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Everything posted by liney23

  1. Gibby, can I have info on the after-get together, pretty please. I hope to meet all those who are going to the pre-party 15 minutes before the party in front of the door, but want to go to the afterwards party. I can't reply in messages or the addreply without getting thrown out of IE, so this looks like its working. I can read my messages, just not reply. And, since I do Reiki, I wanna meet Reiki4Clay, too, please! Watched Fifth Grader for the second time last night... that Clay Aiken guy is seriously CUTE!!! LOL Oh, and I also vote for D and will purchase 2 pins!
  2. Muski.... HUG... but as usual even your wail tales are funny! Laughn... I LOVE your skits and this one was no different. Nick wrote the letter... BWAH!!! and the Ruben shirt part... BWAH!!! I thought Clay was very CUTE last night.... No, really, he was funny, smart, loving to the kids.... just a great showing for him and I loved how he ended it, too. And, how Jeff complimented him! WOW!!! I forgot who asked, but Regis won $175,000. I hope someone captured that FOX video, cause I couldn't get it to play... probably too many hits. LOL I am going to be gone for a seminar this weekend and will have no internet access... well, I could if I wanted to pay astronomically for it, so I'll be gone till Sunday night/Monday. Off to watch the end of Fifth Grader again!
  3. Zena... I totally thought this was hysterical, but I had to get to the end of the posting before I could say so, then your second post appeared and ... some more. What did you imbibe this evening to make you so dang funny... I want some! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I got a present of twin grand-nephews being born today. 5lb 10oz and 5lb 14oz which is pretty good for being a month early. What is funny is that my middle DD's birthday is today, too. SIL's message said that now DD has to share her birthday... LOL Halloween is the bestest birthday in the world! My DD has always loved it!
  4. Jenna... LOVE your words. Agree totally! He is not pigeonholeable (is too a word) and IMO has no intention of being pigeonholed, either. I think he has too much fun surprising everyone to ever go there... Or, you could just say he in process of making his own hole and no one else will ever fit into it, just our Clay pigeon! ldy, hubby and family... condolances for the loss of your MIL.
  5. I am driving from SoCal, so cannot do the breakfast (pouts), but can do the 15 minutes before pre-party and after taping thingys! I can make a sign and bring it. Maybe a purdy picture of Clay with Finding Clay Aiken on it. That could help us find each other. Also, can we sit together in the pre-party? I just wondered if they were planning on having assigned tables or not. I have to write down my seat number. All I know is I'm in the 3rd row in the section next to the closest section to Clay. LOL Hope to meet everyone, even those not going to the pre-party. Can't wait!!!
  6. KAndre... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I am in love with Sedaka Clay, both in song and in looks. Superb in everyway!!! GAH!!! Glad the quake wasn't a BAD one. I love small quakes, cause that releaves the pressure so we don't get the BIG one. Keep 'em coming! Always hard on the nerves, tho!
  7. {{{{{{muski}}}}}} I have done some event planning on a much smaller scale, so I can ALMOST imagine your pain! Hang in there! Aikim... I have never found your posts to be anything other than well-thought out and sometimes very funny! Tomorrow is Halloween, can you believe it. I always say that once Halloweeen hits, the year is over... The rest of the year just goes by so fast. Thanksgiving is earlier this year, thank goodness! Happy New Year, everyone... Spamalot coming right up! Been to some other boards a bit the last couple of days... Thank you, everyone, for making FCA the wonderful place it is. I so appreciate it, especially after that foray! Our fires are almost out... we're racing the clock since more winds are predicted this weekend. Cross your fingers for no new fires... we've had enough!
  8. laughn... very good points you make, especially the last one! He is a work of art. Warning... philosophical meanderings following.... I have been on this ride for almost 5 years. I have watched this man unfold (down, muski, down). He is such an interesting man, with so many layers. Haven't found one yet that I'm not fascinated by. I try to imagine what his life would have been like if he had not gotten on AI. Somehow, I think he still would have been pushing himself to his limits and beyond. He is one who wants to right wrongs and I think he would have been lobbying for the disabled even without his stardom. Like Clay, I, myself, had abusive parents and like so many that do, I just survived. My method was to closely watch the people I wanted to be like and copy them. I survived, but it has taken me years to figure out who I am, not who I think I need to be to be loved and accepted. Clay made a conscious decision what kind of person he was going to be... the opposite of those who abused him. We both had bullies that made our lives hell. I learned to be invisible (heehee) Clay learned that being his quirky self was the best way out of that hellhole and that not everyone was ever going to like him. Smart man!!! I have learned so much from Clay in these 5 years. Not the least of which is to accept myself just the way I am, while still working to improve what I don't like in myself. He's a great teacher! He has made such a positive difference in my life and I will love him forever for that reason alone, no matter what he does with the rest of his life... but, boy do I look forward to seeing what that is. One thing I know for sure... it will not be boring!
