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Everything posted by liney23

  1. So, when do we start??? My problem is that once I start, I tend to read till I'm done, so I will just have to restrain myself... I kinda, sorta know how it ends... hehehe
  2. jamar, I know some places they do a Chapter by chapter. Or we could do phases of his life, like childhood/middle school/high school/college/AI/After AI. Course some of that stuff is scattered throughout the book. However, we are all reading it for the second/more time, so that might work. Whatever the majority thinks will work the best for the most readers.
  3. I finished Hollywood part 2. Clay was in it a LOT more than in the original. Lots more just glimpses. He sure moves fast when he wants to.... LOL They advertised the best of the worst next week, so won't be watching that one. I saw a list that showed reruns for the rest of the year. Weird! I guess they figure the holidays will keep people from watching. Oh, well... it just means January is going to be a VERY busy month. Watching this, fresh from watching all the clack from this summer and from Sedaka and Vegas have made me realize how much he has changed. He was sooo innocent and young. As I think back over his tours, he stayed fresh-eyed and full of wonder even thru JBT. I'm having a hard time expressing what I mean, but after the mess in and of 2006, he lost a bit of his wonder. He was on such a roller coaster from Hollywood until the end of 2005, he hardly had time to realize all that had happened. Then 2006, not only the mess, but Clive's mandate. In one year, he went thru so much. It changed him and how could it not have. JNT05 brought fan dissatisfaction with his vignettes... oh, not everyone, I loved them, but enough that he felt it. Then when the mess happened I am guessing he really wondered how we would react. His reaction to the Circle the Wagons threads thoughout the fandom was so beautiful. Then AI5 happened and we got a hint that Clay was back large and in charge, but it was a false start. He was back with the CD release and his announcement to Diane Sawyer that he was taking his life back. In those months, the confident, sexy, brilliantly funny, MAN that slayed us in the JNT06 came into being. Now we have a man who really knows the good/bad/ups/downs of the entertainment business and the media and has determined that he's willing to stick with it and endure thru it to get where he wants to go. I'm sure doing the Rewind was even more aware making for him. Seeing who he was knowing where it all led must have been surreal for him. I am so enthralled with his journey and am so looking forward to traveling whatever paths he chooses with him. He is a fascinating man and has made my life so much more interesting and fun. I just look at people differently because of Clay and I'm so glad. Enough philosophy for one night... LOL Love to you all.... {{{{FCAers who need it}}}}
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Karen Eh! What fun to share it with the eHP! We want details! Hollywood, Part 3??? I've only seen one part. I'm recording today and tomorrow, so maybe I'll get them all. I thought there were only 2 parts for some reason. DAH! Books... flat bed... NO! Announcement, Happy Birthday, and thank you at intermission... yes! aikim... I am definitely going to try those cookies.... yum!
  5. jj... well said... hehehe. I just watched AIR, too, and unless all three of them were in love with Corey, I cannot see how he got put thru. His voice was horrible! I will add you to my Reiki list, jj! Hopefully, the Divine understands about screenames... LOL That AIW cover totally RAWKS as my desktop... life size and you can actually tell his eyes are green.... I'm in love!!! S.W.O.O.N!!!
  6. Couchie.... CONGRATS!!! You'll get used to the touchpad... or you'll get a mouse, but either way... AWESOME!!! Muski... have fun being with DH at the bb game. And then continue the fun later.... That's what's the most important, after all. Glad it's Friday (understatement)! What a week, including commiting to a Thanksgiving get together I'd rather not... but it's only one day and I will survive (where have I heard that phrase before LOL) Gee, you'd think you guys didn't like PH very much... LOVE all the very telling emoticons! Way to go!!!
