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Everything posted by gbmifan

  1. Yesterday I was at work and my patient was a 9 month old little boy who was on a ventilator and has been since birth. He was admitted the night before so he is on one at home all the time. When I was taken care of him I was talking to his Mom. She told me he was born through IVF. This baby was born after their eight attempt at IVF. She started each pregnancy and within weeks lost the babies. This time they inplanted three eggs and were hoping for triplet, but only one took. She delivered this baby at 27 weeks, and he has had lung problems ever since. They are not young parents they have a set of twins that are 22 years old. You can just see that, with all the health problems this little guy has, that he was very much wanted and loved. It just made me think that not all IVF take the first time, and just maybe this pregnany of Jaymes truely was a miracle, and by the way Clay wrote Parker was really wanted and will be loved.
  2. Talk about work, I have another 12 hours shift tomorrow. I complained the other day to you that I was pulled to the NICU and would just be taken care of little ones only there to grow. I went to work and they put me in the acute nursery. All those babies were born around 26-27 weeks. All really sick, and on ventilators. Did not sit down much, my patient had meds every hour, along with tube feeding etc. I am not tall, and while I was changing the isolettes bedding I realized I was holding this little guy in that nice secure football hold. He was a real cutey even if he was really tiny.
  3. Vacation- Even though I have been gone alot this year I would still love to be traveling. Wedding for my son in 4 weeks. Today his fiance sister e-mailed me and and wants childhood through college pictures. I thought I was going crazy because I could not find his albums. I found 4 for my first son, 3 for my second, and none for him. I knew we went through them about 3 years ago and made collages for above my fireplace. After only finally finding a few loose ones I gave up and called him. Had to break the secret that they were making a video but to not tell his fiance. He had the two photo albums I was looking for. We have pictures in the computer for the last 4 years, so those I was not worried about. Then I was also told I needed pictures about 8x10 of our wedding, our parents wedding, and their parents wedding. Mine was easy, my parents I had to e-mail my sister who took my parents home with her to Kentucky to redo the album, and I still have not found any pictures of my grandparents or my husband grandparents. His parents we found a nice one. He does not remember his mother since she dies when he was eight month old. Now I know why I need a vacation. I am riding my bike next week for 340 miles. That is work but we will be with several hundred people, many who I see once a year. Here's hoping everyone has a great time. I probably will be really far behind the week Spamolot starts. Wedding on the 20th and many people staying at this house from the 18th to the 21st. I am hoping I can just get away long enough to read some recaps.
  4. I had three babies all boys. The first weighted 5lbs8oz, he was born 8 weeks early after I had been at work all day. My water broke that night and we could not stop labor. Got to the hospital and five hours later he was here. Was a good size and the Dr. on call thought I had my dates wrong. I new I was right, and 10 minutes after he was born he had respiratory distress and transfered to the neonatal intensive care. Was there for ten days with periods of having apnea and bradycardia, and high bilirubin. Finally came home, he was nursed for one year, but took him a little while to get the idea on how to do it. He kept wanting to blow instead of suck. My second boy weighed 9#5oz, was in labor a short time and delivered after being at the hospital for about two hours. He was a big baby for me since I am under five foot tall. He got stuck and his heart rate dropped so they did a mid forcep delivery in turn I had third degree tares(SP) and a vaginal laceration that took an hour and a half to sew me up. My third weighed 8#8oz, they kept telling me he was going to be over ten pounds, I kept telling them I was not going to deliver that big of baby. Thank goodness he was smaller. Scared me a little bit when they said he had a heart murmer, but it is functional , no problems with it. Played sports with no problems. Back then we just did not take any drugs during labor. You took classes to learn how to breathe, but because of my early delivery for the first one I never finished them. Was able to nurse all of the boys for a year each. I always teased my husband he never lost sleep because I would get up the minute I heard them. The only problem I had was with my third child who would not take a bottle when I was at work. He would wait till I got home to eat. The first day I returned to work I left my husban with a newborn, a 2.5 year old, and a 5 year old. I called him a lunch time to see how things were going. His comment was he did not care to discuss it. That when I discovered my youngest was never going to have anything but the breast in his mouth. He never sucked his thumb or took a pacifer.
  5. I remember the interview with Clay and Ryan and talking about the placenta. Is it really a southern tradition? I had never heard of it before the interview. Should make myself get to bed, have to work twelve hours tomorrow and I already know our census is down and I will be pulled to neonatal intensive care. They have really been busy lately. I have a really hard time being in one room the whole day, with about six babies. I usually get put in the grower room, so most of this little ones are about three pounds or more who just got to prove they can gain weight and keep it on. When I was younger I use to say this fullfilled my need of wanting another baby. I stopped after three and if I would of felt we could of afforded more I would of had another. So holding babies and feeding them all day is not really bad, I just get a little stir crazy.
