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Everything posted by ausdon

  1. hmmmm. Maybe we could solve mysteries along the way and document them in a series of wildly successful books. What? We got some writers here. Some of us know something about books. --- Perma Welcome :F_05BL17blowkiss: from one 'fugee to another. What a great idea Jamar! It would be easy cos we know that the crime was always done by Old Man Perkins and the evidence is always at the abandoned mine shaft! What? I do so know about books. I read one once. It was a green one (tm ..someone else)
  2. I love little huge glasses with umbrellas! .... But oil barons are a bit thin on the ground here...... will think of something .......
  3. Damn, Wanda! It's first thing in the morning here! It took me a coupla minutes to figure out he wasn't modelling them! :lmaosmiley-1: I can't take the stress until after my coffee. Permaswooned, the above misunderstanding can't be doing your blood pressure any good, but camp away :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  4. Hi Claytonic! ummm.... Looks like everyone else is in bed.
  5. Wha'd I tell ya And that was my last box of tissue too! Can't forget....GREAT BANNER cindilu!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Hey ! I have a head cold too! How did that happen? Must have spent too much time here at FCA and caught it off you all!!
  6. Great recap Marilyon! Hope you won't be sick of him before our shared Spam night ,you know April 17!! Still don't know where our seats will be-GRRRR- stupid helpful chap at wholesalers said only the theatre could tell us on the night when we front up with our vouchers. He clearly doesn't understand I neeeeeed to Knooooow!!!!!
  7. BWAH...Been there, done that. What? I use prosthetics now. Seriously. just wondering if anyone ever reads my posts or cares. this may tell me. hee Hey Treenuts! I do! ( just a bit later and then you all have moved on........ )
  8. Cindilu How did you read my thoughts before I'd even thunk em?
  9. Karen Eh-Safe travels and I look forward to hearing of your experiences in Baku. Which brings me to Couchies post. Great thought provoking reading! Other members have mentioned this already but hearing about KarenEh in Baku, or another members travel story (KAndre you crack me up!) or what someones kids/husbands/dogs are up to really keeps me coming back to the board. I know Claytonic touched on this also- I have found the people here so welcoming and willing to share their knowledge. I have received offers of help (and clack) from strangers who now feel like friends even though most I will never meet. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I am a fan of other artists but I have not seen the internet "thing" for them. Clays voice is lovely and nearly always my choice of chill-out music. I think he's basically a good enough guy, he's human, you know. He makes mistakes and is not always the most PC person around- like all of us. I don't get that Goody-Two-Shoes vibe from him (thank God) even though I think he does good where he can. I keep up with his career through the boards because I can. Otherwise I may or may not just hear about a new CD and may or may not get my hands on a copy. The reporting of things on the boards just keeps me ( and others like me) in the loop. Which now brings me to the latest- if anyone spoils my Spamalot experience they will have to deal with me. If anyone stops Clay from coming out to the stage door on the night I am there they will have to deal with me. What would I do? Well, after my mother-of-a-teenage-boy rant , then I would go all ClayAikenfan on them. There. Problem solved.
  10. Thanks Claytonic! Haven't time to catch up completely now due to younger son playing in his baseball semi final -under 12s little league so cute!- but I have that dancing nanas feeling to carry me through a long hot day!
  11. Yay Claytonic! Yay KAndre! Yay Linda Loveland! Yay new cd! Yay Clay! Yay exclamation points! Hows this for coincidence- turns out that Claytonic and I live probably an hour away from each other! Anyway must run ,Clay has made me late for work,again.
  12. Welcome back Zena. Anyone heard from Sheiladownunder lately?
  13. You read my mind Muski! Although you can never have too many baboons, they are always entertaining......
  14. What? Are you new here? Ididn't mean that comment to apply here but on that other board that was a bit sour-grapes to Play. Of course theres nothing wrong with us twelve-yr-olds-pretending-to-be-grown-up-ladies having our say too!
  15. Play I did read a bit of another board where this issue came up and I couldn't believe it. I had assumed we were all adults. So I say shout it from the rooftops! I know that you wouldn't, but even say NA-NA-nana-NA if you want to!! Don't let others need to drag others down stop you from saying any-damn-thing you want!!! Otherwise those of us who can't go ( or only once) will miss the chance to live vicariously through you! Well ...umm.... I spose thats' my little rant over....... carry on......
  16. {{{{{{gbmifan and family}}}}}} I lost two babies at twelve weeks, not as harrowing as your familys' tragedy but the "what ifs" still play on my mind . I found that there is nothing anyone can really say, just having loved ones there helped a bit and then the blessing of two healthy babies. I send my hopes for this for your family also.
  17. Good Morning FCAers! Thank you all for your input. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I have to race off to work now but you have given me something to think about. I will investigate further tonight.
  18. Has anyone here ever stayed at Hotel Beacon? It's on 2130 Broadway at 75th st.
  19. Hey CHA CHA I am so totally with you on this! :Boss: Except I've got four weeks and four people to pack for! :Boss: ( Just today got more itinerary from travel agent) Good Luck! :Boss:
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