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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Heh. All this talk about "leaving your clack" to someone got me thinking. First of all, I have a feeling that most of it will probably be destroyed in my case. Yes, sad but true. BUT...what's got me embarrassed...is that besides all those print outs of the smutty stories (including some from an author around here ), I've got a bunch of smutty Star Trek stories too. Oh yeah -- I was really into Data (from Star Trek: the Next Generation) being fully functional, if you know what I mean. So there will be TWO things that will be probably embarrass my family as they go through my stuff after I'm gone. Heh. Is this allergy season just a tough one? My head feels like it's ready to explode, and I honestly can't tell if it's allergies or a head cold. Y'all read canuck's post about Clay's look earlier, right? Well, just put my name to it and you've got my feelings as well. I find him fascinating BECAUSE of the way he can change his look. I can't pull that kind of thing off, so I admire him for that. I also admire his WILLINGNESS to be that chameleon too. Some men want to stay the same in their looks; Clay doesn't seem like that kind of guy to me. I just think he's dweemy. Period.
  2. I'm not from there, but my husband is, and we visit there all the time. If I remember correctly, the arena is downtown. If you're staying downtown, they have a train that goes back and forth from downtown to the Mall of America. I can't remember how much it costs for a trip, though. And the Mall of America is a fantastic place to get lost in....IMO. I personally like Lego World. I really wish my schedule could clear and I could attend these shows, but both hubby and I have to work that week right before Christmas; we'll be going to Minneapolis to visit his family during Christmas week.
  3. Today's new feature for the board: when you receive a PM, you'll now get a pop-up window with the message and the ability to link quickly to your inbox and that message. (You do have to have your pop-up blocker set to allow pop-ups for the site, though...) Very cool, eh? sylvie, what a cute baby! keepingfaith -- that Eugene. Funny story in hindsight, but it probably was a bit discombubulating at the time... *waves at laughn* Uh....HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOO new banner.............Wowza.............
  4. The Princess Bride is one of those things where I think the book is WAY better than the movie...and I simply LURVED the movie. Now, I did read the book AFTER seeing the movie, so that may have affected the way I felt about the book, but there was so much more detail in the book, IMO. I definitely need to check out Stardust then. My husband is reading a Neil Gaiman book right now (I don't know the name), but I'll have to request this book then.
  5. Good morning FCA! I only went to one high school reunion, my 20th. Small class -- 80 kids, small town Illinois. (Clayzor, you'll have to tell me where your husband is from...) The main reason I really wanted to go was that I was the kid in high school who never had a date, so I wanted to show off my new husband! Of course, he was bored silly. The other thing that was cool though was they took us on a tour of the school. It was amazing how much the place had changed in 20 years. The band room was the best -- but that was my hangout in high school too. Salt shakers are a good thing. I do think it interesting, though, that we tend to believe what we want to believe. I think this reunion thing is fairly innocuous, and like merrieee and canuckie (BWAH on your post), I kinda WANT to believe this one, because it makes me happy to think that he could get to go to this without the fans knowing about it. But, at the same time, I did apply salt to this one as well. *shrug* Ah yes, Wal Mart night. I know a bunch of people had a bad evening....but I sure didn't. I was the only one in the TV section. Bookwhore, I too had a cart with me -- like I was really going to buy something. Heh. But it was so nice to see Clay all over the TVs! {{{{{{keepingfaith}}}} Hope you feel better soon! *off to see what's up with lilyshines*
  6. According to LTS, if I remember correctly, Middle School was definitely the toughest time for Clay, as well as the beginning of H.S. BUT -- Learning To Sing, pages 104-105 play, I agree -- I was nerd kid, and yet I was one of the few that moved away from home and actually found a career. But I did go to my 20 year H.S. reunion and rubbed a few noses in it. *g* (Nah, not really....but I felt like it...) I'm glad Clay got to go to this reunion (if it is true -- I still have an aversion to "friend of a friend" sometimes...) without the fans knowing about it.
  7. Bookwhore, somehow your avatar location got changed to a picture from something called uglyoftheday.com. If you PM me your avatar location, I can change it back for you.... ETA: I got rid of the "ugly" for you....you just need to fill in your avatar setting with your original location....
