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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I'm also excited that the concerts will be in the central and eastern time zones, unlike the beginning of JNT05 which started here at like 1:00am or some other unlikely hour of the night. Sorry West Coast Peeps! I love ya, but cellcert times are all about ME!!! :P

ldyjocelyn, the long black coat has been a Christmas tradition, so I'm hoping that shows up again. Although, there is the original black angel suit from last year that didn't end up getting much wear.... Hmmm, another thing to speculate about!!! ^_^

And, yeah, my first reaction to the song list was that it seemed long for an hour's worth of singing unless Clay and the orchestra really speeds through the setlist without stopping.

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Its possible HE has a bigger

THere is no doubt at all in my mind about this, Ansa.... B)

Now excuse me a moment....



thank you for letting me get that out....

Now I MUST get back to work..... ;)

ETA: just because....


ETA again....This caught my eye as I was getting ready to close my photobucket window..... :blink:


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My reaction to the Christmas set list is,

Doesn't he know any other Christmas carols????? :unsure:

I mean, this is the JNT04 all over again, minus GN and OHN.

Nothing new.

Nothing different.

There are more songs out there, Clay!

Of course, he already knows the words (sometimes :lol: ) to these. B)

And you're right - too many songs for half a concert. Either they just looked up one of his past set lists or this is the list from which the orchestras can choose.

My worry is clack. Since these aren't Clay concerts, I guess he won't be setting the clack policy. These venues and orchestras may not understand our NEED for clack.

What if there is no clack????? :o

ETA: His sales figures should really set people off! I think I'll be skipping lurking at some boards for the next few days......

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Nonononono! He added The Grown up Christmas list - that was Quiana's last year.

I have decied to go to youtube to humt down montage makers.

OK I just PMd about 20 people, including a nice anime, let's see what comes out of this.

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Well he is still doing promo for MCWL...and I think that is the only way he can do this kind of concert...without too much need of preparation. November is full of promo for ATDW...I don't think he can really do anything fancy with this show with the time he has to prepare. Its either this or wait until February for the ATDW tour...and I would rather hear him again.

Clack...may be scarce. I think we may have to get used to the type of restrictions we had in JNT 04...mainly because he is just a guest in these shows.

Also...this is the set list for this show...I wonder if this will be the same for all of them.

I cannot be down about this...I just can't wait to see him.

I think OHN and GN may not be on cos they needed more back up vocals and he will be going solo on these shows.

Aww...I wonder if he will have as much fun without his full tour family. I really can;t wait for the ATDW tour.

I did hear he reached 11K...which is not really bad when you consider he was nowhere to be seen. Just cheer up...November will be better with the shows scheduled for him. I wonder when we will see Tyra.

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Just to remind people of all the goodies we can look forward to....

Oct 28...TV guide close up

Nov 2...Megan Mullaly Show

Nov 17...Co host Live with Regis and Kelly

Nov 21...presenter AMA

Days of our Lives

Tyra Banks show ...one hour

and a possible Dr. Phil

This is all for the month of November...

December he will be on tour and will be doind local promo for them...

I bet he will be doing some Christmas TV shows and a possible QVC appearance.

February...ATDW Tour...

LOTS of things to look forward to...besides...This CD will continue to sell through 2007. Lots of promo opportunity to come.

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Great points, Ansamcw!

Yes, I suspect there will be the usual rants on the boards in the next few days, but we do have a lot to look forward to. And November is just around the corner!

Alas, no Christmas shows for me on the West Coast. However, I have full confidence in the ingenuity of our Clack gatherers.

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Alas, no Christmas shows for me on the West Coast. However, I have full confidence in the ingenuity of our Clack gatherers.

Sniff me too...and I think Couchie won.t have any either...we just have to come together and listen to cellcerts and drool over ill begotten Clack.

So the lucky ones going...please...please recaps please...we gotta live vicariously through you.

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I have to admit that I saw the news about him not being in the top 50 this week, and I was sad. But then, I knew that he sold at least 11,000 this week (from earlier reports before the final updates). Suddenly, that made me feel a bit better. Why? Because 11,000 people saw the CD in the store and bought it. Without publicity. With stock available. Add to that Ansa's list of the publicity still to come (and I still hold on to hope that there will be a second push after the first of the year, in time for Valentine's Day), and I feel pretty darn good.

Claygasm, I really have no problem with the Christmas concert set list being the JNT 2004 redux. I truly enjoyed that show. Plus there are going to be other changes -- the main one being the rest of the "family" not being there. I think this will be very enjoyable.

As far as his singing songs he's done before...I almost always look at it this way. First of all, as Ansa pointed out, he's going to be busy in November doing new publicity for ATDW. But more than that...I think he simply enjoys these songs. They recharge his spiritual batteries, as it were. I personally believe that he simply LOVES doing Christmas shows -- as his way of sharing his faith as a Christian.


