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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Of course, Victor knew Chekhov. Doesn't surprise me in the least. I'm glad the athlete girls figured it out rather quickly, but still rather bummed that they got a bit lost at the pit stop. This isn't looking good for two of my favorite teams, Mike & Mel and the brothers. Hmmm. Ooooo, except that I forgot about the blind U-turn. Interesting....
  2. Ooooo, a blind U-Turn. I like that, I think. Good for the athlete girls on the stacking thing. I think I'm liking them. But then, I just like almost everyone at this point. The bobsled thing looks great!
  3. I'm with you bottle! I've had a lot of fun this past week with Bono and the boys. Their Letterman apperances have been classic. As for that picture -- those are sexy boots, yeah!
  4. One more thing regarding that birthday party appearance: I wonder if they made Clay a birthday cake shake?
  5. PLEASE don't let that discourage you! If you have a question about something, and don't feel comfortable asking on the board -- PM the original poster. You can also PM me, if you want -- I've answered questions privately for many people around here. I know it's hard sometimes to "break into" a new message board, especially one that's almost 4 years old at this point. We've got our own shorthand many times, and I know that can be intimidating. Try not to let that stop you. Many of us are more than happy to help you find your way! thanks...I was pm'd at the OFC to start the thread apparently because of my kind heart..and the huge amount of time I have on my hands lol but I have been helped out so much in the clay fandom, that its my turn to help someone else...Im going to do what I can and try to buy a little extra of anything when I can so I can help someone who needs it...now that I have a job I wanna help How nice of you Smitten! I've always loved the "Clay it forward" aspect of this fandom. I've taken advantage of it, and I've helped move it forward. I'm sad to find out how many people have had Mikayla not show up on their library shelves. I understand that libraries try to fit the collection to the population they serve (couchie, if those books you donate are old accounting textbooks, just realize they will probably automatically go to the booksale shelves), but in this case...I would hope that the topic of inclusion is included (HA!) for these children in this communities. It sounds as if the BAF has a long way to go in education of the general public in this regard. As for what Clay was doing at that birthday party, I say -- "I hope he enjoyed himself." I know many people hate the "Am I the only one..." questions, but in this case: am I the only one who isn't that concerned right now that we're not hearing Clay career news? I am just SO not worried about him...considering I really don't know him, first of all. But also, I just have faith in the man, and will take whatever he gives me. (Hey muski, that was for you!)
  6. Heh. I'm way older than clayzy, and I LOVE doing my research via online sources. Maybe it's because I remember pulling out those Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature...one volume at a time. Took forever. And then, of course, once you found the citation you needed, you had to go to the library, and pray that the issue of the magazine was there, or, worse yet, the article hadn't been vandalized from the magazine! I mostly agree with you on the books in bed thing, although I have to admit at 1) I do this with my laptop all the time -- is there much difference? 2) a Kindle looks like a heck of a lot of fun for me. I also think this depends on the kind of reading you do too...reading for fun should be book form, IMO. Topic: I wonder if Clay's reading a book now, while he's in recovery? Wonder what it is, if he is?
  7. Love the blog from last night (and the posting on Reed's FB as well). Sad that they both had to do it, though. Pointy Clay is hawt. I think in some instances, not all, the idea is as jamar said -- the connection. People WANT Clay to notice them, and think they are special. I have a real hard time with that. Scarlett, my librarian heart blesses you for asking those questions. Are you sure you're not a librarian? Because these are the kinds of questions we ask students ALL THE TIME. Personally, I tend to trust stuff that has lots of backing sources (footnotes are a good thing). Of course, that means I question a LOT of stuff. I don't really see the point of Twitter per se, but I'm loving Facebook. However -- I try my best to take precautions. muski, with the ages of your daughters, I would strongly suggest you read this book: Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. "Digital Natives" are people born after 1980, according to the authors, and are used to doing almost everything digitally. This book is really a guide for parents and those who want to understand these young adults -- and help them understand such things as privacy and identity on the net. It also gets into the positives of the new media technologies out there today. I've just started it, but it's fascinating to me.
  8. Found on the CH. From Reed's Public Facebook page: In other words -- let the buyer beware. I'm also reading that a similar page for Clay has sprung up as well.
  9. I don't think this has been posted here yet... BAF News And if I remember correctly, Johns Hopkins is in Baltimore. Wasn't Clay reported in Baltimore a few weeks ago?
  10. Just going through some pictures in my photobucket, and thought I would post this one -- just 'cause I love those eyes.
  11. Congrats on the class tribeca! Maybe you can share your knowledge with us! And pretty pictures, BTW. Man, am I glad this day is OVER. I was running non-stop the entire day, and I didn't have a damn thing on my schedule! I hope Clay and his jaw are feeling better. I like BOCA. Happy birthday PerusingOne! Maybe this will get you out of lurker mode for a bit!
  12. Whoops, knew I forgot something. Crisis is a fantastic book. Heartbreaking in so many ways; I just hope that some people will give this book a chance and learn from it.
  13. OT request: I've been reveling in U2 being on David Letterman all week. However, I forgot to set my computer for Monday's show. Is there someone who can rip some videos for me from Letterman's site? PM me if you can, and I'll send you the links... Thanks in advance!
