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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Ansa, this is how the youtube was tagged:

Tune in to TVGuide on October 21st at 8pm to watch more of CloseUp: Clay Aiken.


"American Idol" runner up Clay Aiken stunned the judges and took the country by storm when this underdog from North Carolina made the cut as a finalist for the hottest reality show on television. "TV Guide Close Up" looks at the life and career of this popular singer and addresses the rumors that have dogged his personal life. Check out the TV Guide Channel on October 21st at 8pm for this exclusive one hour show

So although it includes the old cover shoot footage, it's promoting the Close Up show for next Saturday.

I am watching the Close Up Show on Kelly Clarkson on youtube right now. Her's is a lot of old photos, very little AI footage (clearance issues?), and I can't tell if any of the Kelly interview footage was recent or not. What I've seen so far does seem to be specific to TV Guide - cut and paste stuff as far as I can tell, but I haven't watched the last part yet. Thus, I'm wondering if Clay actually talked to TV Guide for his upcoming show or not.

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thanks bottlecap...wasn't there a mention of TVGuide on the promo ad from ebay? Could this be that? I should hope they have newer material...specially since Clay looks very different now.

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I found it, I will post it in a minute. It is titled come tie my shoes under Instichie's name.

OOOH! I LOVE institches! Doesn't surprise me in the least that she is the owner of this particular 'euphemism' in regards to Clay...she lurves herself some Clay Aiken (and his.....long laces B) )

and bottle,

I'm wondering if Clay actually talked to TV Guide for his upcoming show or not.
Unfortunately, I've always expected this particular 'promotion' of Clay on TV to be more of the tabloid/rumors/controversy topic than the singer/ambassador/presidential appointee/hawt/uber-talented man-focused piece.

I imagine they'll get the fact that he has a new CD out in (some) stores :ph34r: in there at some point during the hour...but I'll be pleasantly surprised if they break any new ground or even emphasize his VOX or accomplishments in any special way.

Cynical? Mayhaps....but I prefer the word 'pragmatic'. Remember Clay's own assessment of his nature---realistic, rather than optimistic? That's me.


Hey! Clay and I have a ko.neck.shun! :D

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Well I think its good to hope for the best...prepare for the worse and expect something in between.

I am sure the recent interveiws and issues will be revisited just hope he has some stuff about the CD...

GAH...no report from Tyra yet!!!!

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Finally watched the Larry King Live Clack. Larry King is really an odd-looking little man, isn't he? He reminds me on one of the Old Men muppets - the ones that sit in the balcony and heckle Kermit.

Our boyfriend, one the other hand, looked fantastic and was extremely poised and articulate.

:wub::wub:CLAY :wub::wub:

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I am answering my own question. How pathetic is that? :lol:

My friend who was at the Tyra taping just IMed me. It took a REALLY long time. They kept adding segments! He sang ATD and MDYK! I guess its going to air closer to the holidays?

He was sitting about 15 feet away from him! He wore 2 jackets and one was velvet or something soft like that.

She'll call me with more details.

She had good seats for Kimmel too.

And Leno.

I am jealous. :glare:

ETA: Ok, its 4am. I know no one is here but I just got off the phone with my friend who was at Tyra. Here is the scoop told as briefly as possible because I havebeen up for almost 22 hours and I getting a bit tired.

