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Everything posted by ausdon

  1. YES -- and some prety ordinary ones also! Claylove ITA. I love this song and I bet Clay could rock it. Actually I hope Clay ages as well as Jon BonJovi. IMO he's one of the best "aged" of the 80s singers out there. The reef is a must. .....Singing "I will survive"..... Also fantastic if you have the time are the Whitsunday Islands. You can see the reef from there as well. There is diving and snorkling as well as a submarine for the non-water sports inclined (me). Hot guys? Well, the ones you already know about.... - Hugh Jackman - SexiestManAlive. And he's ours! - Mel Gibson, not a true Aussie... born in the USA and spent his formative years there. You can have him back if you want. - Russell Crowe - born in New Zealand but now calls Australia home. He's an Aussie when he wins Oscars. He's a Kiwi when he throws things around in American hotels. - Heath Ledger. Yesterday, today and forever an Aussie. We have many other hawt men that you haven't heard of. However, beware that some are notorious for having priorities in this order: - beer, football, SHEilas. Also, consider yourself warned that Sydney is the San Francisco of the southern hemisphere, and I'm not talking about the hilly terrain. The hottest thing about Australia is the climate. Right now, Melbourne (one of our major cities, known usually for having 4 seasons in one day) is enduring consecutive days of 40 degrees Celsius. Right now it is 43 C, and still climbing. That's 109.4F and still climbing... Russell Crowe :cryingwlaughter: so true Adelaide got down to 30 odd degrees overnight the other day. And even though we are much more humid where I am it has been very hot. Cairns in the summer ? Only for the serious humidity and rain lovers. Actually, they don't have the four seasons there- just wet and dry. I lived there for 15 months in the early 80s. My parents couldn't take another wet season so they moved us about halfway down the coast. Any beach lovers out there? Claytonic and I could show you some beauties in our area! Hee, My son told me that at school a few months back the kids had to stay in their classrooms until a teacher had chased away a big kangaroo! We also see koalas from time to time at the school too. This is unusual because we are definitely in the suburbs.
  2. I couldn't let this go by. This is a dolphin fish, served all over the world and prized by deep sea fisherfolks. As opposed to the mammal dolphin which is a protected species, at least in US waters. Clay content: He's as cute as a dolphin. Thank goodness! Yay! FCA party downunder! I love Human Nature. One of the guys-Toby Allen_- appeared in a musical (Caberet) a couple of years ago. Sounds familiar. Wanda I loved this article in spite of all the name calling- Maybe thats done with affection? I know in Australia we tend to call each other names in an affectionate way. Of course you have to know each other well! It's nice to see an article that's almost all complimentary.
  3. Yay for GFI! Yay for the lovely lovely clack-gatherers and all their lovely lovely clack! I haven't watched any yet, just caught up, but I can't wait. I think it's the size of the people attending. Is it a pay-by -the-hour sort of establishment? Do they really serve dolphin ? :o Hey Claytonic, I think they gave those flags away with a newspaper. I must say I felt a bit slack since I don't own a flag but I was wearing my aus flag thongs (umm flip-flops to the USA peeps!). Also we couldn't remember many words to "We are Australian" I was surprised at that since the kids seem to sing it ( all 150 verses ) at nearly every school concert. When they start singing it in preschool there isn't a dry eye in the house but by grade seven it's strained smiles and polite applause!! We had a couple friends round for a BBQ and I made a green and gold salad and a pav with peppermint crisp and violet crumble lollies smashed up on top of it for the green and gold. (Yes, health food!) I too would be happy if they changed the date since it holds a bad vibe for so many. I am also very happy to celebrate, not so much the settlement but the nation we are today. Of course we have our problems and some past wrongs to be acknowledged and redressed but there is much to be proud of. There are many worse places to live and I am thankful to be here. Oh, yeah, baby.... Hey Muski I am also a "snake"......... ummmm ......snakes unite?
  4. Good idea. Eeeeeeeeeee! Come on, I know how resourceful the Claynation is...can't you sneak in as a server or waitress? Kim I see a "Lucy and Ethel" moment coming on!
  5. {{ Georgie}} Of course you must go to the police, otherwise it will never stop. Is there any way you could sell up and move? Can your sister look for another job on the quiet? Drastic measures , but I think the situation calls for it.
  6. I haven't caught up yet but I see many heads exploding I take it you mean elsewhere? I haven't caught up yet but I see many heads exploding I've been perusing quite a few boards and by far the majority are expressing their pleasure over him seeming so happy. I really don't see a lot of angst at all. Yes, Cindilu, I did mean elsewhere. And Merrieee I am glad to hear that. I made my post this morning while DH was in the car in the driveway, with the engine running! I have not had a chance to read elsewhere but I hope the general happiness lasts for a while - both for the boards and also for Clay. That Spam party sure looks like a fun one! ETA: When one of the names in the members list (of members reading) is in italics what does that mean?
