. It always hurts my heart to see a tree go down, but at least you didn't go down with it! LOL The first time I saw Clay was the final 2 night. They showed his make-over and I couldn't believe my eyes. The voice was fantastic, but, man, the difference between the audition and BeeGee night (I think that was the night he wore the black suit/black shirt/blue tie). I couldn't pick my jaw off the ground. I eagerly watched the next night and was sooo mad he lost. I erased that whole show, but kept the final 2 night. A few months later I got laid off. I hadn't discovered the boards yet, so the video was all I had. There was something about him that lifted my spirits and gave me hope. I watched over and over and over until I knew how many I needed to count while fast forwarding to get from one Clay segment to the next... It's a wonder the tape survived. Once I discovered the message boards, I was a goner as I learned more and more about him and it all made me love him more. He brings me joy and why in the world would I want to give that up for housework? I, too, hope he keeps his hair like this for a while... It is gorgeous and makes him thudorgeous!
  9. Wanda.... BWAH!!!! Pecker support.... BWAH!!! I love the vids we got. Yes, they're grainy, but even grainy, he's GAHLY GORGEOUS! A miracle will have to happen for me to get to Spamalot, so I really appreciate the movie, 0lsee... Thanks!
  10. Hey, muski... like your avi!!! I called my grandson, he's good at math, but he was asleep... sorry! Speaking of bed... I need to go there. This 6am wake up call is for the birds! Play... great job on the million and a quarter man list. He's great, but his fans (hey, that's us) are great, too! Good leader, good followers/co-leaders!
  11. I'm caught up... whew! Have loved the discussions. I even bragged on you guys to my friends the other night... about what great discussions we have. My friends are very respectful of my Clay love. They are happy I have found something/someone that makes me so happy. I get teased a bit at work, but not in a nasty way. My problem is my oldest DD and my DIL. They both think they are talking to some naive "older" woman who doesn't have the sense to know when someone is gay. They have to prove that they are smarter than me for some reason. And, it is totally a respect issue. They both have issues and it somehow makes them feel better to try to tear me down. To keep peace, I simply never bring him up when in family situations with either of them. I know it's them who have the problems, not me. And, I heroically refrain from dissing Ememem to them... ain't I wonderful! LOL I'm closing in on getting my calendar ordered. It's not easy chosing 13 pictures out of all the gorgeous one we have. What's funny is that while I don't like him in bangs as much as without, 4 out of the 13 are from the CITH. That man looked gorgeous... THUD!!!
  12. Wanda... I LOVED your skit! I love the discussions we have here. I've mostly been trying to catch up lately, but I've nodded my head many times the last few days. You guys are interesting! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Laughter is very healing. Last night I was reading the funny comments at CH about the bank robber and laughing out loud at some of them, then they brought in a news item from England about someone using their aunt's knickers to put out a grease fire and I laughed louder and harder than I ever have in my life. I woke up this morning feeling better than I have in ages (sinus problems). Laughn... I love your Mornings with Clay skits. They are VERY funny and they brought me here, so I will always have a soft spot for them. Thanks! muski... you know I have loved every word you have written in fiction and in story-telling. I have read a fair amount of fanfic and have enjoyed most of it. The best makes you forget the characters aren't real. I wish I had the ability to write/do art/etc. I have an average amount of creativity but nothing extra. My best creativity seems to be at work, where I can take raw data or a pounded together proposal and make a thing of beauty out of it. LOL Oh, well... those who are very creative need people who appreciate their efforts and that's my job, apparently! cindilu... love both pins and will order both, but I like A the best! Great work! luckiest... what a time you had with your sons... wow! Hope all is well now! Want to add a picture, since we haven't had one in a bit... S.W.O.O.N.!!!
  13. WOW, cindilu... I may never leave your yuku page... BEAUTIFUL stuff on there. I'm sure I'll be right click-saveing as like crazy!! Thank you, January is exactly what I needed. ldyj... love your choices. I may steal a couple of them if you don't mind. I have about 8 out of my 12 pictures I need to order my calendar. Between your and cindilu, I will be ordering pdq. Thanks! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: To both of you!!!!
  14. Is there a place here with 2008 Calendars, or can you send me someplace. The one month at a time kind. I found a couple year all at once ones, but I need the month ones. I intend to order my own, but until it gets here, I need a January! Thanks. rodhy... That book idea was awesome and the way it turned out was even awesome-er. Congrats!!! I hope Clay believes in himself and his ability to do this, cause coming into a wonderful cast like this for his first time could be totally overwhelming. Love him!!!