She was in the 2nd row, directly in front of the mic. Tiny studio, so they were only maybe 15 feet away. The front row was filled with young girls. They taped the songs first. He came out for ATD. Hair looked BAD. She likened it to Middlesex pictures - parted and pushesd back so he looked like he had a receding hairline. She was shocked! Couldn't believe after all the recent hotness he would look like that! Was wearing drak suit - I think she said black, with gray shirt and tie. Sang ATD. Looked VERY uncomfortable. She kept thinking that the room was so small he was having panic attack. Kept looking at A and Q. Left to change his clothes. About 10 minutes later he came out wearing some kind of soft looking jacket and jeans. Seemed now totally and completely at ease. AND the hair was different! Still not like on Martha, but she likened it to the KTLA hair. A HUGE improvement. Meanwhile, the set had been decorated with Christmas lights and the like. He sat n the stool and sang MDYK. Audience was loud during glory note. They retaped it and asked the audience to be quiet until the end. :blink: So he sang it again, both times sitting on a stool. He left again to change. T he took down the Christmas decoration. Next was couch time. She knows he was wearing teh jacket he was wearing during ATD, unsure about the pants, but fiures he almost had to be in the whole suit since the singing segments will be shown on TV after couch time. How they will explain the constantly changing hair I don't know! :lol: Anyway, HE F UCKING KISSED TYRA ON THE LIPS!!!! Ok, not like a passionate kiss, but still. AND THE BITCH COULDN'T KEEP HER HANDS OFF CLAY!! She siad they were all getting annoyed (and I suspect jealous) of that. They did 5 - that FIVE - couch time tapings! Not sure what we'll see. She didn't hear a lot because they didn't have speakers in the audience! They did talk about his house, ad the usual stuff. Nothing about the crap or the panic attacks. I already forget what else she said they talked about. It took a really long time. The tapings started around 4pm (or a bit later) and she didn't get out of there until after 8pm! She said he was cute and funny and she loved it and was very surprised. They were told to check Tyra's website for when the show would air.

Oh, one of the tatoo girls from Kimmel was there and he saw her and had her come up on stage (I don't thik this was taped) and he gave her a big hug. And get this. She is married with 3 kids! My friend asked her what her husband thought of her having Clay's name tatooed on hr back and she said he didn't care! I thought it was weird they had it done to begin with, but learning she is married with 3 kids to me makes it weirder.

Anyway, bottom line is, for the couch time and for MDYK his hair looked ok - more like KTLA hair but for ATD it looked awful! But he was very cute and she loves him.

So that's your Tyra report for the night. I think I will go to bed now. After all, its now ust 4:20am. I think I will be sleeping in. B)

And if there are any typos -s orry, but I ain't proofreading! :lol:

Edited by Claygasm
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Claygasm, thanks for the Tyra report!

ETA: Just got done reading all the detailed recaps at the Clack House. Lawd have mercy - this sounds like it could be the best show eva! Can't wait for the actual air date.

Edited by bottlecap
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Thanks for the Tyra report... I just couldn't stay up for it...glad you were able to. :D

for those that don;t go the the CH here is Spotlightlover's recap:


I thought nothing would ever top Kimmel.

I.Was.Wrong. LONG LIVE THE CLYRA!!!!!!111!!!!

Where to start. Well, Clay kissed Tyra Banks on the lips. In front of God and everybody, and me.

They were all over each other. Tyra LIKES to touch Clay. Wouldn't we all. She was our perfect surrogate, and we didn't even hate her for being beautiful and rich and touching Clay. Permaswooned says she's not sure Clay's ever cuddled with anybody that much other than Raleigh. There were laps involved as well as lips. Did I mention lips? Hers? His? Together?

Awright. Now I'll start from the beginning. This is a joint recap from Permaswooned, artquest, ncgurrl, ocregmom, calclay, polyvinyl, California Clayfan, and spot. It will no doubt be in segments because while we wrote a lot of this at the restaurant, the later stuff is in scraps because we started to get hazy. I see Nelle and others have already spilled a lot of the beans. Thank heaven for Permaswooned and her photographic memory.

First, the preamble. We waited. And waited. And waited. And pottied. And waited. Some folks were there from 10 a.m. and we didn't get into the studio until after 5 p.m. The audience wranglers were very nice and gave us granola bars and drinks so we wouldn't pass out. I heard many remarks – as at Kimmel – on the order of “Why do we do this again?” Finally they led us into the studio. We had to take a huge elevator – cattle-car-sized – up a couple of floors. As we were walking down a long hallway, the entire band walked right by us in the opposite direction. ncgurrl gave a wolf-whistle to Clarence's ass as it passed.

The studio is smaller than Kimmel, only 125 in the audience. The audience warm-up guy was a very funny fellow. He explained that the delay was caused because they are not used to having LIVE singers and it took time to get the sound just right. He was very complimentary about Clay's live singing and made some remarks about lip synching. He told us his name was Dix and said that's D-I-X so don't get too excited. He did not try to lick California Clayfan.

ncgurrl got to sit in a second-row center aisle seat and she got a free Tyra t-shirt. We ran over her after the show.

