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Everything posted by aikim

  1. Clayandr = Clay and Raleigh. It doesn't have to be Jaymes, could be Clay using her screenname. Kim ETA; Apparently I was wrong on my definition, but I swear I saw it posted somewhere!
  2. Just because a post is not acknowledged on the board, doesn't mean it isn't read and appreciated. I read every post...I enjoy reading intelligent posts that make me think and sometimes re-evaluate my POV...sometimes I respond, sometimes I don't. There are times when I want to respond and can't seem to put what is in my head into words so I usually just nod in agreement silently and move on. Sometimes there are posts that just plain piss me off and it is far better if I don't respond, take a few minutes and then continue reading. I've noticed a lot of times that posts you think people will respond to they don't and some silly throw away post will get a lot of responses. It just depends on how a post strikes you at a certain time. I don't take offense if I post and no one responds; you just go on and post again; eventually someone will respond. Kim
  3. Couchie I know people are still trying to wrap their minds around this and there are a lot of questions; but after being on the boards for the past 5 years; you think you know people and what there reaction is going to be to certain things and it just took me by surprise that some of the reactions were not what I expected. Kim
  4. I've seen several posts here and there where this situation has been referred to as Clay "going Hollywood" and I don't get that at all...I could never in my wildest dreams imagine Clay doing something because it was the "in thing" to do or because everybody does it. And FYI, people outside of Hollywood have children without benefit of marriage; so that really makes no sense to me. Considering Clay's history; I would think he would take fatherhood very seriously. This story certainly has been an eye-opener regarding this fandom; I am seeing opinions I didn't expect...seems like a lot of true colors are coming out and that's what makes me really sad; seems some aren't as liberal and open-minded as I thought. And I am not just talking about this board...I am talking across the fandom at all the different boards where I have been reading. Kim
  5. bwah..yeah...really gives the age away. Anybody remember PONG? hee I remember Pong! I also play Spider Solitaire and actually one once! Kim
  6. I prefer Cheez-It's myself! And I am in the camp that if it weren't true he would have issed a denial right away. Kim
  7. I think Clay has always been open and honest about his views and he has never cast himself as an ultra conservative...re-read LTS; he pretty much laid out his views there and it was pretty obvious that he is quite liberal in his thinking. The problem; as I see it; is the fans who took certain things he said, overlooked others and then made him a poster boy for their particular moral code...not fair to Clay at all. Oh and Couchie; I rather have the artificial insemination attachment to my name than American Idol! Kim
  8. See, to me it's the same mind-set that applauds when the PYT's are put front and center in the fandom rather than the old grey-hairs. As someone who (age-wise, at least) falls somewhere in between, it has always bothered me about the fandom. Personally, I despise shipping in any way shape, or form. To me, Clay is very comfortable with women and likes to flirt, so all of the "Oh, I just know, that they're a couple because of the way that he's/she's looking at/touching her/him ... "Oh, she'd be perfect for him, because she's young and sweet!"..... blah,blah,blah"- is just annoying-particularly when the same people say it again and again- every time there's someone new around him. CORRECTION- every time there's someone new and ATTRACTIVE around him - the PYT syndrome. If he's constantly with someone, but they don't fit into the PYT slot, then there's no way the relationship could ever be romantic, you know? Yeah, I know I have issues with the PYT angle, because as someone who is not and never was good looking, I just think it's demeaning to imply that Clay could/should only be involved with someone whose main qualities seem to be young and cute. Agreed...the fandom has always had a problem with media and how they portray Clay's fans regarding their age and invariably the posts in rebuttal are ones of indignation. How dare the media or the DJ's or whoever make fun of us because we are older; and yet, a lot of the same things are being said about Jaymes because of her age. Kim
