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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. aikim, it's too bad you couldn't stop off at my place -- I'm not THAT far away from Urbana! My BIL is coming down from Minnesota today for the weekend, so I'm a cooking fool. Also, a housecleaning fool. Fortunately, hubby helps in that regard.
  2. I'm the one who used the term "Team Clay" in this instance. In my definition, I'm assuming this would be a representative from Decca who is following Twitter and replying (under Clay's name) at certain mentions. I could be full of crap, though. ETA: Just checked Clay's Twitter page, and the bio actually mentions that "this feed is updated by Clay's team."
  3. From the CH: Link to Clay's picture - there
  4. From the CH: I still like my margaritas with lots of salt, but this is still interesting....
  5. Heh. I'm waiting until after the first of the year...and I need to talk to liney... Ya'll should really venture out of the main thread. The Tweet thread is meant for tweets from Team Clay (so you put your post in the right thread treennuts). There's good support for those who are having job woes in a thread; for those trying to lose weight and eat healthier; and there's good discussions about TV shows as well. I like that we can be a well rounded board in that respect. And don't forget -- say it with me couchie -- VIEW NEW POSTS! LOL!
  6. Congratulations cindilu2! I'm sure you're proud...not to mention that school is over!
  7. From the CH: The Cluben lives! And that makes my heart sing.
  8. New Tweet from Team Clay...and if someone could explain it to me, I'd appreciate it...
  9. 2. Realizing, during the middle of a concert, that "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" was an Elton John song, not a George Michael song. 3. Dropping the microphone (with a even better recovery) during "Still the One" during one of the NAT shows.
  10. The blog is now on the public side of the OFC, so (hopefully) that's where the N&O got their story. I also just have a feeling that Clay just.doesn't.care.anymore how his words are taken. God love him for that. preden, we need to work on your double postings!
  11. Gotta figure out a way to make this into a thread title... Some new caps from the DF event...I found these at Openly Clay, but I don't know the original source:
  12. Squeeeeeeee! PBS Special! Album, schmalbum...the PBS thing is what makes ME excited! What a cool blog in general. Too much to digest in one sitting.
  13. A new tweet from Clay Aiken posted earlier this evening: The link is for the Rob919 video of UM from the David Foster and Friends appearance in San Jose.
  14. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{jmh}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Take care of yourself....and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. ____ On a totally different note... A new tweet from Clay Aiken posted earlier this evening: The link is for the Rob919 video of UM from the other night.
  15. According to this post from last year (which I don't seem to have in the BAF archives, my bad), the number last year was "over $500,000." Considering the economy, I'd say they did pretty darn good.
  16. inclusionproject.org The National Inclusion Project Gala Honoring 2009 Champions Raises of $465,000 to Benefit the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
  17. inclusionproject.org The National Inclusion Project Gala Honoring 2009 Champions Raises of $465,000 to Benefit the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities :04: :04: :04:
  18. Thank GOD for non-elimination rounds! I couldn't watch the last few minutes of this episode, so I'm hopeful for next week... OTOH...Matt, Matt, Matt? Next week doesn't look good for someone who doesn't know that word...
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