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Everything posted by Clayzorback

  1. I remember ldyjocelyn. Clay did encourage his fans to do that, but I think that they initiated the behavior first and he just went along, and encouraged them to do it later in the tour. But I could be wrong. There has been a couple of times he has said things, like my fans will beat you up etc, that I felt some OTT people would take to heart and think Clay was really advocating that. I would never dream to approach total strangers, seated in a concert setting, and tell them to duct tape their cameras. Normal procedure is for the theater or the artist to make an announcement about no flash photography, and for security to tend to those who don't mind. It really isn't the responsibility of Clay's fans and he should not encourage that type of behavior IMHO. But he was young, dumb and full of cum back then....... What is OTT to me might not be over the top to you or someone else. PermaSwoon I agree with you. They should of put Clay on AC right from the get go instead of trying to put him in with the MTV crowd. This is what a certain segment of Clay's fans think Clay should be and he just isn't going there. I admit in the first year of my fandom, this is what I wanted for Clay too. However he isn't going to be a ROCKSTAR>>>>>>>>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0o4W_VyJljs
  2. Bwahaa. Cracked me up. Just like when ldyjocelyn said bang to Claygasm when she said shoot me. The Prayer didn't do it for me either. Andrea Bocelli and Celine Dion's version is awesome as well as Josh Groban and Church's? version. I am not a fan of Clay in the deep voice either. It comes acrosss as appealing more to real old people. Sorry. I'm pretty sure I read on here a recap from someone who had a meet and greet with Clay. It is reported that some one asked him why he doesn't get radio play. IIRC he said that it was his fan's fault. Because they annoyed the DJs and station programmers and became a nuisance until he was blackballed. So yes. I can certainly understand why some venues and some people and places would not want Clay's business because of his OTT fans. I think a prime example of being OTT, at a concert, is when fans bring their roll of duck tape with them, and walk the aisles telling perfect strangers to let them cover the flash on their cameras. Because it hurts their baby boy's eyes. Are you kidding me? NO!!!! OTT behavior that I can't stand is his mother hen protectors. The ones who worry and engage the swamp people like Perez Hilton and John Paul ass. The ones who send piles of useless information about a couple of nut jobs to Clay's attorneys. Thinking they are doing Clay a favor. OTT behavior like the fans that are sure to write the reviewer of that People Mag and let them know, in no unccertain terms ,what a piece of shit they are for dissing their boy. OTT? Fans that tell reporters that Clay is the Savior. Oh God, we could go on and on about the reputation Clay's fans have given themselves and it isn't very pretty IMHO. I think it was ldyjocelyn who used the word overkill. Perfect word to describe some behavior. Pop Music, in my estimation of what that is, is alive and well on AC/HOT AC. Clay's single is listed on the Spincrease chart on All Access as having 6 stations playing him now with an increase of 15 spins. If I read that correctly. It will take awhile longer to get in the top 10 on AC, but once he is there he will be played forever. I imagine that a lot of these music reviewers are young people. People who are used to reviewing rock music and not so much AC music. I pay no attention to music or movie reviews. I also agree that the people review is probably pretty accurate in their description of Clay's ballad songs. His way of singing some ballads could be described as Schmaltzy or cheesey. That's true. That stuff is likely not to be a radio hit. Clay likes to choose songs and sing them in a way that is a throwback to another era. He really was born too late. Hopefully, though, if they release Ashes or Fallen they will have a hit on radio. Anyway I think the male music critics just have penis envy, and are frustrated musicians who could never make it big themselves. Giving bad reviews, to those who can, is as close to being in the limelight as they will ever get. Female critics would change their opinions of Clay if they could see how nicely he fills ouy a pair of white slacks.............