  7. Thread title for next time??? muski... make sure to tell us about it, k? LOL I think Clay was totally great to call xxx4Clay! And, I think he was totally right to ask that the conversation stay at the table. Geesh! So they report that he hates broccoli, per something he said... fans are up in arms or predicting he'll die of some dread disease if he doesn't eat broccoli. So they report that he thinks American cars are "just not good." Oh, my! Exploding heads, anyone? So, he either says the convo stays at the table or he doesn't talk except to say, "Pass the salt and pepper, please." He did the right thing, IMO. OMG!!!! How can you say that! Don't you know that excess salt is very unhealthy!! And when he encourages, nay advocates, such prolific usage he is endangering the lives of others!!! How could he be soooo reckless!!!! And don't get me started on pepper..................
  8. Bwah! Actually, I am a bit of a spelling/grammar freak but I usually just know something is wrong and have no idea why. The rules must be swirling around in the back of my mind somewhere along with all the other "useful" facts that lodge there!
  9. Hey Jaycee, I hope your spirits lift and you feel happier again soon. One thought did strike me as I was reading - Do you think maybe the things Clay has seen on his Unicef trips have caused him to "loosen up" or relax his attitude to appearing so "goody two-shoes". I never got that saintly vibe from him but I wasn't here at the very start either. I know that with each passing year I change my idea of what's important to me. I'm guessing he has seen some bad & sad things abroad and faced his tough times at home as well and while that probably wouldn't change his basic "level of goodness" (for want of a better term) it might make him zero in on what's important to him in his heart and not feel he should portray a certain image. I guess I am trying to say (in a very roundabout fashion!) that we all do, and absolutely should, change our ideas and attitudes as we age, Clay included.
  10. {{{ Couchie and Couchiemum }}}
  11. Couchie, I hope all goes well and speedily now that your Mum is at the stroke centre- it sounds like the best place to be.
  12. Scarlett bad luck about the battery, but otherwise a good day!
  13. No shit! I'm in line right behind you. (Just so I can be properly outraged at this horrible invasion of Clay's privacy.) Wanda, you are indeed selfless to take one for the team like this. I am going to get you nominated for a sainthood. Thread title? When I was 12 I loved Leif Garrett and Mark Holden- an ex judge on Australian Idol . ( Claytonic .)
  14. Tribeca, Are you serious? Is it a real one? Um well, I know its a real one, but is the photo a real one?
  15. ITA- Exciting!!!!!! I love all the excitement and the recaps on the board today. Not only was one of my personal long-held dreams realised (seeing a broadway show) but the whole experience made so extra-special by getting to see Clay , meeting some locals ( Cha Cha & Annabear), and sharing in the excitement of like minded people. It has made the whole experience..bigger and richer some how. FCA
  16. Dress?????....Party pooper. Congrats Annabear! Picture this..........Clay on stage, looking all cute, well dressed (about fifteen times), singing up a storm, ...and then the thundering of cowbells and triangles and melodious paper & comb. Then from stage left, out glides the Aikenators! (segClays?) the crowd goes crazy, the critics applaud wildly for the much admired (and v.v. attractive) precision all segway riding backup dance team!!!!!!!!! They twirl and glide while simultaneously making witty messageboard posts on the laptops strapped to the segway handles. Clay thrills all with the bestest glory note ever. Then he hurries off stage to "pay" his Aikenators and get changed- again about fifteen times. This backstage umm.... "activity" takes quite a while as you can imagine and a weary Clay emerges from the theatre as the sun rises and he dodges the kangaroos in the street................... Hey its my fantasy and of course all my fellow backup dancers can stay at my house. I will arrange the valet segway parking..... ETA: Bottle the bedazzling is mandatory.
  17. OK this cracks me up. The FCA band. duckyvee - triangle Bottlecap -cowbells ok what else we got. Gibby of course will be our conductor. Put me down for the paper & comb!
  18. It's funny being in a different time zone. I find myself cackling at my computer screen, saying things like "Sooooo true!" and "Yeah that!" and hitting those quote buttons or, sometimes, "What the hell is she smokin'!" or "oooh thems fightin words!" and then I keep reading and go eeeek! delete quotes! delete quotes! Don't go there! The weird thing is that these reactions sometimes happen to me from the same people, in the same day! If off-topic posts were deleted here--some days there would be nothing left!!! Do we have topics here?.............What is this Clay I see mentioned?.........Are we a potters club? Lovely post OOlsee Yeah ,but so much harder to do on a messageboard!!! Seriously, I often don't acknowledge people because I am usually so far behind the conversation (or ahead, depending on which way you look at it!). I will try from now on to do this when I have time up my sleeve, since I read all posts and value them ,even the off topic ones Bettyjean!
  19. I desperately neeed to jump on the healthy bandwagon. I am now the heaviest I have ever been and am feeling uncomfortable and my feet hurt. I did however throw out some Christmas pudding! That should count for something right?
  20. Have fun in NYspamC all you lucky FCAers! Someone upthread mentioned Tom Deckman, I agree he is one fantastic performer. Also when I was there in April (during BC) Clay didn't do the SD but Tom came out and happily signed our Playbills and spoke to the kids and seemed like a lovely guy. I am keeping my eye out for him in future TV or Movies and fingers crossed.
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