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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Okay, I was gonna go off on you like a shrieking harlot...no, that's not the word...hag...well, that may be true but it's not the word I'm looking for...

It starts with an 'h', I know that...a..oh, hell, I can't think---

Anyway, I was gonna yell at you for that whole paragraph break thing...then you wrote this:

this glorious instrument, just a fortunate confluence of physicality and control, producing lovely sounds

and I got all schmoopie and sh..stuff.

Be that as it may, KAndre...watch yourself. I will NOT be toyed with...even if you are close to World Domination.

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<giggle> Toy? Moi? Nevah! I'm marketing you, chickie! 'H' huh? Harpy? Hoser? Hot mama?

Hey, not all of us have white space! A lot of us have blue-gray space (that happens to be filled with letters). I think I had mumps that day in 3rd grade when they taught us that white space stuff! Though any mod that wants to stick some in is welcome to - I love liberal arts major who fix my stuff for me up to and including spelling and verb-noun-tense agreement...(which is a really broad hint to any free editors/picky people out there)

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Claygasm, I love you because you are such a perv. See, other people have somehow managed to obtain the skill of putting their thoughts in a coherent and concise manner, breaking up their narrative in discrete sections, allowing ease of reading. Me, I write the way I talk, convoluted and what some may consider a tad dense. However, I have learned to stick at least a couple of returns in the middle of my stuff. Of which I am rightfully proud.

And see, as I was blathering on, play answers your question.

I'm working on doing better!

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I am really disappointed that white spaces wasn't a euphemism for anything.....

Oh, come on, Claygasm I can't imagine that something hasn't already come to you. Surely, somebody can shoot off some little dribble of SOMEthing... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Be that as it may, KAndre...watch yourself. I will NOT be toyed with...even if you are close to World Domination.

YOU tell her Muski. She's trying to kill me. But Yay, have my Westpoint recap and when I put it up, rest assured it will have paragraphs LOL.

And I have to say, I am really disappointed that white spaces wasn't a euphemism for anything.....


I am really disappointed that white spaces wasn't a euphemism for anything.....

Oh, come on, Claygasm I can't imagine that something hasn't already come to you. Surely, somebody can shoot off some little dribble of SOMEthing... :F_05BL17blowkiss:

there's my Muski

I admit I'm not too good with dates and anniversaries and such thing but has it really been 4 years since we saw Clay? I guess I can say he had me at Take because I actually picked up the phone and called my sister and said.."did you hear that?" That was after she had to actually blackmail me into even watching the show. I thought it was stupid and had not watched season one. But I loved a lot of people from the auditions and rooted for Clay and several others through most of the show. Can't remember when it got to the OH HE'S THE ONLY ONE STAGE. But yep I did get there. And hear I still am.

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WHY? WHY? WHY? did I go to bed early last night!!!

KAndre...ditto to what claygasm said...don't ever change...and yes...like Play, I do get lost in all those sentences at times but if the moment it takes to hit enter would interrupt the flow of funnies...I can deal.

so when can I have my redbanks recap...hee!!! can't get enough!!!

and thanks for the funny conversation everyone...white space as a euphemism...BWAH!!!!

Muski is in CH!!! I hope you like fish...heh...

Ah the TAKE anniversary....is not MY anniversary. I was watching that night and had to step out and be a mom the time Clay came on. sigh...MY indoctrination to the Clay WORLD happened at DLTSGDOM. I did see him on gr 2...but he was only my 3rd favorite that night. Wildcard night was when I first searched the net for him...and found the demos...and I was hooked.

But I did find a great post on CH by rocky's mom on the anniversary...a great review of the years that followed:

Anyone else here remember that old Beatles song that goes...

Listen...do you want to know a secret?

Do you promise not to tell?

Closer...let me whisper in your ear....

A little while ago,on Clay's birthday,the night before the start of the JNaT... I was eating dinner and my computer went to screen-saver...the first picture that came up was of Clay during his Atlanta audition. That day when his life....and so many of ours as well...changed forever.And I thought that if I could go back in time to that day and somehow manage to whisper in the ear of that innocent,hopeful,unsuspecting young man and tell him of some of the things the future held for him....what secrets would I share? What would I whisper in Clay's ear?