  3. Ansamcw, I can't wait to hear EIDN recorded. I think kipper wrote a great song. I image that there is going to be a lot of songs I will like on OMWH, once I hear the whole song. WooHoo...only 5 more days to go peeps. The last group of snippits I heard, LAA DID sound exactly like his already recorded version. I don't know why the one I heard sounded like it had been changed with different instrumentation and faster. I can't wait to hear ASHES, FALLEN, WIDTL, EIDN , in their entireity. I may change my mind on SAU and TRM and a couple of others after I hear them. It's hard to tell by the way he sang them on QVC and the short snippets we got. keepingfaith, I went to Qwest in Omaha for the Independant tour and Ford Center for the AI2 tour. Ford Center is where I met my touring friend sheiladownunder. :F_05BL17blowkiss: Believe me, neither one of those was the Kelly or Ruben shows. He was so hot and most people were there for him, and him only. I don't know anything about Live Nation or how tours are booked and who pays what expenses. I just know that he has lost a considerable amount of following since those days. Due to being out of sight out of mind with no radio presence, no videos, I believe. I do know that Clay has a tendancy to be "thrifty", as evidenced by the same clothes he's had for 5 years or more, if you count those tan cargo shorts he wears. So maybe he purposely just wants to book small venues with orchestras to keep his cost down and to keep all the money himself, but I just have a feeling he would prefer playing to those same type of larger venues he was when he was hot. That picture of him standing on stage in his home town filling that huge arena, where he is trembling fighting back the tears, makes me believe that. I agree with you, that he is ready to go now. I think this CD has the potentail for airplay. I think his label is ready to back him, a LOT MORE now, than they have in the past. I think part of that is because he has come to understand some things and be willing to change his mind on things.. So I think what ever differences he has had with them has been satisfied to both parties. I am hoping that all the beautiful updates to his page on Sony, and the RCA message board, his MySpace, his own YouTube site all the tons of attention he has got in articles etc etc, shows they mean business this time. The free advertisement he has obtained from Spamalot was awesome. Best thing he ever did for himself, I believe. Heidi, I hear a great time was had between you and my friend keepingfaith. She is a keeper isn't she? Need to get ready for work......
  4. People, people, people. Stop speed reading my posts, and you won't misinterpret them. Sheesh........ First off, for the last 4 years I have pretty much figured out that Clay is never going to appeal to the teens and his peer group, for the most part. I have posted time and time again that he attracts an older demographic and have been lambasted on more than 1,000 occassions for saying so. Strolls down Memory Lane at OFC. Hee Hee! He will never be a rock star or a hit on top 40. He is AC and that is where I have always felt he belongs. Because of the way he sings, and what he chooses to sing. Not a criticism, just a fact. He is a song stylist. An interpreter of the lyrics.I am not upset that he can't get kids or think he can't have a career without them. I just said that I thought Spamalot gave him an image change that might be considered more cool to the youner crowd. In response to those posts talking about a younger fanbase. However, though, I felt they would change their mind if they heard the ballad songs on his new CD. They don't appeal to that demographic enough for Clay to ever be a big hit on top 40. Thank you Kim for posting that comment about what Clay said regarding the 40's big band era. That is where my remark, about those two songs appealing to that era came from. I didn't mean only people born in that time would love the songs. I was just referring to the way he sings them in a style that is a throwback to a different era. I was speaking figuratively. I know that QVC attracts his demographic not teens and 20 somethings. I think I posted that when we first discovered he had a gig on there, I felt it was a great opportunity for him to reach out and enlarge his demographic by being on this show. I am his target age and the songs did not appeal to me, at all, the way he sang them live on the show. I just felt it was a bad showing. 15,000 cds sold on QVC with the viewership they have is paltry, by my estimations. I am disappointed. I think he could of sold double that if they had of just played the tracks off the cd instead of him singing when he was not prepared or ill or too tired or whatever. I thought his allergies might be acting up. I love you too keepingfaith :F_05BL17blowkiss: and we do disagree about the touring. There is a reason why he has not been able to get tour sponsers. I think it is because he can't fill the big venues. 2-3 thousand tickets sold is a far cry from the QWEST in Omaha or The Ford Center in Oklahoma City. I agree that Clay has fans that are not online but where are they when he tours? It's his hard core internet fans, I feel that are going from one show to the next that is the captive audience he has. I don't think it will always be that way, at least I hope not. Now I need to go watch me some politics. Because I have turned into the political junkie this year.