  6. Been trying to catch up since I got back Thurs. night. Painted 500 miles of road. Stencil used with spray paint and placed a marking on every turn, and when the riders will be on a long stretch, painted a straight marking, a feel good marking to assure that you are on the right road. My rt. arm is sore from opening the van door and shutting it after getting in and out of the van. At least I have the whole route in memory so I never have to look at a map while I am riding. It took up two full days to do this, both days we painted for 12 hours. I am another one who is in love with FIEKY, that is one song that I repeat often. When I left last week the announcement was just made about Spamalot. I know that I will never get to see this, but I look forward to nightly reports and of course stage door video. I really feel that it is an honor to be asked back. I hope they are paying him well.
  7. I am so excited for him. I know that I will not be able to go, but I will enjoy everyone report after the show. He starts the night before my sons wedding. Busy weekend with many guest, I hope I can get online and read recaps. I am also happy tonight. We bought a new house today. Much bigger than what I need, but the price was right. We wanted a house with a first floor master bedroom and we finally found one with everything we wanted including a big kitchen. Our house today has all the bedrooms on the second story, and I know someday I would not be liking climbing those stairs many times a day. Now we need to sell this house. Hopefully, even though the market is down, that it will not take forever. I to hope someone can bring those pictures over!!!
  8. Just to clarify I do not think he is "Ugly". I really love most pictures of him. I was stating what some comments that are left on news sites whenever he has a picture up. I disagree with them, but I think ever since Simon got away with calling him that people feel that they can give the same opinion. Whenever I have seen him in concert or the handshake line, it amazes me how handsome he really is.
  9. It seems like everytime there is a candid shots they pick the worst one to post. I could care less, but you know many people will comment how "ugly" he is. I do not feel this way, I personally think he is very handsome, but the Jenna Bush picture did not do him any favors. It seems this year I am always heading out somewhere. For the next two days I am painting turn arrows on the rode for our bike trip over Labor Day weekend. That is two days, probably twelve hour days, in and out of the van at every turn for about 500 miles. Last year my legs were sore from stepping up into the van all the time. As much as I want him to have his privacy, I really would like one picture of Parker.
  10. I enjoy reading all of your birthing history. Like a said earlier my first baby was 32 weeks along when he decided to join us. I had been out riding my bike the night before on our weekly training ride. Noticed it was harder to sit on the seat leaning forward to hang on the bars. Just felt it was me just getting bigger. Went to work the next day, worked my ass off all day. Was working a Coronary Care Unit and we started with 7 patients and I admitted 7 new patients that day. Never took a break all day and my ankles were huge by the end of the day. Went home and later that night my water broke. I still remember my husband reaction when I woke him up. He told me it was my imagination and to go back to sleep. I convinced him I needed to go and get checked, he drove thrity miles a hour to the hosptial and just new we would be going back home. I fooled him, within 5 hours we had a baby boy. For him being early he still weighed 5#8oz. Good weight if only he would stop having apnea and his heart rate dropping we would of been fine. I remind him to this day how he scared us. He will be 29 in 10 days. My other two babies were 9#5oz, and 8#8oz. They kept teasing me at the Dr. office with my last one that he would weigh 10#. My answer back I was not delivering a ten pound baby. Lucky for me he was smaller.
  11. My first baby was born at 32 weeks, so he was not going home with me, my doctor felt bad for me and let me stay 5 days so I could be with him as much as possible. The other two boys were full term and I went home in 2 days. I really felt great after all of their birth. Took forever to loose the weight, even though I gained between 30-38 pounds. Thought if I nursed them I would loose weight faster. Never did work. I nursed them all for a year each and it still tooks months to get into my clothes. Jaymes reminds me of my sister, she had her first baby two weeks before I had my second, and she left the hospital in her size 5 Calvin Klein jeans. I left in maternity pants.
  12. The way Clay is holding the baby is called the Football hold. We use it carry full term babies all the time. It support the head and body well, and the baby is very secure. He does look very confident while carrying Parker.
  13. Watching the Olympics this afternoon I have to say that I know what those women road racers are feeling. I did a four day bike tour once that it rained constantly for the whole time. That was 80 miles a day for 4 days. Nothing I owned was try. I put the tent up and down in the rain, sleeping bad got wet, and all my bike clothes, shoes,gloves, etc. were soaked. Also riding in the rain is very dangerous. The roads are very slippery, just from the oil that surfaces. I kept thinking that I hope there is not a really bad accidents today. I did see a few go down but it did not seem like there was any injuries. I also am trying to read the Kite Runner.(I did not read it when Clay recommended it). We are having Mr. Hosseini speak at our Library Foundation event in October and I am on the committee. I had read his other novel previously. I finally have all my volunteer hours for the school district in. They were suppose to be in at the end of June. Just got the last one yesterday. The most hours by parents we have ever had. We had over 2700 parent volunteer and put in 99.947 hours. Last year we had 82,000 hours. I really think that all that participation really makes for a great school district. I do not like negativity to the point that it is rehashed over and over. Some messages I have read is that they are leaving the fantham because he is not the person they thought he was and they are so disappointed. He did not break and laws, get arrested, use drugs etc. He just had a baby. I am usually very conservative but if that what makes him happy then in my opinion this event is a joy. I have to say that in the last 8 months he has seemed so joyous with a great smile on his face. It is all good.
