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Everything posted by ausdon

  1. ausdon

    FCA Main

    Happy to help- might have to fight Claytonic for the idiot-proof jobs though!
  2. I'm sorry, but that's just not acceptable. Exactly what was she reaching between his legs FOR? exactly.. Perhaps she was checking if he had a hole in his tights A whole what? Strange way to serve a drink............and I've never heard it called a "tabbard" before.......
  3. Hey count me in for that trade-a-kid deal! I have an almost 14 (in 3 days) year old who is temporarily banned from all electronic entertainments and has taken to practicing his debating skills to pass the time! I think a 20 odd hour plane trip to see auntie muski or auntie gibby would do him the world of good!......and get him 20hrs away from his long-suffering sainted mother! ETA: Why Yes! I am quite liberal with the !!!!!!! I am in that sort of a mood! Yessir! Very exclamatory today!! Heee... I likes the pretty colours..... Hey Kim I can relate, I am at this moment shut up in the study, having a little Claytherapy for my frayed nerves. Ummm...also playing with colours etc....... {{luckiestdaughter}} ETA: {{Clay}}......... and {{{{{{{{}}}}}}}} for good measure.
  4. I have just caught up , due to computer problems and RL demands. It's a good thing I was by myself since the huge grin and excitement I felt while reading the gala recaps would have me being carted to the loony bin! EEEEE! My downloads are still painfully slow so I haven't seen any clack or pictures but that will be a treat waiting for me in the next few days. Wonder if he has anything planned for when his Spam run ends? Talk show? Performances? Fingers crossed! Congrats on your new house Annabear. I have been trying to view the photos but may not succeed for a few days! Thank you to the Clack Queens! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Welcome newbies!
  5. I recently bought a dyson upright and am now v.happy with it. (I thought it wasn't working until I finally looked into how to fix it and found I had mistakenly sucked up two pencils and these were clogging up the pipe. This is one powerful machine!) Hey Cotton I always say this about the iron! Speaking of housework, I had better go and do some. My kids and DH have all been sick with a tummy bug over the last week so all I have done is disinfect the bathrooms (many many times!) and look after the patients.
  6. About the colours, pardon my ignorance, but what are the codes for? What are colour tags? I come across several foreign languages on this board- American, Canadian, boardspeak, and computer-ese. By far the most difficult for non-techie me is computer-ese!
  7. My colour is Veronica. Who ever heard of a colour called Veronica?
  8. :lmaosmiley-1: Good luck and congrats Anna! Yeah merieee....... offering him the apple....dancing seductively........ Isn't it funny, just seeing this ( gay), written so casually in a normal post. I did a double take and then thought that well, this is how it is now... ETA: Does anyone know what happened to Claymaniacs?
  9. Just so I'm clear (if this is indeed the person who is advertising their seat). It was okay with God that she go to see (and laud) an irreverent play that also includes a rather ringing endorsement for homosexuality, as long as Clay wasn't gay. And now that he is, and she can't support him any longer it's okay to go one last time. I guess that's a different God - the one who could misplace a cup? Not the one whose sending Clay to hell? Allrighty then. I guess that's also the same God who will forgive her lusting after a stranger half her age all over the internet for years (because she didn't, you know, engage in the physical act), and will also forgive Clay being gay as long as he never actually engages in the physical act of love? It must be a pretty, pretty sky in the world these people live in. At least by going to a Broadway musical she will not be supporting any other gay people whatsoever since the place is crawling with straight men......... (Not wishing to stereotype, just struck me as another weird thing......) Cotton you don't ever have to apologise for "downer non-Clay stuff" :F_05BL17blowkiss: At 33 your son is the perfect age for a woman who knows the right man when she sees one. He sounds like he would be a catch .
  10. That's because he's made of awesome. I totally would have been obsessing about him for the last five years too, except I missed AI2. Thread title?
  11. I would love to hear Clay sing WAMLAW in full, but maybe we wont now? He didn't seem too keen on it in the little clip that I saw. It just seems as if it's made to show off the best of his voice. :lmaosmiley-1: I thought nothing of The Village Peoples songs ( YMCA & In the Navy) 'till I read it in the paper........ Happy Belated Birthday Liney! Hugs to Muski Hope your bad luck quota was all used up last week! Regarding the "he looks happier/ more touchy feely etc" conversation- what he said in his blog about "greedy opportunists" (not a direct quote). I think he would be able to relax more now - less likely for fake babymamas to pop up- less likely for some slime to try and reveal his "secret"- less worry that his fans will head for the hills. Perhaps just a general "whew I'm glad thats over and done with" . Also a lovely baby to put everything else into perspective.
  12. But Merieee Thad thongs thound tho goood....... Its getting a bit late here, so if someone could direct me to the fleet of penises I'll be on my way........
  13. Welcome clazycoffin! Uh, do we have rules?
  14. Gee when Couchie mentioned this add I thought it was done ironically, sarcastically, I never thought for a moment it would be a serious add. Oh thread title! Another thread title?? :lmaosmiley-1: Oh welcome georgiesmybaby! I'm insane for KAndre
