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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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He can take care of his own life. Can't we just enjoy the ride and let Clay manage his own affairs????????
Actually, CG I'd prefer to enjoy riding Clay and would consider that a wonderful way to manage OUR affair! :P

Made it to Colorado Springs! Am now ducking out of a 'workshop' to find the free wireless in the lobby of this amazingly beautiful place. The speaker and topic originally planned (which actually had relevance) was canceled at the last minute because the speaker fell ill. They got a man to fill in (heh) but his area of expertise "Story Telling to Sell" or some such just ain't my cuppa. :glare: So I'm going to do work while they tell stories.

Course, I had to stop in here first... :unsure:

Interesting how so many fans daily drool and bow to the manliness of Clay and then when the going gets bumpy they react as though he were a helpless, pitiful child who couldn't possibly take care of himself in the big bad world. PUH LEEZE. IMO, Mr. Aiken is quite capable of dealing with the various flavors of BS and nastiness that the music business has to offer. In fact, I happen to believe that the very man that he IS invites such adversity because he doesn't back down. If we believe him (and I do), that is how he has always faced life---with his integrity and faith and character intact, thank you---before he entered this particular bacteria-laden pool of asshats. That type of man won't find an easy path...he doesn't choose one.

Methinks Mr. Aiken actually gets off on a good face-off. (hee! I said 'gets off' B) )...I come back to that wonderful Yogi Berra quote---"Wherever you go, there you are."

If Clay wants to avoid unpleasantness, he could become Marvin Milktoast and just go along with the flow, you know? But Clay is Clay (thank all the gods) and so will always fight the good fight.

The above soapbox spewing brought to you by "Blah-Blah 'R Us" :D

By the way....sat in that big ole bathtub last night, sipping a glass of Merlot with my noise canceling headphones on while listening to that HAWT freckle-fingered man sing to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Twas rather lovely. And while I'm not tha-rilled that this cd is schmoopy covers for the most part, every time I listen to these songs, I hear something new in Clay's voice, interpretation, breathing, delivery, purity of tone...

Dayum, he can sang.

Yes he can! I was listening over the weekend for the first time in awhile and even though there is much I don't like on this album, his voice is just so...... divine. :)

Oh and Muski my dear. In regard to the gloating phone message you left me this morning, all I can say is you're a little shit! :P But I am glad you have a chance to go to some place wonderful and I am glad you have found some free time to enjoy it. You deserve it.

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Hey, does that mean if I post about how Clay is a helpless pawn to RCa and Clive (i.e. not the same thing people) Will I get edited here? Cool. Well, since this may become my main posting board, I will just relax and take my shoes off. AAAAAAHHHH

I belong to several boards and I keep getting PMd by non-CHrs on different boards asking me to keep posting that some posts are posting opinion as fact on CH as well as some other places. I guess this is a burning issue. I also get a couple of PMs each day from people saying they are leaving the fandom because it is not fun with the angst. I don't know these people, I figure there must be something about the way I post that gets people to send me these messages, kind of like the way I am asked for street directions every.single.day I am out of my house. If I am talking in a group, people will still speak to me directly, rather than the group.

Ruben was just on the View - for people keeping count - and I know people keep count, Ruben got the stool interview, which means his interview and song were in the same segment = shorter than Clay. The good thing is that Ruben got to show some of his personality. It usually does not come through and I think some of the humor went over Elizabeth's head, not too hard, but I got it, specifically his "not so funny joke" joke.

As to the Ruben bio information, well I expect that to be fixed, someone does not like him on the J internet board, but besides the description, he also deserves his own message board. WHile it is nice to list fan boards, the label should spring for that stuff.

I also asked a Broad to post the contest information, are you keeping a list? We want some broads here, right,they are very imaginative.

Has BC posted the contest at CV?

And a request, the contest information on CB keeps sinking to the second page, so we need some bumpers.

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That is the bottom line for me... whats good for Clay..

Lets say that Clive was capricious enough to let Clay spend a year and considerable money getting songs and recording them and paying Jaymes just to YANK the rug out from under him.

