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Everything posted by djs111

  1. Oh, but this person would be Clay's full-time publicist! They would be telling Clay what to do, guiding Clay's career, setting his schedule, choosing his songs and producers, arranging his personal, philanthropic, and family life, dictating wardrobe and hairstyle placing Clay mentions and arranging appearances all the time!
  2. Yep - I also have to just LMAO at the personal publicist thing - I really don't see why Clay would need a full-time person on his payroll just to get his name out there - all Clay all the time would be overkill, IMO. Unless, of course, this publicist would also be guiding his entire career and life as if they were his manager and life coach and also as if he had bought into their own vision of what he should do....oh wait..... Besides, wouldn't a personal publicist have to do what the label says? Seems like there is a conflict there, if some people are to be believed. :.) IMO, just because some fans want to know (and guide) everything Clay does, 24/7, it doesn't mean Clay is on board with that; in fact I feel he most decidedly is not. I am not interested in any-particular-fan-directed Clay, anyway. It has always seemed kinda amusing to me that some are sure Clay would be a superstar if only he would stop being Clay. Can't wait for Rewind, I hope it is on a jillion times a week so I can hear him talk. Dunno what spoilers would be, unless in this version he wins.
  3. djs111

    Top Chef

    Yeah, I was surprised because last time someone's protein was considered too rare, they got sent home - I really thought Casey was a goner! But it looks like her smoky tomato sauce saved her! That guest chef was cracking me up, going on and on about having to choose between two (equally smelly, to me) cheeses as a failure. Heeee....I would have had to choose no cheese. I guess in a way it was an attempt to second-guess. I was liking Hung as a person a bit more, but his inability to accept any kind of criticism (don't like something he cooked? YOU are a dolt! or it was someone else's fault!) and the way he seems to always be putting the other chefs down really grate. I know the show is edited, tho. I am also tired of the immigrant story, to me it is pure and simple just the cooking and attitude that count. I am really looking forward to next week!
  4. Yes, House was funny, it was a great season premiere.....one of my favorite lines was when House asked Cuddy why she wasn't wearing a bra, or something like that. To me, Cuddy's sexinesss is such a great contrast to her job, and I like that the sexy stuff isn't confined to young things. I have read elsewhere that some people are perturbed about it, but I think it is just a running funny bit. Looks like they may be going to lampoon reality shows, too - eliminating applicants for House's team each week. Great way to showcase Wilson and his sense of humor, been a while since Wilson had fun with House, it seems to me. One of the many things I love about Boston Legal is that many of the cast are older than me (!!!!) and there is definitely a fun sexual streak running right through it. They are having a blast!
  5. heeee......a year or so ago we were talking about living wills at the CH, I asked ms Artquest if she had any recommendations for type of person one would choose to be in charge of deciding things. She didn't have any advice, but DID ask if she could have my clack.
  6. I used to turn off the TV after House, but a couple of years ago I accidently switched to Boston Legal, and I was instantly hooked. In addition to prime intelligent insane snark, they tackle a lot of political issues and are pretty damn straight about it. It is like the Daily Show in a way, sometimes. I did not like Ally McGraw at all, this show is nothing like it. Tonight Spader ended the show in drag.
  7. Tonight's TV schedule - Dancing Dancing House til commercial Dancing House til commercial Dancing House til commercial Boston Legal House til commercial Boston legal House til commercial Boston legal House til commercial Boston legal Boston Legal Boston Legal Boston Legal Boston legal was great! And I lurve James Spader. Hopefully, they will cut the ratings ploy crap and next week Tuesday night will be as it should be - House then Spader. Mark Cuban (I almost typed Cluben) did an awesome job for someone with a brand new hip replacement. and yes, the guys this year seem to be having fun.
  8. I feel so shallow, or something, because Big Bang Theory really made me laugh last night. I guess I will be watching Big Bang, How I met Your Mother, and 2 1/2 Men, and switching over to other stuff during commercials. I think I like comedies the best, except I am really looking forward to House tonight. I love CSI Miami, but watching Caruso gives me a crick in my neck.
  9. djs111

    Top Chef

    I admit I just like Casey the best.....I like her ingredients and her explanations of her dishes, and she seems so clear and forthright or something. This is why I am not a judge. I used to love Bobby Flay's show where he barbecued something for semi-famous people every week - until he jumped on the chopping block at the end of that first Iron Chef challenge show, now he just looks smug and childish, don't like to watch him. Love Gordon Ramsey, I see there will be an American version of Kitchen Nightmares, and I can't imagine it will be as good, somehow - but then, I was wrong about The Office, so who knows. Don't know if it counts as a cooking show, but the very first episode of the original british series where they take someone and try and train them as something else in a few weeks - the one where they took a fry cook and taught him how to pass as a master chef was brilliant and also sweet, the guy stood up to Ramsey, and then Ramsey just sort of took him under his wing. I never saw another episode I liked as much. There was a lot of interesting detail about what it takes to run a kitchen.
  10. His "Speed of the Sound of Loneliness" is one of my very favorite songs! I had bought the first soundtrack from The Sopranos (excellent) and from there I bought a CD by A3 (they do the Sopranos opening song) - I fricking LOVE that CD, Exile on Coldharbour Lane......and there is not one song on it I can imagine Clay singing. I do like A3's version of Speed on this CD better than Prine's or Nancy Griffith's Black Velvet. Ooops! A3, not A2!
  11. djs111

    Top Chef

    Bwah! on me! There was so much Marcel ass-kissing at the end that I turned it off before they announced the winner! So.....maybe there is hope for Casey.......really, Bravo shows Hung being an ass so much I wouldn't be surprised to see him twirling a fake mustache and dumping salt into her food when she is not looking. And then the judges praising him for taking initiative. While I am so over the Cluben results, I think AI has forever tainted my regard for voting results. Well, that and national elections.
  12. djs111

