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Everything posted by djs111

  1. I still love watching Moonlight, but there just seems to be either bad chemistry, bad acting, or bad writing, can't exactly put my finger on it. I will watch, though, just because I love looking at the lead. I do watch Lyrics if I happen upon it, it is pretty good, and I really like the host a lot. I believe he addressed the celebrities in the audience about something, once, and in reply to something he said they should be ashamed of themselves, they were all rich already. Seeing a lot of lead-in for Project Runway, and since I know they cut and edit the bejeezus out of it, I kinda wish they would stop already, I just want to see the clothes.
  2. Sniff......evidently I was the only person in the universe who liked Viva Laughlin. It has been cancelled already. Big Bang was funny last night, tho. Yes, Marie dropped like a bag of rocks, she dropped so quickly and unexpectedly I thought it was a trick, at first. Her dancing had seemed choppy, almost like a music box couple.
  3. Still love only Bang from the initial rash of new shows - but I feel that I am already madly in love with Viva Laughlin - Hugh Jackman. Yum. Melanie Griffith - let the overacting begin! Music and delicious guys - best thing since a Clay Aiken concert.
  4. djs111

    Top Chef

    Howie constantly complained about other cooks, I always wished he would just shut up. One of the other chefs said Howie got more asshole-ish every week, and no one disagreed. He was sort of a tattle-tale or something. In the reunion show, I thought CJ was reaching over and touching Casey an awful lot, I thought it was cute - maybe he is just a guy who really likes women! I didn't enter that contest where the prize was for Hung to cook for the winner and 10 other friends.....in watching his remarks during a few of the re-runs, I feel Hung would consider that I have a "common" palate or something. His elitism is more off-putting the second time through. In fact, I should thank him for curing my addiction to the re-runs! Yes, his food was consistently good - I just wouldn't want to hire him and see him every day.
  5. So far, the only new show I watched again this week is Big Bang Theory; it makes me laugh out loud. Aside from a couple of network shows (House, Boston Legal), I have become quite a fan of Hotel Babylon, on BBCA.
  6. I like Wayne - I think he was just out of his element. He usually IS the show, and has complete control....plus, he is not a dancer, really. His reality talent show a couple of years ago was, IMO, the best of all of them. He gave honest, constructive criticism. Of course, prolly the only person who has more money than him, this year on the show, is Mark. I realise Mark won't likely make it very much further, but I like him a lot, and admire that he is doing this despite the new artificial hip. I can kind of see the fighting entreprenurial spirit there.
  7. Yikes! I have never ever posted anything to suggest that "we" like or dislike or boycott anyone or anything as a group. I read that a lot, and usually it is in response to some people saying they won't watch something. There is absolutely no "we" in any Clay fandom that I have seen. And anyone who knows me, knows that I could care less about the "we" part of the fandom - for better or for worse. And, really, I just skip shows or people, I don't actively go around hating on them....I was just explaining why I roll my eyes right back! ;-). For me, once something has clicked my little Oh that's tacky meter, I have merely lost interest, I have other stuff to do or watch anyway, no big deal, I don't have a Nielsen box or anything that would actually make a difference. I guess it is more like once I am NOT entertained, or I am put off by something, it drops off my radar. I am not like a diabetic refusing life-saving medicine because I don't like the label, it is just TV. For that matter, I once went without any TV at all for a year due to finances, and then when I was working in Japan a lot I watched very little TV except for silly Japanese stuff, so I think I am prolly less inclined to even turn the TV on in the first place, or plan an entire evening of shows, than other people. I am more likely to surf the net or read a murder mystery or continue my (never gonna get done unless I move to a one-room house at the foot of a hill with a river in front of it) quest to Feng Shui my entire house, is all! No turds stirred (gotta say out of all the things Clay has ever ever said, that phrase is the only thing I think is yucky). And I was the person who asked about the diss, I was curious, is all. I wouldn't have watched Cane anyway, I love Boston Legal too much! Ansa, about homophobia, I have thought about it, and feel I do make a distinction between people who for one reason or another (religion, upbringing, whatever) think homosexuality is wrong or is a chosen "lifestyle", and those who are just deliberately going for the cheap joke. I know that people would get up and walk out if a comedian told a joke about, say, Jews or black people, and find it offensive - that is the way I feel about gay jokes made just to get a laugh. And that does not include when I am sitting around with gay friends and THEY make jokes about themselves, if that makes any sense.