  7. Gibby, I just ordered that Linda Huber pic. I was one who RAVED about it in Vegas... it is unbelievable how it affected me. Thanks for reminding me... my Christmas present to myself. Gibby, listen to JNT05, San Diego Good News. I think it better than anything else. I would recommend KC Emmanuel cause wasn't that Clay's first time singing it? I could be remembering wrong, but which ever it was, it would be very touching to remember that while listening. I used to know which JNT05 DSIAFCD I liked best... I'll have to try to remember or find out. It was one where he really jazzed up the ending... toward the end of the tour I think. I LOVED his Jingle Bells, too. Boy, now you've got me wanting a new live cd, too. Hehe!
  8. I think the problem was that they saw Clay as "not a pop-star" but didn't realize that what they were seeing was a fantastic entertainer, which is so much more than a pop-star and why he will be a legand one day. He did not fit what they were looking for and he has had to make his own unique path, as there are not too many living "entertainers" of his caliber out there for him to model himself after. He's doing great in my book! I read this in a book and wanted to share it cause I wonder if this is how Clay feels... "He'd forgotten the electric intensity of a live performance, the excitement of being fueled by the emotions of the people who watched so raptly. What performers and audience created would never be repeated in quite the same way. This night was unique and intimate, immediate in a way that film/tv could never match." We have all felt (I think I can use we here) that Clay is better live. I do believe he feeds off the energy of the crowd. It is an awesome circle of energy. And, one of the reasons we can never do too many shows. The tour is getting closer and closer and the excitement is rising again. Man, I can't wait to see how he pulls this whole story thing out of his hat and makes magic out of it! {{{Muski}}} You juggle a lot in your life and work LONG-ass hours, so don't be too hard on yourself. Sounds like you have gotten his message and I have no fears that you will do better next time. Forgive yourself and go forth and organize/manage!!! HUG!
  9. He looks like he is about to fall asleep from Simon's lecture, since he knows it doesn't apply to him, so he looks off to the side to keep himself awake... Those lips.... that nose.... those eyelashes.... Welcome, Christel!!! This last season, didn't they bring 2 people into the room and tell them that one of them was going home before critquing them both. I liked the rooms better cause you had company in your rejection. Like Quianna comforting people. That's better, I think.
  10. {{{{{{Wandacleo}}}}}} I'm very sorry about your mom! Sorta related topic... I am in love with Listen from Sterling Hts. After he is finished, he exclaimed, "Jesus" like an exclamation. There was a stir in the audience and he quickly said, "Call His name." I laughed so hard... good save, Clay, I thought. I think he is not that innocent, ernest Baptist boy he was in the beginning anymore... I think he's been corrupted (hehe) just a bit.
  11. Firstest... reading LTS is the best cause there is stuff in there that he didn't put in the audio version and it's a FAST book to read... 4 hours for me. I'll join in, too. I've read it several times, but it's been awhile. ETA: I didn't know there was an unabridged version not read by Clay... that might work if you're not a reader. Claygasm... Maybe it's semantics, but I take issue with this statement of yours. Clay has NEVER, that I have seen, shown anything other than respect for other people's beliefs/non-beliefs. He has been totally accepting of those he has met from other countries/religions/races/gender/sexual orientation/etc. His faith is such a bedrock for him that you are right, he might feel sorry for your not having that bedrock, but why is that not respecting your right to believe as you do? If he didn't respect your right to believe as you do, he would be trying to change your mind and get you to believe as he does. He doesn't preach salvation ever, he just lets it be known what he believes by the way he lives his life. I loved the "vinegrettes" and I will love the stories cause they are Clay's way of varying his annual Christmas concerts. If he keeps to his pattern, next year will be only singing/bantering. I love that, too. I'm easy when it comes to Clay! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Cotton... BWAH!!! Especially the bolded part! Muski... crossing all my fingers/arms/legs/eyes that you can swing it!!!
