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Everything posted by Clayzorback

  1. Speaking of Ted kennedy: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080520/ap_on_go_co/kennedy
  2. You go Clay............When I checked All Access this morning he was at 32 and now he has moved up two spots. He is ahead of One Republic who has had their Stop and Stare song out for sometime now........
  3. keepingfaith, I agree with you on why Hillary is staying in and that it is basically over. However there are other reasons she stays that are not so evil driven. Her constituents want her to fight the good fight until the end. The last polls I saw suggest most Americans want her to stay in. She also has a huge debt to pay back. Each state she wins, affords her more donations to help ease that debt. I agree it's politics and I agree with couchie that politics is a dirty business. However, I think it is naive to think that Obama's hands are clean and not politically driven. Or that if the tables were turned he would drop out. I heard he sent a memo around to his people instructing them to look for something that has been said, that they can use the race card for. They found something in what Bill Clinton said and twisted it around and used the race card. THAT is dirty politics too. To even suggest that Bill or Hillary Clinton are raciists is beyond hitting below the belt. There isn't an ounce of racism between the two of them put together. They have done more for African Americans than almost any other politician. For anyone to buy into the racist stuff makes me very hurt, disappointed, and sad. Obama is a politician just like the rest of them. Make no mistake about it. He wants to be president just as badly as Hillary, McCain or anyone else. While he may not be taking money from lobbyists directly, it is being funneled into his campaign. According to what I skimmed in the article you just posted. I question the validty of Hillary and her campaign breaking the Reverend Wright story, though. Sean Hannity did that but I don't know who his sources were. We haven't even discussed the Ayers relationship here. It might be guilt by association, but the truth of the matter is that people judge you by the company you keep. Barrack, IMHO, has not used good judgment in his pick of friends, for someone who planned to seek political office. I want change in politics as much as the next person, but it isn't going to happen anytime soon, IMO. A politician is a politician and I bet it won't be 6 months into Barrack's first year that you will hear of something he has done that will help benefit his state of Illinois or himself. He is not above it all. Same with Hillary and McCain. Speaking of McCain. Why is the left side of his face so swollen? Is that from being beaten while being a pow? Does he have cancer? I didn't know that.........
  4. I get angry because I have a sense of what is right and wrong. What should of been a cake walk for Hillary to the white house was turned into this long fight by Howard Dean and the DNC. With their stupid rules. What gives these parties the right to tell states when they can have their primaries? The whole Democratic voting system is wacked. If Dean, Pelosi, Brazille, and the rest of the DNC had any decency they would step down from their positions. They know it and so does a lot of voters and Hillary supporters. Not just me. Obama never had to work to get this prmary nomination. It was given to him on a silver platter. It might be politics but it is not right. I didn't mean to imply that you don't have a right to change your mind, or was calling you a traitor keepingfaith. I'm sorry if you took it that way. We are supposed to not take things personal in here. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I was seriously interested in who you were voting for. Because you talked about wanting Edwards to win, I knew you campaigned for Hillary, and then now you seem to be for Obama and angry at me for still being a Hillary supporter, and not seeing the light. Hillary has played it hard and rough because she has had to. IMHO She was screwed out of Florida and Michigan by Howard Dean. She has no one but her supporters on her side. The media and her party basically wrote her off from the get go. Along with CNN and that bastard MSNBC. They keep trying to pressure her to get out when she has every single right to stay in as long as she wants. The media, IMHO, is nothing but the "Good Old Boy" network keeping a woman out of the white house. She can't even get a break while nothing Obama does gets questioned for more than a few days. Heck he could go out and have sex with some PYT and they wouldn't even put one story about in the press. I never thought I would see the day that I would have to go to a Republican news show, Fox news, to get any fair and unbiased reporting on Hillary and some vetting of Barrack. That is where the Reverand Wright stories cropped up on. They have been reporting about that for the last year and the news media wouldn't post anything about it. Untill they were finally forced to. Anyway. I'm angry at the system not the voters. I think there is going to be a lot of buyers remorse come this time next year. Hopefully I'm wrong. I don't think I will vote at all this year. The most exciting election year of my life has also turned me off the most of any year of my life............I've never been so disgusted and embarrassed of the Democratic party as I have this year. I know many friends who are switching to Independants. Have a good evening all.............. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  5. Gloom, despair, and agony on me Deep, dark depression, excessive misery If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all Gloom, despair, and agony on me Bwahaha...Sorry, guys. Of course I want big numbers for this CD...Of COURSE I do...but I'm not going to despair about something I cannot control and which, in my opinion, is not necessarily an accurate indicator of Clay's future in the business. OMG.............Hee Haw........ Wouldnot atht realy be cluskifest sex, which soulds a lot like clusterf**k sex? You rang? I'm in........ Going to see One Republic with my good buddy, Friday...........