  14. I was at work on Friday and was on the computer charting when I decided to go to the news sites because I was stuck in one room for awhile. (We really are not supppose to brose the internet, but I could not stand just sitting there). I was so surpised when I saw it posted. That is all I could read, could not go on any Clay related sites. We have one family computer which I could of went on but It was out for repair of our lock, since someone tried to lift it. I was so happy for him, I called my friend, who does not belong to any message boards and said two words, A boy. She too was very excited. This person had lost 4 babies and had a daughter at age 41 after 15 years of marriage. She was praying all along that things would be ok, and kept saying that he was not talking mainly because of the risk this pregnancy was. Whatever Clay and Jaymes are either Friends or Lovers it is their life and in my opinion this baby was really wanted and will be loved. If IVF was used this did not probably happen in a one time shot, sometimes it takes multiple times and many disappointments. This was well thought out, and I am sure they have worked out what they invision their life to be. I read the messages from fans that are negative and hope they can get by this. He is so talented and I hate to see them tear him down because he does not meet their expectations.
  15. I miss Clay but never expected him to be around this summer. When listening to some interviews it came across that he would be taking some time off. Sure I wish he was seen a little more when the CD came out, but I believe some of the problem was the summer hiatus of many shows. I hope they release a second single and we get him promoting it. I was one who did not think there would be a Fall tour. When he mentioned that no plans were made yet, I just thought there would not be enough time to pull one together. We have not heard of a Christmas tour, and I do hope that we get one. I do remember that in 2004 it was fall before we heard of the tour that year. So I can still hope for awhile yet. Of to Mom's this am. She has been under the weather for a couple of weeks, and I told her today we are leaving her house, so get up and get dressed to go out shopping and lunch. Saturday and yesterday were beautiful here, we rode our bikes 42 miles on Saturday and 65 miles on Sunday. My 5 day bike trip is at the end of the month. I think I in good enough shape. We plan of doing a 80 mile day just prior to this so I think all is good. The weather in Michigan has been cooler this summer. I am afraid the week of my trip that the 90 degree days will start and that will be terrible. I just do not do well in heat. The air temp, the blacktop temp, and a few hot flashes really make it miserable.
  16. I know this is a downer post, but it is my mode this am. Yesterday at work my day sucked. The three month old I was taken care of on the ventilator was taken off and allowed to die peacefully by request of his parents. We were trying for a couple of days for organ donation but it looked like it was going to be another few days before he would qualify and the Dad said he was ready to let go. It was so hard watching the parents go through this. I think sometimes it is even harder now since my grandson died in February. On a happier note, keep those great photos coming. I never get tired of seeing pictures of him. I really do miss Clay.
  17. I cannot stand ants!!!!! I walked into my kitchen a couple weeks ago and there were ants all around the baseboard and under my table. I went out and bought traps, then left on vacation. When I got back I still had ants but they had not migrated any further. My hubby went out and mowed the lawn and discovered the base of the house had huge ant hills. He sprayed those suckers, and I have had no further ants. We have been in this house for 20 years and that was the first time I had ants inside. I gave a Dell laptop and so far after only 2 years have had no problems. Mine is XP and I really do not want to try Vista. I am told you can still ask Dell for XP for awhile yet. My husband work laptop is also a Dell and he is on it for about 10 hours a day with no problems. He recieves alot of his work via the computer such as product prints, many tables etc. I hope that all of you who got tickets today have just a great time. Take some awesome pictures or video if allowed. Will be anxious that night till recaps are done.
  18. I am sorry such a short time tonight. At least I caught up on the pages I did not get a chance to read earlier. Got to get to bed, have to drive to take care of my mom's stuff tomorrow. She has been sick all week with a virus, and my sister who lives 3 minutes from her has called me complaining on Friday that she was to busy with going to a friends daughter wedding on Saturday to deal with her. I wanted to give her a smartass answer since apparently her wedding she was attending within 20 minutes from her house was far more important then my attending my sons/fiance shower which was an hour away in the opposite direction. I kept my cool and kept checking on my mom via phone. My other sister also came up from Ohio for the same wedding, so I felt between the two of them they could handle things. Family sometimes you just got to love.
