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Everything posted by ausdon

  1. Heee Claytonic I noticed that red haired boy straight away! Of course the chances of him having the same quality of voice aren't high I can't wait til the new series starts though. Welcome Clayann! About the IIT..... I would just like to repeat that, if the leak came from the doctors office, I hope they both are preparing to sue the pants off all involved. Whether true or not.
  2. I haven't caught up yet so someone has probably already said this but...Thread title?
  3. Hey Luckiest! Sounds like you and your boy had fun! We actually stayed in the Chateau Frontenac in April. Funny , it looked so fancy but our travel agent was amazed at how cheap it was. One of the least expensive places we stayed at for our whole trip. Of course it was still freezing and snow was piled up everywhere but that is what makes it stick in our minds. DH and younger DS had never touched snow before. We got a photo of the boys in front of that craft store too. Great memories :F_05BL17blowkiss: We took the sky way walks to the light rail and then the light rail to the Mall. Worked perfectly. DD noticed that most of the bars and restaurants in downtown Minneapolis didn't really have street level entrances. Most people seem to use the sky walk pathways and passages between buildings, one story up from the street. I guess the first storm deposits 6 feet of snow, so it makes sense to move everything up. They were kinda like the tunnels in Houston that went from building to building all through the downtown. And for the same reason - awful weather - though in Houston it was the heat/humidity. We were amazed at the underground tunnels and shopping in Montreal. Favourite place I've seen Clay? Why that would be NYC! - Actually the only place I've seen him- and OK I was going there anyway! Favourite places? The Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia for the idyllic tropical islands and amazing light blue sea - Sydney ,Australia for the harbour cruising and the little-bush-girl-sees-the-big-city for the first time feeling that I still get even after 30 odd years NYC because its freakin NEW YORK CITY!!! London because DH and I spent a wonderful holiday there many years ago, tearing around, feeling like we belonged and feeling like the luckiest people to just get there, you know? Venice, Italy for the romance, the food, the music and the aforementioned " boy I never thought I would ever get here' feeling. ummm.....it's nearly August......just sayin.......
  4. .Why does this sound like my natural way of eating? . THE COPING DIET Only girlfriends can understand this one. This is specially formulated diet designed to help women cope with the stress that builds during the day. Breakfast 1 grapefruit 1 slice whole wheat toast 1 cup skim milk Lunch 1 small portion lean, steamed chicken 1 cup spinach 1 cup herbal tea 1 Hershey's kiss Afternoon Snack The rest of the Hershey kisses in the bag 1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips Dinner 4 glasses of wine (red or white) 2 loaves garlic bread 1 family size supreme pizza 3 Snickers Bars Late Night Snack 1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer) Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts. Send this to four women And you will lose two pounds. Send this to all the women you know (or ever knew) and you will lose 10 pounds. If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately. That is why I had to pass it on; I didn't want to risk it.
  5. A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. The waitress asks them for their orders. The man says, 'A hamburger, fries and a coke,' and turns to the ostrich, 'What's yours?' 'I'll have the same,' says the ostrich. A short time later the waitress returns with the order 'That will be $9.40 please,' and the man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact change for payment. The next day, the man and the ostrich come again and the man says, 'A hamburger, fries and a coke.' The ostrich says, 'I'll have the same.' Again the man reaches into his pocket and pays with exact change. This becomes routine until the two enter again. 'The usual?' asks the waitress. 'No, this is Friday night, so I will have a steak, baked potato and a salad,' says the man. 'Same,' says the ostrich. Shortly the waitress brings the order and says, 'That will be $32.62.' Once again the man pulls the exact change out of his pocket and places it on the table. The waitress cannot hold back her curiosity any longer. 'Excuse me, sir. How do you manage to always come up with the exact change in your pocket every time?' 'Well,' says the man, 'several years ago I was cleaning the attic and found an old lamp. When I rubbed it, a Genie appeared and offered me two wishes. My first wish was that if I ever had to pay for anything, I would just put my hand in my pocket and the right amount of money would always be there.' 'That's brilliant!' says the waitress. 'Most people would ask for a million dollars or something, but you'll always be as rich as you want for as long as you live!' 'That's right. Whether it's a gallon of milk or a Rolls Royce, the exact money is always there,' says the man. The waitress asks, 'What's with the ostrich?' The man sighs, pauses and answers, 'My second wish was for a tall chick with a big butt and long legs who agrees with everything I say.'
  6. I'm sure you'll remember some of these. They are priceless. I OWE MY MOTHER 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. 'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.' 2. My mother taught me RELIGION. 'You better pray that will come out of the carpet.' 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL. 'If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!' 4. My mother taught me LOGIC. ' Because I said so, that's why.' 5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC. 'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me.' 6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT. 'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.' 7. My mother taught me IRONY. 'Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about.' 8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMO SIS. 'Shut your mouth and eat your supper.' 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM. 'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!' 10. My mother taught me about STAMINA. 'You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone.' 11. My mother taught me about WEATHER. 'This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it.' 12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY. 'If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!' 13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE. 'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.' 14. My mother taught me about ENVY. 'There are mill ions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do.' 15. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION. 'Just wait until we get home.' 16. My mother taught me about RECEIVING. 'You are going to get it when you get home!' 17. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE. 'If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to get stuck that way.' 18. My mother taught me ESP. 'Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?' 19. My mother taught me HUMOR. 'When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me.' 20. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT. 'If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up.' 21. My mother taught me about my ROOTS. 'Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?' 22. My mother taught me WISDOM. 'When you get to be my age, you'll understand.' 23. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE. 'One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.'