  9. There seems to be a lot of concern regarding Jaymes's age; not only regarding a pregnancy but a relationship with Clay and I find that odd that some would have a problem with that considering that the majority of Clay's fans are Jaymes's age or older. So explain, why is it okay for Clay's fans in the same age range as Jaymes to smut and lust after him, but when it possibly becomes reality that a 50 year-old maybe having a relationship with him; it is suddenly wierd or disgusting? It has been fascinating reading all the different reactions to this, because the people I thought would have no problem with it, seem to be the ones having the most problems and those people are the ones who in the past have done the most smutting. Just curious what others think. Kim
  10. Claygasm It's just my opinion and every picture of my husband and me doesn't show romantic love either BTW. You are entitled to you opinion and while I don't understand the intensity of your feelings; you are entitled to them, just as I am mine. Kim
  11. I'm back! Yeah, I know, probably no one even noticed I wasn't here! Our internet was down all afternoon...have I said how much I hate Comcast? So, the topic de jour...I hope it is true, I want it to be true and I will be a disappointed if it is not because I like Jaymes. I agree with Keepingfaith's assessment; go back and re-read his thank you to her on the ATDW CD...lots of admiration and love there. I do not for one minute think that Clay and Jaymes did not think through all the ramifications of having a child...how it would be percieved by the fans, the press and how it would affect both their lives and careers. Clay is not a stupid man. So she is older than him...love has no age bounderies and yeah I do think they love each other...so call me a hopeless romantic. Was thinking about the story he told of "As Long As We're Here" and how it led him to Jaymes and I think it is a perfect "How I Met Your Mother" story...he was so excited telling it. But that said, I don't think we are going to hear anything from Clay until after the baby is born; The Foster family issued a statement saying they would not comment until after the birth and if they are not talking, I don't think Clay will be either. And that is fine with me...he doesn't owe me an explanation...but I can still hope and dream for him and I hope come August I can send him and Jaymes my sincerest congratulations. Kim
  12. Yeah, lots of fantasies being burst today and it ain't pretty! Kim
  13. I hope we get the due date soon so I can add it to the countdown! Kim
  14. There is a thread on the OFC now and I really doubt they would allow that if it wasn't true...be warned; if you plan on taking a peek, wear a hard hat! Kim
  15. Given Jaymes age there is a good possiblity of a high risk pregnancy and perhaps they were waiting until the baby were born and all is well before making an announcement. How TMZ got the info, I have no idea...somebody at the fertility clinic? Kim
  16. Perhaps it was only mentioned because of Jayme's age...I would think it would be a bigger issue if she were 25 and it was phrased like that. Kim
  17. I fail to see why artifical insemination is such a big deal; given Jaymes age it makes perfect sense. Of course because it is Clay...artificial insemination = gay. And really, would the world as we know it come to an end; if he was? I don't think so. Whatever relationship Jaymes and Clay have, I am happy for them and for the baby. I will never understand why Clay is never given the benefit of the doubt by his own fans...it is like the whole Kim Locke tour or no tour fiasco...immediately think the worst of Clay before he has even said a word. Kim
  18. I am thrilled to death for Clay...He is going to be an amazing Daddy; that child will be very loved. Kim
  19. I'm getting the feeling that problem isn't really that it may be true or not, but that Clay has been teetering on that pedestal for sometime and just may be about to fall off...about damn time if you ask me. Kim
  20. Whether it is true or not (and if I am honest, I would be thrilled if it was); I guess I don't see it is as the worst thing in the world to be said about Clay. He had much worse said about him in 2006...If it is not true, he is probably laughing his ass off. I am sure we will get a blog or press release confirming or denying...until then; I am just going to chill. Kim
  21. Good Morning Everyone, Loved that interview! Doesn't sound like someone who is sitting around watching his career slip away. Just sounds like our Clay, the Clay he has always been. djs111 Love your post...probably one of the things that pisses me off the most is the "Clay as perpetual victim" syndrome that is so pervasive at times...that man is nobody's victim...not everyone is going to like Clay or think is the greatest thing since sliced bread like we do...doesn't mean they are out to get him. Just deal with it and move on. Don't forget, Leno repeats tonight! 1 Day until Kimmel repeats! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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