Would I whisper that even though you've just been told that you don't look like a pop star (and you'll hear that line again...and again) you will become one.You will set records of some type with virtually every recording you release.Your latest CD will see your first efforts as a lyricist and you're Executive producer on your new Christmas EP.You'll be a sought after guest on TV shows,both for your singing ability and your humor,charm,and quick-wit.Just the fact that you've changed your hairstyle will have the entertainment shows buzzing for weeks.

You will tour seven times in the next four years. No one from the show....even those with more CD sales or more radio airplay will match your gross ticket sales....well over 28 million dollars before you've been in the business for even 4 years.And that's not the only traveling you'll be doing...you'll fly everywhere from London to Slovenia to Malaysia to Uganda. You'll even get to spend some time in Santa Monica.

Now,about this American Idol thing....you're going to see women in the audience when you do these TV shows....they'll be holding signs with silly sayings and wearing T-shirts with your name and face on them and screaming when you look in their direction. Try to get used to them because they're not going to go away.Not a chance(even when you're wishing they would because they just ripped the grass out of your mama's lawn again).They are going to drive themselves crazy trying to get tickets to every single television show you appear on.And you're going to be on a lot of them.Not just singing,either. Your quick wit and sense of humor is going to make you a favorite guest because not only do you "bring" every live singing performance,but you're funny and entertaining "on the couch" as well.Just one word of advice here though....be careful where you put your hands....you don't know where some people's mouths have been.

Do you remember that girl that beat you at the audition in Charlotte? That girl named Quiana Parler? You'll get to know her better in Hollywood.Not only will she become your back-up singer (yes,you heard me right) but she will become one of your closest friends.You'll even become Godfather to her first-born child,a beautiful little boy.And the friends you take with you to Hollywood....Nick and Kristy? Nick will become your personal assistant for a while when you try to adjust to living in LA and the pressures of stardom. And Kristy will be in charge of your foundation for the inclusion of special-needs children.

Yes...you heard that right too. YOUR foundation,started with contributions from those craz....enthusiastic women you'll see in the audience.And that won't be the only way you'll get to make a difference....you'll be a UNICEF ambassador and serve on a Presidential committee for people with disabilities.You'll publish a book and set up summer camps. If you're concerned that following your dream to Hollywood might mean losing your chance to help those children you care so deeply about...don't be. You'll be doing wonderful things that will help children all over the world.Why,just by writing a post in your blog,asking your fans to help,you will be able to raise over $70,000 in a few days for children in a war-torn nation.(And by the way....those two little words "He Blogged" will be a cause for celebration in your nation....the word "soon"-not so much)

And you'll be able to help your mom too...by the end of 2003 you'll have paid off her mortgage. And you'll buy Brett another Firebird to replace the one you had sell.What's that? No....you won't be living at home with your mom.You'll have a brand-new custom built 2 million dollar, 9,000 square foot home of your own not too far away though.You'll be taking WRAL and ET on tours of it.It will hold the many awards you've received and include mementos of your trips for UNICEF.You'll share it with friends and family and your beloved four-legged "kids".

But those won't be the only lives you change .Those obsess..craz..enthusiastic fans of yours....their lives will forever be changed by you as well. They'll form their own message boards and have vaults where they'll keep their "Clack"....you don't know what that word means now,but you will. You'll learn all their words and habits and you'll tease them about them endlessly and they'll love you even more for doing it.Those vaults will hold every bit of audio or video of you that they can get their hands on. Remember when you sang GBoF when you were in the Raleigh's Boy Choir? They'll have that. And your high school production of "Oklahoma". And that little bit of song you just sang in there a few minutes ago? That will be there as well. They'll proudly tell you that you had them at that first word "Take" and the title of that song...."Always and Forever"....it won't be just a song title. It will become their promise and their pledge to you.