  14. Welcome to ALL lurkers! I get remiss in doing this, just because work gets in the way. *kicks stupid work* EEEEEEEEEEE! New clack from me and Scarlett! EEEEEEEEEEE! New clack from luckiest1 and goldarngirl! BTW, I noticed that the CH vault and Clack Unlimited have loaded a new, HQ version of the OMWH promo clip from Amazon. Actually, it's not the same clip, because it doesn't have the jumpy editing (and those cool shots of him on the steps), but it's VERY nice. Anyone know where that came from? I couldn't find the info scanning the CH... merrieeee, I had one of those moments not too long ago myself. In my case, it was listening to the song OMWH. Hit me like a ton. Wow.
  15. canfly, TAR = "The Amazing Race." Which, BTW, we have a thread for. It's here! We've kind of got our seasons all jumbled together, but if you go to the last page...I usually get on the boards while I'm watching to kind of "chat," but no one else seems to want to do that. Wah. I find Facebook fascinating for all kinds of people, not just my Clay friends. Yes, I do have two high school people (out of my class of 80), but they are both cool, and I don't talk to them much at all, so I'm good with it -- because I do find their lives interesting, even after all this time. I have a bunch of my church/handbell people too, and it's good to send messages to them via that rather than email. I think what I like is that I learn so much about these people, without having to ask about them. You find out political views, TV favorites, such like that, and I find that cool.
  16. Nah. Just ask couchie, she's slept with practically everyone here at FCA at least once. She's still alive too. Just do it once. You'll find out how much it is to "sleep" with a Clay fan. Notice I put "sleep" in quotes, because in so many experiences I've had, sleep is hardly done. It's mostly staying up all night squeeing and eeeeing about Clay! It's a Star Trek thing.
  17. One of the things I like to do using both Facebook and so many other sites is "share" articles. For example, if I find an article on CNN that I would like other to read.... ...look at the bottom of the article on the CNN site. There's probably a link to "share" and it will give you MANY options. One of them is usually Facebook. All you have to do is click on that link (sometimes it has the FB logo), and it will take you to Facebook. At this point you can eithe post it to your profile (which is what I usually do), or you can send it to your friends. Many, many websites have this ability now. They realize the traffic Facebook gets.
  18. clayzy, just realize that there COULD be some crazy people out there who would be willing to pick you up, even if they live 15 hours away from you, and drag you to a concert 15 hours away from you. Bring you back in less than 24 hours too. Just sayin'. *g* Seriously, one of the things I love about this fandom is the crazy things I've done over the years to help other fans get to see Clay. Sleeping with people I don't know, things like that. Love it.
  19. After resisting for a while, I finally signed up for Facebook about 6 months ago, and really got active in the past two months or so. There are a few "gifties" that I accept. I'm a fan of silly cat pictures, so I'll accept LOLcats. And then, I have a nice little corkboard of "flair" -- buttons of good sayings and people I like. You can't really tell that I'm a Clay fan from my flair board at all. *g* I agree with Perma, it's a good way to stay in touch with people without having to do TOO much work. I love sending emails, but I find, with "one stop shopping" I can find out what my niece in Guatemala is doing as well as couchie in San Francisco, just with a quick glance.
  20. I think it will be interesting to see IF they have learned anything. I do like them, but he really was being a jerk last night. I think my favorites are Mike and Mel (soooooooooo glad they came in first last night), and the stuntmen brothers. I don't have anyone to truly hate yet -- give it another week or two. Maybe Victor will convince me that he really is a jerk all the time...
  21. That's my cat Spot -- I think it's because my camera does a "laser" thing before it actually shoots the picture, and Spot gets interested in that laser! annabear, your puppy is soooooooo cute! Scarlett, this is from several years ago, but if no one has recommended "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time," read that. I totally loved that story. I will say that I mostly read non-fiction normally, though. Right now I'm reading the book CV is doing as a book discussion, "Crisis," which is heartbreaking and maddening at the same time. It's true stories of people and their "coming out stories," and the suffering that many went through. I'm also reading a book called "This is Your Brain on Music," which combines science with art. Why do songs get stuck in our heads? Why do some people totally love Clay Aiken's voice, and others cannot stand it? This book tries its best to explain it, and I find it fascinating... Topic: I hope Clay is reading a few books while he's home recovering...
  22. Is canfly standing up yet? 'Cause HYCA is my mostest favorite from ATDW (actually, one of my mostest favorites from Clay, PERIOD). She'd better watch it, because I might hit her too... I love that song for the low "go" but I also love it because that is the one that they changed up the most (well, tied with BW) from the original. When I played ATDW for my husband, that was the song that perked his ears up -- thought it an inspired arrangement. And I will never forget Clay walking on stage during the intro to that song. Truly lovely, IMO. I'm pretty happy with the song choices, although there's some I would have left off, and some I would have included. But you can't have everything, right? Off to my Mom's today. Have a great day, y'all!
  23. New thread title suggestions after this post....
  24. Well, now that the OFC has said it's true...I'll order the album! Yes, master....
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