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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. luckiest1, the Comedy Central website usually has clips from Colbert up almost immediately after the show. Although, being in Canada, you might run into a problem...I'll keep an eye out for you... I think, for me, the language in that article threw me the first time I read it. They weren't terms I would necessarily use for someone, even in endearment. But, I did appreciate the play on words for many of them (especially queenyboppers -- maybe we should start to use that instead of Claymates? No?), and after reading the article again, I was able to move past those words to what made the article special. IMO, the writer GETS Clay, even if she doesn't get his music. She appreciates his heart, his soul, and his voice, and this made the article worthwhile reading. And yes, context is everything.
  2. I'm on DVR-delay. I probably won't get to watch it until Friday evenings, when both hubby and I can watch. Talk with you then! I'm still loving the show -- even if I don't understand half of what is going on!
  3. This is me. It's the clean up that I don't like, even with a dishwasher. This is me as well, although I don't even mind the cleanup. The key, I've discovered, is to clean up as you go along. Anyway, I love to cook, and think that I need to investigate a new career as a chef. Except then I'd NEVER be able to travel for Clay Aiken shows. Unless... Hmmmm...I think Mr. Aiken said one time about his having a personal chef. Hmmmm. I could do this. *starts researching recipes that he could tolerate with all his allergies*
  4. outimpact.com Fascinating Queers: Clay Aiken: Measuring the Man
  5. Just call me a postwhore... Cute golfing pictures from Misty1928 at the CB A few choice ones: And happy SIXTH anniversary of "Take..."
  6. tribeca, you're not the first person I've heard say this, but I truly don't understand that. To me, age is a NUMBER. No more, no less. It doesn't make a difference to me the age of the artist, just that I like his voice, or his musical choices, or both, or his humor. BTW, another of my favorite artists, Huey Lewis, did an album of all covers many years ago, called "Four Chords and Several Years Ago." I think it's still my favorite album by him. And of course, in many ways, The Beatles started out as covers artists. Much of the early British Invasion was bands doing covers of early blues artists. Bolding mine.. And that's how I treat every song Clay Aiken has ever sung on record for me. Even if I've heard the song a gazillion times before, it will be the first time Clay has ever sung the song, and added his vocal stylings and interpretation to it. To me, that's a winner situation most of the time. I truly wish more people could see it "my way," but alas, I know that won't happen. Yeah, the language at the beginning was kinda lame, but the essence of the article rocked. I especially liked this paragraph: Breaking stereotypes -- that's what I love about him. Love those long lean legs in that picture. Yum. Yes, the last Atlantic City show, Jacob and Clarence (the keyboard player) switched places. I loved that. And Clay did a fantastic job on End of the Road. Swoon worthy. Especially on a cold winter night. Oh. I suppose that's not what you meant. Yeah, that.
  7. miamiherald.com Clay Aiken is No "Idol" on the Golf Course
  8. miamiherald.com Clay Aiken is No "Idol" on the Golf Course ___ Hmmm...sounds like they talked to him this year, but attended last year's event. *g*
  9. Isn't that a bit of a leap, though? Supposedly one of his favorite songs on MCWL was MDYK -- which we all know was a major Aiken Random Lyric Generator moment for him in concert. I don't think I would assume that because he forgets the lyrics, he doesn't like the song. As for his song choices -- to me, it's almost always "hey! He's singing! Good enough for me!" It may be songs he's sung several times before, but he add subtle (my term, not Clay's *g*) differences to each and every version, and I revel in the voice. In the meantime -- heh. I watched TITM -- and honestly, will probably never watch it again. Much better than the old high school version, to be sure, but I just don't get that one. IDHTH, though -- OMG. This song has always been one of my favorites since it came out in the early 1990's, and I think Clay did a magical job with it. I'll be watching it over and over and over again. Strange but true story for me -- this is the second song Clay has covered that has a connection to an old boyfriend. The other one was ICMYLM. I suppose you could see how THAT whole relationship turned out. Heh.
  10. Clay called in to Linda Loveland's new radio program. From dancermom at CV: From terter4aiken: From scorpionlady: From clayscience: From bobyshar at the CB: Supposedly will be replayed later today. MUAH Scarlett!
  11. TWIN!!!!! (Although I haven't listened to it yet...will wait for visual clack...)
  12. *hugs Mandy tightly* But I'm really waiting for I Don't Have the Heart. I flove that song.
  13. Thank you bottlecap for the reports. Sadly, I'm not going to be able to listen to the cellcert this evening, so I appreciate your work....
  14. Crap -- 16 pages to catch up on?!?!?!?! Just checking in to wish the GFI gals a happy day!
  15. With this thread title, I'm going to be whistling the music to "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" but substituting Clay's name -- all day. LOL. Bowling? I used to bowl in a league. Got a 199. Once. Usually I'm in the 110 range. Topic? I would LOVE to go bowling with Clay Aiken.
  16. tribeca, to answer your question...it really is two separate things in many ways (the blogging vs. what happened at the dinner), but I think it all boils down to this: communication. More than a few fans felt that there would be some good, juicy tidbits that came out of him sharing the skybox with these people for the Celine show. Tidbits about Parker. Tidbits about his next album. Tidbits about his future career plans. Etc. And these fans felt that these tidbits SHOULD be shared with all his internet fans. The setting changed a bit (from a skybox to a dinner) but the expectations really didn't. Except...Clay set a ground rule or two, and as it happened, very few tidbits came out. Well, well. In the same manner, these are the kinds of tidbits that I see some fans wanting from him when he blogs. IMO (and to make perfectly clear, IMO), there's a need for constant communication from him. Yes, he doesn't make good use of his blogging skills, and I too wish he would a bit more often. But I certainly don't need for him to blog on a regular basis. In the end, to some, it feels as if he's cut off communication with the fanbase, either with his rules at the dinner or his non-blogging, and this makes them upset. And to take it further, some then feel that he's cutting off his nose to spite his face by cutting off this communication, and will lose fans. I guess I'm just easy, easy like Sunday morning [tm Lionel Richie] when it comes to Clay in this manner. I have faith in the man, his talent, and his career, and never really expect anything from him. I like the surprise factor when something does get announced, though. (I used to hate surprises, but I've learned the joy in them by being in this fandom...) So, while I would love to know more about the dinner last night, and would love for him to blog more often, I don't NEED it. I just want him to make me laugh, via a TV show or a radio interview or some concert banter.
  17. Thread title poll at the top of the page! Oh geez, I love Clay Aiken, and his way of trying to make things best for everyone. 3 hours? Wow. More than a quickie, that's for sure. *g* And hee! I always said it was "well well." HA!
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