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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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The video that was playing during the Virgin signing is now up at the OFC. I love the footage of the recording of "Broken Wings", because you can see that he's wearing that wacky blue polo shirt with the purple undershirt and dress shirt sleeves thingie that he wore to Kelly's concert and to some of the JBT M&G.

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I love that entire clip...he talks with such ease about this album and what it means to him. "His thumbprint is all over it." LOVE that.

What's the song he seems to be singing with the guy with the guitar (not Andy, looks like it might be a producer...)? That will be the next big mystery for the Clay Aiken fans to figure out...

Must watch a few more times. The ending with WISYS kills me...what a look on that man. ;)

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I just like Clay so much...

Having read many of your tour travel recaps, I kind of suspected that was the case, babe. :P

And man, is Clay into that A Thousand Day performance in the promo vid or what? The dude lurves him that song, that's for sure.

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I don't know CG, but I'm willing to bet the bloodhounds are on the trail right now, and that we'll have an answer by morning. B)

So true, bottle!

Frankly I'm surprised they haven't already cracked the case!

The Clay Nation must be slipping. ;)

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Or maybe not, CG.

A possibility found by washgirl at CV:

Could this be it?

Kristy Starling - Christian songwriter and singer

why do we have to fight

why cant we spend our time trying

I wanna be close to you

Keep love from slipping through... my hands

The words said in anger aimed at someone

Are hard to take back once the damage is done

Let's stop now....

As long as we're here... alive on this earth

I'm gonna love you... for all that it's worth

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of of our time

As long as we're here... (yeah...)

Some people live their lives

Holding their fears... inside them

Afraid to build windows

To let the light of the world in...

They hide in the darkness of self-imposed walls

If they could just tear them down... they'd have it all

As long as we're here... alive on this earth

I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of our time

As long as we're here...

When you're with me

i breath easy

you are my need

right now love me

As long as we're here alive on this earth

I'm gonna love you

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

As long as we're here... alive on this earth

I'm gonna love you for all that it's worth

And one of these days ... we're gonna take off and fly...

Let's make the most of of our time

I'll make the most of our time

As long as we're here...

As long as we're here...


I really can't stay up and track this stuff any longer tonight - I'll see what shakes out by the morning.

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I think tonight's the night I'm finally going to get around to watching the Larry King Live clack. I've been holding off, both to help me get through the relative drought here in October, and because I wanted to give the show my undivided attention.

Besides, I need some new-to-me clack to offset the rather disturbing dream I had this morning. For some unknown reason, I was married to Jon Peter Lewis, the pen-selling spastic dancer from AI3. I had to make the poor little hobbit boy stand on a step so he was tall enough to kiss me. Shudders. It was one morning when I was glad to hear the sound of my alarm clock.

Back on topic - No step would be required for Clay. ;)

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Back on topic - No step would be required for Clay

No doubt.

I'd lay good money that there would be no

goin' on, either. B)

I had a disturbing dream this morning, too. There were clips of Clay doing promos for his upcoming appearance at the AMAs. He was dressed okay...but his hair. :o

His hair was strawberry blonde---that light reddish, orange color---and permed! A cross between that perm he had when he sang in "Just By Chance" and short dreadlocks! He looked....

awful! :ph34r:

And I kept finding myself defending him, especially his heterosexuality, to people who said they saw the clips. :glare:

I woke up hoping, hoping that his hair is perfection! for the AMAs! :lol: We already know that HE will be.

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Oh bottle! That dream sounds more like a nightmare! JPL?????? BLECH!

I guess that song could be it. Or not. I swear it sounded vaguely familiar and I can guarantee you if it was a song by a Christian songwriter, I would not be familiar with it!

But then again, it may have just reminded me of a song I know.

Someone at the CH seems to feel the guy with the guitar was that Eman guy who was one of the producers of BW and is also given a songwriter credit of LAA. Don't know how they know it, except this is the Clay Nation! Better detectives there never were! :lol:

Of course, even a great interview like this one on some boards is sparking "discussions" on the conspiracy theories again!

I.don't.get.it. :blink:

But the REAL question is - WHY THE HELL WASN'T THIS INTERVIEW USED ON SHOWS LIKE GMA, ET, THE INSIDER ETC, ETC, ETC?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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I think tonight's the night I'm finally going to get around to watching the Larry King Live clack. I've been holding off, both to help me get through the relative drought here in October, and because I wanted to give the show my undivided attention.