  7. Hey Jamar Project Runway Australia has just started here.I love it, they are so OTT and dramatic! Kim ditto! Well, omg, ok... My little girl getting married this weekend is the one in the upper right. My ex-DH is the one in the lower left. Don't pay too much attention to anybody else in the picture... ( Even though I think I'm gonna probably remove this picture in about 5 minutes.) So yes, so you can only imagine how much of a struggle keeping my extreme fandom from them all these years has been... Why am I'm thinking that Cotton will giggle at this... But shhh Cotton! And so now I'm heading out on a jet plane. And seriously, I'm going to try in a very nonchalant way to spring the question... "SO... have you heard if Quiana has any plans to tour with Clay at any time in the near future?" bwah So you see? This is exactly why I have always completely tried to avoid putting myself in this situation... And if you DID happen to see that picture, please do not share, ok? Thanks. Well well Chardonay aren't you the tricky one! Of course I missed the picture and I have no idea what you're on about but my overactive imagination is working overtime!!!!! First kiss? I was 16, he had dark hair and bucked teeth. I do remember thinking that this isn't all its cracked up to be!! Luckily I changed my mind later on........ Lucky thanks for your sons baseball story, loved it.
  8. [[[annabear]]]] Not to worry, not meant to be. Something better might be just around the corner.
  9. Real Mums Tips for Running a Household Tip 1 Mothers: If you accidentally oversalt a dish while it's still cooking, drop in a peeled potato and it will absorb the excess salt for an instant fix-me-up. Real Mums: If you oversalt a dish whilst you are cooking, that's just too damn bad. Please recite with me The Real Mums' Motto: "I made it and you will eat it, and I don't care how bad it tastes." Tip 2 Mothers: To cure a headache, take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. Real Mums: To cure a headace (anyones), take a lime, mix it with tequila, chill and drink. The headache will still be there, but who cares? Tip 3 Mothers: To prevent ice-cream drips, stuff a marshmallow in the bottom of the cone. Real Mums: Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for Pete's sake. You're probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it yourself, anyway. Tip 4 Mothers: To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes. Real Mums: Buy boxed mashed potato mix and keep it in the pantry for up to a year. Tip 5 Mothers: When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking pan, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead. Then there won't be any white mess on the inside of the cake. Real Mums: Go to the bakery!! They'll even decorate it for you. Tip 6 Mothers: Brush some beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to yield a beautiful glossy finish. Real Mums: Sara Lee frozen pie directions do not include brushing egg whites over the crust, so I just don't do it. Tip 7 Mothers: If you have trouble opening jars, try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy. Real Mums: Go ask the very cute neighbour to do it! Tip 8 - and the most important tip Mothers: Don't throw out all that leftover wine. Freeze into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces. Real Mums: Leftover wine ??????!!!!!!
  10. These recaps by the shack (?) CMSU! especially: Can you imagine? Couchie I have heard of women not knowing they were pregnant until the birth but surely the doctors might have had an inkling! As for myself, I ballooned out to the size of a house real quick. When I was waddling around the shops people would stare, a repairman who came to the house in my 39th week took one look at me and hit full speed. I think he didn't want to be stuck boiling water and fetching towels! My Dr kept saying "Oh this is a biggun" - so reassuring. Anyway he turned out to be average size (and gorgeous).
  11. Hi Y'all (heee ,I said Yall) It's taken me all day to catch up, you chatterboxes! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I have been away for the last three days watching my younger DS play in a baseball tournament and DH umpire. It was vv cold and muddy but thankfully only rained at night. He really gained in confidence and held his own even though he was playing in the under 12s and he's only 10 and a small 10 at that. It was great to see all these kids from far and wide come together in this "friendship tournament". Their enthusiasm and good sportsmanship was heart-warming. (A few of their parents could learn a thing or two from the kids! Its a few unfortunately vocal minority who apparently wrote the rule book but just can't get off their not inconsiderable backsides to actually umpire. Oh they werent loud and it mostly wasn't about my DH but I'm sure they didn't realise I was sitting there with my dumbo ears a'flappin! - I moved and then all was dandy! End of rant! Sorry about the Morgan [b]ChaCha and Mr Chach I hope you had fun at the show anyway. What was so infamous about Sewell? hee isn't it funny to meet people later who have been walking a parallel journey. It's one of the things I love about FCA..getting to meet so many of you years after we started down this road. I love the comment about a "parallel journey". My DH and I did this for a few years before we met, attending the same functions, going to the same parties , standing a few feet away from each other on certain occassions, knowing the same people yet not meeting until the time was just right, until I was old enough and he was mature enough (heee). ITA about the not worrying and plan B thing except I think his plan B would have changed is all. I always find it helps to calm my tendancy to be a natural worrier if I have a plan B (and c,d,e,.... An older Weasley brother! Brilliant Bottle! Or some kind of weasley relative! I thought this was actually Kf! go get a sandwich? :lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1: too
  12. Sorry Couchie! it's school holidays here and I have to pull rank if I want to get near the computer!...or TV.... Hey KAndre word to this! ...but please no goatee..... Good luck with the sewing ChaCha!
