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Shaping up - Diet and exercise

Couch Tomato

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I read somewhere that those "negative calorie" foods were a a bunch of hooey. Not that I think it would hurt anyone to eat them, obviousy, but I wouldn't get your hopes up that they will burn off that many calories. I think the main thing is to try to reduce the # of calories you take in, either by eating less or eathing healthier (low fat, less sugar, etc) or by exercising to burn calories. Heh, a little of both is probably best. I don't remember the last time I went to the gym. I'd really like to start going again, especially to use the pool facilities, but for that I'd need to buy a bathing suit that actually fits. :whistling-1:

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.Why does this sound like my natural way of eating?


Only girlfriends can understand this one. This is specially formulated

diet designed to help women cope with the stress that builds during the



1 grapefruit

1 slice whole wheat toast

1 cup skim milk


1 small portion lean, steamed chicken

1 cup spinach

1 cup herbal tea

1 Hershey's kiss

Afternoon Snack

The rest of the Hershey kisses in the bag

1 tub of Hagen-Daaz ice cream with chocolate chips


4 glasses of wine (red or white)

2 loaves garlic bread

1 family size supreme pizza

3 Snickers Bars

Late Night Snack

1 whole Sarah Lee cheesecake (eaten directly from the


Remember: Stressed spelled backward is desserts.

Send this to four women And you will lose two pounds.

Send this to all the women you know (or ever knew) and you will lose 10


If you delete this message, you will gain 10 pounds immediately. That

is why I had to pass it on; I didn't want to risk it. :)


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BWAH, ausdon! That's hilarious.

I just got home from the gym and my one hour power stretch class. I'm toast. I'm on a mission. I have a bet on with my boss who will be home from her vacation in 6 weeks. I will be eating right, and exercising at least 3 or 4 days a week. Tonight power stretch..and it's a hell of a lot tougher than it sounds..tomorrow ..water aerobics. I forget the rest of my schedule. But this time I mean it.

Couchie - just saw your post, and wondered how you're doing. It's so hard to stay on the straight and narrow! But even if you stray a bit, getting back on the path is so worthwhile.

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Yay for the gym, Couchie!

I hear ya on getting the munchies. Seems it's really difficult to get control of the munchies once they get started. But it usually just takes a couple of days of healthy eating for me to get my appetite back into control. I hope that will be true for you, too!

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I was amazed to step on the scale this morning and see that I'd actually lost a few pounds rather than gained, after my Quebec trip. I really tried hard while we were there not to over indulge. I took lots of healthy snacks, and I hit a grocery store the minute we had settled into the hotel, to buy some skim milk and cereal, etc. I was able to make my own chai tea lattes every morning in the room. I ended up only eating out a couple of times, and I tried to stay away from fried foods, etc. OK, so I bought the requisite tray of maple fudge before I left the province, but I'm pretty proud of myself otherwise. My son, on the other hand, had more junk food in 4 days that he's had in months. Yikes. He sees the endocrinologist (who weights & measures him) next week, as well as the nutritionist. He says he is ony going to eat fruit & veggies until then. :cryingwlaughter:

Here's a pic that was taken in Quebec.


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Just wanted to pop out of lurkerdom to say hello and that I appreciate this thread. I've been reading and saving all the great links to helpfull websites. The summers are so warm in the So. Calif. valley where I live, I tend to not walk or exercise as much and I'm really feeling the results of that lately so you're all an inspiration. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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well I'm doing beter than normal because I have been going to the gym semi regularly... 4 days a week. But suddenly I've been eating like crazy..that's usually pretty easy for me so need to re focus.

It's not all that surprising that you are feeling hungrier if you are exercising regularly. That's why I like the Daily Plate site so much, it lets you subtract the calories you burn exercising from your daily total. So if I exercise I get to eat more. YAY! :)

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Finding the right diet, dropping the weight and keeping it off is something many people have struggled with in their lifetime.

But there is one eating plan which claims to keep the weight off without cutting out your favourite foods or spending hours at the gym.

"Weight Loss for Food Lovers" is a book by Brisbane psychiatrist Dr George Blair-West. It’s based on the assumption that forbidding foods creates problems. We set ourselves up to fail by denying ourselves the foods we love.

