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Everything posted by merrieeee

  1. I was watching a re-run of Americas Next Top Model this weekend and one thing they said that to make it you have to have the ability to look different at each photo shoot. Clay never looks the same way twice in any photos but manages to look gorgeous in all (well almost all) of them! Is he really an alien who shapeshifts? He belongs on the cover of GQ!!!!!!!
  2. Now for us shallow thinkers...and you know who you are.....those are some mighty fine hair pictures! Phew it's not midnight yet!
  3. Oh I am having the bestest birthday! Look at all the wonderful prezzies I am getting!!! Thank you one and all! It is really special of you not to post "that" picture*g* (You like me, you really like me!TM SF) If the 12.01am is Eastern Standard time, then I shall probably still be awake...you know how us old people are. Besides who could sleep with visions of those sugar plums dancing in my head?
  4. OMG I would have died!!! Did you believe at first it was from him? I would have wondered, I know.
  5. Wow, lots of interesting posts in the last couple of days. I don't think I can add much that hasn't been already said by others and more eloquently than I ever could. I will add one thing about re-joining the fan club. As soon as they announce you can renew I will be there! I will not be re-upping to support Clay or for the message board, but for the feeling I get when I see the words "He Blogged"! I click on the link quicker than you could ever possibly imagine. I get such a rush being able to actually read what he posts that to me that is worth far more than any dollar amount! I cannot explain it but I don't want to give that feeling up. I know, it sounds really stupid but I guess that's as good reason as any.
  6. Just wait...one of these days, I'll get you my pretty! That last picture reminds me of one thing I don't like. He looks under the weather to me.
  7. See bottle it didn't hurt to post one of my favourite pics of all time, the library one. Thank you....all is forgiven! So am I to deduce from your creative cropping of Clay that he must indeed be the sum of his parts...and what parts? Laughn, I love that pic of THE profile!
  8. Kim you can ask but I don't know if I can explain it. I honestly don't think it is very flattering to him. I have seen many other pictures where he literally takes my breath away and this one I just want to go away. Sorry. I guess all pics are very subjective and to each his own. I even like the fauxhawk pics better..they are fun and quirky and I can just laugh at them! Besides now it has become a game and there is no way I could ever admit to liking it even a tiny bit...even if I wanted to (which I don't)*g* But I still love Clay lots so it's all good.
  9. It's worth a shot I guess. OK clears throat ::coughcough:: I lurv.... I lur.... ::hackhack:: I lu.... I l.... ::chokechoke:: aarrgghh Na! can't do it!
  10. You think you will break me??? No way! You may be a mod (and I know it's never smart to mess with a mod) but I am strong and I am invincible, I am woman, hear me ......oh wait...now where was I!!! OK I 'll look again just to make sure......... yup still hate it I am going to my happy place now.
  11. Deported???????? Heck I might leave of my own free will!!! Oh the torture. I"ll just have to keep scrolling up and petting the AMA pic...yeah that will make me feel better. Really the hair is not that much different, I guess but I just hate (oh yes I mean hate) that sNOflake pic!
  12. None taken Diva! Trust me he never had anything close to English teeth! I should know I used to have them until I moved here and saved up enough to do something about it.
  13. Since I've decided to ignore some of you I'm just going to post and run*g* May I present Milord Aiken
  14. Ok you guys are just too funny go on just pile on!!!!! It's still not going to make me change my mind about the sNOwflake hair!
  15. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee My hometown buddy claycherie is in the house!!!!! To show you what a small world the internet world really is: claycherie is from my hometown in England and her parents worked down the street from my Mum during World War 2! We met through the CH and hopefully one day we will meet in person. Welcome to everyone else who finally found us.
  16. First posts? You obviously have not read all the posts of some of our more prolific posters*g* Anyway welcome to the bestest board out there (I learned sucking up from above mentioned posters)
  17. OK keepingfaith I will concede the side view of SF hair is alright but I still don't like the front view! Sorry! I thought the Fauxhawk was fun and quirky and besides I had seen quite a few styles like that in England so it was not that strange to me. However my favourite hair is Tyra followed by AI5. Sexay!!!
  18. Thanks for the recap. I just love me a smart man! Pheww that means I'll never be on the "let's make her a mod list". Saved again!!!! Sorry couchie of all of his myriad hairstyles that is my least favourite....yes I even like the fauxhawk better. I think it's an English thing! As I depart I leave my collection of witty bon mots to...........oh wait I've never made any witty bon mots.....*g* By the way is is good MB etiquette to bold one's own name? It kind of feels like bragging!
  19. eeeeeeee I cannot wait to hear couchies report! He always looks adorable...well I for one did not like the snowflake hair...There I said it!!!
  20. Hey Meesa! Welcome. Glad you posted! Tulsa hmm......I hope I didn't say anything too bad! And if I did it wasn't me it was keepingfaith*g* Oh and ldyj you are right I just adore Clay Aiken!
  21. I work in the golf industry and and when people get stressed out I tell them "It's just a game!" Well if this is just a game(show) then why do I feel this way?
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