  6. Richard Mellon Scaife Thanks. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I can never get his name right. keepingfaith I don't understand who your voting for this year. If you are so turned off by Hillary, as you say you are, then why did you campaign for her in Texas? I'm kind of lost here. Which is not unusual. Hillary isn't the only one, though, who will do whatever it takes to get what they want. I think most all politicians will and have. I don't understand friends, though, who become disloyal to their friends for personal political gains. Such as Edwards and his wife, who does support Hillary. Didn't they lose a child? Was Obama there for them when they did, or wasn't that Hillary and Bill? I loved Edwards until he did that. Now he has lost my vote for any future plans to run for any office. Same for the Governor of New Mexico, Richardson. Didn't Bill give him two jobs? He wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for Bill and Hill. Ted Kennedy friends with the Clintons for years. Abandons them. I literally cried over that. Add that fu**ing fruitcake Dick Morris to the traitor list along with a few others. See, to me, friends turning against friends for political gain is much worse than Hillary taking financial support from that fuc*er Mellon Scaife. He owes the Clinton's bigtime for the lies and hardships he has caused them. I say use him and abuse him. I have seen that article you posted above. Although I thought she met with him at his request. I thought that is what I had heard from one of the so called TV pundits/contributor/expert, what ever the hell you want to call those idiots who give their advice and make their predictions. They know shit most of the time. Those who can do and those who can't become pundits. I would not vote for McCain simply because he is Republican and I will never vote Republican again. Although I do think he leans more Democratic in his thinking. After that impeachment fiasco with Bill Clinton, I vowed never to vote Republican again. I won't vote for Obama because I think he is too green and inexperienced. The first time I saw him, my impressions where that he is young, attractive, smart, cocky, arrogant, and full of himself. Nice tush not withstanding. *g*I don't find him all that articulate. He says Uhhh and pauses an awful lot. It's great to say you're an agent of change, but how does he think he is going to make those changes and who is going to pay for them. He gives very little content about policy in his speeches.The first time I saw and listened to his wife, she came across in a way that suggests the world owes her something. He's pretty much had a free ride through this election process. He's never been vetted. Other than the company he keeps, I don't know a thing about him. I really do think Hillary is the best qualified, most experienced candidate running. Besides being the best woman we will probably ever have, for a long long time, that would even have a shot at winning. I have waited many years for her to run. Just as I'm sure African Americans have been waiting a long time for the first African American president. I think that is wonderful. The most exciting and historical election for many reasons. If Hillary had not of been running in this election I would of voted for Senator Biden. He is another one I have been waiting years to see run for president. The country is rising up and wanting change. More and more people are coming out to register and vote for the first time ever. Even a lot of Republicans have changed to Democrats, because they have had it with their party. The Republican party is in turmoil. Way more turmoil than Hillary is causing the Democratic party, by staying in this race until the end. I think a lot of their problem is letting religion dictate morals for the whole country as well as being for the few wealthy of this country and not giving a flying flip about hard working Americans and their needs. more than anything else. I think it is wonderful that so many young people have registered and shown an interest in the voting process. Let's hope they carry that enthusiasm to the polls this November, though. Historically it has been shown that young people don't show up in the general election. Lots of seniors do, though. Oops, I wasn't going to discuss politics was I? My bad. I never do really. I guess the excitement this year prevents me from keeping it to myself. I apologize. One last thing I would like to say, though. I don't think whoever wins the presidency is going to make changes and reach across the aisle and make everything all better. That includes Hillary and McCain as well as Obama. It will be politics as usual. As I've always said, and still believe, it is the special interest groups and their lobbyists who run this country. Not our elected president. One thing I have learned over all these years is that you can count on this. They aren't going away anytime soon. So I hope people won't be surprised when miracles don't happen.
