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Everything posted by aikim

  1. 95 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  2. I had a dream about Clay last night....he blogged about getting his shoes repaired :8: I really am a :28:...not even smutty dreams about Clay! 96 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  3. Beautiful day here; sunshine, blue sky without a cloud...haven't had one of these for a while. Going to do some shopping today. 97 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  4. 98 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a nice day! Kim
  5. 99 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  6. , we have a party to plan! Prayers going out for Couchie and her Mom and for Ausdon and her Dad. Kim
  7. Good Morning Everyone, 100 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  8. Wish I was joining you all at the Gala, but I guess someone has to hold down the fort and make sure everything is all neat and tidy when you get back! So who else isn't going, we need to plan some sort of party while the mice are away! Kim
  9. 101 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  10. 102 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  11. Good Morning Everyone, 103 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  12. I love fireworks, I really do...but not at 11:00 right outside my bedroom window when I am trying to sleep...apparently my neighbors were having a very good time! Surprisingly, the noise did bother the dog...I was preparing myself for lots of barking and carrying on but he pretty much ignored them...looked up now and then at a particularly loud one, but otherwise no interest. Cat slept through all the noise, wish I could have! 104 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  13. We are just grilling burgers and hot dogs; at least that was the plan. Hubby turned on the grill, I got everything ready...he went out to check and the grill is cold! Apparently we are out of propane. So now I am cooking them in the broiler...you think he would have checked earlier in the day! Kim
  14. Since it is so dreary here today; I have been watching movies on TCM. Just finished "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington" with Jimmy Stewart...I can so see Clay doing movies like that...he has that same kind of small town charm as Jimmy. Yankee Doodle Dandy is next...not the 4th of July unless I watch Jimmy Cagney as George M.! Kim
  15. Funny how seeing those words "Clay blogged" gets my heart racing; such a sweet blog...hope he is having a big old NC barbecue at Casa Aiken and that Parker will be sitting on his daddy's lap watching his first fireworks! Kim
  16. I think I mentioned that we are renovating our living room and have built a new, large closet in one corner of the room...yesterday we started moving things into...stuff from the old closet and things from our closet in our bedroom...who knew you could stuff so much in one small closet (s)! Found a box of cards...I think I must have saved every anniversary, birthday, thank you, etc. that my husband, kids, etc. have given me. Also found a bag of my folks personal stuff that acquired after my Dad died...I think I looked at the stuff briefly and then stashed it away. So, I have been going through the papers, etc....pretty interesting. My Dad was very well organized and so I have all their mortgage papers from every house they ever had, bills, car papers, etc. Discovered my Dad had taken a computer course back in 1988 at a local college and passed with a A...he would have been 62 then. Not sure how I never knew that! The thing has given me the biggest chuckle though are copies of letters my Dad sent to various senators...Phill Gramm from Texas was one and local newspapers. My Dad was a staunch Republican and never one to mince words, so these letters are not PC at all by today standards...I wonder what they must have thought when they received them. Suffice to say, he was not a fan of the Clintons, LOL! I did enjoy reading them and I could hear my Dad's voice in my head as I was reading. So it has been a fun couple of days going down memory lane...now I just need a place to store this stuff...hubby says I should just shred everything, but I can't do that...I am much too sentimental about family history. Kim
  17. Happy 4th of July! 105 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  18. Husbands...sometimes you just have to laugh...mine works nights and last night he headed off to work as usual, only to discover that he has today off for the holiday instead of Monday as he thought...so he drove an hour to work and then had to drive an hour home. Good thing I wasn't totally asleep yet and heard him telling this to the kids, other-wise I would have been freaking out wondering who was climbing in bed with me at Midnight Off to do my usual errans this morning, grocery shopping and the bank. Then I need to come home and do some serious gardening...need to weed and prune and generally tidy things up. Also need to harvest some lettuce and spinach and pick some rhubarb. Should be a nice day for it; after two days of cool temps and cloudiness, it is supposed to be sunny and near 80! 106 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day!
  19. You sure can pick them, I was at that concert too! He so funny that night, looked amazing..I do miss the long hair and when he hit the note in All Is Well...that was a moment I will never forget. I remember sitting there and the whole audience willing him to make that note...you could have heard a pin drop and when he did...the whole place erupted! I still get chills when I watch it. Interesting Clay story from that night...while we were waiting in line to get it, we started talking to a couple in front of us. Turns out they were on their way back home from a day out, were driving by and saw Clay's name on the marquee and decided to stop and see if they could get tickets. They were embarrassed because they weren't really dressed for a concert (we all thought they looked fine!) Anyway, we (and when I say we, I mean myself and the group I was with) talked Clay up and told them how good he was. When we caught up with them after the show, the wife was crying and the husband was visibly moved...they couldn't say enough about Clay and the show. Haven't kept in contact with them, but I hope they are still fans and I really hope Clay comes back to Merrillville at some point...that has become my favorite place to go for a Clay concert! Kim
  20. 107 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  21. I have to concur with those who mentioned Clay's rapport with the audience...I love Clay's bantering. Dug out a CD I made of the SRHP banter; it was such a fun walk down memory lane...he is so cute and funny! ETA: Cindilu I agree with you about the photoshops. Kim
  22. Welcome Cognitogrrl..always nice to see new faces! HAPPY CANADA DAY! 108 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  23. 109 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
  24. I just love quickies in the afternoon; especially when they are from Clay! Apple butter is yummy...I actually have a recipe for it...makes a lot though! And Cindilu, I agree with you about Jamie Foxx...totally inappropriate in my opinion, unfortunately, I think we are going to see more and more people trying to benefit from Michael's death. The mayor of Gary, Indiana was on our local news saying he wants to make Michael's childhood home into another Graceland and he hopes Michael is buried there...thinking about all the tourist money it will bring to the city. I know it is an impoverished city, but it just came across as pretty crass to me, especially since they haven't even had Michael's funeral. Kim
  25. 110 Days until The BAF Gala! Everyone have a great day! Kim
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