I hope you truly enjoy it. I know I did...

I'd lay good money that there would be no
goin' on, either. B)

Hmmm...it depends on the kinds of "shudders" you're talking about. Personally, I think a LOT of Clay gives me the shudders, and totally in a good way. :P

Of course, even a great interview like this one on some boards is sparking "discussions" on the conspiracy theories again!

I.don't.get.it. :blink:

Me neither.

But the REAL question is - WHY THE HELL WASN'T THIS INTERVIEW USED ON SHOWS LIKE GMA, ET, THE INSIDER ETC, ETC, ETC?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I have a couple of theories about that. Number 1, I see this as a gift to the fans who've been DYING to know this kind of stuff. But secondly, though...and this makes me sad...I think people who don't follow his every move are probably more interested in that other "stuff," if you know what I mean. I truly believe that they could have shown this interview on every show you've mentioned...and people would be saying "he wants to talk about the music? I want to hear him talk about the scandal! Bah!"

Sad, but true, IMO.

I feel a little bad when I think about how excited Clay seemed to be about ATDW in the interview, and how he thought the fan reception would be - if I was one of the constant and vocal gripers on the boards I would feel a little chastened. But that's just me... :unsure:

Not just you, you smart woman. Watching that portion of the interview hit my like a ton of bricks, and it did make me sad, and a bit angry as well. Personally...I would guess that he can shake off critic's bad reviews of his album, for they never really cared for him anyway. But I do wonder how he's dealing with the "fan's" reactions to this album.

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But the REAL question is - WHY THE HELL WASN'T THIS INTERVIEW USED ON SHOWS LIKE GMA, ET, THE INSIDER ETC, ETC, ETC?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

We have seen tiny bits of it in other shows - the CD USA thing, and maybe the TV Guide 411 dealie?

I feel a little bad when I think about how excited Clay seemed to be about ATDW in the interview, and how he thought the fan reception would be - if I was one of the constant and vocal gripers on the boards I would feel a little chastened. But that's just me... :unsure:

BTW, in my dream, JPL was a boat captain and so was only home on the weekends. We were about to embark on a vampire-tracking expedition when my alarm clock woke me up. I'm blaming the garlic bread I had for dinner. :blink:


Someone at the CH seems to feel the guy with the guitar was that Eman guy who was one of the producers of BW and is also given a songwriter credit of LAA. Don't know how they know it, except this is the Clay Nation! Better detectives there never were!

I can't watch the video again here at work, but I did google a website for Eman Kiriakou. Does it look like the same guy? Based on Eman's pictures, he has pretty distinctive eyebrows...

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Someone at the CH seems to feel the guy with the guitar was that Eman guy who was one of the producers of BW and is also given a songwriter credit of LAA. Don't know how they know it, except this is the Clay Nation! Better detectives there never were!

I can't watch the video again here at work, but I did google a website for Eman Kiriakou. Does it look like the same guy? Based on Eman's pictures, he has pretty distinctive eyebrows...

I DOES look like the same guy but I also can't watch the video from work, so I will check more closely when I get home.

I'll tell you one thing: If Clay and Eman's collaborations result in songs like BW and LAA, I hope they collaborate a whole lot more in the future!

Vampire expedition?????????????? :o :unsure::blink::lol:

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Was browsing in the San Francisco Chronicle while waiting for my latte. A local newscaster and radio personality is drawing fire because he had some disparaging things to say about one of SF's gay Supervisors who fathered a baby with a lesbian friend. The two have no romantic feelings toward each other and do not plan to live together. The radio guy basically had a few things to say about treating a baby like a 'toy' and how it's another example of how the roles of parenting, relationships, rearing healthy children, etc. are being twisted to a point of absurdity, etc.

So the paper interviewed (I guess a 'man on the street' type thing) some people to this question: Should couples who aren't romantically involved have kids together?

Some replies are printed, along with a picture of the person quoting. There are the expected answers---from calling it a travesty and a "narcissistic dehumanization of children as fashion statements" to "If two adults are dedicated to making the sacrifices it takes to raise a happy, healthy child, their attraction to each other is irrelevant."

But my favorite---and the reason I'm boring you all with this---is an elderly woman who said, "If I thought it was anybody's business beyond the people involved, I might have formed an opinion."