They'll develop computer skills they never would have dreamed of...they'll become incredible photographers and become able to take videos under some pretty unusual circumstances.They'll discover a new way to share your shows with each other using their cell-phones.They'll find that they have the talent to write funny skits about you and your friends and your dogs and themselves. But most importantly...they'll develop friendships they never would have been blessed with if you hadn't come into their lives.They'll fly across the country just to see you perform live and meet and travel with people that they only know by name on the Internet. They'll wait for hours in the cold or the rain or blistering heat just for the touch of your hand.Even though many of them will be old enough to be your mother (and don't let that fool you) you'll make them feel as though they're 12 years old again with their very first crush.You'll bring smiles to their faces,joy to their souls,love to their hearts,and tears to their eyes.

Why tears,you ask? Because they want the best for you,always and in all things and they won't always be able to give that to you. Because you hate to disappoint them and they'll be times when they'll watch you sing to them when you shouldn't even be out of bed...you'll be barely able to stand,much less perform a show. But perform for them you will...and sing flawlessly and be hysterically funny to boot.And then there will be times when they'll be forced to read and watch and listen to all manner of vile lies being told about you and not be able to stop them. But those lies and that hatred will only draw them closer together....they'll become more than just a fandom,they'll be a family,an ohana. And those dark days are when their love for you will shine the brightest and they'll reach out to let you know that they are there for you "unconditionally". And you will feel that love and they'll pray that it's helped you cope,if only for a little while.

So go get ready for your drive back home to North Carolina now,Atlanta Clay. Take off that piece of paper that has the number "5230" emblazoned on it and tuck it safely away somewhere.

And prepare for the ride of your life....while we do the same.

Take care Clay....you mean the world to me and so many others.Always remember....you are so very dearly loved.

schmoopie fer sure!!!

and with all the the great things...there unfortunately must be the low lifes and the haters that Clay had to deal with....GBB of CH got her Dr. seuss muse and wrote this inspired ode to the toads


Every fan

In ClayNation

Liked Clay Aiken a lot...

But the Toads,

In the Swamplands of Slime,

They Did NOT!

The Toads hated Clay Aiken!

The whole Aiken fandom!

Now, please don't ask why. No one quite understands them.

It could be that their heads weren't screwed on quite right.

It could be, perhaps, that their shoes were too tight.

But I think that the most likely reason of all

May have been that their fame was four sizes too small.


Whatever the reason,

Their shoes or their fame,

There they fumed in their swamps, hating Clay's name.

Staring out from their ooze with a snarl, cold and mean,

At the lights that were glowing from screen after screen

For they knew every fan to ClayNation and back

Was busy downloading the latest of Clack.

"They're watching his videos!" they snarled to each other.

"And soon there'll be more tours, one after another!"

Then they growled, slimy fingers nervously drumming,

"We MUST find a way to keep those tours from coming!"

For the instant, they knew,

Tourdates start to diffuse

All the fans in Clay Nation would SQUEE at the news!

And then! Oh, the joy! Oh, the joy! joy! joy! joy!

That's one thing they hated! The JOY! JOY! JOY! JOY!

Then the fans, young and old, would start typing away.

And they'd type! And they'd type!

And they'd TYPE! TYPE! TYPE! TYPE!

They would check Ticketmaster, Mbits, even eBay

They'd buy tickets by twos, fours, sixes and eights!


They do something Toads liked least of all!

Every fan in Clay Nation, the tall and the small,

Would travel wherever the airlines were winging.

They'd gather together. And then... Clay would start singing!

He'd sing! And he'd sing!


And the more the Toads thought of the joy that would bring

The more the Toads thought, "We must stop this whole thing!"

"Why for more than four years we've put up with it now!

We MUST stop Clay Aiken from singing!

...But HOW?"

Then they got an idea!

An awful idea!

The Toads


"I know just what to do!" one Toad curled up his lip.

"We'll say he's uncool. People like their stars hip!"

And he chuckled, and clucked, "We'll make him a joke!

"Once the cool kids all diss him, his career's gonna choke."

"Some late night comedians,

Bad reviews all around,

We'll keep him off radio,

This man's going down!"

And they waited with glee for his fans all to flee...

Sold out concerts? Platinum albums?

But how can this be?

"Let me try," said another. "I know what's wrong here."

They root for the underdog,

It's perfectly clear."

"We'll prove he's a diva, a tyrant, a jerk.

Just leave it to me.

This time it will work."

