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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. I have a confession to make. Remember that day when we all got a text message from boyfriend, asking him to call him for a message? Well, he used alternative keystrokes for me, and I had to call a supra-sekret number, where Clay asked me personally to play handbells on his latest album. He had read about my playing handbells on this board *waves at Clay* and asked me personally to do this for him. Yes, on the song "Something About Us," that's handbells, played by yours truly. Those days when I was saying that I was so busy at work? I lied. I was actually in NYC recording this part. (BTW, Kipper says to tell everyone at FCA "hello.") He wanted me on that particular song because...well, I'm the second part of the "us" in the title. Yes. It's true. couchie, maybe this should have been in the supra sekret thread here? And I probably shouldn't be announcing this confession on my 10th anniversary weekend, eh?
  2. Sorry kf -- but I like self-depravation! I've listened to the clips once, and I really enjoyed them tremendously. But....I see this is a good appetizer. Something that will make me want more....in good time. I think delayed gratification makes the reward all that much more sweet. So, CG....do what you want. I'm done with the clips for now, so I'll be behind you if you decide to not cave!
  3. Iseeme -- twist it on its ear a bit. People flock in to the stores to pick up the Groban DVD. "Ooooo, there's a new CD from Clay Aiken. I like him. Must.buy." How's that? Still only listened to the snippets once. That's all I'm going to do now, I'm strong. *g*
  4. OK, so what am I doing here? Well, hubby is still asleep, and I always know that when I spend a bit of time away from the boards, something exciting will happen! *g* Yes, I listened to the snippets -- and I really like what I hear. A bunch of different styles, and I think that is a good thing. What I found interesting for me is that I was personally very drawn to the ballads. The voice was front and center, and I like that. The bouncier stuff is great too, but for simply a different reason -- fun to dance along to. Yeah, this is gonna be a great album. footloose, I've been thinking about your disappointment in OMWH being the first single after hearing the rest of the snippets. Since I became a good rationalizer in 2006 (*g*), I can come up with a few reasons why Clay, TC, and RCA did this. First of all -- WARNING! DANGER WORD AHEAD! -- I think Clay has emphasized the "narrative" for this album being his journey of five years. Now, it's hard to judge just by hearing the snippets if one of the other songs might not be a better choice for that, but the way Clay's talked about the song OMWH, it seems to be THE song for that theme. I think he really wants to emphasize that theme -- it's very important to him. I also do believe Clay when he said in an interview "I'm not all that concerned about radio play." To me, that was his way to tell some people "don't worry about this kind of thing, it will work out one way or the other." I honestly think that he WILL get radio play, just simply by not worrying about it, if that makes any sense. Finally, when the song OMWH here IS pushed to radio, and I think it will, I think the words "written by Ryan Tedder" will be all over that push. Hot name to attach to Clay's name, and I'm going to guess that will help Clay. Other thoughts -- I like the idea of the TITN video being a montage of his journey. I think that would be rather cool. Oh, and I still don't totally believe that Clay "gets" his sexy. I think he's come a long way in this regard, but I do think he'll never quite get it, and to me, that's still part of his charm. *shrug* OK, back to bed. One more thing -- EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  5. okmagazine.com Clay Aiken Spams a Lot
  6. Awwwww....hubby just sent me a dozen roses here at work. I really do love him. As you all know, I work in a library. Libraries and librarians are constantly struggling with this "cutting edge/the way we usually do things" dichotomy. How are we to compete with being relevant when the technology is constantly changing? And how can we reconcile that to training and experience of 20 years in the job? It's very difficult. I think the recording industry is going through the very same thing. One of the hardest things is deciding what emerging technology needs to have a focus....knowing that it could burn out in a few months. And that seems to be where the record companies have the biggest problems. It's also the same way with knowing what talent is out there -- who knows what tomorrow's general tastes will be the focus. I honestly think that Clive did a pretty good job with what he did, and he knew how to accomplish it. But after a while, things changed on him somewhat. I think he'll still be a focus in the industry -- just not as important. Having said that....that article kinda turned me off too. I think ti's just my reactions to the "cool kids" and what they want. I'd rather have "timeless," thankyouverymuch. claytonic, I think for some people, that totally works. But there are a butt-load of kids out there who would be like "it's soooooooooo hard to drive to the store." Ease and convenience are what they look for, IMO.
