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Carolina Clay

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Everything posted by Carolina Clay

  1. Thnx, Cindy -- glad you like it. The friend who sent the book doesn't own a computer. I am trying to figure out my new photo printer to include a copy of the pix in her Christmas gift. I'm not gullible (or maybe I am), but my mouth has been wide open most of the afternoon. Have a great week, all! Caro
  2. WORD! Happy Birthday to Wandacleo and Keldanker! Sorry about the cancellations, but I think you are wise. I have the Panthers game on in the background, and FOX keeps showing Cleveland, which looks pretty bad, too. ETA: PermaSwooned, just read your post. Hope all will be well! This picture is in my blog, but I'll share it anyway. I think it's my new favorite picture of grandson Kai. Clickable -- The Student Have a great day, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Caro
  3. That's pretty fast -- a cell phone pix! Caro
  4. Can't wait to see the pictures. Sounds as if they are "closer forward on stage," according to CV's cellcerter -- not to mention the hair (now that someone brought it up). ETA: My avvy is "Tyra hair." Caro
  5. For his children ... and my grandson ... and the whole world! Caro
  6. Embouchure means the way you form your lips. I should be practicing, but I'm looking over the music and listening to Clay. Funny, I practice the way I form my lips when I'm listening to Clay. But I've never touched an oboe. Hubbahubba -- I was waiting for you to touch that line, Cindy!
  7. Embouchure means the way you form your lips. I should be practicing, but I'm looking over the music and listening to Clay.
  8. I should be working on getting my oboe embouchure for a rehearsal in the morning, but instead am listening to a fine oboist accompany Clay Aiken. Caro
  9. LOL, I take that back -- I had my sound turned down!
  10. Silence at CV. Y'all tell us what is happening. Caro
  11. Me, too!!! Hi, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss: The Spamalot flyer sounds neat. Do we have a scan yet? Caro
  12. Thnx! After reading about your , I added that to the blog entry tonight, too. Apparently, CV has discovered your videos, Cha Cha. They are making the rounds! Have a great evening, all! Caro
  13. Congratulations on a very successful project, Rohdy! Thank you for sharing, Luckiest1. Can't wait to hear our southern singer as a Brit! ChaChaTrusty, I love your full stage photo from Washington; so I used it as the visual link to a DC slide show. The picture has already received some very nice comments. LonelyNoMore44, I also added links to your DSIAFCD and AIW videos on YouTube. I think the DC AIW was vocally outstanding. After five straight shows, a night off does wonders for the voice. When Clay is touring, my three-day blogging routine is old news fast. Many thnx to both of you for helping with my Washington update. I have been listening to Deborah's audio. It's amazing how much chit-chat Mr.-No-Banter-This-Time is doing. Y'all have a great day. I'm off to teach some younguns music in nearby High Point. See you when I return! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Caro
  14. One more thing ... we're not Clay, but we have a special song for these members today: Duckyvee and Jasr9203! Love the Jazzy Medley, which I downloaded at CV! I called Sally and told her she has to download this. It has to be off the charts live. Caro
  15. Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Luckiest1, thank you for the photos, which I will add to my slide show and check out Smugmug links for Kareneh and Snix. I love your beautiful new avatar. Kalamazoo was indeed a gold mine for clack! Btw, I was just one of a board full of witnesses to the cleavage talk and how gorgeous Clay is. G'morning, Cindilu2! Speaking of which -- Scarlett, I am currently listening to/watching yours. Awesome! Looking forward to the Ode! Safe travels to those on the road. Have a wonderful day, all! :thbighug-1: Caro
  16. Cindilu2, love all the recaps today; and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing you on the CV cellcert night. LOL, every single word! So much beautfiul clack from Kalamazoo. I finally made a slide show to get more photos in my blog. Sheiladownunder! Have a great evening, all! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Caro
  17. Good Evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I quoted so many posts that all I need to do is nod ... WORD ... DITTO! Thank you very much, Playbiller. I'm glad you enjoy the blog. Today's edition includes some the great press I've seen linked here, my crazy Cyber Monday experiece, and some of the awesome photos and graphics from the opening three concerts. I notice that this photo has been posted a few times in the past few pages. This is how ABeautifulMind "wrapped" SmartyPantsSuz's picture: Clickable by ABeautifulMind Wanda, I'm late getting to this "post of the day." Awesome! One of Cindilu2's calendars and the beautiful snow globe with Kareneh's picture are also featured in the current blog. I have finally bookmarked this site now, Cindy! Perfect description! My little ode to the... critics (click) http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/0803/cin...t=Odetofans.flv I turned off CV Radio and watched this. Poifect! Safe travels, all! Have a fabulous party for Clay in Kalamazoo! We'll be throwing confetti from home! I spent more time making my emoticon count legal than composing this post, LOL! Have a great evening, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Caro