In blogs they would whisper, "did you hear Clay's an ass?

I heard that he starved an entire school class.

They just wanted autographs, and maybe a picture.

And he forced them to sing and then gave them a lecture.

He said they were brats and he fired their teacher.

And he made them eat Happy Meals, the immoral creature!"

"I heard he demands Pepsi!"

"No, I heard Perrier!"

"I heard he makes them cook his meals a very certain way!"

"He's rude to his fans"

"He's a diva backstage!"

"It won't be long before his fans are outraged!"

What's this?

They're still here? There's still a Clay Nation?

They're gathering funds to support his foundation?

Why can't we break them? What more will it take?

He's in Africa for UNICEF? Oh give me a break!

Then the slimiest, greasiest Toad of them all

Said "I'm taking over. You guys think too small."

"Don't you know that the 'mates are all biddies and prudes?

If you want them to leave him, just prove that he's lewd."

"Spread the rumor he's gay. That'll cause them distress.

A date with a girl? Keep it out of the press!"

"No, we're not finished. I've just gotten started."

The Toad sneered at his friends, "now don't be faint-hearted."

All it takes is a man with no moral center

Who'll lie without qualm and play the tormentor.

Now the lie is in place, and the bloggers will churn.

Then tabloids, then media - each one in turn.

And the Toads all enjoyed a slimy high-five

"And we'll 'rinse and repeat' till the fans take a dive.

A hundred feet down! To the heart of Swamp Scapegoat,

They slid their way back to the bottom to gloat!

"Pooh-pooh to the 'mates!" they were Toadishly grinning.

"They're finding out now that their numbers are thinning!

"They're just waking up! I know just what they'll do!

"Their mouths will hang open a minute or two

"Then all fans in Clay Nation will cry BOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!"

"That's a noise," laughed the Toads,

"That we simply must hear!"

So they paused. And each Toad put a hand to his ear.

And they did hear a sound rising over the slime.

It started in low. Then it started to climb...

But the sound wasn't sad!

Why, this sound was resplendent!

It couldn't be so!

But it WAS Gorgeous, transcendent!

They stared out at Clay Nation,

The Toads popped their eyes!

Then they shook!

What they saw was a shocking surprise!

Every fan in Clay Nation, the white, brown and black,

Had circled their wagons! They all had Clay's back!

They HADN'T stopped Aiken from singing!


Somehow or other, he sang just the same!

And the Toads, with their Toad-feet ankle deep in the goo,

Sat puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be true?

He sang despite critics! With no radio play!

Fans stayed though we called him uncool, mean and gay!"

And they puzzled for hours, 'til their puzzlers were sore.

Then the Toads thought of something they hadn't before.

"Could it be they don't care or believe what we say?"

"Could it be they just love him and won't go away?"

And what happened then...?

... In Clay Nation they say

The Toads' last bit of fame

It just withered away!

Though they sputtered and swore they would still persevere

In the distance the Toads couldn't help but to hear

How the voices rang out just as clear as a bell

As Clay

And Clay Nation

Sang out "All Is Well!"

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KAndre, brilliant as usual. I think the reason you write without white space is that it forces us minions to, you know, think about what is being written. Then, we can appropriately :worthy: before you....

I might have to start venturing back to my old haunt, if muski being there is any indication. And those posts that Ansa brought over as well...tears in my eyes.

Ah the TAKE anniversary....is not MY anniversary.

Mine neither. I'm not exactly sure when my anniversary date is either...I didn't go looking for stuff on Clay via the Net until after the Anomaly was over. But I was very intrigued by the man before that....probably about the time with "well, if you're here, who's at home?" (Quick -- name the location of that quote!)

I'm just incredibly grateful to Clay for stepping up to the plate that day and to Diane Bubel, who urged/cajoled/forced Clay to try one more time. Why am I grateful? Because I'm having the time of my life with some really good friends, watching Clay Aiken and enjoying what he gives to us.

Damn, I need more coffee if I want to get any more schmoopie than that....