A young girl behind me gave a Clay pin to the warm-up guy and he felt obligated to put it on and talk about it. Shortly after that, one of the cameramen ran over to the same girl and asked if she had any more. She gave him two pins and HE put them on!

Audience: we think no more than half the audience was hard-core Clay fans. There were a lot of PYTs who were Tyra fans sitting in the front rows and well-scattered throughout the audience. There were a few young guys with their girls.

The songs came first. The band came out and were introduced one at a time. The piano guy's name is either Doug or Don or Dan, we can't seem to agree on what was said. OK, CCF insists it's Don. Whatever. They pumped us up and explained that Clay would first sing 1000 Days and then a Christmas song. WTF? polyvinyl saw them hammering and sawing on a piece of the Christmas set backstage only minutes before the show started.

Clay was introduced to the expected shrieking. I think we impressed them with our craz-er, enthusiasm. Tyra come up in the second row of the audience and sat two seats away from me and CCF to do Clay's introduction into the camera. She may have sat there for the song, we're not sure as we were watching you-know-who.

Clay marched up to the microphone, very focused, to sing 1000 Days. He was wearing a charcoal suit, a charcoal pin-striped shirt, and a charcoal tie, and the usual black boots. The hair was different - very long in back, very puffed up, almost a pompadour, brushed back on both sides away from his face, with a side part. The forehead was making a comeback. The hair looked a little big for his face for me, but most liked it. 1000 Days was one of those "workin' it in a small space" performances, very much played to the camera. ncgurrl says he sang it directly to her. artquest and thought it was a bit phoned-in, and I thought he was trying a bit too hard like he does when he's not really feeling a song, but naturally we were loudly overruled. It certainly wasn't BAD, but I think it was just difficult for him to come out there cold and start with that song.

artquest was watching the camera monitor right in front of her, and watching Clay, and she could see that Clay always instinctively knew which camera was about to come on. They were pumping a bit of smoke onto the set for his song which made it a little hard to see, very soft-focused with a lot of light reflection. Clay left the stage almost immediately after the song, so he could change clothes and they could change the set.

They took down several chandeliers on the set and put up a kind of picket-fence thing with white lights in the background, probably what polyvinyl saw them building earlier. When they were done, Clay came out to sing again. I saw on the teleprompter that he was going to sing Mary Did You Know. Tyra once again introduced him while sitting in the audience. The hair had changed a bit, there were now some feathered bangs partly over his eyes but not the heavy bangs we saw at Kimmel. He was wearing a dark-brown jacket with a pinstripe, looked like either corduroy or velour, the same shirt, a brown silky tie, and jeans. He sat on a stool to sing the song. The Random Lyric Generator kicked in immediately, he sang the "kissed the face of God' lyric twice but never flinched. I could hear his actual acoustic voice over the sound system, he was only about 15 feet away. The song was lovely, and we cheered in places - both in response to Clay, of course, AND responding to the stage manager who was whooping us up. Clay left the set, they started to move some things, and then Clay came back. They were going to do it again. We cheered!

At this point Clay started to relax a bit and look at the audience. Dix the warmup guy had made some warbling noises like he was going to sing, and Clay said he should. Dix seemed surprised that Clay talked to him, so he walked over and shook Clay's hand. Clay said "you're very entertaining". Dix remarked to the audience that he was going to put his hand up for sale on eBay. We cheered!

Before the second take of MDYK, the stage manager explained that they wanted a "clean" take without any audience noise, so we were not to applaud. Clay made face of astonishment and flung his arms wide, like "WHAT?!? No applause?!?!". We laughed, and then obeyed and were silent. They started the music. Clay sang, "Mary did you know, that your baby boy ----uh buh buh" and stopped. The audience laughed. Clay said to the stage manager, "It's YOUR fault, because they didn't applaud!" Sooooo - he got to start AGAIN! We cheered!

The third take was perfect. Dammit. As Clay left the stage again to change, I saw him say "thank you" to the stage manager.

They had to take down the Christmas set and all the band instruments, and set up couches for the interview. They told us that to find out when the show would air, go to tyrashow.com and search for Clay Aiken. The band got a big round of applause.