  5. No Clay in California? There are tons of states Clay hasn't toured in. He has to be asked and if there is no demand for him, he won't be. He isn't the superstar some think he is. No single, except Invisible got any decent radio play. Hopefully Spamalot will do a lot to change his image and make him more cool to some younger kids. That is untill they hear a few of those ballads on his new CD. I'm sorry but, The Real Me and Something about us is geared more for the people from the 40's era. No matter how pretty he sings them. As others have said Clay's choice of songs and the way he interprets them are not what appeals to mainstream radio and the youngins. JMHO Love Paula Deen. I was sort of disappointed with the QVC show. I thought he was going to get an hour and he only got a half hour and they only had 12,000 available for order during the show? That was aimed directly at his existing fanbase, in my opinion. Here I posted "sell a 100,000 of them puppies, Clay." Well I always do dream big for him, don't I? I think I need to lower my expectations for his career a bit. I really felt that QVC had the potential to enlarge his fanbase with some new fans. He did not sell those songs to me, an avid fan so I wonder how many new people liked them? Lost opportunity it seems to me. Clay was not on his game. It seemed to me he didn't even want to be there. Tired or not, I wish Clay would give the same consideration, professionalism, and attention to his public appearances and his tours as he did with Spamalot. Now, to say some positive things about QVC. I will say that I was proud of him for seemingly taking the time to learn the words to his new songs. If there was an Aiken Lyric Generator in use, nobody would know. He looked very good, and I have always had an overwhelming urge to kiss him deeply right in his wonky eye. I did dream about him and it was good for me. I hope it was good for him. He kisses and nuzzles the neck very well. Liked the Tyra show. A fan is a fan and even the ones I don't like, their money spends just as good as mine. I'd say right now, that Clay needs them and needs them badly. They are carrying him. Not only in CD and ticket sales but his charity as well. I personally am not going to put myself in debt to go see him 40 times but I sure as heck am glad he has fans with that kind of disposable income or lack of judgement about how they spend their money. He needs it. I do wonder, though, how long we can keep him afloat? I think Jenna is wise beyond her years too.
  6. Bwah! This CMSU! He looks amazing. Gah. I hope he does the finger in-and-out to Ms MicStand while he sings... WOOHOO..............EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Thank you Jesus!!! Sexy hair and sexy looking Clay....About 40 more minutes for me. I'm not streaming. Want to see him AND hear him on my 65 inch TV.................Go Clay! Sell about 100,000 of those puppies. You look magnificent. Thank you. Claygasm & muski for the reports.
  7. A starfleet uniform everyday? You're right of course ldyj. There are OTT people everywhere. In all fandoms. However they don't always get the same "special" attention by the media that Clay's fans get. Or maybe I just don't see or hear about it. :lmaosmiley-1: You know it's all about the hair with Clay ldyj? We spend hours and days discussing it on the boards. I just want him to make a good hawt first impression, that's all. I hope he doesn't come out with short hair and an Andy Williams look to him. I know he is catering to an older audience, but really. You never get too old to look and lust. Isn't the first single coming out tomorrow? Time to watch All Access and track it's climb. Here is a link if anyone wants it. http://www.allaccess.com/ Think I'll go outdoors and finish planting my annuals.
  8. OMG.............Please just say no to Jamie and her scissors. But he won't....Sigh...........Important TV appearance and he will go on looking like anything but the hot sexy man on the CD cover..........I can see it now........ Oh God, how embarrasing for Clay.................Why do some of his fans (nice or not) have to be so OTT? I doubt that with the 93? million viewers who watch QVC that they won't press enoughCDs to cover all orders. I can't imagine them getting him booked on this show to target his demographic and not be prepared. They want to make money, so I think they will print enough CDS. As for his online fanbase, I think ticket sales are a good indication of how many there are. I'd say around 3-5 thousand. I agree with Ansamcw and Jenna. I don't think he will tour, with this CD, until they see what kind of legs it will get. If ticket sales are going to be more than what he got last tour? He is trying to enlarge his fanbase with new fans. QVC and Spamalot are great vehicles for that. I think they want to wait and see if OMWH will be accepted on radio. To see how successful his CD sales are going to be. To see if the demand for him increases. Remember? He said venues have to call and request to book him. Not the other way around. I'm sure he will want to tour for us fans, but I think he also wants to book in venues that hold more than 2-3 thousand people. I know that is what I'd like for him again. JMHO though. I hope he does a 2009 Summer Tour when school is out. Not in the Fall when you only have weekend dates to plan around for going to a show. I am going to pass on any Christmas Tours. I kind of suspect he won't do one this year anyway, but I'm sure he will make a liar out of me.