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Take is not my moment

I think I saw Clay, first, on the wildcard results - I thought it was a tortuous show but for some reason, I could not find my clicker - the boys I hired to dog sit had been there and lot it, I later found it in the garbage?!?!?!? I had a little talk with thier parents and one on them screamed at me and said her boy would not work for me again. But I digress

My real first memory that is very startly, besides the suffereing of wildcard, was the time they walked onto the stage for the first time and Clay had the hick look down perfect, I thought he was playing a character in his awestruck ways. I was surprised that he looked so professional when he came out to sing. It was then that I realized the show was full of professional singers - ringers. Who knew that I would think that with probably one of the very few who really weren't. But, then, no one else looked that polished.

HEEEE - spoiler alert - I am watching Sunday Morning and they are discussing studies that prove that there is dirty desk discrimination, but that employees with messy dewsks are 35% more efficient and that the higher the salary, the messier the desk - now I know what my problem is!

They end with a quote - "if a cluttered desk is an example of a cluttered mind, what then is an empty desk a symbol of?"

AT LAST, I am justified!

Uh oh! tiny_ball.gif

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Oh Man Play, that was on TV? shoot. I neeeeeeeeeeed that. LOL

I had a mandate on Friday to get my office in shape by Tuesday..but you know when you're working on unending projects who wants to put shit away. Hopefully I can put one stack of crap away when I finish the 1099's on Monday I'll just have to copy and past what you wrote and send to my boss. She has a pretty good sense of humor.

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Messy desks, hell, at my job it's messy desks, floor, various tables, file cabinets, the corner of my work station, any abandoned office...and of course everyone claims they know where everything is - until they cannot find it. I'm only a little better - mainly because I'm the only who ends up searching for lost stuff....

"Take" is my moment as well, though I didn't become all crazy. Really. I was perfectly normal. I had watched a little the first year, because I was channel flipping and heard a decent singer (either Justin or Kelly or Tamyra sing a song I recognised) and Paula Abdul and two guys I didn't recognize talk about it and then a terrible singer and the British guy tore him a new one and I thought it was funny and true and went and followed a little through TWoP - liking Kelly a little more than the others because the haters were piling on the girl, calling her fat. The haters have always been haters. And Shack's recaps were hilarious. I watched Kelly win, and made note of when the show would start again. Never occured to me to buy or listen to anything of Kelly's. Hell, I didn't even realize there was some dude beside Ryan hosting. The second season started. I saw the first show with Nate. Oh, Nate. And Frenchy, who I was impressed with. The second show, the the fake Mariah. The strange dude that even Paula thought should be committed and was oddly convinced the judges were sending him to LA. The terribleness that was Austin and KimberMe, who I liked at the time. Hell, Season 2 really was better balanced between the good, the bad and the ugly. I think I saw a significant portion of the top twelve in auditions. I do remember Clay's audition show, because me and my sisters were watching together by that time, agreeing mostly on who they put through, mocking the rest. When we realized Paula was missing, we knew it was gonna be good. Clay strolls out and man, we are ALL set to laugh. I know a lot of y'all liked Clay's original look, but people...I'm shallow. That boy simply was not cute to me and when he announced, stuttering a little, "I'm the American Idol!" "I coulda been in the top two, three", me and my sisters were saying, "Dude, can you SPELL delusional?". And he opened his mouth, and one of my favorite songs from all time came out and beautifully. We agree he was right, he could have been top two or three. And man, his song choice was PERFECT, because it was different.

I didn't fall in UNREAL love with him until "Everlasting Love". That's when I tracked down Neurox, upgraded my computer and my internet connection so I could download those HUGE 19 mg clips (KAndre falls to the floor, laughing) in less than 5 hours. The battle lines were drawn, and Clay was mine. I think a big part of my unreal love for Clay he does pick songs I love 98% of the time. I just like most of what he does.

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I didn't fall in UNREAL love with him until "Everlasting Love". That's when I tracked down Neurox, upgraded my computer and my internet connection so I could download those HUGE 19 mg clips (KAndre falls to the floor, laughing) in less than 5 hours. The battle lines were drawn, and Clay was mine.

heee isn't that funy. Well you're a better woman than me. I made it all the way through idol without doing anything about my dial up and 800mb hard drive. I didn't even know how to download or use media player. That sounds strange because I wasn't some techie innocent. Anyway, it wasn't until OMG OMG OMG and the excitement surrounding that that I was determined to figure that stuff out. And of couse I did and the rest is history. When you start deleting your antivirus software to make room for Clay stuff, and every time you log on it tells you about every missing important file, it's time for a new computer.