So what did that bring us??? The lovely ATDW...and as KAndre pointed out...I will never regret the fact that this CD was done. What did it do for Clay...It let Clay explore his musical style with these covers and I bet that in the end contirbuted to the creation of LAA.

Maybe it is true that because Clay fought Clive so hard with this CD RCA now is deliberatey supressing his sales. Ya know what? he still sold more thatn 300K in three weeks. HDD predictions indicates that Rod will probably sell less than Clay and that Clay will probably sell 500K by the end of the year. SO what is bad about that? Its not MOAM numners but that is pretty decent. We should remember ATDW is not like MCWL that will be yanked off the shelves after New Year. This will continue to sell and may continue to sell through the year. He already has great promo appearances for Nov. He will have the Christmas shows in Dec and his MCWL will get radio play in AC...lots of chance for cross promotions...then he will be out on tour early next year and I bet more promotions for him. Its even possible he will get the radio play and video other people are so focused on. The bottom line is ...he will sell enough CDs so that he will have more chances to sing for us.

Maybe its true he didn't get all the TV promo other people seem to think he should...but every TV appearance he has had has been events. He has been great in each one and the ones coming are so much better as well. He is impressing people in the industry and he might get that talk show after all.

Maybe its true Clay is about to move to another label...would all our interference help or hinder that? Will constantly referring to RCA and this CD in the negative sense help his case or hinder that? Will constantly protraying him as a helpless pathetic victim that needs his fans to protect and save him give him leverage or does that make him less of a man more of a loser?

The music business is tough...Clay himself has told us that there are rotten souls in LA. The best way we can support him is to support his projects so he can have the power to go to better situation. The best way to support him is to let him handle his own business...he has his lawyers, he has SAM and he has his won Titanium balls to fight his battles...the fans can just get in the way because we do not know the issues...we can just make matters worse for him if we try to interfere.

I don't want to keep thinking of what may have been...that is just going to keep us all in one place...no growth. I want to celebrate what is and to look to the future. Clay has shown incredible growth with this CD...I am sure we will continue to see fruits of that growth in the future.

I do believe we all have a choice...be morose and feel defeated by the evil RCA, tabloids, reviewers, and some journalist...or are we goign to stand up straight and tall and celebrate this incerdible talent and each other...

You know what my choice will be....

So get that creative juices flowing people...its time to have fun and celebrate...there is so much to be happy about...lets not lose sight of that.


yup I do admit I do want Clay to outsell Ruben..not because I don;t want Ruben to be successful but because we will never hear the end of it if he outsells Clay...heh. BUT I do want him to do good too. Now Daughtry I think is RCA's male Kelly...so get ready for a kick ass promo for him. Will he sell? I doubt as big as MOAM but he will probably surpass ATDW...I hope not but I am preparing myself for this possibility. Taylor...is another story. As the AI I expect him to outsell ATDW...but defintiely not MOAM. BUT I am curious about his CD and his promo. Again we cannot compare him to Clay's promo this year because he is the Idol and he will get more media attention. I also think the usual macy's parade, rockefeller center...will want the Idol for their show so I expect to see him make his appearance on these shows. BUT I will be curious about the sound his CD will have...I also wonder if radio will be good to him. NOW Clay did have Invisible and he got a good radio play until his trouble with CC. I expect they will try to push Taylors first single to radio...this will be very interesting. Kellie I think will be competition for Carrie but I doubt she will make as big an impact. Kat...will be another interesting situation. She had DF in her side...lets see how commercial her CD can be.

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Some early numbers, blah, blah, blah...

CHART DATE: 10/16/2006

LAST UPDATE: 10/16/2006 09:26:11

NOW IN: 19.80%

LW TW artist / album label power index














20 21 CLAY AIKEN RCA/RMG 7,552


What I really want to know is how has Sting managed to persuade 8,000 people so far to buy an album of 16th century madrigals, accompanied by his lute playing (and that's not a euphemism). :blink: Talk about your dated covers.... HA!

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What I really want to know is how has Sting managed to persuade 8,000 people so far to buy an album of 16th century madrigals, accompanied by his lute playing (and that's not a euphemism). Talk about your dated covers.... HA!