  7. Via Salamander at the CH -- a possible way for KAndre to like Clay's blond hair! He does kind of look like Legolas!
  8. Thanks for the anniversary wishes, everyone! I like your idea too. So much so, that I had the same one this morning (just didn't get a chance to post it before you did *g*). It's been an interesting journey for him...in more than music. It's been a journey through -- how many different stylists? Yeah, the TITN video looks nothing like Clay Aiken today....but Clay Aiken TODAY doesn't look like ATDW Clay Aiken either to me. And I find I'm always surprised when I see a wallpaper come up on my computer (via my wallpaper changer) with AI Clay/2003 Clay/2004 Clay, and how much he HAS physically changed just over the span of 5 years. It makes my jaw drop to see that "kid" as compared to the man he is today. Yet, all in all, he's still just Clay. Man of many different looks, but still just Clay. ITA. Oh man, so could I! I need a drink. And they tell me we just had another aftershock that could be felt here -- except that I DIDN'T. AGAIN. I understand! I know what side I fall in as well (and I think most here do too). So my surprise at the fandom really doesn't happen much anymore. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
  9. I'm even easier than most of you, because if it simply has a pretty, pretty picture, but is all old material, I'll buy it. Heck, I did that with MOAM, when the SoliMOAM's showed up. And the Asian MOAMs. I think I probably have 5 different versions of MOAM around my house. So yeah, I'll be buying. I also agree that this is probably a way for some new people to get a sample of his older material (assuming, of course, that it is true). lilyshine, I actually had that thought too -- that maybe we'd finally get studio versions on the JBT new songs. Heh. I also, like luckiest, thought it might be live versions of some tracks. Whatever, I'll take 2 of everything. I'm too easy. Sometimes, I think that the marketing team for Clay has a thankless job. They've got to walk that fine line between offering stuff to bring in new people, and yet pleasing the die-hard fans. Sometimes, alienating one group or the other is inevitable. So, I think they've done a pretty good job. But then, I know I'm biased. *g* I woke up this morning to the radio, and from what I hear -- the EARTHQUAKE we had here in Illinois should have awakened me first! Yikes! Of course, I sleep like a rock most of the time, and didn't feel a thing! 10 years ago today....I married my best friend. *sigh* I love my husband so very much. He puts up with so much from me sometimes -- I'm sure when he married me he wasn't expecting that 5 years later, he'd be dealing with a rabid Clay Aiken fan. *g* Anyway, I'll probably be unavailable for most of the weekend, if you know what I mean. Heh.
  10. Page to register for a QVC account OMWH On Demand is a way to go to either the Clear Channel webpage (posted earlier) or your local Clear Channel radio station page and click to hear OMWH.
  11. While I'm not totally sad that Clive is gone, I think KAndre speaks the truth to me, at least as far as the "age" thing goes. That's always bugged me -- just because he's in his 70's doesn't mean he hasn't a brain, either, just as we, who tend to be women of a certain age (NOT ALL OF US), are missing brain cells either. But....at this point, whatever.... ....because there's so much more to EEEEEEEEEEEE about! I just set up my QVC account, so I should be ready to go. 5 extra songs? Wonder what they are? Could they be "rejects?" Could they be the album before ATDW? (Heh) Could they be live tracks? The mind boggles with possibilities.
  12. Well, he also did book signings in the green sweater WITHOUT the glasses: But I love all his glasses. Don't worry CG, I'll take the hits for you, off the magical power rays that bounce off his glasses. I'm GLASSES WOMAN!!!! Hee. What a day to be crunching numbers. I hate crunching numbers. Hoping that someone gets me something autographed (for a price) in the next few days. I have a request in....
  13. The additional auction added today is this: ___ In work woes...I hate my job. Budget time sucks. And I think my boss, who is supposedly "training" me, is doing a not-very-good job of it, asking me to do things before she actually thinks them through, which is messing me over big time. I know, it's part of the learning curve, but I don't understand her reasoning on a bunch of stuff.
  14. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ETA: Wait, does that mean Thursday night but since it's after midnight when it airs it's actually Friday? Hee, good thing I'm not in LA trying to get tickets. EEEEEEEEE! Lost conspiracy theories and Clay Aiken in the same show. I'll be a happy camper!
