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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. See, I can't tell them apart over the cellcert! The banter isn't clear at all. But the audience "I love you Clay" is. *sigh* "Quiana is a shopaholic. Tell them about that shirt you bought in Atlanta." But I can't hear Q!!!! "Nice to be indoors with the AC." Picking on someone in the front row with a camera. "Are you comfortable?" Is he picking on Scarlett again?!?!? What did solo say? "She's got a whole Radio Shack there."
  2. Who's doing IWKWLI tonight? I think it might be Q. PICTURE FROM ATLANTA SHOW LAST NIGHT (with the ring): This is when he was talking to the girl who chose Clay over a car.
  3. jamar, I think the ring was back last night. It seems like I saw it in a picture, but I could be wrong... I think the attendance for last night wasn't great because of the heat and the fact that it was a weeknight during school (I guess Atlanta started school already). I think the attendance for tonight isn't so good because this was sort of aa last minute booking.. [begin drama queen] OMG, HIS CAREER IS OVER!!!! HE'LL NEVER SING FOR US AGAIN!!! [/dq]
  4. The sound quality for the singing portion on the CH cellcert is pretty darn good, not as clear as last night, but still good. Yes, solo is the cellcerter; sunnydays is the DJ. I love the screams when he finally appears....still gives me chills to think about that.
  5. Preconcert report -- not very full venue. Can see that the last four rows of the orchestra is empty, balcony about a third full. Very "high school auditorium" feel to the venue. Missed a lot of the preconcert stuff there, sorry....hubby just came home. And the concert starts with HYCA.....
  6. In about 20 minutes.... *ahem* I put that in the header of the thread.... *ahem*
  7. *sniff* The last of four shows in Florida.... ....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! :TourExcite:
  8. CG -- knock yourself out. Personally, I see a guy, even a really hawt LOOKING guy (heh), with sweat all over....and I'm like "yuck!" I think my reaction is more like "Hey Clay....I'll help you get that sweat off your body. Wanna shower together?" Good luck on catching your flight tomorrow. I can always call you....if I'm up. YAY!!! Whew. Now all we have to do is get YOU there safely. merrieee, are you part of the traveling eHP this weekend or not? If you're not....we'll drink together this weekend. How does everyone keep upgrading? I was on their site a couple of hours ago and the best they had available was row W! Does Scarlett have the magic touch or something? Yes, I think Scarlett just simply KNOWS how and when to tackle the computer for better seats. Needless to say, I'm going to be talking to her in December for better Merrillville seats....
  9. Here's a sweet picture from the Atlanta show, via atlantamm at the Clayboard: keepingfaith -- wear your water wings!!!! Hope you make it out safely tomorrow!
  10. PRNewsWire Neil Sedaka Celebrates 50 Years in Show Business
  11. PRNewsWire Multi-platinum Recording Artist Clay Aiken Slated for Celebrity Edition of Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
  12. I really have nothing to contribute to the conversation....y'all are pretty much saying the same things I've thought for a while now regarding his school years, and also his teaching. Just wanted to post because I CAN -- another day of the internet being up and down at my workplace. It's been driving me batty! I wanna go home -- and watch all the clack from cha cha trusty...
  13. I almost forgot -- keepingfaith, if I could 1) convince my hubby that Florida is really quite pleasant this time of the year; 2) postpone school starting for another week; and 3) justify being in Florida after visiting my sister there earlier in the year, I would SOOOOOOOOOO be there. Alas, the main problem is really the school thing. It's incredibly hard to ask for time off at this time of the year without a political mess. Anyway, I hope you have a safe flight (with very little turbulence) and a fantastic time seeing boyfriend! That is one fantastic picture. What a great captured moment. That really sums it up for me too. It's never enough with Clay Aiken. Regarding the Google alerts -- I still get the news once a day, and I can usually tell if the article is going to be complimentary or not just through a quick sentence or two. The thing is, the ones that I can tell AREN'T -- I just let them roll off my back. OK, I might get upset for about 30 seconds...but then I delete the alert and it's "out of sight, out of mind." I also feel that I should keep getting the alerts, because there's just as much good stuff out there that might be missed. It's a balancing act. CG and family -- you will be in my prayers. OK, I actually need to get to work today. Heh. *crosses fingers for some clack and pictures from last night*
  14. AAAAAAGH! Phone call from a good friend right at the beginning of the second act. Therefore, I've missed practically everything. But this LAA sounds sublime. Ah, I'll download the classics tomorrow....I hope. Is there any of the famous clack gatherers there this evening?
  15. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{CG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I hope you have a wonderful time this weekend....and just know that you'll be with friends. If you need to cry for a while, I'm sure they will be there for you. And those of us not going to Florida -- we'll be with you in spirit. If you need anything, just holler. And I mean that.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. He's been singing the shiznit out of that song lately, and tonight was fantastic!
  17. And we're back!!!! ATD up now I love the changeups he's been doing with this one lately....
  18. CG, how is dad? And YSRN, how are you feeling? That's very cool that JK and he have really got a friendship going. They really do seem to be the "Odd Couple" in so many ways. And as far as Conan -- heh. Serves him right. Clay....that's not good. Warming up is important. And grilled cheese?!?!?! *sigh* This really cracks me up! *major eye roll* I'm totally happy that he has gotten two songs approved so far. It also sounds like he is reflecting on his options...and we should celebrate that he HAS options. (Not that I don't think he didn't last time either....but I digress....) You are me. I just can't worry about any of this. And I wish I had his house. Thank you!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  19. I'm here! Man, this cellcert is clear as a (Jerome) Bell! *g* I'll comment on the M&G on the main thread.
  20. Heyhowareya eandpmommy! Welcome...hope you like the place. We serve drinks on occasion.
  21. I'm bringing this quote by laughn over from the main thread, because couchie, Ansa and I were discussing possible topics and something similar to this came up: So....how do you see Clay? How do you think Clay sees himself? Does he have to choose one or the other? Another possible topic: Clay on TV -- what kinds of roles can you see him in? What would you want to see him in? The same topic could also be applied to movie roles as well.
  22. I simply HATE being on the reference desk -- I can read stuff but not post! AAAAGH! keepingfaith, thanks for the Lester Bangs stuff. What a great trip down memory lane, and a good reminder that "cool" is fleeting at best. I hope KAndre and the rest of the eHP make it out of Houston safely! {{{{{{muski}}}}}} I hear ya on the creative thing. For me it's cooking. Kind of unfortunate, actually, as I then tend to EAT as well. *sigh* But whenever I feel down, I find myself in a cooking and baking frenzy, and it feels so good! So yeah....indulge that writer in you. You'll find your muse. I stopped getting my daily Google Blog alerts a few months ago, but I still get a daily Google NEWS alert for Clay. It's usually pretty easy to skim the few sentences that Google provides me to figure out if I want to click the link or not. What troubles me, though, is that many of the NEWS alerts seemingly come from BLOGS now. I don't understand that. I'd love to compile a DVD of nothing but the pre-classics banter, the classics medley, and then the post-classics banter for each different show, all on one (or probably two) DVD's. Watching the progression of that would truly be fascinating. I find that I just can't compare them though -- to me it's like picking a favorite child. Again, that's the "rose colored glasses" thing with me though. *shrug*
  23. There's only one person, according to my FCA attendees list, going to be there from here tonight *waves at claymates3* I've looked at the CH attendees list too, and it's small too.
  24. Oh, is that cool, or what? Or my definition of cool, anyway. *g* Clay! :04: :04: :04:
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