  12. Kim... He did look so vulnerable that night... like getting thru after the tension of the show was almost more than he could absorb in the time he had. He was soooo thin I think thousands of women of all ages really wanted to feed the guy and give him a big hug... at least I sure did! How he must have felt as the others got brought back by the judges. He must have partially felt he had to be America's choice, but who knew for sure so the doubt was there at the same time as the hope. OOOoooh, Keepingfaith... the dueling thighs gif... now my thighs are dancing! cotton... WORD!!! So proud of Clay for speaking at that EC conference and what a funny line when he was trying to direct attendees to where they could buy Mikayla... haven't been able to use the front door of a building for 5 years... BWAH!!! The man is just sooo funny!
  13. GIBBY... OMG! Are you trying to kill me???? I am fascinated looking at his stomach muscles making his pelvis thrust.... OMG!!! Was that Houston? Dang it, that is lethal in biggy size!!!
  14. Perma... dang it, everytime you post I have to pick myself up off the floor from the thud. Your latest B&W is very artsy, almost like a painting! GAH!!! Claygasm... that AMA picture is one of my all time faves of Clay. He is just so GQ in that pic and so thudworthy!!! I didn't watch AI until finale week. When they showed the makeover, I said... NO WAY! That is not the same guy! Then I heard the voice... I was so bummed when he lost. Then I was laid off and was out of work for 8 months and scared to death. I played his video over and over and over to lift my spirits. I knew exactly how far to count to get from one Clay part to the next in FF on my VCR... LOL (I had taped over the last night when he lost. pfffft!) By the time I found my present job, I had also found Claymaniacs and that was all she wrote. I found the downloads and his performances were all I watched until winning the whole season on DVD at Clio for JBT at the pre-party. LOVED Everlasting Love. Not just the way those pants hugged those thighs, but the way the shirt showed his pecs and the shoulders/waist combo that he showed and still shows so seldom. I thought BeeGee night suit/shirt/tie combo was to die for and the hip shakes in Grease groan-worthy. Black leather/gray t Diane Warren outfit... OMG, it that the same guy???? Thudded at Solitaire. What got me thinking he was really sexy tho, was the Rolling Stone cover... OMG, I couldn't believe that was him. I bought that mag so fast I'm sure the 7-11 clerk thought I was nuts! LOL Once I went to my first IT concert (LV), I was even more a goner. I was flabergasted at his stage command and was on the receiving end of one of his ISY glares at the Pond IT. Still haven't recovered!
  15. Ansa... I agree with so much you said here, that I just quoted most of it... LOL. One thing for sure... the man has never been and will never be boring.... eveh!!! His voice is outstanding, but it is his personality and character that make him so unique and lovable and interesting/fascinating/compelling!
  16. Perma.... you did it again... woman, you take AWESOME pictures!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Glad you found Hilo Hattie's. I live in North OC. Maybe we can get together some time! rohdy... Congrats! I think this is the bestest idea eveh for Clay's Birthday and can see it becoming a yearly event for his birthday! SUCH a good idea! They are going to be swamped with books, I bet! lilyshine... thanks! I enjoyed that and watched a couple of other while I was there. I am enamored of AIW from Vegas... I keep playing it over and over. So, last night I pulled up AIW from Long Island (the definition of courage and determination), West Point (LOVED that suit and that hair) and Charlotte (feisty Clay). It was as I remembered... Vegas was the BEST version of AIW he has ever sung, IMO! And, it's going to be on national TV! Wheeeeee!!!!