  15. YOUSE??? Where do you think you're from, Philly??? Or Australia? :F_05BL17blowkiss: Gotta love KFson I understand Play and agree that we can't like all of the people all of the time and Clay will benefit by keeping as many happy fans as possible even if it takes them a while to come to terms with this "news". This was in the news today... MONASH University will teach its first-year students grammar and punctuation after discovering that most arrive without basic English skills. Baden Eunson, lecturer at the university's School of English, Communications and Performance Studies, and convenor of the new course, said about 90 per cent of his first-year students could not identify a noun. "If you ask them to identify adjectives and other parts of a sentence, only about 1 per cent can manage," he said, according to The Australian. "It is not really a surprise as only about 20 per cent of English teachers understand basic grammar." continued..... I don't know how these kids graduated from high school. Hey Claytonic! I completely understand. I had a meeting with my sons teacher when he was in grade six. I felt that he should be able to write a grammatically correct sentence that actually made sense more often than not. I was told that ,compared to his peers, he was doing fine ,developing his skills. Maybe that was teacher-jargon? Now, a couple of years later, I asked all his high school teachers and they all said it was something he needs to work on- but apparently none of them ever told him, nothing was mentioned in his report cards( got decent marks), and I don't think they would have mentioned it to me if I hadn't asked as an afterthought as I was about to leave. I think that sometimes they need to tell us the facts in a straight forward way, and that includes the kids. IE if you want to get an A you must put more info in your assignment, proof read better, make it neater etc etc. Now ,of course, he believes that I am just being picky and that he is doing fine by putting a halfhearted effort in. I can't make him see how wasteful of his talents it is to be satisfied with a C or B when if he put a decent amount of effort in he could get mostly A's. End of rant about nearly fourteen year old and his increasingly dim and out of touch mother.
  16. YES CG Also I'd like to see some of his songs played on a popular TV show. Its taken off for others, right? Also I'd like to see some "unplugged" type songs which really let his voice shine on its own (but not singing too high)- with sort of a laid back vibe...... Actually, now that I've written this down I can see it might not work. After all, I wouldn't describe Clay as a "laid back" kind of guy, but who knows maybe he can now be a bit more relaxed? Now that he's not having to hide some things?
  17. Whew! Finally caught up. We went away for the weekend. Had fun, slept in tents, water skied, ate too much, drank too much, talked rubbish and generally had a good time. I did catch myself wondering what was happening in Clayland a few times. I was going to quote that post from "Marge" saying that she was leaving the fandom and why. I don't agree with her opinions but I thought she stated them well, clearly and respectfully. She recognized that she had been too involved and neglected her family. I thought she was very insightful on this point. But...then I read where she was repeating her views over and over. IMO this sounds like an attempt to stir things up- another example of her obsessiveness. I think this is where many are having trouble now. They became too involved in who they imagined Clay to be. They spent time and money they perhaps couldn't (or shouldn't) have spared - not just on entertainment & fun but on this imaginary psuedo- saint and that is why they now feel foolish. Do they not question the statements of other public figures? They now are blaming Clay for their own OTT -ness and thats just not fair. Yes, I know he said he was straight in RS . That was a long time ago, he was quite young and we all change our ideas from our youth. IMO you are not growing or living if sometimes you don't question your beliefs/statements over the years. I can (and do) change my mind and dont consider my previous opinions to be a lie, even those that I only hoped to be true. Good point, atinal I think "unconditional love" is way overused (along with "soulmate" but thats just my aged grumpiness showing!) Also good point Wanda And another thing, since I'm on a roll, I think that often women (esp. middle aged ones- not us of course since I'm assuming that all you are mere slips of girls like me!!) are waaay more open minded than people (and the media) think. You live a few years, life knocks the sharp edges off you. You can see the importance of things. Things like love and fairness and treating people decently.
  18. Thanks Gibby, Anna & Bella Having read a bit elsewhere and everything here - I love FCA
  19. I think someone said she gave permission to bring her posts elsewhere, would some kind person copy this one here please?
  20. Well, TBH, Luckiest it wasn't that you posted....it's just that you LIED........ :o BWAH :lmaosmiley-1: I am not an OFC member but I love to hear Jaymes comments. I am never surprised when the most mild mannered woman turns into her wild lioness self when protecting her cubs. I have been known to get all hardass on someone who looked sideways at mine. Anyone mentions that sweet baby in a negative sentence does so at their own peril, and good for her too.
  21. BWAH Muski! Actually, IIRC, didn't we talk about starting our polygamous lesbian sect at one stage? Hell , I'd confess all on the cover of People for my cut of $500,000 Now where's their number...........
  22. Gee, what a day! I have 5 11yr old boys having a sleepover in my lounge room but the noise is dying down ( Its 12.20am). I don't want to leave but I have to try and get some sleep! The People article was nice, a bit I dunno...surreal? maybe?.......but nice just the same. Nice isn't the word I'm looking for, maybe positive? Reassuring that he's ok and at peace with his coming out? And prepared for whatever reactions come his way? Thats what I get from it anyway.Also that crazy anxious in love thing you get with new babies!
  23. WORD djs!!! ETA: Is it allowed to bring his OFC post over here? Or can someone let me know the gist of it?
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