    Top Chef

    Since Bravo is All Top Chef, All The Time! right now, I watched the last few episodes of the year that Marcel won - the similarity to this year is almost funny. Everybody hates marcel, marcel makes pretty plates, marcel helps no one else, but blames stuff on people not helping him, it is almost comical. Anyone surprised Sara left? I am guessing at a showdown between Hung and Casey, and looks like they have already chosen Hung. Funny that he is touted as a great head chef, when I watch Gordon Ramsey shouting at various and sundry slouching, drunk, and moldy restaurant staff and am told a good head chef works with and assists his staff and is head of a team. I don't think Hung is capable of being any sort of team player. Yes I know it is a competition. I guess I just don't like him. Maybe Top Chef is way different than head chef.
  13. Congratulations on both baby and birthday!!!!! I have been getting spam emails from Bank Of America warning me about a checking account security breach - which is nice of them because I don't have an account there. I would call the bank personally, if I got a letter, or email them from their own website - after I typed in the address myself.
  14. Well, I don't think he is very bright, but he has been coddled and had excuses made for him and had his way greased and paved almost all of his life - I blame that on the professional sports machinery - and he has not got the brains or the moral fiber to see anything but what he wants to do. Yep - sociopath would sum it up nicely.
  15. I really wanted Minnie Driver to win.....
  16. I love Lewis Black too - best thing tonight! And YAY! for the winner of design star!!!!!!!!
  17. Good grief - at this rate, PHateful will be the host next year. is that xtina with Tony Bennet? they sound great!
  18. Also pretty low for him to single out Terry from Desperate Housewives (they dated for a bit a couple of years ago) and then do that flip throwawy you look nice remark as he was walking away - gotta say that all the pretty people look gorgeous, but this is a very flat show.
  19. Shot at Paula - Ryan said the afterparty for Weeds was great, and said isn't that right Paula or just ask Paula - Paula looked a bit shocked, Ryan needs to forget the tabloid crap for this occasion. I think Thomas Haden Church was crying? His wife kept trying for a kiss, no luck, then he wanted to thank three poeple as the buh bye music started, he only mentioned two. Haden-Church was also in that comedy series Wings, and before that he was in a comedy (which I loved) with Debra Messing, they played a couple who pretended to be married for job purposes. I like him.
  20. So far - Meh, Meh, and meh. I would have picked Shatner and Cryer to win. I thought it was extremely tacky of Ryan to throw the you look nice remark to Terry. I guess I am just killing time until Design Star.... Ryan took a cheap shot at Paula.
  21. This is completely apropos of nothing being discussed - I have been watching an Ella Fitzgerald Masters of Music program on PBS - narrated by Tony Bennet. I understand that usually Ella is on the Christmas compilation CD that was just released this year, and now Clay is on that CD. Ella has a heavenly, ageless, pure voice. And there was footage of a show where she sang some country-western and soul very well indeed, but she said not to get excited, it was just for fun, and then started singing The Man I Love like a sweet jazz angel. Reminded me of someone. Anyway, In MY Very Own Opinion, anyone who is embarassed that Clay is on that CD, or feels he does not belong there, has no musical perspective and is only thinking of the career that they have mapped out for Clay as if he was a biddable pop boy. Clay, if he wanted to, could easily sound just like Justin or Mayer or whoever - he has the ear and the instrument. But I believe he will be a classic voice, like the ones on that CD, and ya know, if Clay was on a CD with Manilow and Buble and Bolton and the like - yep, I would be embarassed. But it is an honor and an omen that he is included with the likes of Sinatra and Bennett and Torme. Seriously. Yeah, those are very long shoes, and IMO again, the reason his pants cuffs droop down over the heel of his shoes is to break up the visual, and is clever, not sloppy. heee...I heard a blurb for the Emmys on E! that said Ryan is not funny, he can't sing, he can't act, can't dance - but will be host. I do think he and/or his agent are gonna experience overkill blowback real soon, and, really, his swift ascent has sorta trivialized whatever niches he is bent on filling. He is boring and cheesy and unoriginal. I don't usually bother with the throwing tomatos thingy, but since there was a dearth of tomatoes at the grocery store today, dissenters could just, um, overnight some to me - I promise they will be devoured very thoughtfully!
  22. djs111

    Top Chef

    ooops, I meant I loved the original Iron Chef.....................crazy Japanese TV at its finest! booooooo to bobby flay. Casey has always seemed sharp and also helpful - but she sure could not cut those onions very well. I spent a long time trying to dismiss my feeling that the male chefs are kinda condescending to the females, as a kneejerk reaction. Failed. I am so sucked in to this show. Anyone else love Corner Gas? I think it is Canadian, and I love it! Um, it is a comedy show, not a cooking reality show hosted by The Beans of Egypt, Maine. (Heeee....The Beans are how I kinda think of the Northeast now.)
  23. djs111

    Top Chef

    Okay - I'll jump right in - I love Casey, and hope she wins! I am trying to like Hung, but I think he has that covered. I was sad to see Tall Guy go. How does that %!@#!!fegbluuinfeffer hostess manage to keep so thin? I loved the original Top Chef, because how the translators talked, and what the judges said, had the absolutely perfect air of seriously lunatic Japanese TV.......I still dislike Bobby Flay for jumping on top of his cutting board, and have not watched it since - is it still insane? The charm of the original was that the judges mostly were from the kinda shallow pool of Japanese TV personalities, and they really said some inane things.
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