  13. WORD--Thread title? Ansa this is so poetic. I love it!
  14. Count me in with the Virgos! I have a friend who is really into astrology (also a Virgo) and she keeps reminding of the supposedly "Virgo-like" things we both do. Its uncanny or else just a case of "birds of a feather"! What if theres something better, cheaper, more flattering at another shop? Where's the guilt at the extravagance of spending money and time on yourself? What if that last 20 umm I mean 10 pounds finally comes off and nothing fits then? Yeah Muski, both our guys have issues......... Someone upthread mentioned chick flicks and "Pride&Prejudice". I haven't seen the movie but has anyone else seen the BBC version starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth? I highly recommend it!
  15. Pull up a chair Cha Cha!! Some folks live to complain. Someone made a cartoon of Clay as a super hero and it was not seen as funny by some and one thought he came across as a little egotistical in the Somalia speech. I guess that is it in a nutshell. Don't ask! I just reports 'em! Hee I've been to both Londons! I saw Maggie Smith in Stratford (Ont) as Lady "Scottish Play" and fell asleep!! Clay as a superhero eh? Umm, what would his outfit be like? Tights? Would you see his hair?........ OH ! and of course what good deeds would he do? how many would he rescue?? etcetcetc...but back to the outfit.......... Merieee I think you'd better join ChaCha and I in our virtual restaurant to discuss this further!
  16. I don't get to many other boards but what could possibly be bad about Clays Somalia comments? Am I missing something? YAY for the London Posse! I have actually been to London ( YES the one in Canada) or to be precise I was sitting on a train that went through London in April. Thats close enough isn't it? I'd still qualify for membership wouldn't I ? ...... Or else I'll have to start my own posse...... picture poor, sad ausdon,..alone at a restaurant, party hat at a jaunty angle,... bravely smiling and hitting play on her little cd player for the tenth time.....surrounded by balloons, ignoring the stares of the pitying jealous people at the other tables....... Hugs to all with health problems. Hugs to all with family problems. (Muski I hear you and sympathise)
  17. Re the part I bolded: WTF? How do they know this? Psychic? (Psycho more likely!) Welcome Newbies!! Tastiest Fries? The Drunken Chicken shop just up the road from my house coats theirs in batter so they are extra crunchy - I'm a tomato sauce lover on most things , especially chips Hi ChaCha! That is one snazzy car!
  18. Whu? Huh? Hanged her chirren? In GOG? I musta missed that part!!! How about HUNGRY CHILDREN??!!! Not hanged her children!! ???? Play? Did you read the lyrics I posted, Hon??? was "hung her children that she can't feed" Oh dear, bad eyes, bad ears - soon I will just be all bad. Play Course you're not bad. Maybe I am cos I laughed out loud when this got cleared up. Had me searching for a minute there....... {{{{gbmfan}}}} Claytonic, the mind boggles at cases like the one in Bris with the twins. How can someone not have any concerns about those parents abilities or mental health or sobriety? There is help out there, the community health nurses are free and a godsend and full of info re: extra help etc. I have found myself thinking about those kids quite a bit the last few days....
  19. Hit and Run Post, haven't time to catch up yet, but just had to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY COUCHIE :F_05BL17blowkiss: {{{{{ ldyj}}}}} and {{{{Play}}}}
  20. I love EIDN!! My fave on the whole CD. I have thought about why because it was just such a gut thing, straight away you know? I think its the strength of his voice on this one . I'm not a big fan of the "thinner " notes on some songs. I like his higher notes when they are strong and not "wavery".(is so a word).( you can tell I'm not one of the 'musical people ) I think the lyrics are good too. Whether he relates to them or not, it conjures up the image of the confident, taking charge, don't give me no trouble man. Some of the lyrics of his other songs belong to a wimpier, more simpery (AGAIN is.so.a.word.) kind of guy. And that is not the impression I get of him in interviews. He seems more like the "iron fist in the velvet glove" type. JMO etc etc Cotton you CMSU! (I like the way your sick mind works!) Hey ducky he could sing KenLee........... Couchie ITA. Even when the child is older, at school, kids will repeat things they have heard from their parents. If a child knows from infancy the true circumstances of their birth then its no big deal , you know? I knew I was adopted from the start-don't even remember being told- so no one could convince me I wasn't special and extra- wanted, no nastypastie could "surprise me with the "secret". (and no-one had to explain how I ended up with a tall, slim, tanned model type for a sister!!) AND ' just for the record I have also never made a child sit in the stroller and suck their thumb to get them in anywhere cheaper.....no, not me.......... Here here! ITA
  21. Play glad you and your home are ok. Happy birthday JustClay12! Congratulations Gibby and MrGibby!
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