Next, they would film the opening of the show. Tyra sashayed in on her "runway" and the audience was instructed to go crazy. Tyra narrated a short video of Clay's journey on American Idol and afterward. She introduced Clay, and HE sashayed in down the runway, walking like a male model displaying his jacket. Tyra looked surprised but caught on quickly. They hugged and went over to the couch, and Clay's foot immediately went under his butt. Yes, he sat on his foot for the entire show.

We had been told there would be two interview segments. Tyra settled onto her spot on the couch and launched into naming the Claymates, the Claynadians, the Claysians, and then announced that she was proud to be a Clayfrican American. Clay looked puzzled and laughed. She said it again, and he still didn't get it, so she explained - "You know, like African-American?" and Clay said, "OOOOOOOHHHHH!", laughed, and reached out and touched her. There was a LOT of touching. Did I mention that?

Tyra asked about his allergies and he mentioned tree nuts. She asked specifically if that included pecans, which she loves, and he said yes it does. Clay said that he swells up (uh - taking a moment here) if he just touches someone who has handled nuts (um, taking another moment here). He talked about being on a plane and refusing a bowl of mixed nuts, then later the flight attendant put her hand on his while taking a picture and his hand swelled up with a big welt. Clay said, "But we cleared your set of all nuts today", and she said, yes, she went looking for some but there weren't any there. Clay said, "But the good part is, I'm going to LIVE."

Then he listed his other allergies - mushrooms, mint, shellfish, coffee, and chocolate. Tyra asked him if he has the same swelling-up reaction when he touches chocolate. He said, "No". She said, "Good", and proceeded to take his hand and rub it all over her face with a big grin. She said, "I'm glad you're not too sensitive to a little chocolate." He was liking it. We were DYING. He scooted closer to her and they practically -- well, there was more touching. They kind of snuggled up together on the couch. We cheered!

Since Tyra was now thoroughly warmed up, she started to talk about "there's this thing you do with your eyes to the camera", and Clay laughed and said, "I've heard that", and that people are always telling him to open his eyes when he sings. CCF sat on me so I wouldn't jump up and yell, "It's an Eyefuck! An Eyefuck!"

Tyra started talking about his new look on American Idol -- we thought she meant AI5. Then they showed the Teen Wolf picture and Clay said, "Oh, no!" and put his hands over his eyes. He explained that when he found out he was going to get to go to Hollywood, he went to a salon in Charlotte and asked them to make him look like a popstar, and that was the result. Then they showed him in the lumberjack plaid shirt, and he said that was a shirt he just pulled out of his backpack. Then there was the Billboard picture with glasses. He said he wore them then because he thought he would look smarter. Tyra said "I have contacts," and Clay said, "Oh, I do too", Tyra said "Let me see" and they both leaned forward, faces about five inches apart, staring into each others eyes. She gazed into the green orbs for fully ten seconds, and survived. We cheered!

The rest of the chronology gets vague, we’re not exactly sure where the breaks were taken and what was in each segment. They just kept taping segment after segment and we got more and more incredulous. We never wanted it to end. We had hit the mother-lode of Clay interviews. More and more people from backstage came out to watch and listen as the show went on and on. The somber guy holding the cue cards laughed a lot. Two of the cameramen were grinning ear-to-ear the whole show. A blonde guy wearing a headset - possibly a producer - came over and shmoozed with Clay during breaks. They were all falling in love.

Tyra said she heard he had a deep dark secret won't share with anyone – his favorite color – and asked why. He explained that during Idol, he kept being asked all kinds of questions about himself, and at some point someone said we know everything about you except your favorite color. And Clay said he decided, you know what, I think I want to keep that one to myself. Tyra said, so only your mother knows? And Clay said no, only about three people know and they are sworn to secrecy.

“My favorite color is yellow,” said Tyra. “Well, that's a good color,” said Clay. She tried to narrow it down: “Is it in a box of crayons?” “It's in the big one with 164 colors.” “Ewww, it’s not burnt umber, is it?” “Tyra, you’re not getting a scoop today.” “I’m going to have to find out.” “Well, if you do, then I’ll just change it.” All this was insufferably cute. They were flirting like crazy.

They talked about his house in Raleigh, and she asked him how big it was. Clay said, it’s big enough to hold me and some friends. She said, 5000 feet? He said, it’s big enough to hold me and some friends. She said, 10,000 feet? Bigger? He said, whose house is bigger than 10,000 feet? Tyra mentioned Kimora Lee, who has a 50,000 sq foot house, and Clay said, “That’s the size of the entire CBS studios!”