  8. As couchie alluded to, much of the stuff working/not working seems to vary by what browser you're using. I'm lucky in that I have both Mozilla/Firefox (version AND Internet Explorer (version 6.0.lotsofnumbers), and have been doing comparisons. The blue color, for me, seems to be only in IE; I've got green in Firefox. Quotes, for me, work in IE, while they do not in Firefox. The little pull down menu next to member names (on the left hand side) works in IE for me, doesn't in Firefox. So there are definitely some compatability issues.... Hmmmm....I see above me that this isn't always the case. Let me confer with the admins for a second.... Uh...edit again...never mind. See what couchie says below, it has to do with the "skins" (our basic overall design scheme that Ansa can change and set up. playbiller -- I hear ya on the "Clay needing to stay on stage" during Quiana's song. I went to two early shows, and was amazed at the number of people who left during it. Made me mad too -- I personally think it's rude. But I dearly love that clip of Clay singing along with Quiana. I also noticed that in Scarlett's WPB clack, where Quiana is on Clay's lap. He's singing along there too...and it makes me melt. *sigh* He's so dweemy.
  9. I actually did read your post. I just wanted to try it as well, and I figured top of the page was a good reason TO try it. Apparently my worst fears are true. Nobody reads my posts. cindi -- I actually did read your post. I just wanted to try it as well, and I figured top of the page was a good reason TO try it.
  10. Heh. This is interesting, to say the least... One of the things I've discovered: check out this earlier post of mine and scroll down to the last picture in the post. Notice that it says at the top of the picture, "Image shrunk by ___%, click here to see full sized picture." In other words, pictures that are YUGE won't cause the margins to go all wonky! And I think that "insert acronym" thingy could make being at the top of the page VERY interesting. *g* And it looks as if I get to try it out first! Hey!
  11. Sound familiar? I remember reading a similar type of article when the movie 300 came out, for Gerard Butler. I guess, in this society, women over the age of say, 40, are supposed to stop thinking of sex and handsome men. FromClaygary, what a cute great-grandbaby! What is it with all the babies around here? (Says she, who is perfectly happy with 2 cats, no kids, but lots of nieces, nephews, and grand-nieces and grand-nephews...) I remember Anne Murray. My first dance with my husband after our wedding was "Could I Have This Dance (For the Rest of My Life)?" I've always thought she had a great voice, and also a wonderful career. I think that more than a few Clay fans don't like the idea of him having a career like hers, because she's not a "high profile" performer. I've always felt that there are fans who think he should be on the cover of EVERY magazine and be on EVERY talk show and be played on EVERY radio format. IMO, he really doesn't need that to have a successful career. Sometimes with "high profile" comes "higher falls." (See: Britney; Lindsay; Paris; and the list can go on....) I personally would be happy with a career that he feels comfortable with. :00003653: to PhillyluvsClay, who actually OWNS one of these passes (and I'm jellus as hell, 'cause I LURVE this picture of him...)
  12. You rang? Yeah, I saw these the other day and thought "selling a Clay coloring book could be cool..." We'd have to get permission from the photographers, and then permission from the BAF to use Clay's image. I also have no idea how much it would cost to have the images photocopied and bound (I was thinking spiral binding) at Kinkos. Should I take this discussion to the BAF thread?
  13. So....Waldo reacts to Krispy Kremes? Who knew? CG, I'm pretty sure luckiest1 will be able to clip the banter from your song once you've made your decisions. I'm about half done with my song already....I actually think I may make it by October 1 (OK, so Sept. 30 was the deadline, but I have the first off from work....)
  14. Happy birthday manderly! :laola0: Caro, your grandson is adorable! Other than that....uh, nuthin'. This is a lazy, lazy day for me, although I did manage a workout at the gym. It helps when you've got Clay to listen to.... THANK YOU SCARLETT! ETA: :F_05BL17blowkiss: Woo lovereyes!
  15. Welcome heartsocean -- glad we were able to get you registered here! Hope you enjoy reading....and maybe posting too!
  16. I remember way back in 2004 (almost the olden days *g*), I used to wonder how Clay could get away with "back loading" his shows -- putting the most difficult songs at the end. He did it with the NAT and Solitaire; he did it this past Christmas with AIW. He kinda sorta did it with DSIAFCD (although we did have GN to follow). And I'll admit I used to worry about that, especially when he would have 4 or 5 shows in a row. But the more I think about it, I think lickiest luckiest might be right -- he uses pacing in his shows to give his voice a chance to get into the groove. And as others have said, that's one of the reasons he gives his backup singers solos -- not just to push them into the spotlight, but to also give his voice a little downtime. OTOH, if this theory kinda sort fits -- doing UM during the JBT must have been rather interesting for him. That was one of his toughest songs, and that was definitely early in the show. I also have a damn hard time imagining Clay not talking the day of a performance. I have no problem with people calling me ladyj when they meet me in real life. If nothing else, it's totally unique -- as compared to my real first name. I know of at least 4 others with my RL name in the fandom, one of them on this board. But I'll have to admit that meeting Claygasm last summer, it was a bit easier to talk to her using her real name. *g* You know what? We need pictures around here. It seems there hasn't been any good pictures posted here in, say, 24 hours....