  8. The following is not a rant, just a quiet statement, insert another rolling eyes emoticon..... Well, since I think making disses of ANYBODY about their perceived sexuality, particularly when the jeer is because evidently being gay is something to laugh about, I won't watch anything or anyone who does that. I won't share any of my personal life with people like that either. No big loss, no loss at all. Not all up in arms, not posting any ringing denouncements, but I don't need ugly stuff in my life - not saying that "grandly", but matter-of-factly. Waste of my time. The other night Henry Winkler took a jab at Clay, it was like a jolt of ice water or something, I was not expecting that at all - to me, just taking that shot at Clay indicates a shallow cheapness, and I find that I have been matter-of-factly simply cuttting out any performer or acquaintance that takes a cheap shot at Clay (or anyone else) regarding being gay. I don't see that people like that are all that different than Pez Pig, really, just degree of coarseness is different. Shrug and all that. And if Clay took a shot like that at someone, that would be a burnt puppy - not a tragedy, I would just move on to something else. Life's too short. I am not "making a stand" or "taking a stance", I just matter-of-factly and quietly arrange my life so as to not have ugly things in it as best I can. That includes entertainers, shows, acquaintances, and my sister's current husband. It is no more meaningful to me than not ordering food I don't care for at a restaurant. And I see a clear difference between someone honestly thinking being gay is wrong, and people taking cheap shots at being gay for a laugh. The first situation is usually a result of family or spiritual upbringing and may someday be changed - but taking that cheap shot, to me, indicates a coarseness of spirit, and again, life's too short to have that ugliness in it! I don't write letters, agonise on the net, or any of that kind of thing, I just don't bother watching, is all, just like when, at work, my new co-worker Googled Clay and announced loudly (brayed, really) that Clay was gay gay gay - based on a picture. And that she would never listen to a gay singer. So, a budding friendship just never happened, no big loss, I have come to a point in my life, I guess, where I just naturally weed out unpleasant crap when I can. I don't need to post about it, it just happens. So, roll eyes and all that, I am just giving my perspective and reasoning. I wouldn't watch Cane anyway, because I love Boston Legal (and their stance about EVERYTHING) and it is not just apples and oranges, it is apples and coal. To me. But knowing that there might be crappy shots for a laugh? Won't waste my time, and I am grateful for the heads up warning!
  9. I caught a bit of dirty sexy money, it does look good and snarky fun.
  10. Heeeee.....I didn't mean to give the impression that there was a conspiracy theory, I was just throwing some ideas out there.........I am not actually a part of the segment of the fandom that believes that crap.
  11. Well, dang! I knew Hung would win Top Chef, but I just never did like him and it felt almost like the Anomaly.....I turned off the TV as soon as it was announced. I will NOT get caught up in this show again! I hope! I only asked about Cane because there was a lot of talk on other boards about a preview thingy, but looks like the talk evaporated, so good!
  12. Okay, here is a question - why hasn't Clay mentioned anything about narrating Rewind? Some theories: He had to do it contractually, and didn't really want to.....and perhaps contractually he didn't get paid much He is trying to see if there really is a Claymate ratings bump when he DOESN'T ask us to watch something I don't think he mentioned it in his blog? Heeee.....In other news, I am starting to think there was a Clay jeer in Cane, but no one wants to mention it because they lurve Jimmy Smits. (I don't, but then Cane is on the same time as James Spader, so it won't get watched anyway). Spamalot - Bwah! And at our house, all I have to say is "Give up?" to start a reenactment of the limb-challenged knight. I also am quite convinced rabbits will use those huge teeth on my jugular vein, if given the chance, and I was gratified to see that they are indeed killers.
  13. Oh, I didn't say anything about giving Cane up - I am just curious. I won't be watching it because I won't miss Boston Legal for anything except Clay! And Jimmy Smits doesn't really appeal to me all that much. Heeee....I was poking around the 'net looking for the ending of last night's B.L. show, and some fans are complaining because James Spader has put on weight. And they don't like the plot, too serious, and part of the previews for last night's episode just never appeared on the show. And many other things were bitched about. The only thing I have found about this particular fandom to be unique? Clay's voice!
  14. I agree 100% - (I was in the balcony, too!). He had already been treated to booing and eye-rolling, and I got the feeling that this had been simmering for quite a while. I don't blame him. And hopefully, those who feel they need to express their own personal dislike of what he chooses to do during his concert will just not be attending and buying up those up-front seats. Bwahahaha!
  15. It seemed at the end that he didn't tell NASA "because he couldn't kill her dream" - but yes it was confusing. But good! I really love that show - and being able to watch Boston Legal right after it. Sooooo........was there really a Clay swipe on Cane?
  16. For the life of me, I cannot imagine giving a rat's ass about what that part of the fandom thinks of me. I am here for Clay, I give the fandom no power whatsover over what I do - some sure are batshit crazy, though! Some of the fandom are fascinating - needy, harsh, they are not really in this for the Actual Clay part, I believe (except maybe for that fabled Access To Clay thingie - which is more for bragging rights, IMO.) Heee - worrying whether the Fandom thinks I am genuine is silly - been here too long to take that seriously! Actually, the circumstances which led to my being on a farm in Louisiana for Christmas, dumped there by my mother, my father was out somewhere in Pennsylvania looking for my brother and sister and me, the circumstances were kinda horrific and never did get better. But the Santa coming out of the corn was pretty damned funny in retrospect, and that is what I remember.