She asked about his mother doing the decorating, and what his sense of style was, and he said, basically my taste is Faye Parker. He said he liked contemporary styles, no antiques or granny furniture, but not too architectural and stark, not like the bridge of the starship enterprise. Tyra said, “You'd like my house. It’s like that,” and Clay said, “So I’m invited?” and turned to the audience and gave a thumbs-up “yessssss!” sign with a big grin.

*pant, pant*

To be continued.

art Deux.

Probably after the allergies stuff, Tyra asked what kind of food he likes. He said anything as long as it’s fried and fattening. I think he said he liked comfort foods. Tyra named a couple of foods – then she said “Mac ‘n cheese?” And he squealed a kind of “WOO-oooo” over that one. They had a discussion about the differences between collard greens, mustard greens, and turnip greens, and which ones were tangier. Tyra told him he should come to her house for dinner and she’d do some southern cooking for him. They were both looking pretty ready to eat at that point. Ahem.

She mentioned that his birthday was coming up and what did he plan to do. He told her that for the first time in three years, he would have the day off for his birthday (uh, ex-cuuuuze me Clay, but you damn well better be in Waukegan THE NEXT DAY TO SING) so he would probably just hang out with friends. Tyra said, “What kind of cake do you like for your birthday? Chocolate? Vanilla?” and Clay says, “Well, not CHOCOLATE!” and Tyra went “Oops!” Then she said, “well, there are a lot of different cakes, there’s carrot cake..” and Clay jumped in and said, “but that usually has NUTS in it!” and Tyra got really flustered and laughing and said, let’s just forget about the cake.

Now, a bit of a diversion. Thanks to the efforts of Clandy, CCF had been contacted by Mary, one of the two tattoo sisters. Mary was staying at a hotel in Disneyland, on vacation with her husband and three little boys. We arranged to pick her up and drive her to the show with us. While were were waiting in line, we introduced her to lots of folks and she displayed her tattoo trophy. So during a break, one of the fans mentioned Mary to the warm-up guy, and he of course had to locate her in the audience and let Clay know about it. Even though she is a bit shy and was kinda reluctant, Mary went up onstage.

Mary told us about being onstage later. While they were on stage, Clay asked her if the tattoo had healed OK. He asked where Phoebe was, and if she had come all the way from Utah just for the Tyra show. She replied, no, she was there with her husband and family, and he said Oh, you’re married? And looked at her wedding ring. He asked her if Tyra could see the tattoo, and then he pulled the shirt down to show it to her. He hugged her 3 or 4 times. They videoed a short segment introducing her, and showing the tattoo on camera, and then she went back to the audience.

Mary was great fun and we very much enjoyed having her with us. She took a couple of pictures of our group with her and her tattoo and we hope to get them in email later.

I think you’ve heard about the talk about hair extensions. Clay said that Quiana, one of his singers, wanted to know about Tyra’s hair extensions and then he said, there, did you hear her squeal backstage? Later, during a break, Quiana came out onto the set and was standing behind the couch talking to Clay. Clay turned to the audience and told the story of how Quiana had beaten him in his first AI audition, and how they really should hear her sing by herself. She didn’t want to and started to leave. The warmup guy gave chase as she ran off the back of the set into the hall. Eventually he dragged her back out and gave her a microphone. Clay said to Tyra, “If I get her to sing, will you tell her about your hair weave?” Tyra agreed. Quiana was still being shy, so Clay said, “Get over here, woman!” and pointed to the front of the stage. Quiana then blew away the place with IWALY. The warmup guy talked about what kind of a guy Clay was, how rare it was to see a big star do something like that. (Side note: after the show, calclay talked to the warmup guy, who said Clay was the best interview they’ve ever had.)

Probably as part of the makeover talk, Tyra asked Clay when he looks in a mirror, what does he like most about his look. He was completely taken aback. He kinda babbled for a minute trying to dodge the question: “Wow – you know, I don’t think anyone’s ever asked me that – I thought people had asked me everything, they always say what’s the one question nobody has asked, and that is probably it --- I don’t know how to answer that!” So then Tyra said she would tell him what she liked about his features. She said, “I love the bridge of your nose”, and we cheered. She said she liked his eyebrows. We cheered. She luuuuved his eyelashes. We went berserk. I’m not sure if it was here, but at some point Clay did one of those finger-dimples-in-the-cheeks moves, out of embarrassment. Gawd. He was A-FREAKING-DORABLE.

