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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Comparing Houston and Tulsa, to me, is like comparing my two favorite children. It's hard, you know? Houston had a gorgeous comfortable venue....but I think the sound was rather muddied, both for Clay and the orchestra. The Tulsa venue was hot and not really attractive....but the sound, for some reason, was much better to me. Yep, surprised me too. As far as Clay's performances go -- I personally thought he was in stronger voice in Houston. It seemed to me that he was straining a bit toward the end of BYLM in Tulsa. On the other end of the spectrum, though, he seemed to be full of "piss and vinegar" more in Tulsa, probably because of the crowd. Individual songs -- I thought the classics medley was better in Houston, because I'm still cracking up over him getting on his knees during 1999. LAA, to me, was better in Tulsa. I think the sound problems had much to do with that. Finally, ITA with everyone who would really like to hear him sing TWYMMF. I enjoy his goofing off with it, but I do think he'd do justice for that song.
  2. :F_05BL17blowkiss: to both CG and bottlecap for their suggestions. CG, I took one of the pictures you suggested as my avi yesterday (the one by snowdrop). It seems though that there aren't many full-out grin pictures from those two shows. I'll keep looking though...like you have to twist my arm or anything. I keep forgetting to congratulate muski's daughter for being such a good pitcher lately! I hope everything with your plans works out though.... ETA: I just PM'd geekette over there for you muski....
  3. ITA. He's one more foil for Clay on that stage, and a darn cute one at that. Talented musician too. Cute as hell. And duh, it only took me how many shows to realize his "forgetting" was on purpose! It's the fan interaction segment -- well the planned one. Heh! You know, I wondered about that. Yes, I'm gullible, why do you ask? Seriously, I think it probably started out as a song he WOULD sing -- but after one night in Houston he just said "ah, screw it. Let's have fun instead." God, I love him. Wah, no one has answered my plea for grinning Clay from either Houston or Tulsa! WAH!
  4. My tentative plans are to see this with my husband and two friends on Saturday evening. We'll get to see it in digital, but no IMAX. I would kill to be able to do that. No, my husband said "let all the teen wizards go first, we'll go this weekend...." I love my husband.
  5. Two things: 1) If anyone here gets a M&G, could you ask Clay a question for me please? I've just finished watching the classics clip AGAIN, and I'd LOVE to know who chose the songs for it. How much of it was Clay? How much of it was Jesse? How much of it was Clive? (Whoops....sorry. *g*) Seriously, I'm guessing that a great deal of the song choices were Clay's idea; I'd just like some confimation.... 2) OMG, we're slipping around here. I see at the bottom of the main page that it is someone's birthday around here today.....someone whom I just met last week.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAYGASM!!! :bday2: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  6. So....we're talking about the hawtness on the stage, correct? Both Jesse and Sean are short guys, but boy, are they cute! I agree with artquest (BTW..... :F_05BL17blowkiss: , great seeing you again!) that Jesse has a cute little butt and pretty nice shoulders while he's conducting. He really is an integral part of the show too as far as reactions go. I loved it when he started with the Exorcist theme during the "olive oil/scaring away the spirits" bit, and he really does give a lot of looks at Clay that I don't think Clay even knows about. OK, so maybe Clay knows after he's seen and downloaded the clack. *g* I saw Sean later in the hotel lobby, and he's a cutie-patootie as well. I seriously considered for a second staying and trying to chat with him, but he was with people that he seemingly knew (now that I think about it, it was probably his teacher). But yeah, there was a lot of hawtness of the stage for the shows. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph. ETA: Can anyone direct me to some pictures of Clay from either Houston or Tulsa where he's grinning? You know me, I flove grinning Clay, and I need to add to my collection. ETA number 2: lickiest1, I didn't do it either. Swear to God on a stack of Clay Aiken RS magazines. I think that narrows your choices.
