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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Oh lordy! In some semi-Pod and Pod circles they have lost all sense of what constitutes good news or bad news.

There was a post about the Radio and Records ranking and the fact that Clay has had 14 song on the charts and people were asking - one after the other - "Is that good news???"

Is that good news??? That his single is climbing up the charts - slowly perhaps, but its climbing - and that he may be tied with Celine Dion for most songs on the charts in this century and people aren't sure whether or not that's good news???

Have the pods so taken over their minds they can no longer tell good from bad????



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Oh lordy! In some semi-Pod and Pod circles they have lost all sense of what constitutes good news or bad news.

There was a post about the Radio and Records ranking and the fact that Clay has had 14 song on the charts and people were asking - one after the other - "Is that good news???"

Is that good news??? That his single is climbing up the charts - slowly perhaps, but its climbing - and that he may be tied with Celine Dion for most songs on the charts in this century and people aren't sure whether or not that's good news???

Have the pods so taken over their minds they can no longer tell good from bad????



I know...its like some people dont; know what to think anymore without guidance from the grand poddie.

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There was a post about the Radio and Records ranking and the fact that Clay has had 14 song on the charts and people were asking - one after the other - "Is that good news???"

Is that good news??? That his single is climbing up the charts - slowly perhaps, but its climbing - and that he may be tied with Celine Dion for most songs on the charts in this century and people aren't sure whether or not that's good news???

Have the pods so taken over their minds they can no longer tell good from bad????


I'm sad to say I laughed at this. I'm sure they will be told soon enough whether they can eeeeeeeeee or not. Anyway, as I said earlier...it seems like if we put ourselves into it, getting him further up that chart could be challenging but fun. I mean, it's better than bitching and complaining isn't it. I would love it if we stepped up to the challenge and found new and inventive ways to to this. Hell, even if we request the song on every request hour lunch every single day..how many freakin' spins is that. And maybe a good ranking on the AC chart will persuade other stations to play it. Wishful thinking you say? And I say SO WHAT!

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Well, I stream the local station for a few hours every day after signing in and I did request once. I figure I would do it once a week, so as not to be too much.

Here is my problem, I would like to get it on Delialah, but I can't think of a story to go with it and sometimes she has people intro thier own songs and I don't like my phone voice. So, I am thinking that if I come up with a really good story that requires fighting angles and spinning balls, maybe I can screen my calls , so as not to answer when she calls, maybe I can get it played there, but I do need a good story.

message43.gif Any good imaginations out there?

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Helllllooooo [echo, echo, echo...]

Geez, is everybody passed out from consuming too much candy corn or what not, or are you like me - still trying to get your minds around the lastest twist in muski's opus?

For some reason, I am incredibly jazzed over the upcoming GMA appearance (less than a week away now EEEEE!) - both for the opportunity to see THE HAIR's current incarnation (Which I may have mentioned once or twice before interests me greatly. HA!) - and to see what this appearance portends for Clay's career. Is it simply a plug for UNICEF (which is cool and admirable in itself), or is it also a step in presenting Clay 3.0 to the public? I find it to be very intriguing.....

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I'm excited too. It will be nice to have these intermittent viewings of Clay. Can't wait to see his "fat" ass on GMA. I'm very excited that he gets to talk about UNICEF. I mean has he ever had an interview just for this purpose where'he's actually gotten to expound on things. I'm looking forward to this.

As for Kimmel, I guess they don't like us so much after all. I have a feeling all those people, including me, who signed up for tickets will be denied because they don't want us there clogging up their streets and perhaps making their other guess feel under appreciated. Although, I think Clay fans have always shown the others guests a lot of courtesy I still think the celebrity would have to have a sense of humor and a small ego to take it. But that little blonde general from 1iota seemed to hate us. And we arrive early and stand in line all day, blocking the sidewalk. THere are vendors coming up and down the line taking food orders. It's a mini circus.

But what's so funny, the day after Clay's last appearance they were walking up and down the street, begging to give away tickets to the taping.

Ah well, we will see what happens.

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Although, I think Clay fans have always shown the others guests a lot of courtesy I still think the celebrity would have to have a sense of humor and a small ego to take it.

Charles Barkley - from what I've seen of his interviews, yes on the first qualification and not so much on the second. ;)

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Charles Barkley - from what I've seen of his interviews, yes on the first qualification and not so much on the second. ;)

And as a certified Barklay fan since he was a rookie in the league -- bingo...gold star! heee.

ETA: Play: I'm not sure why they ask the age. It certainly didn't stop Clay's fan base from being represented. I'm more concerned about the profiling once you're inside. The pretty people are moved to the front. And what's funny is that I think I got great seating because my friend and I were on the dark side LOL. We had a big laugh about that. I guess they want to show they have some diversity.