BWAH! Of course, I bet those covers haven't been heard on the radio in awhile. Think Top 40 will play them??? :lol:

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What I really want to know is how has Sting managed to persuade 8,000 people so far to buy an album of 16th century madrigals, accompanied by his lute playing (and that's not a euphemism). Talk about your dated covers.... HA!

BWAH! Of course, I bet those covers haven't been heard on the radio in awhile. Think Top 40 will play them??? :lol:

I think the subtitle of Sting's CD is "Songs of Clive Davis' Boyhood". ;) Isn't there an all lute / all the time satellite station on Sirrus somewhere?

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Hey, talk about your promotion! Did we know Clay might be on QVC?

I mean, I know Elton John just was, but isn't that a little like having an infomercial for your album?

And, perhaps more importantly, does QVC report to HDD??

Of course, if he were on QVC and if he were in their studios, he would only be about 15 minutes from my house (ok, so its more like 20 because I never make all the lights going in that direction....)! Maybe they'll have a studio audience. They do that sometimes.

Just in case, maybe I should think about who I may know who may have QVC connections.....

Hey, Clay is Clay no matter where he is! And clack is clack! :lol:

Anyway, from Rainlover at the CH:

Notacanuck wrote:

Barry Manilow is going to be on QVC on October 21. An hour of in-studio live performance, plus his 60's CD is a special package with extras just for the QVC audience.

To think that RCA cancelled this primo promotion for Clay ...

Heard a rumor that Clay was postponed till December and that ATDW would be packaged with MCWL. We shall see......

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Yes, I knew Clay was scheduled to be on QVC - one of the people I post with in an secret area has a realtive in headquarters. The appearance was scheduled for 9/15, a week before Leno? The appearance was cancelled, some of the material was not prepared in time and there was a possiblilty of Claycancelling because of illness, but theya re tryingto reschedule. - I think it is ok to post this since it has been posted in full on other main threads onother boards not by me. If not, I will delete it.

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Of course, if he were on QVC and if he were in their studios, he would only be about 15 minutes from my house (ok, so its more like 20 because I never make all the lights going in that direction....)! Maybe they'll have a studio audience. They do that sometimes.

If not, you at least need to go stand in the parking lot or on the street with a sign and scream youself silly at the limo as it goes by, Claygasm. Somebody needs to make sure that the craz- I mean "enthusiatic" response to each and every announced appearance is kept up. :D

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Of course, if he were on QVC and if he were in their studios, he would only be about 15 minutes from my house (ok, so its more like 20 because I never make all the lights going in that direction....)! Maybe they'll have a studio audience. They do that sometimes.

If not, you at least need to go stand in the parking lot or on the street with a sign and scream youself silly at the limo as it goes by, Claygasm. Somebody needs to make sure that the craz- I mean "enthusiatic" response to each and every announced appearance is kept up. :D

Hee! Maybe I will get a tiara with blinking lights so he'll be sure to see me! :lol:

In all seriousness, IF this happens, I sure hope they give him a whole hour like they did with Elton John last week and (I hate to say this.....) Barry Manilow this week, and not just the usual 12 minutes or so they usually give the vendors. Both Elton John and Barry Manilow were and are being done remotely so its also possible Clay's will be from one of the Christmas concerts venues. Wonder who the lucky bitch is who will host him??? :glare: God I hope its one of the women and not one of the boring males hosts. (Ok so I have watched it from time to time. Not all their stuff is tacky!)

And if this is true my somewhat snarky question carries more importance. Would any sales resulting from QVC be reported to HDD or Soundscan?

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Got a PM that confirmed my theory that backwater PMs and a certain board with insiders is the source of all the RCA hate. Of course , no one would tell me the rumors, jsut taht they are being passed around through e-mail and PM. I guess we all knew that though. I really just wish some people would look at themselves in the mirror. I have a feeling it is about the insiders losing access at Team Clay matures.

Anotehr plea for someone to bump the contest thread on CB, it is on the second page and sinking fast. I can't keep bumping it myself.

Well off to the park with the dog

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Need answer for idolforums - they want to know if people can participate from out of the US - I believe this woman is from the Phillipines.

of course... I hope we won;t be breaking any laws but this is just for fun right?