  19. I just got back into the house after a very busy weekend. Yesterday was son's and fiance wedding shower. They were both there . They got some really nice gifts. Then afterwards took us to see where there new house was being purchased. They do not close to mid August, then my son will move in and do some work. His fiance says she will not move in to after the wedding. Today we rode 40 miles this am on our bikes then spent the day at the lake with my other son and his wife. We were just giving them a hard time because all three of my sons forgot my birthday on Friday. No one called, and at the shower on Saturday my hubby made some comment to my youngest son. I know they did not forget on purpose. They kept saying that the date just did not strike a thought on the day. My husband said for once he was not going to remind then and see what would happen. I had to laugh at my one son because I reminded him that the code to get into his garage was the date of my birthday. Those bracelets are beautiful. I am not very crafty. I use to knit at one time, made sweaters, scarfs, etc. but have not for awhile. I still do some needlework, but can not sew at all. Cotton dishclothes my mother makes them for me all the time. I can not go to the Gala, but I hope for those getting tickets tomorrow, that all is in your favor.
  20. It is beautiful day in Michigan today, light breeze, temp around 80, low humidity. The roofers are working away, so the car right now is in the garage with a pile of old roofing material in the way in the driveway. I had to get my report to the schoos district today so I hopped on my bike and rode it the their central office. Our school district has a lot of parents who put in a lot of volunteer hours. I turned in the report, with one school missing, they have not responded for my plea to get it in. We have 13 schools from K-12 and we had about 2500 parents volunteer someway and all total we had over 87,000 hours of time giving. I hoping if the one remaining school reports that we will hit 90,000 hours. That is a record for us. Just think if they would have to pay staff for this time. I have not work my nursing job for almost a month due to taking vacation time. It is going to feel strange going back next week. Our summer census is usually low so they have not been bugging me to come in. Clay content - I miss him and can not wait to his vacation is done. I hope that Jaymes pregnacny is going well. My friend keeps reminding me how this is such a gift. She lost 5 babies and finally had her daughter when she was in her early 40's. Her daughter is now 10 and keeps us laughing alot with statements that she makes. She was so serious last year when we got our tickets for Kalamazoo and her mother could not at that time get her tickets for Hannah, she looked at us and said we did not understand. That Miley was the biggest pop star out their in the world and that we were going to see a wash up pop star. We both looked at her and started to laugh. Her wish did come true and she did get to her concert also. Now a year later she is not sure she really likes Miley/Hannah anymore. She actually took her poster down in her room. I guess that is great about not being young and fickle.
  21. Aikim - I know where you are at. My son's wedding is the same day, and I know I do not have half the work the brides family has. Our shower is this Saturday. My sisters can not go so I have like 6 gifts to walk in with. Yesterday the wedding invitation came in the mail, and today the bachlorette party invite came. I wrote a check tonight for the rehearsal dinner. My part is a little less financial. It will be here before I know it. I am really enjoying reliving Sterling Heights. That night was just great.
  22. I was at Sterling Heights and took my friend who had never seen Clay live. When he walked past her when he came out into the audiance I thought I was going to have to pick her off the floor. She kept repeating, he is so beautiful. Then the fog really set in.
  23. My first concert ever was Sony and Cher when I was 15. It was at a local teen club and i was in the front row. Then a short time later I saw Simon and Garfunckle at the YMCA at a teen dance. I think I was about 16 then. My senior year in HS I saw many obscure bands in many a farm setting with my then boyfriend. Did not really like the heavy rock but it was somethng to do. Did not get into the Woodstock like atmosphere or the drug use that was around us. I look back now and can not believe I even went.
  24. I was a big Beatles fan. I was soooooo in love with Paul. I have never seen him love, just could not justify the cost, but I have rented a few DVD's with his concerts on them. For some reason I have not purchased his last two CD's. I have not really like the songs. But I still listen to all of his early work, especially when I have a long distance to travel. Got home last evening form Portand and for some reason with the time change I could not sleep at all. So I am dragging today. Today we are getting a new roof, the pounding is trying me nuts, and that does not take much. I really like the last picture from Unicef, he does glow when he is with children.
  25. Boy it is sure slow around here. Taking off tomorrow for four days to Portland,Wa. to visit some friends who use to bike with us and got transfered out there. No internet access so something will probably happen. I am one of those who does not like to be to disagreeable on a message board. If you talk to me in person I am far more vocal. I just have a hard time typing what I actually want to say. There has been some things that Clay has said or done that I may not like but when I really disagree with someone I tend to take their opinion and sit on it. I do not like being controversional. I want this fantham to be fun, not giving me a headache or a sad feeling. When I am reading other places, I know that alot of people (or maybe the same few), just believe that he is done and will never get respect because of his actions or non comments on subjects that the tabloids continue to bring out. I just what to believe that he will be here for us , and we will see him in concerts again, and maybe some other project is on it way. I do not believe he is ready to give this all up. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
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