  17. Permaswooned... that is your best picture of Vegas yet!!! THUD!!! WOW!!! I live in OC and down by the beach you can find stores that specialize in tropical clothing! Pennys might be a good bet, too, since they carry a lot of selection, but I'd let my fingers do the walking where possible. Also, stores like Nordstrom, etc, have personal shoppers that you could call to check out the store's inventory for you! Last resort, as soon as you land in Hawaii... go shopping!!! I downloaded Fifth Grader from itunes and man is it awesome. For $1.99, it was well worth it. The picture is better than what I had on my Tivo AND my Tivo missed the very end, so I got to see something I had not seen before. I recommend it and someone said TPTB would notice how many downloads happened and that would be good for Clay! It is half a gig, tho, but I plan on burning it to DVD (itunes says they will help... we'll see, since I've never done that before), then deleting it. That blog.... hehehe... Clay had what seemed like a bright idea to make his concerts different, but as anything involving the fans, it turned out to be not as simple as he thought... oh, well... gives him something to do in his spare time... LOL
  18. tessy... (waves frantically) Great to see you in Vegas.... great to see you here! I was Clay's female counterpart in HS, without the voice, so he wouldn't have dated me... I would have dated him... LOL However, I would have LOVED to have had him as a friend, then and now! The only man I admire more than Clay is my son, the fireman! He was so beautiful that the ears are hardly noticeable! GAH!!! I loved the layered look, too! But, man I LOVE classy, dressed Clay... S.W.O.O.N. Off to swing back and forth between the Steelers and the Packers games! Someone mentioned the other day and NJU thread at OFC. I have searched and cannot find it. Any directions would be greatly appreciated as I would love to read it! Thanks!
  19. Gibby, that is soooo funny. Does your DD accidently call him Clay??? LOL Zena, congrats on your son's success!!! May it be the first of many such successes! Couchie, not only can I not addreply, but I cannot pm either... I'm gonna haveta get this computer worked on, I'm afraid. I'll pm you from work on Monday, as I would LOVE your extra pin. I recorded today's AI2 Rewind, but there is not one on tomorrow. Isn't Sunday's last week rerun, so that's ok... I hope! The clips are to die for! OMG, he was sooo fledgling beautiful... THUD!!! I have three windows up... one for Sedaka, one for Vegas, and one for AIR. What a wealth of clack and swoon-worthy CUTE!!!!
  20. I just ordered my pins (Yey for C). Couchie, are there any of the DCAT pins left? I would LOVE to have one! He was frickin' gorgeous in those clips! Those eyes... S.W.O.O.N. The idgits honestly didn't think Clay would win, did they. The American public had more sense than they gave them credit for! LOL So much clack to watch... ain't it fun!!!
  21. Kareneh... BWAH!!! I very glad I got to meet you for even a moment. Boy, you sound B.U.S.Y! Good luck in getting everything done when it needs to be done! I was only in Vegas for 20 hours, but they were packed with joy! It was the greatest! I have been listening to AIW over and over and over and finally figured out for me why... it epitimizes triumph for me. The song, the guy who sang it... triumph of spirit!
  22. keepingfaith... I totally agree with this quote (couldn't take the risk of saying WORD ) aikim... please don't stop posting, just stop letting their idiotic response get to you if you can manage to do that. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Couchie... funny story... you were not the first black woman I went up to and asked if they were from FCA. The first one was just looking to buy a ticket... She got accosted by this craz...enthusiatic fan, poor woman! I am still gaga over being able to see this event, since I have had to miss so much that he has done back east. Even more gaga over meeting so many of the FCAers that were there! That made it even more speeshul!!! Quiana in Dream Girls... yeah for her. Wonder if Clay will fly down to see it, seeing as how he'll be in the last days of rehearsal for Spamalot. He might have to miss it... bet that will hurt and she'll have to miss opening night for him. Pangs on both sides, I'll bet!
  23. Play... when did he sing Superstar??? Hollywood, I'm guessing. This is a Clayfactoid I did not know. Course I didn't discover Clay until Finale week on AI2, and then didn't discover the message boards until 6 months or so later, so there is some early stuff I did not get info about. AAIT... I now have your pic of Clay skating around the rink as my desktop! Thank you!!! I wish I'd known you were there in LV... I'd have hunted you down! I have greatly enjoyed your clack! Perma... S.W.O.O.N... great picture. Can't wait for some more! I LOVE the ending of DSIAFCD when Sasha skates up the the skates for Clay. I'll bet there is backstory on that look he gave her from the taping earlier in the day of the "lesson." I'll eagerly await the show to see what they filmed. The producers said they didn't want it to just be a typical skating show, so who knows what else they did. Hope it all involved Clay...