I have no idea if I'm going to try and get clack at the two shows I'm attending or not. Since it is the first two, and (unless he blogs *g*) we don't know what the clack gathering barometer will be like...I may just go and enjoy. I do want others to be able to see this though. I don't know what I'll do.

I will write wonderful recaps for all of you. And know that you west coasters will be in my heart as I watch, and drool, and sigh, and swoon, and simply enjoy.

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Well, sniff, sniff, looks around carefully has mentioned she might back out of the 7 row aisle seats we have in Englewood. If that is true, I would have a ticket to sell and a free room.

I hope she makes it, especially because I am going to bill her tonight.

Just saying...

OH - Wheee for future clack!!!!! both TV and concert!

Do you think I should guess and apply for Early show and today show tickets just in case?

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I meant at CHristmas show time

Hey contest runners - someone told me your e-mail on the front page does not work and they can't enter!

Fix this web site please! What is this a two bit operation or what.

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Sniff me too...and I think Couchie won.t have any either.

yeah....muski, either... <_< So, Jenna, you're a west coaster, too? :)

Working late at the office tonight...just wanted to pop in and say hey...I caught the stink of CLay's "Fall from The Graceful Fifty" heh...

whatever... :glare:

Hope brings eternal in this bountiful bosom. I'm grinning because every time I've seen Clay in recent appearances, he seems grounded and happy and PRESENT. I really think he has such a wonderfully healthful way of approaching the ups and downs of life.

There are quite a few of his 'devoted' fans who could learn from him---his number of years on this earth might be few compared to many of the vocal hoardes who love him "unconditionally", but IMO he's used them damned well and seems to learn from every step and misstep. He impresses the hell outta me, over and over. He's living his life, you know? Doing his very, very best with anything he's given. Even when he's given shit, he makes something good out of it.

And what do you know? I'm just now hearing the last lines of a song from ATDW...

"I can only give you everything I have."

He does that. I have no doubt.

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I meant at CHristmas shot time

Hey copntest runners - someone told me your e-mail on the front page does not work and they can't enter!

Fix this web site please! What is this a two bit operation or what.

Hee...thanks a lot for letting me know...

and thanks for being our PR person....

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and thanks for being our PR person....

Uh oh, that means it's open season on playbiller and how she does (or does not) do her job to my satisfaction based on nothing but rumor and speculation. I'm revving up my PM's* even as we speak! HA! ;)

(Or is that my PMS? :P )

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There are quite a few of his 'devoted' fans who could learn from him---his number of years on this earth might be few compared to many of the vocal hoardes who love him "unconditionally", but IMO he's used them damned well and seems to learn from every step and misstep. He impresses the hell outta me, over and over. He's living his life, you know? Doing his very, very best with anything he's given. Even when he's given shit, he makes something good out of it.

And what do you know? I'm just now hearing the last lines of a song from ATDW...

"I can only give you everything I have."

He does that. I have no doubt.

To quote the old beer commercial...

I love you man...


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and thanks for being our PR person....

Uh oh, that means it's open season on playbiller and how she does (or does not) do her job to my satisfaction based on nothing but rumor and speculation. I'm revving up my PM's* even as we speak! HA! ;)

(Or is that my PMS? :P )

Awww don't blame Play...there seems to be some problem in the flow of communication...its not all her fault...she is trying her best. :D

yup big old WORD to Muski

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oh god!!!

careful in clicking on that thumbnail...very very lethal...

eta: make sure you enlarge to get the full effect.


Holy shit. I was coming in here to bitch and moan about the fact that I'm just now getting ready to leave my office (It's 9:04 pm. <_< )...and I see THIS! Lawd Jesus, this is one hot hunka man and that's all there is to it. The expression on his face! The stubble! Those *&@!+&* eyes! :ph34r: That man's mouth, the lips--holy crap, he does such things to me...(I wish)...and the open collar, the glimpse of chest fur and the furry hand and those fingernails bitten to the quick. I just want to suck those poor finger tips and make them all better...

yes, I do. B)

Ok...off to catch a bus...and then get home, get a glass of wine and settle down to acouple more hours of work. :glare: Gotta get all my banquet orders ready to submit to the hotel tomorrow. Breakfasts, breaks, lunch and receptions for 1700, anyone? :blink:

PS. I love FCA.... :ura: :trink4: :bier: :manynanas:

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Love your attitude, musikfest. And yes, I'm on the West Coast. LA (well, technically Sherman Oaks).

So Clay is singing Christmas songs he's sung before? Yay! He sings them so beautifully, it doesn't disappoint me in the least. And without the structure of a play or program, he'll be free to do what he does best -- ad lib! I miss his clever concert banter. I'll just bet that those moments between songs will be as deliciously charming as ever.

And thanks for the yummy thumbnail!

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