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Oh, the Neurox days - first I found Claynations site and downloaded the little clips, then I discovered Nuerox - now idolforums - (before TWOP), got me getright,started overnight downloads, got to use my CD burner finally and burnt all the Clay parts for my sister and sent them to her. I don't know what she did with them, but I believe she was hooked on Clack after that!

They don't have downloads at Nuerox now, you have to PM links to people. Might have gotten into a little trouble. Of course, I am not a paying member anymore, but I do remember that at one point, all clack was moved to a secret section. SSSHH.

In the last years, I worked in a clean desk building, I hated being in my cube and spening a lot of time cleaning my desk at night so I wouldn't get "those" notes left. I was glad when they moved me to the Cave - an area of small dark offices, whose decor was black and dark grey with a darkend window, so no one could see in, if you only used your side light. I thank my excellent night vision for surviving that place and not having to turn on my overhead lights unless I had company (usually my staff or my boss or my friends). I did clean up before I would throw breakfast parties (monthly) to get my staff together and happy. (I had to send money to the people in other states to have thier own parties, but made people form the tristate area show up )

Edited by playbiller
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When you start deleting your antivirus software to make room for Clay stuff, and even time you log on it tells you about every missing important file, it's time for a new computer.

Oooh, you were scary. See, I download files in every format imaginable because I worked until the assumption the bigger the file, the better and then discovered I couldn't actually open the file or play them. At one point I think I had 7 different players and downloaded every codec known to Windows. Oh yeah, I remember overnight downloads...

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heee isn't that funy. Well you're a better woman than me. I made it all the way through idol without doing anything about my dial up and 800mb hard drive. I didn't even know how to download or use media player. That sounds strange because I wasn't some techie innocent. Anyway, it wasn't until OMG OMG OMG and the excitement surrounding that that I was determined to figure that stuff out. And of couse I did and the rest is history. When you start deleting your antivirus software to make room for Clay stuff, and every time you log on it tells you about every missing important file, it's time for a new computer.

I'm actually a little skeered that you did that couchie! Your antivirus software?!?!?!?

I'll fully admit that my love of Clay Aiken didn't develop into full blown "gotta know everything, gotta find recordings, gotta see more video" until the day after the Anomaly. Yes, I was one of those who wondered if he'd leave my life entirely, just because he got second that night. Do this to me the next time you see me, OK? :mallet:

So, anyway, I was sitting in my wonderfully messy office at work, the day after. I was thinking a lot about what happened the previous evening...when my boss comes in. To talk. Serious talk. Turns out I was being transferred out of a job that I was just finding my footing in, and loving greatly, in order to run a branch library. Not what I wanted...but if I didn't do well in THAT job, I was going to be let go. (Guess what happened? That very thing. Best thing that ever happened to me...) Anyway, I was in emotional turmoil, so the rest of the day and the next (the two days before the Memorial Day weekend), I spetn time surfing the web for everything and anything Clay Aiken. Found Neurox, and discovered right-clicking and "save target as." Came home that weekend, and figured out how to burn my first CD. Ever. Three days later, my husband and I upgraded our internet to DSL -- and I've never been the same since.

Like KAndre, I ended up downloading the largest file sizes of everything imaginable. (I guess I must be from Texas -- bigger is better, right?) But then, I needed the dreaded codecs, but soon figured those out. After a while, and just for a time, I knew more about video stuff than my husband the computer geek did!

All I guess I'm saying is that Clay Aiken allowed my inner computer geek to shine. I'm still not there on a lot of things (I still can't figure out video editing, even with the software I have, and don't even want to try a montage yet), but I've grown a LOT in the past year because of Clay.

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While you're chiming in on how Clay expanded your computer expertise...what's the craziest thing you did for Clay. It doesn't have to be expensive or way outlandish. I think one of the more crazy things I did was impulsively grabbing those Kimmel tickets in September. I'm more of a planner. But it was instantaneous.