  24. merrieeee... I didn't even see the crossed fingers until the clack, but what I did notice as my binoculars were solely trained on Clay's face is that I thought he had some difficulty staying into the song due to the skating/clapping for the jumps. He kept his eyes closed a lot, but kept remembering that it was television and so would open them, would get distracted by the skating, etc. That was my opinion during the number and clack backs it up for me. That is an intense song to sing and more power to him for managing it so well with the skating. The sound on that song was unbelievably fantastic and I sure hope it translates on tv as well. It frickin' FILLED the arena!
  25. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, I still cannot post under ADDREPLY, so am having to post in FastReply... no quotes and no emoticons... sorry. KeepingFaith... I'm so happy for you in your son's not going to the battle zone!!! zena... congrats on operasingingson!!! Take needle and thread in case you pop your buttons with pride! What a trip! 5 hours drive, got there at 2pm. Rooms were awesome, especially for $35! Nice hotel! LONG hikes to everywhere, tho. Don't know how Play managed! Kudos to her for gritting her teeth and doing it... course the rewards were massive! Pre-party was awesome. LV knows how to throw a partay. First pre-party I went to was LV IT and I was mighty impressed then... mighty impressed again! Lots of great prizes. I put all my tickets in one bag, but someone else won... boohoo! Met Couchie and Gibby and Reiki4Clay and Play and Fear and luckiest and CrimsonIce and Wandacleo and her friend and cotton and one more whose name I cannot remember (SORRY!!!). Muski... I saw and spoke to Tessy... she looks great! The stage looked beautiful. The arena had one pretty open section across from me and the end was more empty than not. Editing is a wonderful thing! LOL Clay was beautiful, too. That burgandy shirt/tie combo was gorgeous, the black shirt/silver tie combo was gorgeous, his hair was gorgeous, the man was gorgeous! The skaters ALL gave him props. That might have been a "told to do it" by the producers, but the vibe was they really thought his voice was stellar! This was my first time hearing AIW in person. The accoustics was really good and I don't think he has ever hit those low notes as well as he did last night. The whole song was just the most impressive I have heard and I listened to every single one last JNT. May have been cause it was live and that voice just filled the arena! Standing O... and it wasn't for Todd's skating... tho I heard that was very good... my binoculars were glued to Clay... LOL The guard who was keeping us from peeking at Clay during rehearsal (we heard him...eeeeee) said he was a really nice guy. He asked what was going on and I told him and he said if he was a star and his fans were raising money for his foundation, he would be sure and drop in to thank everyone, like Clay was being remiss in not coming to the party. Yah... let me see you go into a room with 300 fans and expect to get out without speaking and touching every single one of them. Geesh! He does as much as he can and thanks us every chance he gets. We know he is appreciative! The skating part was adorable. Don't know whether he was playing up his awkwardness on those skates or whether he really was cause of them not being his usual hockey skates. It was cute! He was CUTE!!! Unfortunately, tho the skaters did some do-overs, Clay did not! LOL Forgot... met KarenEh! after, but she was off with another bunch, so only talked a moment or two. I THINK I intro'd myself, but not sure! LOL Most of us went to TGIFs for food after. That was major fun! It was a wonderful Clay day! Then, after saying goodbye to everyone, I slept from 1am to 3am, then 4am to 6:15am, then up for the day and a long drive home. My shampoo leaked on my extra shirt, so had to wear same shirt again. Met Reiki4Clay at the gift shop and she probably wondered if I'd been to bed since I was wearing the same clothes... LOL Lost $25 at the slots, gave up and with lots of Diet Coke to keep me awake made my way home with only one wrong turn that added a half hour to my trip! Had sooo much fun Tuesday, that I guess Wednesday had to make up for it!!! LOL But, now I am caught up on the board and about ready to watch the wonderful clack! Sigh... All Is Well!!!
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