  7. OMG, yes. That one is bee-you-tea-full. Guh. Since I'm obsessed with the classics medley at the moment, I've watched quite a few of these from Houston, and I would definitely go with spot's clip. She's far enough away to get a lot of his body language during the clip that others seem to miss. (And no, I'm not just saying this because she was one row behind me so this was my viewpoint as well. *g*) If I can tear myself away from the classics, I'll get this one tonight.
  8. You're welcome. I did notice before I completed my post that I had typed your name as lickiest1. I think I've got issues... :medium-smiley-070: Nah, I think you've got her pegged actually. :::ducks::: And not to kill anyone's buzz....but I've got to insert a few of these because I'm done seeing Clay for the summer....
  9. If anyone is interested, I've written a Houston show recap here. Can I mention once again that Clay touched my hand? And will anyone start slapping me about that soon?
  10. The Houston show, or, Is it humid like that all the time or only when Clay Aiken is in town? Thursday, July 5: Awake at 4:00 a.m. in the morning and catch my flight at 6:00. I’m wearing my Invisible shirt (it’s a shirt I like to travel in – a great attention getter). So, I’m sitting there about ready to start my book when a woman walks up to me in the Peoria airport and says “you’re a Clay fan. You’re heading to Texas, aren’t you?” Turns out this was Invisible2sum from the CH, who lives about an hour away from me, even though we’ve never met. We kill time chatting about the Frisco show (even though neither of us knew a whole lot about it, staying unspoiled) and playing with her husband’s iPhone. The trip to Houston was made a lot of fun by having someone to talk to! Arriving in Houston, I met up with HeidiHo at the airport, and after a freakishly long wait for a shuttle, we make it to our hotel. We oriented ourselves to the streets of Houston, and find Jones Hall. I make like a tourist by pointing at the pretty Clay banner; Heidi swats my hand. Back to the hotel to get a mean margarita in the bar, and then meet up with muskifest and Claygasm. By then the bar is filling fast with all sorts of wonderful women. I remember meeting Whatever; the rest were a blur. I think it was my second margarita caused that loss of memory. *g* Friday, July 6: Up for breakfast at the hotel, and then Heidi and I went on a search for alcohol for our room. There’s NOTHING on the streets of Houston. Finally, we find a nice security guard, who shows us the tunnel system. So THAT’S where all the people are! We finally find a six pack of beer, and then head back to the hotel to freshen up. Then, off to the tunnels to find Biraporetti’s. The wandering group included me, Heidi, muski, Claygasm, playbiller, and a nice man who showed us almost the entire tunnel system to get to the restaurant. The eHP throws a wild, wild west party. I think the name tags were the best part, although I have to admit that the poster I got (an enlargement of one of Karen Eh?’s Christmas shows pictures) was pretty darn cool too. I earned bling that evening by helping geekette sell raffle tickets to the ClayBoard party upstairs. I also blew out my voice…and it wasn’t even show time yet! So much fun – good food, good friends, good times. Oh, and I got to finally meet merieeee (who is a sweetheart, even through the raunchy stuff *g*) and the wonderful, wonderful keepingfaith who told me that she has been a space case all week. Wonder why? Oh yeah, I guess seeing Clay live ever for the first time would do that. We get to Jones Hall…and discover how good 6th row dead center seats are. I told someone later that in many other concert halls, I would have been front row…so I’m extremely jellus of you lucky beyotches who were down in front. (Yes, I’m looking at you, entire eHP….) My apologies to spotlightlover, who seems to always draw the straw of having to sit directly behind me. But – she still got some awesome clack, and I’m grateful for it, because I’ll have a great memory of that night. At this point, the whole thing turns into one big blur. I do remember using my binoculars before the show started to look at Jesse’s music, to discover that HYCA was going to be the first song. EEEEEEEEEE! And then….the lights went down….Quiana came out (looking fabulous)….Angela came out (looking fabulous)…and then that voice. OMG, he’s singing. But where is he? My training with so many other concerts had me looking toward the back of the freakin’ concert hall, thinking