  9. So far, mine is Fallin' I was bopping to it while driving in my soccer mom van with its sunroof open, the sun shining and the windows down---and just wailing along with Mr. Aiken! You sound like me. Only I'm not a soccer mom and I have a new car. Red sporty Chevy Malibu all decked out. Sunroof and tons of extras. It has 6 speakers and two woofers? Whatever the hell that is. You can hear Clay coming down 71 a mile away......... I like Fallen too. I think I like most all of them with the exception of The Real Me, and the song with the backup singers. Can't remember which one that is. I am trying not to OD on them before the CD comes out. I might like them more after I hear the whole thing and Clay singing them. I listened to Natalie Grant's YouTube version and I did not like it at all. If that is indicative of what was on the CD that never was, I can see why Clive shelved it and went for a covers cd.
  10. I'm sure you're right muski. I believe it was playing on the writer's MySpace. Sorry I can't remember who wrote it. I remember hearing about some sng writtena nd sung by another that was on Clay's album, but I don't remember it being "Grace of God". When I google the song title I get nothing close to it being a song. All I get is an album (by someone else) a group called GOG and a TV show (Medium) with that name. I'd be interested in anyone else's results if they find where it was before!! Grace of God was written by Don Mescall. You can still hear the song on his MySpace: Don Mescall Dagnabit I've got the top of the page curse again but good! It was driving me crazy. I knew I had heard this song and really liked it. For me, the song snippett with the best hook is, Ashes.
  11. I'm sure you're right muski. I believe it was playing on the writer's MySpace. Sorry I can't remember who wrote it. Anyone notice that there are quite a few songs on this CD that are over 4 minutes long?
  12. I like Jason the best. Both David's are good but the young David's eyes creep me out. Too squinty. I don't care for any of the girls. I nevah understood the Carly love, in particular. Her tatooes, alone, turned me off from day one.
  13. And the calendar is all updated, I have been adding the dates as fast as I can...don't think I missed any, but If I did, someone let me know. Kim
  14. Just popping in to say thanks to Claygasm and most Pennsylvanians........Great job! Also to say I hope someone will keep the FCA calendar updated, on the front page, with all these appearances. My God, how are we expected to remember all of them. :lmaosmiley-1: What a busy, busy man our Clay is. Great job with his MySpace. Whoever put that together should be hired to do his OFC. Great colors and so professional looking. Same with the Sony BMG site. I absolutely love his CD cover picture the best, so far. So many different cds and bonus tracks. What's a girl to do? Well, I think I can do without the QVC one. I don't need more of MOAM songs. I've got my Clay Aiken shrine filled with extra cds. There is one other bonus song I don't care too much for, so I can rule that one out. Sorry, I'm having a brain fart and can't remember which one it was. I would like the K-Mart Poster offer, though, and would be happy to return the favor to luckiest and pick her up one for getting me a numbered poster. PM me if you are interested luckiest. I'm so glad WAMLAW won the poll. That Hallelujah song is not my cup of tea, and I really am not into Clay singing songs of faith and religion, that much. Even though he sings those type songs better than other music. I think that will be where he finally wins a grammy. Doing a CCM CD.
  15. Here is the link to order from Wal-Mart. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?...About+the+Album
  16. Isn't it possible that Clay meant that kipper didn't produce LAA originally, but possible he could of remixed it? Is producing and remixing one and the same? It isn't important. Not criticising just making an observation, the same as keepingfaith, that the song sounds different on this cd. You could be right about why it sounds speeded up Oolsee. I wonder why they would just speed up one song though, from all the snippets, or did they speed them all up? I couldn't listen to the other link. I just got the message it was downloading song but it never finished downloading. So I can't compare. As I recall David wrote the music first, then gave it to Clay to write lyrics to. The piano and tempo would seem to be already set for Clay. Of course he could of made requests to change parts of the song the way he liked it. I've always felt Clay has a lot more input into his CDs than fans give him credit for. I bet the Spamalot crew is ecstatic at the amount of money Clay has brought in for them. Not only with tickets sales but with merchandise sales, and auctioned items. Another new record set for our man. Now I am off to go outdoors and enjoy one of the first few nice days we've had here lately. I think I will fix me a martini and work on a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle on the patio. Of course Clay music cranked up for the neighbors to hear.