  7. Bringing this over from the main thread. to respond to. Yes, I am rather sick of being told I’m a traitor to my gender by not voting for Hillary (hell will freeze) or that I’m too young and naïve to remember how it was for women. Right. Marry me. <g> Also, when the Governor of Michigan called Dean to say he was moving the primary, Dean told him he would be penalized. But he called Dean's bluff. Mistake. <g> Seriously, Hillary turned me off with her campaign. Totally and completely. Exactly. Even though I’ve been calling her Bush-lite for what feels like a couple years now, I would have voted for her if she had been the nominee. But certainly not now. Luckily I won’t have to worry about it. That method actually disenfranchises more voters. If Hillary wins Texas by one point, she gets ALL the delegates??? How is it fair that winner takes all? What about the 49% that didn’t vote for her? In any case, Obama has won the popular vote, the delegates, the super delegates and more states. What Hillary is trying to do now is to get the delegates to go with her even though she didn’t *win* anything. Reminds me of Bush, actually. Between that and her people not knowing about the proportional allocation of delegates (and her not firing those people immediately) – well, how you run a campaign is probably a measure of how you will govern. Heh. I’ll be disappointed if it’s offered to her. I agree the system needs an overhall – but not in the middle of an election when the previously anointed candidate suddenly finds herself losing. As for the media, perception is a funny thing, because IMO she got off easy. Reverend Wright, anyone? The Republican party has a winner take all delegates in their primaries, don't they? Does that mean that all those voters are disenfranchised? How can you be disenfranchised, when the majority rules is used? I don't hear Republican voters crying about the 49% of the people who didn't vote for Bush....I guess I don't understand. I admit to falling asleep in Civics class and I have slept A LOT since then. I think they should do away with delegates, and primaries, and especially caucuses, period................Winner of each state wins that state and the person who wins the most states is the winner. No separate parties either. No Democratic, no Republican, no Indepent. ONE PARTY, united for the good and will of the people. Not the select few and the wealthy. I don't think Obama has much of a choice but to ask Hillary to be his running mate. Does he? That is if he expects to beat McCain in November. He hasn't won an important state that the party will need for a win in Novemember, has he? He has mainly just won caucus states. No matter who you are, what color you are, or who you're married to. A Democrat has to be able to get the senior voters, the working middle class voters, and the Catholic vote in order to be president. That's what I have heard repeated over and over on these TV news shows. I know neither one of them love each other but like someone said, it's politics. I know how much Obama's wife hates Hillary too. I know lots of people hate the Clintons. I know the press has been relentless against them for years,, and years, and years, and years. I don't see that ever changing. Most of it they have wrong and most of it came from John Mellanscath? and the far right wing Republicans. But, you know what? It is a testament to them that are still here and still loved and respected by a lot of America. I also find it insulting to be labeled poor and uneducated, if I vote for Hillary. It is absurd to think that no educated, young, or smart people would vote for her. However if you listen to the media singing that song, for as long as they have, I could see where people might start believing that. This is the most exciting historical election I will ever see in my lifetime and I take it very seriously. I'm very passionate about the Clintons. I find them to be two of the smartest political minds of my time. Second only to John Fitzgerald Kennedy who I loved with all my heart. Can't find anything good to say about Ted, though. If anyone should be compared to the Kennedy's it should of been them. They have modeled their whole political life after the Kennedys. IMHO. I don't want my opinions and thoughts reduced to me being labeled as something I am not, or offending other members, so I think I will bow out of the political discussions. I will be reading though. I have not missed much of anything that has been on the news since this started. So while I am not as learned as some are here, about politics, I am smart enough to interpret what I see and hear and read and make my decisions accordingly. I don't go with the flow or the mood or the flavor of the month. In other words I can think for myself and I don't need Howard Dean making up rules that the Republicans can turn around and use against us, and I don't need the media telling me it's over when the fat lady hasn't sung yet............
