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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Ansa, Lonely No More was the Swedish dudes - Andreas Carlsson and Samuel Waermo. [What? Am I the only one with ATDW sitting open on their desks, so that the album credits can be checked at a moments notice?] I can't remember when Michael Buble made the reference to meeting Clay in Sweden. Early June? I assume that was when Clay was in Stockholm recording Lonely No More and Sorry. Hee. a whole country of pale, pasty people. I bet Clay was in his element.

Hee thanks for that info...I actually haven't opened my physical CD yet...so glad you got that right at your fingertips. :D

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and occasionally smutty

Only 'occasionally'? Hmmm....I need to step up to the plate, I see....

Okay, how's this? (Muski rakes fingers through hair, licks thumbs and then wiggles spread fingers in air, revving Smut Engine.)

That Clay Aiken is HUGE, ain't he? Big voice, big heart, big laugh, big smile, big sense of humor, prominent nose, big ears, big hands, big feet...

yep.yep. He's got that big thang goin' on, don't he? ^_^

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I bring a bit of not unexpected news from the outside world.

A known (by some, obviously not by all) troll has appeared on the Clayboard saying she had inside information but did not want to post it because she knows how people attack people with inside information. She said the album was forced on Clay to feed to his known demographic and that no publicty or radio play was planned. She said she gave information back to her insider and he turned it over to the label. Could you hit more angst points in a few sentences? Of course there ar people congratulating her.

Opersonally, I am ready to get off the gerbil wheel, but I feel guily leaving posts like that unchallenged. I need to shut off the coomputer today and walk away. I said my salt piece and now I have to move on.

I loved the video on the fan club and have been amused at how many times we forget this is limited content and a sale point for the fandom. I am sure there are people sharing this video in PM, but I better not see it posted anywhere. What am I talking about, I don't go anywhere that would violate the rules that way. It will be interesting to see if people do start joining more now. It is a nice surprise, kind of like Clay's blogs. I am still waiting for part II of the fan video at Virgin.

At first I did not like the new image and the hidden face, but Clay seems to be getting the look down better and better. The bangs do make his face look fuller and for some reason that makes him look bigger overall. He just has to stay healthy, too many film clips have him looking a little worn. No sick time fella!

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Very intersting point Muski... thanks for bringing that up. It does make one think that even by defending Clay's sexuality...are we also inadvertently reinforcing the idea that it is our business? Interesting food for thought. I think this was Clay;s point when he seem to indicate that it was a mistake answering the question in RS. Because by making a statement it seem to legitimize that person's right to ask. So if someone we know ask should we even entertain the question or simply say...It does not really matter does it and it really is no ones business but Clay's and his SO.

That Clay guy sure is deep...he makes me think :D

You know -- and I feel strangely guilty for this -- but I've never really thought of this that way. Maybe it's because I'm a person who asks a LOT of questions of people, and some of these questions are probably none of my damn business. :D Anyway, Clay's point is a very good one...that there really is no reason to ask the question in the first place. I'll have to remember that the next time someone asks me about him in that way (thank God it's only happened to me one time before this...)

Problem is, many of the fans think they KNOW what Clay wants to be, even if it contradicts what Clay has said. Many times, I think they think they know better than Clay knows Clay.

I do too. Or they can "see something" in Clay, when Clay is just simply passing gas or something. (And -- wouldn't Clay passing gas just be ADORABLE?!?! :lol: )

And CG...so often, when I listen to IYDKMBN....I imagine Clay doing a 'teacher finger wagging' thing to the KNOW IT ALL faction of his fans while singing the line, "If you don't know me by now....you will never, never, never know me....ooooo---oooo-oo-oo-oooo!"

Hee! Teacher Clay returns! Hmmmm...maybe he'll dedicate this song to his fans in concert... I'd like that.

To me, he's always presented himself honestly to the world. His heart and soul...it's like his voice---"Unmistakeably Clay. There's no other like it."

I love him and what he brings to this crazy world.

muski, I wuv you.

I guess Clay at this point is almost like a Rorschach...different people can see and hear different things in him. Their conclusions may be more a reflection on what they want or expect from Clay or for Clay.

Gosh, that's so true.

Ansa, Lonely No More was the Swedish dudes - Andreas Carlsson and Samuel Waermo. [What? Am I the only one with ATDW sitting open on their desks, so that the album credits can be checked at a moments notice?] I can't remember when Michael Buble made the reference to meeting Clay in Sweden. Early June? I assume that was when Clay was in Stockholm recording Lonely No More and Sorry. Hee. a whole country of pale, pasty people. I bet Clay was in his element.

First of all, I was pulling out my copy of ATDW that I carry with me at all times to answer Ansa's question...when I see you beat me to it. Damn you. I wanted to be first once.

Pale pasty people? BWAH!

BTW, have I said lately how much I love the nature of the discussions we have been having here lately? Thought-provoking, respectful, funny / silly, and occasionally smutty. Y'All Rawk!

{{{{{{{{{FCA people}}}}}}}}}}} You really are all good people. MUAH! I love this place.

play just read your post. Grrrrrr is all I can say. I understand you're wanting to challenge...but when people don't want to listen...grrrrr.

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It s more than challenging. I want to leave these threads and get out ofthe discussion,but how can you leave that pile of crap out there?

I always pick up after my dog. Sometimes I pick up after other people's dogs as well.

What a perfect analogy - after all what you are picking up in both cases is the same thing!!