  15. luckiest1, the ones on the WalMart site without the bonus track also say "not available in store." I know it says that the format is "CD" on these -- but I wonder if one might be a digital download only. I think I'll wait a little bit more before trying to figure out which one to preorder, or if I even need to preorder in the first place.
  16. Bringing this over from getclayaiken *waves at footloose*. This is from Tuesday night's show; the fundraising/picture thing is very interesting.... More from NYCITYCLAYFAN:
  17. Clay's MySpace Page Besides being able to listen to my OMWH, they now have the message for you to call him, giving the 919 area code number, or your can text him.
  18. umm, *cough* what is it? Cool! Someone reads my posts! Hee. The new X-Files movie is called, "I Want to Believe." Good old Mulder and his conspiracy theory poster. Gotta love him. OMG...Yes!!! (tm Meg Ryan) Sigh. Love Don Henley, it would be a dream for me to hear him sing either of those songs. Actually, the one I'd love for him to sing is "Taking You Home." Three of my favorite singers/musicians are Bono, Sting, and Don Henley. All three are very smart men, and very socially conscious. Clay has sung songs by two of the three; for him to do a Henley song, I'd be in heaven. Cotton, this has to do with the text messages that Clay keeps sending most of us wenches. Today's text message had us call him, and then he asked us to tell him what songs we want him to sing. If you need more info, I'll try to find the post for you. CG, I'll get back to you on the dates for the different orders. I think the WalMart one is available for pre-order now. If I remember correctly, the iTunes pre-order starts next Monday. There's also an Amazon download of the single, but I can't remember the date. And then, the QVC thing on the 28th. Which you know nothing about. *g*
  19. Um, yeah. You need to call. Now. (I like that request too....) Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Opening May 22, 2008. I cannot wait. Harrison Ford still rocks my socks. And I'm incredibly pleased that Karen Allen (Marion) is back. Oh, and Cate Blanchett is the villan. She should be good. Any X-Files fans here? We found out the name of the new movie (July 25) today! EEEEEEEE! Ok, back to Clay. He's CUTE. And in 19 days, new music!
  20. Ah, yes. Thank you laughn. That wasn't my most favorite look, but I did like that hat. I love a man in a fedora. BTW, just over a month until the new Indiana Jones movie. *g*
  21. I'm not the one that goes into palpitations when it reaches 75 if there's no poll up... Touche! (Not "Touch" CG, OK?!?!?! *g*) Good Lord, if we did that last one, we'd be creating a new thread every 5 minutes. Ya know....I think maybe you should do that couchie. That's your baby. *g* Heh. I'm not even sure if I know what picture you're talking about with this. Sad, I guess. Is anyone here brave enough to post it and refresh my memory? (Maybe it's not in my memory because I didn't like it either?) BWAH! And ITA...love that song, and think he'd do a fantastic version of it. I find it rather funny that he's ASKING us which song "we" want him to sing...considering that most of those will be covers. *g*
  22. Freckles, we usually let our threads get to approximately 80 pages in length and then create a new thread. I usually try to put up a poll with the suggested titles when we hit page 75 or so. Why 80 pages? Well, that's a leftover from the admin's days at the CH. Maybe the admins need to have a powwow to change this. *g* Our threads, at the moment, seem to last about 2 weeks or so. (Our first thread, though, was started in July 2005 -- and ended in March 2006. We've come a LONG WAY BAYBE!) If you find a phrase that you want to suggest....generally quoting it and saying "thread title?" will work. We do also have a thread title suggestion thread, located here. Geez, I love showing the newbies the ropes of this place.
  23. Am I a bad fan, 'cause I suggest he sing a cover song? (In my case, "Don't Dream It's Over" by Crowded House) *g* And I DID read the lyrics above...and I think this sounds like a great Clay Aiken song.
  24. Some of these guys for OMWH being on AOL's top music for the week: :ole0: As for what YSRN posted above.... *sticks fingers in ears and goes "la la la"* Listening to OMWH (the song) is enough for me. I can make it *scrolls up to look at countdown clock* 19 days until I hear the entire album. Besides, I just don't want to pre-judge the songs based on other recordings. I'll wait for Clay. Didn't he say it was more special to wait?
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