As they were about to go to a break, Tyra lowered her voice, put on a serious face, and got very dramatic. "When we come back, Clay will answer the one question that is on the minds of everyone." So they come back from break, and Tyra gets all mock-serious. "Clay, are you ready to answer the big question?" Clay looks verklempt. Tyra takes both his hands in hers. "This is a safe place for you. Are you ready to talk about it?" Clay looks like he's fighting back tears. So she says, "Finally - we can ask -- boxers or briefs?" And Clay says

he feels that this is the place he can finally be comfortable talking about this difficult subject. "I wear boxers." Total bedlam. Then she asked if he ever wears boxer-briefs, and he said, "I've been known to, occasionally." "What color? Black? White?" "I like to mix it up, I don't discriminate." It's really impossible to accurately convey this segment, it was so completely a tongue-in-cheek parody of the Diane Sawyer interview.

Tyra said she'd heard that he wants HER job, that he's interested in a talk show, and he said yes, and then pulled out some cards with questions that he'd brought to ask her. The cards had a logo on them similar to Tyra's, but I think it had Clay in it instead. They switched places on the couch. He sat on his foot. They took a break at this point, which may be when Quiana came out.

Clay then proceeded to interview Tyra. Most of this has been posted already - asking her about who she's dating, for how long, would she introduce the guy to her mother. Tyra kept saying, I can't believe I'm telling you all this! He asked her about her first love and she told the story of Antonio Epps in junior high who wouldn't even look at her. Then Tyra said, I wonder where he is now, and Clay said, "He's at home crying his eyes out, that's where!" and then he made a “so there” face at the camera.

He talked about the great career she's had so far and asked what else she wants to do, like perhaps movies. She said yes, she'd like to act, but also to produce movies because she's a control freak. He didn't respond in kind to that one, heh.

He said something about did she feel strange having him interview her, and she said yes, that she should be on the other side of the couch. So Clay held out his arms and said, "Well, come over here!" and she turned around and snuggled up her back to him, practically on his lap. They were doing spoons! EEEEEEEEE!

At some earlier point (I think) they talked about the CD. I must have fainted briefly because I missed the part where she asked about the love songs theme, and Clay said that "Clive Davis MANDATED a love-song covers CD". She asked him about singing styles and could he sing scat, and he said, "You mean like boppety-bip-bop-boo?" And we died. And then he did a little more.

Toward the end, Tyra asked him if he could dance, and he said "NO!" She insisted she could teach him some moves. They did a little two-step thing, then something else - the camera was in my way and I couldn't really see - and then she started doing this really sexy hip movement facing him and he tried to copy it. Then they turned their backs to us and she was really shaking her booty but Clay just dissolved in laughter.

Clay asked how they should end the show, and Tyra said it had to be something really special. I thought they were going to jump on each other right then. So Clay says, "You mean, like a kiss?" and we screamed. Tyra looked a little shocked and Clay laughed and said, "I guess that wasn't in the script!" Then then leaned forward and did a little peck on the lips and we went nuts.

I don't remember if it was before or after the kiss, but then they sang a little theme song, Clay doing one line, then Tyra a line. I don't remember the words or much else about it except that it's pure heaven when Clay sings a capella.

They hugged and then posed for a couple of still pictures, Tyra said his name again, and he was gone.

*Sigh*. That's all I can remember at this ungodly hour. Maybe a few other details will surface. I'm scared to death to think how they will possibly edit this down to one show, it was all pure gold.

A few people got Clayverted tonight, no kidding. ncgurrl remarked at dinner that she "loved how they realized what they had, and just kept rolling." I think they could have interviewed him for four more hours.

He was just amazing.

And even more amazing was having the opportunity to share this incredible night with such good friends.

some additional comments from spot:

I remembered one more interesting tidbit about the Tyra show. At some time very late in the interview, Clay said, "Well, I'll be singing for you here in just a bit." I don't remember the context, but I was impressed because even though in real time Clay had already sung and would not be singing again, he remembered that the segments would be aired in a different order and on the show, it would look like he sang AFTER the interview, and he had the presence of mind to say it that way.

