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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Here are some video clips

The Asian through the cell phone Without You courtesy of Becauseyoulive of CB

Wow. I'm actually very pumped by that...a lot. Maybe, just maybe, they're pushing their publicity for the foreign market. I know Ansa has mentioned that SEVERAL times, that he would be a superstar in Asia. Very cool.

In the meantime...I still have ideas about this video that hasn't been seen by us in America, except through an Asian cellphone, and partially through commercials.

1) I'm still believing that the dual disc will show up. It will just show up to re-energize the sales for the album, at least a bit.

2) When will they release this? Two options, IMO: in another few weeks, just in time to capitalize for the Christmas season; or after the first of the year, in time for Valentine's Day.

3) If they do decide the "before Christmas" timeframe -- I'm thinking it would make sense to have that be something offered during the rumored QVC appearance. Can you imagine? QVC's membership would increase 10-fold in a single hour. *g*

Now...where DID I put that QVC card? Yes, I did have one a long time ago, and actually bought one thing, a Star Trek collectible plaque. I would venture a guess that my account is gone though. OTOH...my sister in Florida is a QVC junkie. I may have to have her watch that night, if it does happen.

The things that make you go...hmmm....

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Missed the "Nighline Nerds" clip the first time around. Ansa, Nightline is the ABC latenight news show, and they must have done a thing on nerds being pretty cool (which I so agree!).

I'm pretty positive that there are fans that wish Clay wouldn't be associated with nerds, or geeks, or whatever. Me? Since I was one, and in many ways, still AM one, I love it. It shows to me that nerds are talented, smart, and can make a heck of a lot of money. It's pure image -- but not the image that the "cool kids" think is right. I say...screw them. Be happy in your own skin. It seems to me that Clay is.

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Missed the "Nighline Nerds" clip the first time around. Ansa, Nightline is the ABC latenight news show, and they must have done a thing on nerds being pretty cool (which I so agree!).

I'm pretty positive that there are fans that wish Clay wouldn't be associated with nerds, or geeks, or whatever. Me? Since I was one, and in many ways, still AM one, I love it. It shows to me that nerds are talented, smart, and can make a heck of a lot of money. It's pure image -- but not the image that the "cool kids" think is right. I say...screw them. Be happy in your own skin. It seems to me that Clay is.

Yup I just watched it and I loved it. He is a proud nerd why hide it. I always love Rvenge of the Nerds and that is one movie I was hoping Clay could have a small part in...

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Howdy! I'm still basking in the afterglow of our group session with Clay last night. Whew! Was it good for you, too? B)

Getting ready to go to my daughter's soccer game and have been trying to clean up the downstairs a little. While getting crap off the computer table, I found an index card and this on it. My younger daughter, Carrie, is 11 and was evidently reminding herself about....herself sometime before the new school year :lol: Here's what she'd written on the card: (I'm keeping her unique spelling, too.)

Carrie= an awesome humen being that is going into 6th grade

I laughed and teared up at the same time. At what age do we stop believing we're "an awesome humen being"? I mean, she's so happy being HER, you know? When is it that we start thinking we're not "all that"?

Anyway....off to watch my older daughter kick some soccer butt! :lol: Later!

Edited by muskifest
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wow I teared up along with you...that is fantastic.

you should keep that card and if ever she starts doubting herself...show her that card and tell her she was so wise at this age...sniff...thanks for sharing.

good luck on the game.

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muski, thank you for sharing that about your daughter. It made me tear up as well, even if I don't have kids...but it made me think of ME when I was growing up, and how I felt about myself. Your daughter is a wise one. ITA with Ansa, pull that out every once in a while for her and remind her about that.

Clack help needed: I'm looking for the picture of Jimmy Kimmel and Clay at the Virgin CD signing. I thought I kept it, but I didn't, and I could use it for a project. If anyone has it, could you send it to me please?!?!?! Thanx.

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Clack help needed: I'm looking for the picture of Jimmy Kimmel and Clay at the Virgin CD signing. I thought I kept it, but I didn't, and I could use it for a project. If anyone has it, could you send it to me please?!?!?! Thanx.

You may be able to find what you want on this page from the LBFCA.

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Sorry ladies for having pooped out on ya'll last night, but had to go to work super early this morning. You know, people just have a knack of slipping, falling, breaking bones. I keep saying that we need safe streets with lots of cushions, but you know what, I would be the one to fall between the cushions and break said bone. LOL.

I will definitely be up late with ya'll next Friday. Don't have to work that weekend.

Hope everyone is doing okay today. Hope the soccer game went well and you daughter won. Hi to all the newbies last night that I could not meet.

Talk to ya'll later.

G :)

PSS... LAA is my favorite. So raw and emotional. Okay, my two cents worth right there on that song.

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Thanks bottlecap, found exactly what I needed!

Lawd Jesus, bottlecap is drinking again. Is she the resident lush around here? And don't even get me started on what she's drinking this time. *g*

georgia, we missed you, but we'll be looking forward to your input next weekend. I had a really great time listening to Clay at the same time as my friends. It was also very interesting with the varied opinions about songs.

Topic: I made cheese soup for dinner tonight. Clay would have liked it, I think. Nothing in it that could kill him.

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playbiller, is that Holly dressed as a ladybug in your avi? How long did the wings stay on until she chewed them off?

Speaking of pets in costumes, Cute Overload is going to kill me. You have to scroll down a bit and check out the guinea pig dressed as a bee and the pug as a crocodile. Too funny.

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anyone know where we can find some chill pills, I think I want to pass them out on certain boards for halloween.

Heh...thats for sure...

BTW...I posted the final poll for the best night for our Clay gabfest. I had to take friday night out cos that is the night for the listening party... and just put that nights that had any votes so its between Sun, Sat, and Tues night.

I also took the liberty to choose 5 topics that was in the suggestion threads...hope you all check if out. I hope to set the date by tomorrow. The topic we have lots of time to figure that out.

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Please that is my old dead and ever patient perfect dog Sadie, not the maniac I am living with now. Sadie was lab/border collie and had the best traits of each. She used to lie on the couch watching the discovery channel <-couch potato and brain, althought she did used to slum watching the "best dog" competition from time to time. Sadie had this costume for 5 years and I am going to try it on Holly this year. The difference is that Sadie used to go out on the porch to greet kids, this monster will not be allowed outside at all.

This little monster is the best cuddler dog I eve had though I just wish she did not want to run away so much. Probably the difference between getting a puppy and an adult dog with "issues".

OK off to search out the poll.

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anyone know where we can find some chill pills, I think I want to pass them out on certain boards for halloween.

As long as you put it in Ghiardelli chocolate, I think they might even take it willingly! :ph34r:

playbiller, it's nice to finally meet at least one of the dogs in your life, even if she is no longer among us. Pets are the best; I love my kitty cats like there's no tomorrow. I'll have to dig out a picture of them for y'all some time. (BTW, it always did make me sad that Clay admitted to not liking cats.)

Speaking of pets in costumes, Cute Overload is going to kill me. You have to scroll down a bit and check out the guinea pig dressed as a bee and the pug as a crocodile. Too funny.

I LOVE Cute Overload. One of the best sites ever. I finally broke down yesterday and subscribed to their email updates. My other frequently checked site that is non-Clay related (and one he would NEVER visit) is Stuff on My Cat. What people will do to cats...

Ansa, I voted in the poll. I think this will be a fun discussion, and I've started picking all my favorite moments. Just need to try and come up with some more topics...

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