he must be coming through the crowd again. What a dork I am! But then, he comes through a stage door…and I melted. He.was.right.there. The clothes were fantastic. Needless to say, I couldn’t keep my binoculars off that little stud at the end of his zipper. Gulp. The pink shirt was very nice, although he kept having trouble with the sleeves. (After intermission, I noticed that they’d pinned them up….) The jacket was gorgeous – the subtle plaid in it made it so interesting. Finally – the shoes. What a nice pair. *g* After I died hearing HYCA live, I died a second time with EIH. Two of my most favorite songs on the album – and I was hearing them live. He was in fantastic voice the entire night, IMO. The TV medley is very cute – and I was actually surprised that I didn’t know as many of them as I thought I would. I’m a TV junkie, but some of those past right by me. OTOH, I really loved hearing him sing the WKRP song. Some songs that I was not crazy about on the record, such as TOA and IWKWLI, I now have newfound respect for. They sounded great live. And those songs that I loved as soon as I heard them, such as WISYS and ATD – simply amazing. Quiana and Angela both did a fantabulous job with their two solos. I wish I could remember more of the banter…I need to recheck the clack at this point. As I said, the Aiken fog hit… The classics medley is just on a whole ‘nother level. I keep thinking back to those times when I think I’ve written, “well, I’ll probably never hear him rap.” And then he blows that theory right out of the water. He starts in with Baby Got Back…and I’m on the floor laughing my ass off. It just keeps going from there – his Madonna/Weird Al/Keith take on LAV; being down with OPP; partying all night during Opposites Attract; and then Beat It. My favorites, though, were 1999 and STMTS (is that the new acronym?). I’ve always loved 1999, and so Clay doing Prince once again made me happier than a pig in shit. When he got down on his knees, I thought I’d never be able to catch my breath. Singing about sexy tractors – well, actually it was more his dancing during that one. He’s such a goof. My whole opinion of this section of the show, as well as the TV medley? The man has no fear. He just does his thing, screw the critics and those who want him in any kind of box (and I mean ANY kind of box *g*) and I love it. LAA was simply beautiful. While I was totally impressed by the vocals, I found myself watching his body language. The Houston venue had jumbotrons, and I actually did manage to watch a bit of that during this song. I think he did turn mostly for the purpose of spotlighting the cello solo at first, but he stayed in that position for the rest of that song. I had a gorgeous profile shot from my seat. But, by looking at the jumbotrons, it seemed to me that he mostly kept his eyes closed as well. I had this feeling that he was showing a vulnerable side…but was also a bit uncomfortable doing that as well. It was an interesting mix. I know people around me were sobbing by the end of this song…but I wasn’t. I had to save it for BYLM. He started the song, and suddenly I was feeling his past year for him. All the support that he knew his fans were giving him was pouring out of his soul through that song. It was one big “Thank You” to US, and I couldn’t help but be touched. I was searching for Kleenex after the song finished. As much as I wanted more songs for an encore, I thought BYLM was the perfect ending to the show. Afterwards, I made my way back to the hotel with keepingfaith and her sister, where we had a few final drinks with Heidi, muski and Claygasm, along with so many other great people. But soon, I was saying goodbye to people and was on the road to keepingfaith’s sister’s house to get some much needed sleep before the road trip the next day. OK, so I had to stay up for a few hours to chit chat with kf…
  11. Gulp. So, has anyone who was in the "he touched me" line last Saturday washed their hands yet? *g*
  12. Ah, forget mango margaritas. The party room in Tulsa was having mango-tinis (and raspberry-tinis)! The lushes people in the room were having a blast...maybe a bit too much, because we did get called by the front desk for making too much noise. Also, keeping faith gave some alcohol abuse by spilling one of her drinks. So, do you think Clay's called Tori Spelling yet and asked her if she's available to do another skit? rcknrllmom -- where were you?!?!?! I would have loved to meet you and your daughter. Darn it...we should have PM'd each other!