Of course, I immediately thought that this response would be a wonderful one for anyone being asked about another person's sexual preferences---you know, if some idiot in the media was ignorant enough to actually make such a topic the reason for an interview or something. <_<

I think I'd like to meet the woman who said that, by the way. ;)

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Very intersting point Muski... thanks for bringing that up. It does make one think that even by defending Clay's sexuality...are we also inadvertently reinforcing the idea that it is our business? Interesting food for thought. I think this was Clay;s point when he seem to indicate that it was a mistake answering the question in RS. Because by making a statement it seem to legitimize that person's right to ask. So if someone we know ask should we even entertain the question or simply say...It does not really matter does it and it really is no ones business but Clay's and his SO.

That Clay guy sure is deep...he makes me think :D

Woah you guys are having some bizarre dreams...Bottle...JPL??? seriously? what did you eat last night? I can't even remember what the guy looks like (thank god)...I think I successfully erased him from my memory banks. But the vampyre angle...hmmm did you happen to watch Supernatural last night? Vampires was the theme.

Yup Eman was my favorite producer on this CD...I also liked LNM...did he do that? I am not convinced that is the same song though...but it could be.

ldyjocelyn WORD on your theory about why they didn't have this on some of the toehr interveiws. I do think he said some if it in every interveiw he has...its just more focused on the music on this video...

I feel a little bad when I think about how excited Clay seemed to be about ATDW in the interview, and how he thought the fan reception would be - if I was one of the constant and vocal gripers on the boards I would feel a little chastened. But that's just me...

oh yes had a bit of a twinge too...specially when he said that one of the things he loves about the fans is they support what HE wants to BE...but ya know the vocal gripers have a way of looking at Clay;s words and demeanour and putting their own spin on it...so i doubt too many of them were chastened. :glare:

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I feel a little bad when I think about how excited Clay seemed to be about ATDW in the interview, and how he thought the fan reception would be - if I was one of the constant and vocal gripers on the boards I would feel a little chastened. But that's just me...

oh yes had a bit of a twinge too...specially when he said that one of the things he loves about the fans is they support what HE wants to BE...but ya know the vocal gripers have a way of looking at Clay;s words and demeanour and putting their own spin on it...so i dount too many of them wer chastened. :glare:

Problem is, many of the fans think they KNOW what Clay wants to be, even if it contradicts what Clay has said. Many times, I think they think they know better than Clay knows Clay.

Reminds me of my father who insists he knows me better than I know myself - and he has no clue. :glare:

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I think this was Clay;s point when he seem to indicate that it was a mistake answering the question in RS.

Yep, Ansa...I think so, too. And he's right, of course.

Many times, I think they think they know better than Clay knows Clay.
And CG...so often, when I listen to IYDKMBN....I imagine Clay doing a 'teacher finger wagging' thing to the KNOW IT ALL faction of his fans while singing the line, "If you don't know me by now....you will never, never, never know me....ooooo---oooo-oo-oo-oooo!"


I actually think Clay is incredibly open to us...he doesn't, as he said in his interview clip, 'reinvent' himself, according to the context. His look might change, but he shrugs that off as being exactly as important as it really is---it's an image of a man, not a reflection of him. I've never thought he, himself, has really changed. He's grown and learned---that's natural. It's been four years since he started AI! And when I think of my own journey during the ages 24-28...

Lawdy Jesus! :blink:

To me, he's always presented himself honestly to the world. His heart and soul...it's like his voice---"Unmistakeably Clay. There's no other like it."

I love him and what he brings to this crazy world.

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WORD Muski and CG

I think Clay is very upfront...at times very much so. I know he won;t always say the complete truth like if there are things that are really not our business and or not set yet like saying there won;t be a tour then there is one. BUT I think for the most part ...he is who he is...

as I said on another board:

I guess Clay at this point is almost like a Rorschach...different people can see and hear different things in him. Their conclusions may be more a reflection on what they want or expect from Clay or for Clay.
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Ansa, Lonely No More was the Swedish dudes - Andreas Carlsson and Samuel Waermo. [What? Am I the only one with ATDW sitting open on their desks, so that the album credits can be checked at a moments notice?] I can't remember when Michael Buble made the reference to meeting Clay in Sweden. Early June? I assume that was when Clay was in Stockholm recording Lonely No More and Sorry. Hee. a whole country of pale, pasty people. I bet Clay was in his element.

BTW, have I said lately how much I love the nature of the discussions we have been having here lately? Thought-provoking, respectful, funny / silly, and occasionally smutty. Y'All Rawk!

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