  18. Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Loving the tour from afar via recaps and clack. It must really be something in person. Beautiful banner, merrieeee! Cindilu2, these are gorgeous! Thank you for having Clay "mesmerize" us. Messed up my quotes, but keepingfaith posted: I agree with keepingfaith RE the brown/wine backgrounds. I fell in love with the brown version, and either makes an awesome desktop. The handsome graphic in the middle is stunning with either border. Here are the wine-colored versions you posted a few pages back: I ran this as the lead graphic in my previous blog. My current OFC entry features the Wichita concert and -- after a little updating -- the St. Louis performance, too. I'm off to bring the Carolina On My Mind version up to date. Have a great day, all! Caro
  19. Greetings, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I have been reading earnestly of all that's happening with our members, Clay, et al. Just never seem to have enough time to post. Since I am an online shopper, today is perfect. I will try to do better. Hope all those in the US had a great Thanksgiving and the Canadians a very good day as well. Apparently, most everyone enjoyed quite a feast. On this holiday, my family heads east, so it's just me. However, I did make oyster dressing. Excellent analogy. Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please? Before Christmas-y stuff starts in earnest, how about one more in Fall-ish colours? Regular Widescreen Cindilu2 -- this is gorgeous and does indeed make a beautiful desktop! Kareneh, I enjoy reading your posts. Excellent analogy on "musical direction." Thnx for sharing pictures from your husband's cell phone of the Maiden's Tower. You can read the Community Discussion and see what people are saying about the product of the day. Here is a sample comment: Hope Clay was able to enjoy being with his guests. Y'all have a great day! Caro
  20. Good Morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Loving all the Vegas Clack -- and many thnx to all who have contributed! My blog went up on the 7th with photos by Farouche and Lindylo, but I have saved several from the later postings by AAIT, PermaSwooned, SmartyPantsSuz, Cameocat, et al. Thank you all for sharing your experience via photos, recaps, and videos! Yep, you think I would have learned that by now. Kim Kim, you have received excellent advice. Sorry to see the evil green ink in your post. Play, glad you and your sprain survived the trip. Sometimes sprains are worse than a break. I have much experience with orthopedic doctors, beginning with breaking my leg stepping on a piece of soap and doing the split in the bathtub. I am limber as all get out, but the dang tub ran out. Very cute pin designs, Cindilu2! Happy TGIF! Caro
  21. Good Afternoon, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Luckiest1, thnx for the report! Love your NJU story! I am a great fan of the mountains and architecture of the Southwest. I graudated from UT-El Paso, and that was major culture shock for young bride, very different from Carolina! Sending more good vibes for Playbiller! :big hug: Toots, my major instruments are oboe and cello. However, when I taught orchestra, I used a violin to demonstrate -- much easier to carry around than a cello. My new Roomba has taken its maiden voyage. Poor baby had to stop after half a room to recharge. My living room was in dire need of deep cleaning, so we are in the middle of that job. Roomba had a time with the pedals on my grand piano. I'm sure this will end up in a blog. Y'all have a great day! Caro
  22. :thbighug-1: Play, hope that does the trick! I have a collection of boots myself. I once had to rent juvenile crutches, but they worked a lot better than regular crutches. I finished teaching a semester with them. It's kind of hard to carry a violin, materials, etc., with crutches. All the best in catching your plane tomorrow. Have a blast ... and don't forget the pain pills! The Nashville Auditions on "Rewind" were neat because we knew so many of the contestants. I didn't realize five of the Top 10 came through there. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. For those who qualify -- enjoy the extra hour! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Caro
  23. Hello, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: to Cindilu2! Cruise by the PSP Forum sometime today, too. Love the new banner, Cha Cha! Thanks for the recaps, all. It's a good thing the video wasn't uploaded to YouTube before I finished writing the blog. I'm on the way to foregoing sports today, and that's saying something! Have a great weekend, all! Caro:
  24. Irishbookgal has some great pictures that they will upload when they get back to the hotel. Caro
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