  13. {{{{{{{{{{{{laughn}}}}}}}}}}}} OMG, I feel terrible for you...and can totally identify as well after last year Waukegan. Was that your only concert? Two other things before I head out the door for some errands this afternoon. First of all, :F_05BL17blowkiss: to atinal and huge apologies to her as well. I had arrived at the hotel in Tulsa, and she saw me and said "Hi", gave me a big hug. Now, since I was on about 5 hours sleep for two days, plus a 7 1/2 hour car ride, my mind totally blanked. And I've had lunch with this woman, just the two of us! I'm soo soo sorry I didn't recognize you. I'm glad we got to spend a little bit of time to talk outside the OK fans party, and thank you for the really cool keychain. Speaking of that...my God, that was huge! An entire hotel ballroom decorated with Clay Aiken stuff, gorgeous tables, a really fun DJ, lots of cool freebies. They had many, many items for raffle, either $1 or $5 tickets. They also had a silent auction with much more stuff. All proceeds went to BAF. luckiest1, I thought of you with one silent auction item -- a HUGE blow-up banner of the People magazine pinup. I joked with someone about getting that and putting on my ceiling, which would thrill my husband. *g* Anyway, I managed to get something, and since Clayzor posted the pictures of what she got, I'm doing the same. Notice how two pictures "switched places" in the second picture? That's because the frame actually slides so I can change the look if I need to. I'll probably just leave it like the second picture though, because I'm in LOVE with all 4 of those pictures. Gotta run. Nope, I guess I don't, because I've got to tell KAndre that she rawks, especially with a bandaged foot and a high heeled shoe on the other foot. This cracked me up:
  14. Woohoo on the new blog -- I love that he knows priorities. And woohoo -- my luggage just got home!
  15. Crap crap crappity crap. How did I not meet laughn and jamar this weekend? Crap crap crappity crap. I really wanted to meet ALL the FCA buddies here. Crap crap crappity crap. New thread title suggestion: We could also use this, although is technically from my husband: (For those who don't know, although almost everyone I met this weekend heard this story: way back in 2004, I ordered the NAT program and received it in the mail. I was looking it over, sighing happily, when my husband comes up behind me and says, "he's so dweamy" in this kinda schoolgirl voice. Ever since that day, both he and I will see pictures of Clay and say that. I love my husband and his gentle teasing...) I've got to drink a lot of coffee to get me through the day today (BTW, MWAH to Clayzor for giving ME that first cup of coffee yesterday morning), but I've got to post a few disjointed thoughts about this whole weekend. I can be smutty at times, but for the most part, that's not me. However, I've laughed my ass off so many times this weekend, thanks to the smut queens that I was hanging with this weekend -- muski, CG, Heidi, keepingfaith and Clayzor. You women all rock my world. keepingfaith, I think I met my soul-sister in you, and your sister is the sweetest person in the world. Noise? We were making noise in the Tulsa hotel room? Who us? Heh. I wouldn't have known except for the phone call. A couple of comments about the Tulsa concert. The ending of ETYGA was so freakin' funny -- that may end up being this year's version of the note holding contest from the NAT. The other thing I'd like to mention is the crowd around me. I had a single seat in Tulsa, 9th row right on the aisle. KAndre was about 5 rows directly in front of me, and it was great because we both had room to dance in the aisles! Anyway, next to me were two ladies who had seen Clay twice before -- the IT with Kelly and the JNT2005. That's it. During intermission they were asking me all sorts of questions about Clay and the fandom in general. carmenl from the CH was directly in front of me, and she complimented my ambassador skills in talking to these women later. They seemed to really enjoy the whole show. (BTW, I kept mentioning findingclayaiken.com *g*) The other thing was the group behind me -- a little old woman, probably about 75. I apologized to her beforehand because she was short and I'm Ms. Amazon. She said it was OK, that's why she was sitting on the aisle. Next to her was her son-in-law and her daughter, and I think then grandchildren. Two things I noticed about this group: 1) During the TV medley, I could hear them identifying each and every TV show as the themes were being sung. That was cool. 2) I was curious to see what the SIL's reaction would be to the classics medley. He was looking like the show was pretty much just a'right by that point in time...but after the classics, he had a HUGE grin on his face. I really think the medley impressed him. This guy also cheered heartily during Clay's spiel about supporting the arts -- the entire row did actually. It's so weird -- you can sit with Clay Aiken shows, thinking that you will remember every single moment of the show. As soon as you leave the auditorium though....gone in a flash. Well, not entirely true...there's that afterglow. It's impossible to come down from that. OK, more coffee.