  9. Perma... everytime you post a new picture, I know how you got your name... S.W.O.O.N! You can do your kind of catching up anytime, thank you very much!!! Boobgate, I knew he'd done it, it was so staged. And, IMO, she wasn't pointing to his hands, but to the word her t-shirt was showing with his hands holding her boobs that way. A$$, wasn't it? Something funny. I always figured the picture was all about that partial word on the t-shirt. This is, afterall, the same guy who wrote, "Even my hands reject me." on a condom hat in college. Bawdy sense of humor... absolutely! And, I love him for it!!! Yes, Jemock's blog is soooo funny!
  10. zena... LOVE this part of your great milestone post! That has been nominated for a thread title, I hope? Guess I could go check, huh! Keepingfaith... for me and I think for many, pissy Clay is when he is expressing exasperation... cutely, usually, and is definitely a form of endearment, since he is NEVER mean about it and always has justification. It started with the coke machine and has just continued. Also, your "cousin" comment... BWAH!!! He's apartment hunting... ohhh. His own place in NYC. Why does that make me excited??? Think he'll invite me... I'll cook!
  11. OK, I did survive watching Clay sing Solitaire... just! I LOVE his singing this in a slightly lower key... it was perfect for his range. He f'n NAILED every bit of it! He looked fantabulous and he showed a bit of personality. He showed deference to both Neil and David with bows to both. You could tell when he looked over at Neil. AWESOME!!! In every size, shape, and form! Loved the reaction of the band! Ahhh... I kinda, sorta liked it! Thank you, BigAppleforClay!!!
  12. Muski... I believed you instantly, but then I've known you longer than most... not better, just longer! Cindilu... :bday: I just got back from teaching an all day class, so I need to go download and gawk at the wonder you gals have extolled! If you don't hear from me, I've died and gone to heaven!
  13. Permaswooned... WOW!!!... that picture is a work of art... the shadows, the coloring! WOW!!! Then your post... I thought something changed for Clay the night of AI2 Solitaire. He just looked like he really finally felt he belonged up there. There was utter self-confidence in him that night. Just a calmness and peacefulness, like he had looked into the future and it was good. And, AI3 Solitaire. That walk out onto the stage... pure awesomeness in motion. I thought that note would never end and have replayed both so many times. I have no doubt he'll nail it tonight! He always does when it is important... he pulls something extra out of himself when it matters the most. He is just so extraordinary! Hope we get clack... and we know we'll get verbal clack at the very least. Then 11 days till Vegas! Have we figured out where to rendevous that night?
  14. Perma... GREAT pictures! You don't have to make pithy contributions all the time to abide here on FCA... just say "hey" once in awhile. FCA sends great hugs! {{{{{{Perma and family}}}}}} Are you up near the northern fires or the southern fires. I am in the middle... The Santiago fire just won't quit! And, that's one of the arson ones. I cannot believe the Chargers are planning on playing in Qualcomm this Sunday. Keeping... I also eighty-fourth the motion for you to submit that darling Christmas story. It is just darling! KAndre... boy, when you avoid something, you do a really good job! I'm impressed!
  15. Muski.... you made me schmoopie... this is a Hallmark moment to remember when the going gets tough! Just got an email from my DIL. She said there have been a lot of arson fires in the city, probably set cause half the firemen are up north at fires. So, my son and his units have had lots of structure fires to put out even tho they stayed at base. I hope every single one of those arsonists are caught and put in prison for a LONG time.
  16. This is getting exciting.... only days away. OK, should we all meet in the extreme right hand corner of the room? We need a rendevous point and I've never been there and don't know the layout, so picking a corner might work. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  17. Muski... yes... yes.... yes tm Meg Ryan luckiest... your son probably knew he could get people mad at him for snitching, but chose to help get his friend out of trouble over staying out of trouble himself. Definitely a proud making moment! I would just double-check that he knows to watch his back and not to travel alone for awhile. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Keepingfaith... BWAH!!! She's funny! As far as the fires go... the wind has died down a bit, which means the air fight can get to work. However, the fires create dangerous winds of their own and the fire in SD, at least, is still spreading. The difference is that if the Santa Ana winds stay off, then with air support, they can get them under control in a day or so. As of 7am this morning Pacific time, the town of Julian was in danger. It is a quaint little town with lots of antique shops and home of the best apple pie in the world from their own apple trees, so send prayers. There are still fires in and around the Indian reservations. Pendleton has two fires, but the marines seem to have those handled on their own. The mother in me REALLY wants a sit down with Clay on how to take care of himself and not get sick. He can't afford to for the next several months and he'll be under a lot of physical strain in that play. 8 performances a week! As far as the Christmas tour, I thought that advertising was up to the theatres. Was I wrong?