  15. Man... I'm gone 2 days and it took me 3 hours to catch up! It was a real chore, but I made myself do it! LOL Rcknrlmom... I'm sorry about your mom and all those who have recently lost loved ones... HUGS!!! I was there for the last breath for both my mom and dad 3 years apart, both from cancer, so I've been there, done that. Even with the not so good background with my parents, it was a tough experience. I felt good that I had been there for them, tho! What a wonderful song for the funeral! Bookwhore... I laughed myself silly over your dream of "He Blogged" at the pyramids. BWAH!!! I had a trip bought and paid for for Nov 7, 2001. It was canceled after 9/11 and who knows if I will ever get back. I still sigh over that lost trip! Clazorback... Wow... Josh Turner is a serious hottie and has a great country voice. I enjoyed that vid. Thanks! I imagine Clay is going non-stop! How he's gonna manage to learn a play, do promo for UNICEF and the play, and perform at the golf thingy, plus flying back and forth between NYC and Florida without catching anything is beyond me. Whew... wore me out just typing it! LOL
  16. Jenna... I started reading LOTR and just got bogged down... put it away, tried again, put it away, till finally someone said to start at the end of the hobbit part and skip the first 50 pages or so. I did and couldn't put it down. Actually read The Hobbit after the other books. It wasn't nearly as good but I read it for back fill of the story of Bilbo. Peter Jackson did an AWESOME job of making those movies and deserved 20 Oscars! I LOVE to watch the "making of" and listening to the narration as much as watching the movies themselves. zena... any written word that can get so many to read a whole series of books, some of them very long, is literature in my book. There are better written books, there are better characters, there are more imagative plots, but none of them got millions reading, especially kids. Whether they will ever be a part of any English Lit classes is debatable/arguable *g*, but they have given me HOURS of pleasure! CONGRATS to the ClayNation for exceeding our UNICEF goal... we rock!!! I'm going to a friends house to spend the night and the day tomorrow. Last year we watched the ball drop in NYC in real time (9am our time), did a New Year's meditation and were sawing logs by 10:30pm. Great way to go in my book. Staying up till midnight hurts, since my body does not understand the whole sleeping in thing! BWAH! HAPPY NEW YEAR, FCA!!! Love you one and all!
  17. I love musicals, too! When I was a teenager, I would watch the tv on Saturday nights with the sound so low that I had to sit a foot away to hear it so my mom wouldn't hear me. She didn't care, she just didn't want to be woken up. I love the old forties movies that had the chorus lines and even the swim movies with pool chorus line. Some of those routines were awesome. I am a complete HP and LOTR fan. I have read the books of each multiple times and Legolas was my screensaver before Clay! That was one sexy elf!!! LOL
  18. I'm an Aa and D person myself. Cindilu, you are a GREAT pin designer!!! Thanks! And, thanks to couchie for ordering and dispersing. Make sure you charge enough for shipping when you tell us the cost!!!
  19. skybar... I AM into blaming parents for their actions, but not for how the kids turn out because of those actions. As children we have no control over our lives, but when we become adults, we have choices to make as to how we were treated creates our own actions. If you are talking about normal parenting mistakes, no parent is perfect. But, some actions are undefensible. I experieced that, but made choices to never hurt anyone the way I was hurt, rather than pass it on. I like me, but I am the person I am because of how I reacted to what was done to me, not because of what was done to me.... if you can follow that??? LOL What happened to me made me stronger because I chose that direction instead of becoming what my parents were. It's all about choice!!! Clay chose to be the opposite of his father. He said his mother taught him to always learn from what happens to him and he became the best lemonade maker around! He taught me to accept myself, because of the way he accepts himself. I love that man, plain and simple!
  20. I hate to burst your flapping bubble, but you'll have to do some more research to fully debunk the flap flap. He wore two suits. The first half suit may have been the flap flap suit, cause you're right, the suit with the silver tie was unclipped. Have to go back and check out the suit with the burgandy to see what's up with its flap... LOL BW... I agree with this totally. Clay is a fine man and while most of that was his choice, Faye loved him "good enough" to give him the strength to do that.
  21. bookwhore... JJ... muski... OK... you guys CMSU!!! BWAH!!!
  22. {{{{{merrieee}}}}} I am sorry about your MIL. This has been a very fun, interesting day of discussion on this board. I love this board!!! I grew up on farms near small towns. In third grade I was in a school room with 2 grades, 3 kids in each grade. Didn't have indoor plumbing until we moved to 10,000 person town in fifth grade. My graduating HS class was 80. I know from rural! LOL
  23. Love B Love the crest ©... can the words read FCA on bottom, then Doing instead of Finding and then, maybe, Sir Clobin?
  24. {{{{Merrieeee}}}} Keepingfaith... as usual, I agree with your common sense. I do think, tho, that the whole Clay/Clayton thing is just a way to describe how he is when off the stage. When he does UNICEF/BAF stuff, he doesn't wear makeup, he often wears his glasses, seems like he does his own hair, he's his natural self. When he's "working" his job, as he calls it, he turns it on in some way that is amazing to watch. Makeup goes on, hair done, good or bad, by someone else, etc. Is he the same person... yes, absolutely. It's just an easy way to describe the difference between his two sides... on stage Clay and off stage Clayton. It just seemed like this tour melded the two a bit, appearance wise and I wondered if it was intentional or accidental. Only the future will tell. KAndre... your comentary CMSU big time! I would love to just watch tv with you sometime. FUN!!!
  25. Jenna... (bolding mine). Well, you see, for many the way they show love is to worry about/try to fix the object of their love. For many, if Clay stops struggling/stops seeming like the victim of bullies, then how can they show their love. That's, IMO, is why so many are nit picking the HOI show. It was wonderful exposure for him and he did "good enough" to sell a bunch of cds and all they focus on is the nits... so they can worry about him and predict disaster that they somehow MUST (they sigh!) fix for him, thus showing him how much they love him and how much he needs them. cindilu... As I am slaving away at my desk, that sounds like a lovely afternoon to me... enjoy!!!
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