  17. I believe he will pick one, or two, or three funny short entries and run with them. He will snark. Gee, maybe I am a famewhore - I think this will be funny, and I am submitting a funny memory, and I would just as soon Clay read it out loud, his timing is perfect. I do not think for one second that he will have three people reading long stories laboriously and killing the flow of an evening with Clay. I am not sure why disagreeing, or, I guess, not agreeing, is equated with "hits" - I am not sure what is really wanted - agreement? silence? I just think this will be fun, and I most assuredly am not a famewhore. And my story is not made-up crap, not even a little bit embellished, and I doubt that most others will be made-up crap. Can someone, anyone, who happened to watch Boston Legal please PM me what happened in the last five minutes?
  18. I just switched over to Dancing etc during a House commercial, and was lucky and caught Jimmy Kimmel's bit - at the end, he said next week we'll find out why everybody on this show is so tan - maybe Clay has already taped a shaven tan skit! I have been busy. I just had the Fucking Cheery Car moved over here - I am the founder, ya know. Anyways, I am not so much a pollyanna as I am a fucking cheery person when it comes to Clay - if I want to angst about something, I can always do that with real life, not a total stranger who is rich and sounds swell and seems to be having quite the amazing time of his life! So I don't so much disagree with negativity, everybody has a valid point of view for themselves - I just don't equate that with having fun with my fandom. Which is fun!
  19. Heee....if I did that my contacts might pop out. Well, I have copyrighted my story, and will have to pick someone to read it if I won......so far, I am just going to D.C.
  20. I think I will submit my story, come to think of it! Not sentimental, it was just funny - Santa of the Corn! Thanks! It is amazing how much mileage Clay gets out of an appearance. I also think the Fug site is funny and not mean-spirited - like someone else said, I read stuff on the boards, written by fans, that is decidedly harsh and unfunny, and the Fug stuff is just humorous.
  21. English lesson for today >>>>>> "famewhore" noun. 1. Someone who captures, or attempts to capture, Clay's attention - who is not a member of one's own home board. 2. Someone who has previously captured Clay's attention, and tries to do so again - who is not a member of one's own home board. Note - if someone has been declared a famewhore due to annoying behavior, such as jumping up and down and yelling MMMMEEEE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! and obstructing others' view of Clay, and is then discovered to be a member of one's own home board, they are converted to "fun-lovin' fabulous Clay fan just havin' a blast" immediately. Just so you know. Hmmmm, when I was about 6 I was spending Christmas on a farm in Louisiana and had to go out after dark to use the outhouse on a cool clear Christmas Eve. By myself. Not happy. When I was done, I started back to the house, heard some noise, turned around - and saw Santa come walking out of the cornfield (sorta like that Kevin Costner movie). I screamed and ran the rest of the way to the house, and would not come out of the bedroom to see Santa. I don't think that is what Clay is looking for, somehow.
  22. Not only you - and I scroll quite a bit! But I do think every board needs diversity, not so much agreement. Now, if things got as disgusting as the OFC, I would feel differently. I love getting a glimpse of regular Clay, I love that he seems to feel so comfortable with this part of his life that he is not all primped and "on".
  23. If Frenchie had made it through and then proceeded to diss the "one pound blondes who sounded like dying beetles (Beatles?)" - I most certainly would not have voted for her. I am trying, and failing, to think of other singers who publicly dissed the opposition. Tacky. And she was dissing the ones who made it through, not the bad auditions. Sorta like Hung on Top Chef - the arrogance is off-putting. And yeah, I know she has had to deal with issues, but it seems to me like it is a stupid thing to insult others in a community that is so closed - you never know who you will be working with next week! Too facile for her to say or imply the only reason someone would not think she is fabulous is because of her weight or race.
  24. I didn't watch the auditions, so I don't remember him either - but he reminded me of the guy in the British version of the talent show - the guy has a fabulous opera voice, his CD is now out, and it is called "One Chance". That's all he needed! I saw a snippet from when he auditioned, and then to see him giving us a fine "Nessun Dorma", tux, orchestra behind him, makes me tear up a bit. And I am quite cynical. The Amazon blurb for his CD is Simon seems much nicer on British TV. Claygasm said: Well, I got two phone calls, one from my cousin in Pittsburgh (who is decidedly just okay with Clay, he is just not on her radar), and from my sister in Bradenton (not so much an intense fan anymore, but will buy any CD he puts out there) - they both recognised his voice and wanted to tell me about it in case I missed it. This show seems to be on at odd times when people may just be channel-surfing, so while it may not be planned-for-must-see-TV, I think it catches the casual viewer and perhaps part of that huge regular audience for the series.
  25. I, um, QUITE LIKE Moonlight. A lot. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a thin dark vampire face and totally suspending reality. This guy is already a way better vampire than Tom Cruise. Found my new show, dangit. Of course, I have read that they already have budget constraints, and maybe the second episode won't measure up to the first. Yikes! Maybe Clive has something to do with this!
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