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Yo! I'm catching another moment to say hey...after i finished posting earlier, I actually did some work---emailed myh boss with an update on my 'things to do' list. I was finishing the message when the organizer of this event 'caught me'. She said I needed to get back into the workshop, that it was 'part of the deal' of my being here. I answered, yes I know and I'd been very interested in the original topic, but that since they'd had to change it,I really didn't feel that the three hours spent on the new topic would be beneficial---that I could be more productive getting some work done since I'm away from the office.

She was not amused. <_< And basically told me to get my ass back to the workshop. HHHRRRUMMPPHFF! :angry: I mean, please, folks. Do I really need to listen to some guy teach me how to tell a story as a way to sell an idea? :glare: I could tell HIM a story or two, couldn't I? I could tell him "Just Buddies" to sell him on the idea that Clay Aiken has a beautiful humongous c....

ooops! I'm not on EAYOR....sorry. :unsure:

And bottle as for CG needing to do something to represent the cra--er, enthusiastic fans? All she needs to do is yell, "Hey Clay! My board name is CLAYGASM!"

That should do it.

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BWAH ...you guys are a hoot.

I'm glad to hear QVC was rescheduled...kinda puts a damper on the Conspiracy theories.

Claygasm...no idea if QVC reports...I kinda doubt it if costco and sam does not. But who knows.

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And bottle as for CG needing to do something to represent the cra--er, enthusiastic fans? All she needs to do is yell, "Hey Clay! My board name is CLAYGASM!"

That should do it.

BWAH!!! But has she asked Clay to sign an autograph to "Claygasm" yet? :P

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He can take care of his own life. Can't we just enjoy the ride and let Clay manage his own affairs????????
Actually, CG I'd prefer to enjoy riding Clay and would consider that a wonderful way to manage OUR affair! :P


Made it to Colorado Springs! Am now ducking out of a 'workshop' to find the free wireless in the lobby of this amazingly beautiful place. The speaker and topic originally planned (which actually had relevance) was canceled at the last minute because the speaker fell ill. They got a man to fill in (heh) but his area of expertise "Story Telling to Sell" or some such just ain't my cuppa. :glare: So I'm going to do work while they tell stories.

Course, I had to stop in here first... :unsure:

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who checks message boards during "work" trips. Heh. Anyway, glad you made it to your destination muski...but you still didn't answer my question: who won the football game?

Oooops, now I see you're in trouble for it. You can tell them a bunch of Claymates (heh) will kick that storyteller's tail, and see how that goes over.

Interesting how so many fans daily drool and bow to the manliness of Clay and then when the going gets bumpy they react as though he were a helpless, pitiful child who couldn't possibly take care of himself in the big bad world. PUH LEEZE. IMO, Mr. Aiken is quite capable of dealing with the various flavors of BS and nastiness that the music business has to offer. In fact, I happen to believe that the very man that he IS invites such adversity because he doesn't back down. If we believe him (and I do), that is how he has always faced life---with his integrity and faith and character intact, thank you---before he entered this particular bacteria-laden pool of asshats. That type of man won't find an easy path...he doesn't choose one.

Bolding mine. Oh man, muski, you're sharing my brain. I know we've always talked about Clay having titanium ones. Well, IMO, so does Clive...and when two people like that square off, and neither backs down...well, it's gonna seem like something bad happened. AND -- it's gonna hurt in the short term, but his "integrity and faith and character" will be intact, and that to me is a wonderful thing. I love that Clay truly does stand up for what he believes in.

If Clay wants to avoid unpleasantness, he could become Marvin Milktoast and just go along with the flow, you know? But Clay is Clay (thank all the gods) and so will always fight the good fight.

Yep. He's a strong one...and I admire the hell out of him because of that.

What I really want to know is how has Sting managed to persuade 8,000 people so far to buy an album of 16th century madrigals, accompanied by his lute playing (and that's not a euphemism). :blink: Talk about your dated covers.... HA!