Only your dog's probably smells better..... :glare: :lol:

BTW, have I said lately how much I love the nature of the discussions we have been having here lately? Thought-provoking, respectful, funny / silly, and occasionally smutty. Y'All Rawk!

I was thinking the same thing. This place does "rawk"!! :)

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All I'm saying is the lamp got broken and I think we all know who's responsible...

Gorsh... :unsure: This must be what Clay was talking about when he said how he felt if something got broken at his house and his folks asked him if he had done it. They already had decided he had, so why ask the question, you know?

(prostrated before you)

"I confess! I confess! It is I who broke the smut lamp!"

wasn't it? :blink:

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ldyjocelyn...I know it must be hard for Clay to make such a stand on "the question" cos its automatic to just defend yourself. I think thats why lots of celebrity, like Ryan or LKL do not understand why he just won;t say he is traight. Its a really very complex concept that I only figured out when he did the GMA interview. I know it would be difficult to keep that answer ready when asked, thankfully I was only asked once and that was before the rumors came out.

I am getting excited about Tyra...watched ANTM again and she was really very sympathetic to people...tough but not mean...I can't wait to see how they interact...and ya know she is Gorgeous!!!

hmmm...might we have some sighting of some kind?

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All I'm saying is the lamp got broken and I think we all know who's responsible...

Gorsh... :unsure: This must be what Clay was talking about when he said how he felt if something got broken at his house and his folks asked him if he had done it. They already had decided he had, so why ask the question, you know?

(prostrated before you)

"I confess! I confess! It is I who broke the smut lamp!"

wasn't it? :blink:

Was there ever any doubt??? B)

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I was going to make some comment about the genie being out bottle in relation to muski's "smut lamp", but then I looked at my screen name and thought better of it. :ph34r:

I've been having quite the afternoon in the online quarters of the Clay Nation. I just explained what "tying his shoelaces" actually means to some posters over at CV who were unfamiliar with that particular euphemism.

I guess I better come up with a good cover story for when my family asks me what i did at work today... :unsure:

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Re: tying shoelaces....


This is my avatar at EAYOR....and under this pic are the immortal words,

"...so very, VERY fit to be tied"

heh. :P

You'll never convince me that he isn't aware of that euphemism.

the little HAWT shit.

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Re: tying shoelaces....


This is my avatar at EAYOR....and under this pic are the immortal words,

"...so very, VERY fit to be tied"

heh. :P

You'll never convince me that he isn't aware of that euphemism.

the little HAWT shit.

OK I know the story of how it came to be used in the fandom...but is this a common euphemism or very clay specific.

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Re: tying shoelaces....


This is my avatar at EAYOR....and under this pic are the immortal words,

"...so very, VERY fit to be tied"

heh. :P

You'll never convince me that he isn't aware of that euphemism.

the little HAWT shit.

OK I know the story of how it came to be used in the fandom...but is this a common euphemism or very clay specific.

I can do you one better. I know what it means - I'm not that stupid - but I have no idea how this euphemism came to be, whether its Clay specific or not. I had never heard it before!

How did it come to be used in the fandom??? How did it come to be - period?

I am so woefully naive.........

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Hmmm I was trying to recall the exact incident...all I know it started during the IT at the CH. Has to do with his facial expressions when singing...kinda like some was "Tying his shoes laces". Now I am not sure how the that particular euphemism was used. I think it had something to do with his wearing those pink laces in his shoes and people found so fascinating.

Now...any CHer there can clarify this point? ldyjocelyn? Kandre? Couchie?

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There was a picture with Clay looking down from the stage and he had THAT expression on his face.

People started to refer to his looking down as looking down while someone tied his shoes - and it took off from there, because the next thing you know someone referred to how long those laces were.

That picture stayed a banner a long time. I will go look through the banners and let you know which one it was.

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All I know is that my buddy couchie got me a CH mug with his pink untied shoelaces on it and the words, "I love a man with long laces."

I have it here at work. No one's asked me yet what it all means. Of course, there is ONE person among my coworkers with whom I've shared some pics and video clips of a particular....er... :unsure: thematic focus...

and therefore for whom this particular expression might have some meaning. B) She did a considerable amount of gulping and odd (but completely familiar) noise emitting while watching said clips.

I like her a lot.

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I believe the picture in question was from one of the Jingle Bell concert dealies - end of 2003 - and it might have been from Clay's artist page on RollingStone.com, although it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I am a veritable fount of useless information, aren't I?

I was looking at the

promo for Clay's TV Guide Channel Close-up program. While the footage from the promo is from last summer's photo shoot, one of the comments claims it will include "a whole new Clay Aiken sit down interview in the show". It's a comment on youtube from who knows who or where, so salt heavily I guess. I figured it would be a cut and paste job, unless they included some footage from the TV Gude 411 show from a couple of week back.
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I believe the picture in question was from one of the Jingle Bell concert dealies - end of 2003 - and it might have been from Clay's artist page on RollingStone.com, although it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I am a veritable fount of useless information, aren't I?

I was looking at the

promo for Clay's TV Guide Channel Close-up program. While the footage from the promo is from last summer's photo shoot, one of the comments claims it will include "a whole new Clay Aiken sit down interview in the show". It's a comment on youtube from who knows who or where, so salt heavily I guess. I figured it would be a cut and paste job, unless they included some footage from the TV Gude 411 show from a couple of week back.

Wasn;t that from an old appearance in the TV guide channel when theyfeatured his cover shoot. I didn;t think that was for this appearance.

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