  16. Full audio of Houston? I know for a fact that there will be HIGH QUALITY audio of the Houston show. Give it a few days. EEEEEEEEE for bluebunny and welcome claylocked! couchie, I want JAG to win too. *g* Now I have to decide what clack to download first. I will probably get spotlightlover's clack from Houston, just because she was directly behind me and so it will be the way for me relive the concert from my viewpoint. Did I mention that Clay touched me yesterday? *sigh*
  17. Geez, I leave for a few days and the thread poll doesn't get put up until page 79, and we're on page 83 without a new thread. I'd do it, except that I'd fuck it up 'cause I'm so tired. I'm home. My checked bag isn't. Figures, right? I'm still in an Aiken fog from the past few days. I've made some notes to myself in order to write a recap eventually. There was a lot to process in the past few days. Thank God for the break in the shows. Did I mention last night that Clay Aiken touched me, and I got to feel arm fur? Did I? Huh? I hear the "story" is making headlines. I laugh in the face of those headlines, followed by a huge rolling of my eyes. Geez Lou-freakin-ese!! Off to download tons of clack and find some dinner. Sleep would be good too. Thankfully I have one more day off from work.
  18. The audience was sucky because they had no freakin' manners. As I said, people were just standing up and talking to Clay, trying to hold conversations with him while the man was on the stage, trying to be Mr. Entertainer. Loud and obnoxious conversations too. It really wasn't pretty. The "fuck" story is through about 5 channels at this point, but he did mention that he cussed in the M&G during the show. I guess he was telling a story about a professor in college, and this professor used the phrase "what the fuck." And that's exactly the way he told the story. In other words, he's a regular guy. God, I love him.
  19. Ever heard of that old song -- "He Touched Me?" Well guess what? It came true for me this evening. *Where's that Thud Emoticon when you need it?* Clayzor, keepingfaith, kf's sister and I decided that we needed to see Clay one more time...and pretty soon we found Jerome. He was sighting the crowd and basically got all of us to get in a single line, basically in one big circle. He actually made us hold hands in order to get us in single file. And then we waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, Clay came out, with Jerome leading the way. He started on the far end from me, of course, but everyone was well behaved. And then, he was in front of me. "Thank you ladies for coming." (Heh, little does he know....) And I was right back with "Thank you Clay." I shook his hand, and then as he kept going, I got a touch of arm too. I then promptly died on the spot. He looked fantastic -- white polo shirt, jeans, and that fantastic stubble. After the experience of a lifetime, I found the eHP -- and they were over the moon as well. The entire eHP, Clayzor, keepingfaith, her sister and I all got to touch Clay, and every single one of us was acting like a freakin' 12 year old. The best night of my life. Short review of the concert: much of the audience sucked. Standing up in the middle of his talking just to announce things. And the flash bulbs were insane. I was floored at the insensitivity that I saw in so much of this audience this evening. Clay was fantastic, but was mostly thrown off his banter timing because of the sucky audience. This time I did cry during LAA, and was sobbing during BYLM. Absolutely unbelievable. I can now die a happy woman. Oh, and the other story of the day? Good Lord, I'm glad he's pressing charges. Everything I've heard suggests that the woman was just a first class ass. Now, I've got to go find out more about this cussing story. I'm glad Clay know when to use a good "fuck." Heh.