His top tips for keeping the weight off:

1. Eat a small portion of your favourite food everyday and savour it.

2. Eat your main meal at lunchtime.

3. Incidental exercise such as taking the stairs instead of the lift is far more effective than high intensity.

4. Don't deprive yourself.

Triple M radio jock Sully has lost fifteen kilos in seven weeks with the help of the book.

Log onto www.weightlossforfoodlovers.com to find out more

This "diet" was featured today on TV here. I was amazed... THIS is exactly what I believe in and have followed this common-sense method for many years. I NEVER diet and never have a weight problem. I simply make sure I eat enough healthy food and never deprive myself of anything I like, including a periodical binge on a LARGE block of dark chocolate and other numerous goodies that I consider treats. Eating is an essential part of daily life and it should be enjoyed.

I also totally agree with the doctor that the best exercise is to keep moving. I don't have any exercise equipment and haven't been to a gym for years. I simply move around a lot, I do my own housework, gardening, walk the dog, take the stairs (within reason) instead of the lift and I am never overweight. I honestly think that the stress involved in the discipline of a rigid diet and exercise regime is the reason why they don't work for most people because no one can stand being miserable day-in, day-out. Most of us aren't training for the Olympics.

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Hee, I tend to agree about strict diets. It's more of a lifestyle change. I have always struggled with weight, and up until last year, I'd dieted and lost up to 25 pounds, and then gained back every pound, plus more, each time. Last year I made up my mind that I was going to eat healthier, become more active, and stay that way. I occasionally indulge myself with a meal here or there that I know I shouldn't have, but for the most part I stick to my "healthy eathing plan" which involves lots of fruit & veggies, chicken & fish, little sugar, and I buy almost everything in a low fat version. I started around March 1, 2007, and by November 2007 I was down 40 pounds. I haven't lost more since then (up and down the odd couple of pounds at times) but I haven't gained, either. My body seems to like this weight.

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Grudgingly, guiltily peeks into thread... :peepwall:

I have really got to get back on track, but I seem to be having trouble finding the track! :cry:

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Hey, Anna!

The hardest part is getting started. Once you're on track, it's a lot easier!

Do you feel you need to exercise more, or change your eating habits more? It might be easier for you if you start by changing one thing at a time. It's not so overwhelming!

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Add me to the list of those trying to maybe , sort of, do something about the excessive cuddliness of my personage at the moment....... it's either do something or appear in public , go to work etc in my dressing gown since it's the only thing which fits comfortably at the moment.

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Hey, Anna!

The hardest part is getting started. Once you're on track, it's a lot easier!

Do you feel you need to exercise more, or change your eating habits more? It might be easier for you if you start by changing one thing at a time. It's not so overwhelming!

Right now, it's both! :( I've let myself get stressed out lately and I tend to slip back into old, bad habits. It turns into a vicious cycle.

I like this, ausdon!

excessive cuddliness of my personage
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Anyone have any advice for teenagers? Try as I might to be a good example for son #2, he continues to eat poorly and blame his weight gain on everything and everyone but himself. It's my fault for buying/cooking the wrong food, or for "letting" him eat fast food, or for "letting" him spend his money on junk food. He sees a dietician every 3 months but hates the appointments and refuses to take her advice, which for the most part is pretty simple and easy to do. Eat at least one fruit & one vegetable a day. Try drinking fewer sugar sweetened drinks, and instead drink water, milk, diet pops or artificially sweetened things like Crystal Lite. Keep a record of what you eat and try to plot it against Canada's Food Guide to make sure you are eating a balanced diet. Nothing earth shattering. Took him for a doctor's appt the other day and found out he has gained 14 pounds in a month. He's been on quite the food binge lately, since ceasing one of his medications. It used to suppress his appetite as a side effect. *sigh* He seemed concerned for about 24 hours but then went right back to doing what he's been doing. I think, even if I continue to buy healthy food ingredients and stay away from chips & cookies, etc, that he gains because he eats excessive portions. Or he eats a regular portion, then comes back later and eats all the left overs for a second/third/fourth helping.

The good things? I finally have him drinking a diet pop, that he likes. Coke Zero. Now if he would only drink water. He has eaten fruit two days in a row. Progress, I guess. Baby steps. And today, he packed a healthy lunch for school (first time in 4 years). We'll see if he eats it. Or buys/begs a cheesburger & fries instead.

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Don't know if you believe in hypnosis but this was on TV a couple of hours ago here and it looked very interesting, i.e. self-hypnosis for losing weight. Some of it makes a lot of sense, like self-talk.... like "Drink and Shrink" repeatedly. Of course it has to be water ....