Some would think attending your family reunion in Washington DC by way of Greensboro, Greenville, Charleston and Portsmouth is somewhat off the hook but I thought it was perfectly normal. Thank you Clay for making that one easy.

No my most crazy still remains going to Vegas during IT. I was determined to go because there was a big party going on (but that taught me I prefer smaller events because you actually get to really know people) but plane tickets from Bay Area to Vegas were off the charts. I mean, I could fly across the country for the same amount. I thought about driving the 8 hours but then decided that flying to Salt Lake City and then driving to Vegas made more sense Bwah. Now if that wasn't crazy enough, I get to SLC and I get a call from my travel buddy (Agape) from my next part of the trip. She was driving from California to SLC but she was driving from way up North. (almost the Oregon border.) But on the way to SLC she had an accident and ended up down an embankment. (that rabbit would have been road kill if it were me)

Did that stop her? No, she called me, told me what happened and said she was still on her way. And after being found, towed to Costco and popping on four new tires, she made it to SLC somewhere near the start of Clay's set. Here's where it gets crazy (if any of the aforementioned didn't do it for you) we drove that wreck of a car with no back window through the desert all the way to Vegas and then all the way back to the Bay Area and then her all the way home. No doubt, my craziest clayventure. We had fun though. heee.

ETA: LdyJocelyn... I didn't intend to delete the antivirus ...I think I deleted one file and that caused it not tow work..bottom line though I started deleting essential files to make room for clay. HA. And I love it that so many of us have messy offices.

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Clay definitely did NOT have me at "Take". KAndre's description of her reaction when Clay came out for his Atlanta audition pretty much mirrors mine. But even though his voice shocked me, I kind of forgot about him during the Hollywood segments. I was reminded of him during the top 32, but liked Kim Locke and Ruben more. The wildcard show was when I was sure he would be around a long time, but I still wasn't particularly rooting for him, It wasn't until BOTW that I did root for him to win, but I also liked Ruben a lot (Flying Without Wings is still one of my favorite performances) so it didn't bother me when Clay lost. And I knew he would get a recording contract because Justin had.

I think what made me start checking out the internet for information on him was when he was on GMA and Diane Sawyer was soooo fangirly and he was so adorable. I decided to buy TITN, even though I hadn't bought a single since they came out on 45's - and I was too embarrassed to walk into a store and buy one so I ordered it from Amazon. I didn't start downloading anything until just before MOAM came out. I did find a few message boards and read, but didn't post for a long time. I first started posting maybe in September (I think it was around the time of Miss America). Not sure what the board was but there was a discussion of IWCY (I know it was before the album actually was out) and people were going on and on about how it was a song about Jesus and it was so religious and they were so thrilled Clay was singing Christian songs blah, blah, blah, and well, I coldn't help but post huh?? Long story short, I was called the anti-Christ and other such names. I didn't last long there.

I still wasn't downloading. In October I found my first cyber home (*waves to muski*) but I still wasn't downloading. I'm not sure when that started, probably the IT. I had a very old computer and I didn't know too much about anything. I've learned a lot.

For me, that day in Atlanta, without my knowing it, changed my life for the better. I will always be grateful to Simon and Randy for putting Clay through to Hollywood, despite how he looked (which, please forgive me, I thought was ugly!). Clay is now such an ingrained part of my life. He has given me music and laughter and once or twice tears, but most of all, he has given me some great friends - in the cyber world and the real world. And with some of those friends, I no longer need to add the "Clay" in front of the word "friend" because they are just true cherished friends.

How lucky am I? :rainbowsmile:

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Do not be thankful to SImon for putting Clay though, As I recall, Randy was for it, but Simon did not think he was good looking enough, Nigel really wanted Clay and had to overrule Simon.

No, Simon said he didn't look like a pop star but he had a great voice. He was almost smiling during the audition. I always got the impression Simon was more than willing to put him through to Hollywood. Now, I wasn't behind the scenes nor privvy to any of the conversations between Nigel and Simon but I always thought Simon liked Clay's voice enough to put him through. That was the year they said it looked like it was going to be less about looks and more about voice.

I thought this was appropriate for today.