  17. Heh...this whole name discussion is cracking me up. I've mentioned before that I used to be active in the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is a group that recreates the Middle Ages. My name in that group is Lady Jocelyn Alewife (hence, my screen name in the Clay fandom). Two of my best friend's names are Baron Roghallach the Strong and Baroness Maria Teresa Riberio dos Santos. Of course, they have "regular" names in real life. So....this whole thing with screen names (which are MUCH easier in the Clay fandom) and real life names is something I've gone through for a long time. Actually, my time in the SCA prepared me for Clay fandom in another way. When I first joined up, it was not uncommon at all to just throw a sleeping bag in your trunk while someone opened up their house to you for sleeping and such. Everyone was quite open in that way -- they still are. You'd end up staying in the home of someone you'd never met until that particular day. Sound familiar? Back to the name thing for a second. I'll tell you a secret -- offer to do name tags for the next Clay party you attend. You'll learn screen names/real names toot sweet. I got to know a LOT of people that way. CG, I totally understand your reaction to MGUCL. I've mentioned this before, that I'm NOT a lyric person. Give me a great melody, and someone could be singing all cuss words and I'd be like "GREAT SONG!" But, last Christmas, I remember listening to the AIW CD as I was on a scavenger hunt for more copies of the CD (I think I ended up buying about 17 copies my area, to be shipped to others in the country). It was a rainy, dreary evening -- almost freezing rain. MGUCL came on, and for some reason the lyrics hit me. Hard. So I was crying my eyes out. Quiana did a fantastic job, but Clay made that song his own at that particular moment for me.
  18. CG, the actual print copy of the TV Guide Fall TV Season preview came out two weeks ago. Here's their online version.
  19. My husband and a group of his friends do SEVERAL John Prine songs. He's a fantastic songwritier. "Paradise" is my favorite. That's how I see it too. I think with both of these choices, he thought he found songs that fit their respective voices, and I think he may have been hoping that both ladies would find the emotional connection. (For the record, I think Angela connected with her song better than Quiana, but I also think that both ladies KICKED BUTT!). Bolding mine. Again, agree two hundred percent. He seems to enjoy their company (and they his). Sure, I'd love to be selfish and want more and more of Clay, but I also want him to do what he thinks will make him happiest. There's a balance there, and it's one that he seems to have found by sharing the spotlight with the talented people around him. Aha! That's how you managed to infiltrate the CH party! Heh. I'm glad I met you that night.... I remember congratulating you on your M&G. spikesmom, I'll see you in Waukegan and Merrillville, so you'd better come up to me if you can find me and tell me who you are!!! WTLGD is originally a Faith Hill song, while Listen is from the movie version (only) of Dreamgirls, sung by Beyonce. And yes, I know 5 other people type faster than I do, I don't care -- I'm leaving my post as it is! ETA: Just downloaded some Scarlett clack from GMA last year. I didn't realize she was there! It some good stuff....I haven't watched it all yet, but he was so adorable that day.
  20. ldyjocelyn

    Top Chef

    Jenna, I've seen reviews of that book, and thought I would like it. I'll have to make sure to add it to my reading list. I also totally agree about Alton's recipes -- he's WAY too scientific for actual cooking, IMO. However, my husband has had great success with his hints on making an omelet, I will now never cook a turkey without brining it first, and Alton's overnight oatmeal is outstanding (I made some of it last night/this morning). Maybe we should start a thread just for Food Network shows? *g*
  21. Back from our shopping trip. Did our usual at Sam's Club -- I swear I walk in there and spend at least $100.00 easily. The apple orchard was great too -- picked up a full peck of HoneyCrisp apples for my husband and I to take in our lunches. Man, those are good apples! Also bought cider....yum. But Circuit City was somewhat of a bust. We did get the second season of Lost on DVD cheap, but the iPod converter for the car that I really wanted wouldn't work with the new iPod nano. At this point, I think I'm going to do some more research, and then come up with the next step. (If anyone has any recommendations, let me know....) Crooner's Christmas at WalMart. That's for couchie... Now it's laundry time! That, and listening to BYLM....*g*
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