  17. A very good thing. I agree. Apparently though there must be something wrong with our hearing. I'll have to go back and listen again, but I thought it sounded like he was more uptempo in this version too. I don't know why we got a much shorter snippet on this song than the others. It is so hard to get a feel for it. I am so curious. Ahh. I remember that webisode with Quianna in it. You could be right on who is singing with her, liney, I just hear two voices. Can't tell who they are, but it does sound like Quaianna is one of them. I'm sure lots of fans like David Foster and the way he produced the music for LAA. Music is subjective and we can all have our own opinions on it. I think most would agree. I've always loved the lyrics to Clay's song, LAA. I just never liked the music David Foster wrote for it. To me it is DREADFUL. Too slow and too long. Didn't stop me from owning it. I can't wait to hear the full version on the new cd. If it is the same then, Que sera sera. I'll own 7 more copies of it. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  18. Was it something I said? Boy I can sure clear a room in a hurry, can't I?
  19. It sounded like it was re-recorded to me also. I can't wait to hear the full version. David Foster's piano version was dreadful. It did not do Clay's beautiful lyrics justice, IMHO. I thought I detected strings and a more orchestral sound in the very, very short snippet we got. I figured this cd would be more like MOAM than ATDW. So far I think Ashes is my favorite, and The Real Me my least favorite. Of course it's all subject to change once I hear the whole CD. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Good job Clay.... My "can't wait to hear the full song" keeps changing, but Everything is definitely a leading candidate. I wonder if that's Quiana on background vocals. I wondered the same thing. In fact it sounds like Quianna and Angela both. I remember, though, Clay saying he had wanted Quianna on one of his CDs before, and the label said no. So who knows. Can't hear enough of the song to tell. I wouldn't be surprised if it is. Sure sounds like them to me. I smell radio with this CD..................That is if they release the songs like ASHES!
  20. Thanks for posting that for me. I don't know what happened with my link. It's primarily an interview with Faye about the BAF 'Dancing Like the Stars' event but they play Faye's answering machine message that Clay recorded. Could one of you tech wizards rip just Clay's message from the end of the interview? I put both mp3 and wav file of only the recording of Clay from Faye's interview on my 4shared. This is the info I got on it. Thanks You got that right............. HOLY SHIT!!! I FLOVE Ashes, Falling and Where I Draw the Line!!! Yet to listen to others... ETA: finished listening to the samples. OMG i'm in tears now. I fucking love this album...and I never really love any of Clay's albums (save MCWL) before this. There're four-five songs that I really, really, REALLY look forward to listening to and that's a rare case. It makes me sad that he chooses OMWH as the first single cos there're many other songs that I think are much more radio-friendly and much appealing to the NJUs. Let's hope that a lot of non-fans get to hear these samples...and not just in a Slovenian site!!! ETAA: hello? helloooo? (tm Black Knight) i feel like i've just shot myself a high dose of opium. Oh what a night!!! *goes back to listening* I knew this year was going to be a good one for him. These songs sound pretty good from the short snippets we have. Off to give each one another listen. Clay singing to me while I have my coffee. Can't beat that! As for the TITN video? I FLOVED it just the way it was. It sure looks like hawt sexy Clay to me. I would love to see a clean cut version of it.
  21. He shows up for me when I click the link. You have to scroll down to the end. He is on the left hand side. Last one. ETA: I don't know what is showing up for you, but try searching for pre-orders. Perhaps that will bring the page up for you. Otherwise, I don't know what the problem is.
  22. I got an email from SonyBGMStore today. With a link. For those who just can't spend enough money on Clay. Here is, yet, another place you girls can spend your retirement money on....OMWH is available for pre-order. At the rate of $9.99 you can afford to buy at least 7, on this site alone. This should count as more advertising for Clay too, shouldn't it? I swear that boy never gets any marketing or press, what so evah........... http://shop.myplay.com/search.htm?keyword=pre-order I always enjoy reading your thoughts JennaZ.
  23. Grace Of God! Me likey. Me likey a lot. More than On My Way Here, even.........
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