In other news, apparently Bo Bice has been dropped by RCA. No explanation given. And I got an email this morning from Amazon.com with recommendations. The first item was an album with a really hot looking guy on the cover called "A Thousand Different Ways". Anyone hear of it???

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Perfect audition. Perfect dude.

The craziest thing I've done in my Clay fandom? Oh man, it all seems so normal now...OK, this is what I only share with people who can't have me committed:

1) During the Houston AI2 tour stop: Inviting people off the 'net to stay at my house. People to whom I hadn't actually communicated. I didn't even have the real name of the person who knew them because I only knew her off the 'net - who only knew them off the 'net. From Las Vegas. My son kept the baseball bat in his room and kept repeating everything I ever told him about meeting people off the 'net (including the fact that they were probably 57-year old pervy men). I didn't even tell me boyfriend they were coming. I skipped work, we killed off a bottle of coconut rum, took a limo to the concert. It was GREAT.

2) SaneAikenFan, whom I had met at the AI2 tour stop, PM'd me and said she was messin' around and accidentally bought tickets to the AMAs. Did I wanna go? I didn't even ask how much the tickets were. We went to LA, I had chili-cheese fries in a Korean nightclub and stood on the red carpet. It was GREAT.

3) I went to the first concert of the Solo Tour. In Grand Forks, North Dakota. From Houston, Texas. Via Atlanta, Georgia. To hook up with people from LA and Denver. It was GREAT.

The adventures are all at the CH, though I could drag them over here if you wanna see. And they were adventures. Those really did make everything seem really, really normal.

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Well, it wasn't "Take" that took me 'coss I didn't see that until I watched replays. It was DLTSGDOM---not the song itself, but how he'd grown (hee) IMO from his "Open Arms" performance. He seemed like a different guy--smooth, confident, with attitude. He looked great and his voice was so, soo good. That's when I really started THINKING about him when I wasn't actually watching the damned show.

I actually remember cringing a little when I watched...crap, can't remember the song name---the one he sang as part of the 32, where he wiggled his fingers and all. Anyway, he seemed uncomfortable again on stage, to me. And I wondered if he was ever going to sing a song where he used a lower register at all.

But he was so danged cute standing there listening to the bozos and just accepting everything and really listening, you know? sigh.

I was hooked then and looked forward to the show every week, talked about him and Ruben, etc. He started killing me over and over again. BOTW? GAWD. We didn't have a watercooler at my office then but everybody was STILL talking about him.

Now I never went to an AI tour concert, but like couchie...when I saw the OMG!OMG!What IS that MOVE? clip, I was a goner fursure! I'd senses some really, really hot, sensual and SEXUAL stuff boiling under all that 'aw shucks' and 'whatever you say, Simon' mannerly Southern boy during AI2, and danged if he didn't leak that good stuff out in a BIG way on that tour. OMG!OMG!OMG!...

Don't remember the chronology of my internet and message board cherry popping...but I made three great friends on that first board that I really can't imagine not knowing anymore! (waves to CG and to two others who don't know I'm waving 'coss they don't come to FCA... :F_05BL17blowkiss: )

As I read about the crazy adventures of everybody, it makes me want to make a serious list of all of mine, t be 'fleshed out' later...don't want to lose any of the memories, and to tell you the truth---my memory ain't what it never was. heh. :wacko:

Off to get some work done before Carrie and I go to the movies to see Dreamgirls. Later, y'all! :rainbowsmile:

Edited by muskifest
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I have a shameful admission to make. I don't think I remember the original "Take". Sorry, dude.


[i'm watching my DVD of the Atlanta audition right. Oh, Keith, did you ever get your adenoids taken care of? Skeery.]

I'm thinking I was disappointed when Clay didn't make it through Group 2, but no biggie. I do remember knowing for sure he would be America's Choice from the Wildcard show, so no worries there. I didn't vote until the Finale because I thought it was a teenager thing, and I was too old to be participating. I was following TWoP at the time, and was convinced by the postings there that Clay was being screwed over, so I voted. For a whole half an hour. Which I thought was a lot. I probably got through about 4 out of every 5 times I tried, so I was doing pretty good. What did I know? HA!

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