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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Chat starts at 9:00 EDT -- just over 20 minutes from now. It will last an hour, and the thread will start here (scroll down).
  2. I hope it's okay to post this on Couchie's behalf since she's not signed on: Send donations to aearlye@yahoo.com :F_05BL17blowkiss: Thank you for doing that canuck. I was at the reference desk here in the afternoon (even though I did sign on once....bad ldyj...), and as I was leaving work I discovered I had a voice mail on my cellphone from couchie. She's going through DT's at the moment, because her internet is down at work. So -- she'll be checking in after work this evening. Reminder: chat part two is this evening!
  3. 1) Does it matter if we have Photoshop Elements rather than full-blown Photoshop? 2) I know how to crop pictures; I know how to resize pictures. But what I don't know is how to get more than one picture into these wallpapers! I know it has to do with layers, but that confuses me every.single.time. Thanks cha cha!
  4. Wait.a.minute. How the hell did you meet them and not me when I was with them?!? *pout* Hmmmm...I honestly don't know! All I remember is hearing sylvie's accent and knowing exactly who she was. I'm a sucker for a British accent. YSRN, I must have met you there too.... I will say, though, that the party that night was huge!
  5. Man, I'm behind in here.... Desertrose -- welcome. Hope you like it here! sylvie -- EEEEEEEEEEE! I remember meeting you and Kav in New Hampshire; hope you enjoy your time here!
  6. I'm glad someone who is not.a.mod (but could be if she wanted to *g*) brought this up. It seems that more than a few of us are willing to pony up once in a while; don't be shy to ask couchie! Oh yeah, definitely. I love that he is still able to go out on occasion without "us" finding out about it. I hope he can continue that as much as possible. *hands out Kleenex*
  7. I used to LOVE "The Real World." Made time for it every week. My husband even knew one of the kids that ended up on the show (David during the New Orleans season). But then...the Las Vegas season hit. Man, that was when they started pushing the sex and drinking way past my liking. That one broke my addiction. Same with Big Brother -- loved the first two seasons. Then, it started getting way too much into "who is hooking up with who" and I lost interest. Um....primetime topic. I'm actually looking forward to the return of "My Name is Earl." Funny, funny show. I'm also trying my best to remember to watch "Everybody Hates Chris" -- another great show. Supposedly there is a show scheduled right after Chris that is good, but I can't remember the name of it. I may have to check that one out as well. Other than that....ER starts next week again, and sadly, I have to wait until January for Lost. *sob*
  8. While I hadn't thought of it that way initially, ITA with this sentiment. {{{{{{{{{Clay, Faye, and the McGhee family}}}}}}}} couchie -- don't worry about it. Claying it forward it great, and Ansa is right here, your generosity is fantastic. But sometimes, friends WANT to help. If you give them the opportunity, they will come through. Off to paypal myself.... Happy, happy birthdday AnAmeraikenInTX! It was great meeting you this past summer, and I've loved seeing your talent in picturetaking. This new one -- guh. :bday2:
  9. I actually don't like the GAME of Survivor very well -- the manipulation and such is really too much for me. I like Amazing Race much better -- and hated when they brought Rob and Amber from Survivor into THAT show. But I usually do try to keep up with the characters of Survivor at least. Shirtlessness? Unfortunately, all I can remember is the poker player and how low slung his pants were. On Clay? Sexy as hell. On that guy? Blech.
  10. I actually watched this tonight -- I haven't watched Survivor in years. I'm actually kind of sad about who left, because I like "characters." I also know that the blond New York chick has already gotten on my last nerve. Oh, and the talk show chick? Way to disrespect the culture, lady.
  11. Well darn it, I fit in with you guys too, as a Claymate and a librarian. I even feel close to you as friends, even if we've never met. Maybe I could fit into one of your backpacks?
  12. I think there would be some that would be happier than heck for Clay (I'd be one of them). I think there would be some that would be totally despondent, that it wasn't THEM. And I'm truly afraid that there would be a select few that could take it to another level...and in that case, I hope that Jerome is around and doing his job. Sorry to be such a downer here. I do want Clay happy though.... OK, officially this chat is done. The thread will stay open for any last minute additional comments, but for the most part, we're finished! Tomorrow -- round two!!!!
  13. Man, I missed the pregnant rumor too -- athough was this the one that Clay mentioned during the Christmas tour? I remember that -- just watched the clip on my work computer again today. See -- obsessed!
  14. I think the key, as wandacleo alluded to, is "lighthearted" shipping. I love thinking that Clay is "gettin' some" and that there's some person in his life that is making him happy. But...and I'm having a hard time wording this....I feel that some have to simply have Clay being with a woman just avoid "the rumors."
  15. CG, Amaryllis is Clay's "second" grandma -- the lady that took in him and Faye when Clay was a young child. Yes, I've practically memorized "Learning to Sing," why do you ask?
  16. Hmmmm....I think the puppy thread has played itself out. Therefore.... QUESTION THREE (and the final for the night....): How do you feel about "shipping Clay?" Why do you feel that way? Better, couchie?
  17. I love this answer -- and welcome to the FCA world MyMOAM2! Six minutes until the final question of the night.....
  18. You know, and you can kill me for this, but even that wouldn't do it for me. I enjoy his humor too much. Sure, I love the voice, but his ability to make me laugh would still keep me around even if he never sang another note. Actually, the thought of him doing that to my face makes me all kind of hawt.
  19. I think the "blowtorched puppy" question is a very interesting one, if one looks deep into oneself. For me, I think it would be that he'd have to be arrested and convicted for a major crime -- murder, for example. Not that I think that would happen though.... But there seems to be a LOT of people that the least little thing, such as a change of hairstyle, means "everything is over." Of course, it's not, but that's what they say.....
  20. I think the only poll I voted on religiously was the one that gave him the Fan's Choice at the AMA's. Worth every click. And yes, the friends I've made are really the best part of this fandom in so many ways. OK, I'm going on with the next question: QUESTION TWO: What would you considered a "blowtorched puppy" -- in other words, what could Clay do that would make you stop being a fan?
  21. BWAH! I agree that my "need" for knowing things immediately has simmered down a bit. After last year, that was the biggest addiction I needed to break. For the most part, I can get by seeing a new picture 24 hours later. The only thing that doesn't fit that is when it's ticket buying season....
  22. Your part in the fandom: how has it evolved? I think in my case, my fandom has evolved because of the rest of the fandom. I used to identify strongly with one particular group, and unfortunately, would find myself "pooh-pooh"-ing other "factions." I'm trying my best to not do that any more. As far as my "relationship" with Clay -- damn it, I don't. Never will either. I still think, to this day, that since I was a fan who really actually fell hard for Clay fairly late in AI, I don't have the "we MUST support him with everything we do" gene. I'm perfectly happy buying everything he does (yes, including ACAC *g*) and buying concert tickets. Do you consider it a hobby or an addicition? Depends on the day you ask me. Some days it's simply a hobby, especially when there's not much going on. On other days though....man, I'm all over the board, waiting for the next piece. (Fifth Grader day was a good example....) How much time do you spend on your fandom? WAY more than I should, I feel. I get to work, but the first thing I do is log on to FCA. If I'm "working" in my office, I have FCA up. I do my work, and get things done, but I do spend more time than I really think I should on Clay and the fandom.
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