Another thing I forgot: during a break, Clay was standing up talking to someone. The stylist came out and walked up behind Clay and ran his hands thru the hair on the back of Clay's neck to fluff it up. The audience made some "woo-hoo" and cheering noises out of jealousy and appreciation. The stylist, who was pretty cute himself, looked out at the audience with this puzzled smile on his face. He turned around and walked out on the far side of the audience, looking back at us bemused and smiling the whole time, as if he was thinking, What was THAT about?!? Clay himself never noticed a thing, didn't even react when the guy starting fiddling with his hair, was completely focused on who he was talking to.

clotilde wrote:

I must admit I am worried about the hair. Please tell me he looks good. I hate it when they mess with a good thing.

Oh, not to worry. The interview hair was stellar. It was only for the first song that I thought it was a bit overstyled, brushed back from his face and clearly sprayed within an inch of its life. It wasn't bad, just not my fave look on him. After that song, they softened it a bit by feathering it over his forehead and he looked great. The hair is very long at this point, and without someone to style it, we're probably going to see Hawaii hair. I'm wondering what he will do with it on the "spot" tour.

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Lovin' all the Tyra reports. And pissed as hell that I didn't try to be there. <_< heh

lurking everywhere and appreciating some thoughtful posts....this one by propounder at CH says a lot to me and I LIKE it! (my bolding)

This is the first time Clay is interviewed by a young smart beautiful woman long enough to get comfortable and what a flirt! He only needed a chance. Instead of asshat old men, we should rally for him to be interacting with intelligent attractive women closer to his age. Instead of asking him about his sexuality, just let him ooze it and draw the hot babes to flirt and merge.

Maybe from now on Clay, and anybody perceived to be connected to him in any way, will be hounded with The Question "What's Clay's favorite colour?" and criticized for not answering it.

Clive Davis? He's about the business of music while David Foster is about music and talents. Doesn't mean CD can't make business mistakes or DF can't have great business success.

Sounds like this is a KEY appearance for Clay in many ways. I really hope the editors do it justice. I really, really do.

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Yup I hope so too...so his next show will be Megn Mullaly...they already worked together twice and hopefully this would be more snarky and funny cos I can't see flirting happening here.

Then there's Kelly ...Now here I think it will just be a lot of witty repartee...I can't wait for the 15 minutes of Banter she does with her co host in the beginning of the show...this will be comic gold as well. Of course he will be interveiwing the guests too...I bet he will be very very good.

BTW...acording to some CHer...the cards he brought out when he was "interviewing" Tyra...were actually blanks. awww he is a natural.

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Thank you ladies for bringing over the recaps from the Tyra show. This sounds pure comedic gold, honestly. The whole "boxers or briefs" segment will be worth the price of admission (or the price of calling in sick to work that day. :P ) Tell me again -- why don't I live on one of the coasts?

Ansa, I'm thinking that Megan will be just as flirty with Clay as Tyra. She has that streak in her, I think. But I could be wrong. Anyway, I think that one will be cute, and I hope they sing together.

Kelly? I normally can't stand her...she's way too flighty and over-the-top for my tastes. But with Clay, I think she'll have met her match. He'll be able to keep up with her, and they'll probably talk all over each other. Heh. I hope he has good people to interview during that show.

If I could ask for a few prayers please...I just went to the funeral today. This was the nephew of one of my better friends. He died fighting in Iraq; he was only 20 years old. This family is heartbroken, for it was the baby of the family who died. I sobbed during the presenting of the medals ceremony. Anyway, if you can send some prayers to the family of George, I'd appreciate it.

{{{{{{{hugs all around}}}}}}}}}}}

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Ouch...my head...

I got entangled in some thorny bushes...took awhile to extricate myself. I guess I better not wander too far into some territory again...I may not be able to come out.

So we are just doing final hashing out of contest details Couchie got our prizes in line. We are also setting up the forums for the contest and our listening party...which will be hosted by the lovely ldyjocelyn...YAY

so if anyone has other ideas about how we can have fun and just celebrate Clay and his music just post it on main or pm me or couchie.

hee posting gorgeous pix is always a good thing...Sigh

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