  19. Ah... Black Leather Pants Thread... do you still have the posts about going shopping for the slinky basketball shorts. I don't think I've ever laughed so much in my life! You single-handedly won us the Clammy for Funniest Thread you know! I think you are right on about your mother and Carrie. All you can do is the best you can do and love them anyway. I have 3 kids. 2 of them had trouble-free adolescence and are successful adults. My oldest gave me fits. Talk about rebellious! She wrote the book. I was constantly worried she'd run away. Once she got her driver's permit and could see freedom at the end of the tunnel, she calmed down a leetle. Sorta. She is now 39. Couple of years ago we were talking and she told me that I had never told her I loved her and she had felt unloved all her life. Could have knocked me over with a feather. My middle DD, when I asked her, said that she couldn't remember, but that she always felt loved cause I was always there for them and would chauffer, nurse, sew costumes/prom dresses, decorate rooms/cakes, etc. Two DDs. 17 months apart, same parents, same home... totally different reality. What pearls of wisdom do I have, grasshopper... go with your gut... and don't blame yourself or take it personally, whatever happens! They chose what reality they want to see. Good Luck!!! Gibby... WORD! Shamrock... WELCOME!!!!
  20. Muski... You need some parts therapy... Those shoulders... that chest... Those legs... Those/that... Those feet/toes... That face... That ought to do it.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: Toots... I found Honey Crisp apples at Pavilions this weekend. Expensive. $1.99/lb, but delicious! aikim... congrats for your DD and her promotion!
  21. Now, that's just totally wrong! I cannot count the number of cavities and root canals I have had done, starting when I was eight... gum surgery, and a bridge, too. Only thing I have refused to do is an implant... and I have an empty space for one. I used to be so afraid of the dentist, but I found one I trust and have no problem with him. I had to go to a different dentist for my last root canal (a back tooth with only 3 roots instead of 4) and I had a panic attack in the chair. Man, I don't ever want to do that again! I am taking SUCH good care of my teeth!
  22. Toots, you are right. Normally, we don't get much rain... except for those rare years when it rains and rains and rains and floods and mudslides and... you get the picture. What happens is that we get the fires, which burns off all our greenery, then it rains and with nothing to hold the soil, we get mudslides. Watch, this year will be one of our big rain years and everyone who survived the fire will get washed away in the mud. (makes sign of the cross to ward off excessive rain) I love living here, but I wouldn't live in the hills/canyons for any amount of money. It's beautiful, but... I have one daughter who lives at the top of a hill, but the place has been there for over 40 years, so I think she's safe. (crosses fingers) I just re-watched the Philly reading of the fat letter and the pulling tight of the shirt... SAAWOOON! Those shoulders... That chest... :Thud: I'll take a bit of a little fat pad under the chin and a bit of a soft tummy anyday if it is accompanied by those shoulders and that chest! Couchie... congrats on the new job! Let me know how you like it... sounds interesting! KAndre... been there, done that... :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  23. Muski... What I read is that declaring us a disaster area means the Feds pay for 75% of the firefighting effort. Which is A LOT!!! FEMA does come in to help those without insurance and in our neck of the woods that is a lot less people than New Orleans. What is not going on in NO is ridiculous IMO! Someone asked how this could be prevented. We get fires every year, but huge ones like this... the last one was 4 years ago. We get those Santa Ana winds every year. It is just a fact... nothing to be done. The newer housing tracts are being built with fire resistant materials, with drought resistant plants, and are required to maintain a fire break of 100 to 200 feet around their homes. I read where no homes with those requirements/firebreaks were lost. Unfortunately, none of the older homes have those requirements. All new roofs put on have to be fire resistant, but that's about it. Unfortunately, those with beautiful old trees in their backyards/neighborhoods have no desire to cut them down just in case. They take their chances, just like people in Florida do every year with the hurricane season... we have fire season, the midwest has tornado season. I wanna live in New Mexico... I don't think they have any "season" and it's a beautiful place...
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