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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. aikim, for us it's going to be a sunny but chilly day. I like that, as fall is my favorite season. I've got a busy, busy day ahead of me today. This is one of those days that if anything gets messed up in the schedule, I'll be late for the rest of the day. Pray for me! Hee. We've now picked our first four for the "elite eight" with the selection of this picture... Here is the tourney for today. Don't forget to vote at the top of that page.
  2. We're down to our final eight pictures. Here are your two choices for today... #1 OR #2 Please vote at the top of the page, and have a great week!
  3. I think I could have herded the ducks. You would have to be calm with them, I believe -- kinda like what Zev did. Pinky and the Brain -- HA! Good on them! I'm pumped about this season -- as long as the jerk lawyer and the poker players leave fairly soon, I'll be happy!
  4. Well, pooh. I'm not crazy about the poker players, so I'm not particularly happy about the turn of events. Another hour coming up!
  5. Anybody watching? Loved almost everything so far...except that I wanted the lawyer to be the last one to find the license plate! This whole bit with the Japanese game show is extremely funny, and a wasabi bomb? OMG. This is gonna be a fun season!
  6. Breaking news in the photo tourney! We had our third tie of the tourney so far yesterday...and so the coin was tossed...and this was the winner... My condolences to those who voted for the other picture. I have to admit that both of those pictures were favorites of mine as well... Here is today's tourney. Vote at the top of that page!
  7. Our third tie of the tourney happened yesterday. My condolences to those who wanted the OTHER picture. Here are your choices for today... #1 OR #2 Please vote at the top of the page!
  8. This poll is now closed...and sorry bottlecap, but tails won...
  9. Morning all! Yesterday's tourney was, to me, an interesting battle, but fairly quickly a winner emerged. Here it is: And here is today's tourney. These choices are definitely getting tougher and tougher! Have a great day!
  10. The battle of the "long hair" wasn't as close as I imagined. What will today bring? Here are your choices... #1 OR #2 Happy voting!
  11. broadwayworld.com Photo Flash: Clay Aiken Attends DRIFT at Kennedy Theater
  12. broadwayworld.com Photo Flash: Clay Aiken Attends DRIFT at Kennedy Theater
  13. {{{{{{{{luckiest1}}}}}}} I agree with fear, by listening to your SIL, you're helping HER, and she's gonna need it too.
  14. Yesterday's photo tourney wasn't as close throughout the day, but got closer as the day and night went on. However, the winner never lost it's lead, I don't believe... Here is today's tourney. The luck of the draw is a BITCH for this one, IMO.
  15. Yesterday's winner was an "emotional" one. Today's choices are pure lust, IMO...and from the same damn photo shoot. Luck of the draw was a bitch in this one. Here are your choices: #1 OR #2 Vote at the top of the page!
  16. Yesterday's photo tourney turned into a solid winner for one picture...and here it is... Today's tourney is here. Today, we begin the Sweet Sixteen. We're down to 16 pictures, and the choices are going to be even harder for some. You've seen them before, but can you make a choice? Of course, if the pictures you picked before didn't win, for some people this will be easy! Hee.
  17. Here begins the next series of events in the photo tourney. Sweet 16 time! Yes, you've voted on these pictures before, but just not against each other. Here are your choices: #1 OR #2 Please vote at the top of the page!
  18. sorry LadyJ.. You said something witty LOL... don't hurt me *couchie"
  19. Wel, we did -- but these two pictures were up against two different pictures. Remember, this is a tourney. Tomorrow, we start the next round, where pictures that "won" about two weeks ago will be going against each other. And then THOSE winners will go up against each other. We're shooting for the "ultimate" picture, as it were, with the final battle being sometime around the 6th of October. And yes, I know "ultimate" is totally relative, because some of my favorite pictures were eliminated a few weeks ago, as I'm sure many others for other people have as well. But, when you go with popular vote...
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