  20. Oh. My. God. I'm in Tulsa with keepingfaith and her sister, getting ready in Clayzorback's room for the party and show. It only took us 7 1/2 hours to get here, and I'm bone tired after the last 48 hours...and yet I'm still buzzed from last night and the anticipation for tonight. I don't have a LOT of time to post my thoughts about the show, but here's the Reader's Digest version: Row 6, dead center, simply rocks. He was standing right in front of me, and I was flabbergasted. The TV show medley made me smile; the classics medley had me doubled over in laughter. I'm still laughing about him getting on his knees during 1999 to mimic Prince, and his dancing during Tractor was so spot on. LAA was superb, although surprisingly, I did not cry during that song. I thought it extremely interesting that he faced one side during the entire song, and while the jumbotron had his face in full screen, he kept his eyes closed the entire time. To me, he was so vulnerable with that performance -- maybe even a bit scared? BYLM, though, had me in tears -- there was some real emotion that was simply palpable. It was the perfect ending the a perfect show. I cannot wait to see what tonight brings. *waves to Claygasm and muskifest* :F_05BL17blowkiss: to HeidiHo and playbiller
  21. *wipes sleep from my eyes* Morning all! Heidi and I are in Houston, have been here since yesterday afternoon. I would have been on sooner, but I was still pissed off at the hotel for charging for internet! So, Heidi finally sprung for it...and so I'm soaking it up while she's waking up this morning! Had a great time last night hanging out with muski and Claygasm last night at the overpriced bar, having some wonderful margaritas! It was so much fun just hanging with some Clay fans and shooting the breeze over anything and (almost) everything. The "almost" is because the two ladies did a great job of keeping the details of the Frisco show from us. I can only imagine what the Clay Nation has been like for the past few days. Some good, some bad, some angst, some giddiness. In other words, TOUR TIME!!! Looking forward to the show this evening! BTW, Karen Eh?, great finally meeting you last night, and I love seeing your pictures. That was the one thing I was definitely curious about, and I can see that he's still got that killer grin! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE Tonight, tonight -- won't be just any night!
  22. Why yes, we do.... 07/04/07 Frisco, TX Claygasm clayismynumber1 KAndre Karen Eh? keepingfaith merrieee muskifest Okie4Clay playbiller Scarlett Solo And there's probably more, but no one told me! Heh. The entire list is here! I'm in the midst of packing right now. 5 pair of shoes for 4 days is good, right? How about 5 Clay t-shirts? Actually, I cut that down to 3, because I'm sure I'll buy at least 1 from the merchandise stand. I've also got CD's packed for the road trip to Tulsa, not to mention tons of DVD's to watch in the hotel rooms. I have a feeling before I leave tomorrow morning I will have at least peaked at the Frisco thread to see what he's sung and what he looked like. My willpower is fading.... Love the avi's cindilu! I might have to steal one when I get back... OK, more to do....
  23. :7254: to the Smut Queen of this board, muskifest! It's here, you know? And yet, it doesn't seem real to me. I think being on vacation beforehand made me al discombubulated, you know? Jenna and YSRN, you've said about fandoms what I was trying to say last night. I think we're no stranger than a lot of other fandoms, and that most people outside of the fandom do not understand the intensity. It just seems strange though that the Claymates are picked upon -- but then, I can't say anything to that either, because of being a Star Trek geek too. *g* Safe travels everyone! I love all the emoticons too! Hee.
  24. I really have nothing to add here, other than for tour merchandise! Safe travels to all.... ...and I'm going to go to bed now, in order to get ready for my packing tomorrow! I will surely miss the cellcert tomorrow night...partially to stay unspoiled for my show, and partially from the fact that I have to get up at oh-dark-thirty the next day for my flight to Houston! YEEHAW!!!!!
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