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They may have decided to hold back on some of the tickets to not over sell it - this could have been a problem with people flying in and not geting to see the show, I imagine morethan one outraged letter.

Now, promises were made to some people, I wonder if there will be follow through to the people who were to get in guarenteed next time?

But it does seem odd that they would allow tickets to random people. I would think asking ones age is illegal though, wouldn't that be considered discrimination? Do they ask if you are a citizen, your nationality or race?

The above was brought to you by someone who is not going but really curious about it. rolling6.gif

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Now, promises were made to some people, I wonder if there will be follow through to the people who were to get in guarenteed next time?

I was one to whom a promise was made, but I can't come this time. So I emailed the person I was supposed to email to see if the offer could be extended until the next time Clay is on and she emailed me back very promptly to say sure and that she would keep my email on file so she could contact me ahead of time.

Now Muski, who can go this time, is having a bit of a communication problem with her........

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goodluck to all of you trying to get tickets. I do agree with Play...its very possible that they are preventing the big headache they had before of dealing with out of towners that had to be turned away from getting tickets.

I know this is probably 1ota problem and not in the jurisdiction of the Kimmel producers...but I find it ironic that during the gift discussion lots of fans were saying that Kimmel people love the Clay fans...I guess not so much now.

I am also very excited about the GMA appearance...I wonder if this means he will be doing something specific for UNICEF.

we have mentioned bringing out an FCAmad4Clay pin as part of our BAF fund raiser.

I asked cindilu2 if she would like to try and design a pin for us and she came up with two desings that are really cute. So we are trying to get some reactiosn about this.

We will probably try and bring this out sometime in February. We are not that sure about the current market for pins. Hopefully we can get a lot of interest so we can keep the price low and get a good profit for BAF.

here are the designs...



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Yes, I AM having difficulty communicating with the woman at iIota who is in charge of all this stuff. I've sent three emails and a phone message, but at this time she and I still do not have an understanding. Ironically, I was the one of the eighteen people denied studio seats to make the suggestion of offering us VIP seating at Clay's next appearance!

I AM planning on going to the Feb. 14 show and I DO intend to be a 'special house guest'. Hope they're ready for me.

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we have mentioned bringing out an FCAmad4Clay pin as part of our BAF fund raiser.

I asked cindilu2 if she would like to try and design a pin for us and she came up with two desings that are really cute. So we are trying to get some reactiosn about this.

We will probably try and bring this out sometime in February. We are not that sure about the current market for pins. Hopefully we can get a lot of interest so we can keep the price low and get a good profit for BAF.

here are the designs...

I like the round one.


muski, you go gurrrlll! Make those bastards honor their promises.


Still listening to my local AC radio station that played ATD yesterday. I haven't heard Clay again, and don't expect to really, but I am hearing song after song that I associate with Clay - currently "Everlasting Love" (DISCO Pants :hubbahubba: ), and "Always and Forever" earlier.

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yeah...I went to yes.com, registered...put in Clay Aiken (OMG....if only...:hubbahubba: ) and got a page saying that Clay Aiken hasn't been played recently.

Hmmmm....he did say that on stage during the JNaT '07, didn't he? That 'unfortunately' he wasn't scoring a lot on the tour? :medium-smiley-070:

Oh, I CMSU! :lol: :em0100: :cryingwlaughter: :laught31:


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Chiming in with "I like the round pin..."

As far as yes.com -- I'm getting the same thing as you muski. It's not telling me anything new. *sigh*

But, OTOH...now that I've read your post muski, I now finally figured out what CMSU stands for! :lightblub:

Aren't emoticons grand?

Can we go home now?

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Muski - to bother a phrase of yours - you CMSU!!

But what you did at yes.com - that's what I did and got the same result, so play - share! Where did you find this information???

I am at work here alone and decided to listen to my version of ATDW. I eliminated the songs I don't like, kept all the originals even though I don't really like EIH and used a live version of ATD, and then added TRD, JY, ICMYLM, IKHTRF and TOUCH (what - its a love song!). I like my version getter than his! :medium-smiley-070:

Anyhoo... Its playing TOA now. I really, really, really like this song. I think it gets left out a lot when people talk about this album, but the lyrics are wonderfully meaningful and I think he will absolutely kill on this in concert!

Just thought I would share that. :nature-smiley-014:

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I tune into yes dot com and then go off and do other things - apparently it hasto be listed in the near past and rarely does it happen, Not all stationsthat report to media base appear on yes.com, but some do. I was just seeing mainly 2 stations and now it is a few different ones.


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