Hey, watch it. I listened to at least some of this album over the weekend, and it's very good. Also, my husband is a lute player (2 years ago he went to a lute convention...if I get to go to Clay stuff, he gets to go to what he wants *g*), and is fascinated by the marketing of this album. Sting = name recognition. And it might get some kids interested in this kind of music. I think the same way about ATDW, as far as that goes.

luckiest1, sorry about the scheduling problems. Maybe we'll hold another version of this in a few months, say the cold winter months of January. By then, we'll have internalized the album, and it could be fun to do this whole listening party all over again after we've really lived with these songs for a while.

The whole QVC thing is a big puzzle to me. The problem is, all I'm hearing is back channel stuff -- and I just automatically attach salt to that. Just my way anymore. If it happens, I'll be happy. If it doesn't, I'll live.

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I'll give you another side to all those back channel info exchanges: When you know it's going on and some posters continually refer to it, it creates a nasty undercurrent of the "Haves" and the "Have Nots". I saw a bit of that elsewhere this week-end: Some pretty specific Roger-bashing, but despite inquiries from several different posters, no one "in the know" had enough balls to come out with the reason for it. It's only natural that there's a lot of behind the scenes info sharing going on within each little clique and whatnot - I understand that. But if a poster (again, elsewhere) is not going to share specifics on the open board, I wish they'd stop hinting about it. Drives me nuts... :glare:

Whew - venting over. I gave blood this morning, and I think it's making me crankier than usual. At least that's my excuse for today. B)

And now I have to try to apologize to ldyjocelyn about my lute diss. I caught the very tail end of an interview with Sting on NPR this morning, and all I heard him say is that the lute is a very tough instrument to play. It's just that the idea of having commercial success with that kind of music just cracks me up. Behold the power of Sting!!

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And bottle as for CG needing to do something to represent the cra--er, enthusiastic fans? All she needs to do is yell, "Hey Clay! My board name is CLAYGASM!"

That should do it.

BWAH!!! But has she asked Clay to sign an autograph to "Claygasm" yet? :P

You know, when I was out for Kimmel and found out people were getting Clay to sign their CDs with their board names, I thought about that. It might be worth it just to see the look on his face!

I wonder if he would ask me what it meant and why I decided on that name?? :D

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Personally, I can't imagine asking Clay to sign something with my board name! I mean, I LIKE my board name, but holy hell! I don't think I'd want Clay to associate me in person with some of the posts Muski makes, if you get my drift. B) (Unless, of course, he wants to check it out up close and personal, donchaknow...heh)

Lookie here! This was a link from the Apple website and it rocks! Of course, I immediately thought of Clay.

iPod Helps Special Needs Students Succeeed!

Whew! Just finished the one-on-one meetings with 11 vendors! Talk about blahblah! :blink: Got a small window of private time before the reception and dinner. Supposed to dress 'Western'. Hey, K'Andre! May I borrow your white hat? :lol: I think my drinking beer bottled in the west will be the extent of my "Western" ness tonight! ;)

Yeah, bottle...I'm with you re: the little innuendoes that the people with 'connections' drop in public posts. I, too, think it's just plain RUDE (tm Clay Aiken) to mention that you know something of interest and then not share enough to make the 'info' worth anything. If you CAN'T share? THen don't say a danged thing in the first place.

For example, just the other day while giving me a full body massage, Clay was talking about the latest conversation he'd had with Clive and I couldn't beLIEVE that he..."

Oops! :o

Did I say too much? B)^_^

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For example, just the other day while giving me a full body massage, Clay was talking about the latest conversation he'd had with Clive and I couldn't beLIEVE that he..."

Oops! :o

Did I say too much? B)^_^

WAH...muski what a tease...psst let me know the rest on PM ;)


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I'm baaaaaaaaack! Such an interesting weekend! I'll tell y'all about it when I'm conscious again.

waves madly at Couchie and she knows why...

{{{hugs}}} to all

I just love me a pretty, singing man!

PM my butt! Keep in mind chickie, personal boundaries are MADE to be flexible!

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Damn, damn, damn!

I just found out iDVD won't burn 2 hours worth of material! So now I have to edit my brilliant (**cough cough**) 2 hour clack movie I made and cut it down to no more than 90 minutes.

So much brilliance will end up on the cutting room floor! ;)

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