There's other things as well ...


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That's awesome luckiest!

Now the kids are back in school, I'm walking the dog every other day for about 4 km. Son is in school every other day so on the days he's home he rides his bike while I walk the dog for a short walk. I need to get back into regular exercise and I need to lose about 10-12 pounds.

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Hee, it's funny, but I think I am walking more now since my daughter has taken the dog to live with her in Toronto. I used to walk her to the park every day after work, which took about 20 minutes, and of course, with a dog, you have to stop occasionally. Lately, I've been doing a bit of a 30 minute power walk after dinner instead, just me and the iPod. No stops, no doddling, just get 'er done! Hee.

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Argh, what a difference 3 months makes. It's minus whatever outside every day here now, so it's hard to walk for any length of time (although on Sunday I said to hell with it and did my old 30 minute walk, but damn near froze to death). I have to do something, I've gained 7 pounds just with lack of exercise and overeating at Christmas. I am still paying a gym membership monthly, so I guess I'd better start using it again. Today I vow to go grocery shopping for healthy food, and to either throw out all the left over Christmas goodies (which I find so hard to do, I'm one of those people who hates to waste left overs) or else I will bundle them up and take them to work Monday morning for all the guys to eat. I just need to get them out of the house. I also have to stop buying take out food. It's getting to be a bad habit again, like it used to be. The holidays get stressful and busy and I feel like I'm too worn out to cook. I need to plan a menu for the week and stick to it. And most of all, I need to start tracking my food again (I use thedailyplate.com site). That, more than anything, keeps me in check. I haven't tracked my food since before my NYC trip on Dec 11th. :crapsign:

So, it can't be just me. Anyone else want to jump on the "healthy eating" bandwagon now that the holidays are over?

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Won't your kids eat the leftovers? I hate wasting food too.

For me, the easiest way to a healthy diet is to cook and freeze healthy meals. That way, no matter how tired I am, I don't have to resort to take-away food which is full of unidentifiable ingredients. Do you have a Turbo oven? They are fantastic and better to use than a microwave oven.

Winter makes it even easier because most meals suitable for freezing are suitable for a cold climate, soups, casseroles, etc.etc.

The problem with holiday food is that it is full of saturated fat and sugar. A few years ago I belonged to a private forum of about 20 people. I was the only non-American. There were all exchanging recipes for Thanksgiving and I couldn't believe what went into all those traditional recipes!! So you guys have Thanksgiving food, and before you can recover from that, you have Christmas food! No wonder everyone complains about having gained weight when the new year rolls in!

The gym is a great way to lose weight but my hatred of gym equipment is stronger than my craving for 'naughty' foods!!

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Yeah, most of the stuff hanging around here from Christmas is chocolate (one of my biggest downfalls) and sweets, which as you say are full of fat & sugar. Sure, the kids will eat them eventually, but it's not something I can get them to pig out on all in one day. So I've told them anything they really want to keep, take to their rooms (probably not very good parenting, but I need to get it out of my sight) and everything else I will take to work tomorrow to share. There are also tons of chips & cookies (damn their dad for giving them those stupid gift baskets of snack foods) but those I can resist easier.

I agree about making and freezing healthy portions. I bought lots of fruit and veggies yesterday, along with those reuseable plastic containers, and I plan to make some soups, etc for the freezer. I also cooked a nice, healthy dinner of wild salmon & veggies for myself, and made enough to have left overs for today. As for the gym.......yeah, that never happened. But I walked the dog! LOL Does that count? The only thing I use the gym for is their walking track and their treadmills. I just need to keep walking through the winter months.

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I desperately neeed to jump on the healthy bandwagon. I am now the heaviest I have ever been and am feeling uncomfortable and my feet hurt. I did however throw out some Christmas pudding! That should count for something right?

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I've been meaning to say... I recently bought a Pedometer that counts steps. I clip it on and make sure I don't end the day without having done a minimum of 5,000 steps but aim for 10,000.. It is not that hard to achieve.

I used to have one years ago and it didn't work very well. But this new one is great, wasn't very expensive (bought from the local Pharmacy). I tested it by resetting the count, then walked 100 steps, and the counter showed 101 steps. So that was pretty close.

Now I just have one more thing dangling off me when I am out walking the dog... the cell phone, the ipod, the keys and now the Pedometer.

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