  8. But the Constitution doesn't speak to party rules. For many years there weren't any presidential primaries -- just smoke-filled rooms. Then for a while all the primaries were winner take all. The Dems changed their rules in, I think, 1972. Some states have primaries, some have caucuses, and some have both -- I'm in a both state. And delegates are apportioned by voting percentages, which is infinitely more fair, but then I'm not a fan of the electoral college either. State parties do their own thing, but they are an extention of the national party and must abide by the national rules. Michigan has a Democratic governor and legislature and they voted to go their own way in spite of the national party rules. The people of Michigan should be unhappy with their state party for screwing them out of a vote. In Florida, the Republicans have the governor and legislature and re-set the primary schedule mostly to mess with the Democrats, therefore it was unfair IMO to penalize the state party in Florida. But, it really doesn't matter at this point. That horse has left the barn because it'll come down to Obama winning the nomination even counting both Michigan and Florida. It's over. But, I can't hold Hillary blameless for this. I had so many family members and friends who were Hillary supporters last year and she completely turned them off talking jingoism and a commission to study social security AGAIN, and not admitting a mistake over Iraq, and a hundred other things. My son who loved the Clintons in the 90's started calling her Republican Lite -- and saying "if I liked Karl Rove tactics I'd be a Republican." Writ large, that's what happened to Hillary. EXACTLY.......................Republicans doing what they do best. Not the citizens of Florida. Nor did the citizens of Michigan have any say on what their Democratic party leaders in the state did. Legal or not, IMHO< it is undemocratic and unethical. To me Democracy means you go with the majority. The person with the majority of votes in any and all statets should get all the delegates. That's democracy to me. It is also a law and a right that every citizen of the US has a right to vote and to have their vote counted, is it not? The people of those states have a right for their votes to be counted and counted the way they went down. Not divided up to suit how the DNC wants it to go either. I hate the way the voting system is set up, for the Democratic party esp. It needs a total revamping IMHO. I don't think a caucus should even be allowed. Where is the documentation to prove the results, of said hand count? I'm not going to get into a political debate either, but I will just say this!!! IMHO the media and the DNC has picked our nomination for us. Wouldn't matter what Hillary did or didn't do. Public manipulation by the media's lovefest over Obama is so blatant even a fifth grader can see it. I'll be very disappointed in her if she takes the Vice president position. That is all..............
  9. You go for it girlfriend..........I love Al Gore and missed the whole Stepping Out thingie. You want to talk about trashing people? Just wait untill Howard Dean, Donna Brazille, the whole DNC, and Nancy Pelosi hear from me. The whole flipping fiasco they have caused the Democratic Party, is inexcusable. I've never been more disappointed in my party, and their voting system. NEVAH!!! Is it even legal? What they've done to those voters in Florida and Michigan is against the law, in my book. Play, Go for it! But first take a look at what I just posted in the YouTube thread: Ooooooh thanks for that video. It should be scary because, that is exactly what is going on right now. He succintly described 8 years of George Bush and The Republican Party, in general............ luckiest1 your framed Art is beautiful..........Framing can be very expensive. I have had several things framed. I always took them to Hobby Lobby. They have a great assortment of already made frames to choose from. Or, you can custom pick one. Very reasonable pricing. keepingfaith, I looooved the bangs and dark hair. He was absolutely stunning when he came out on AI5.........Drop dead gorgeous. I love this look on him as well as the Blonde OMWH look. Especially the CD cover pic of his profile. Two of the best looks he's ever had. Turns me on........ Of course he was competing with his tie from that AI5 appearance, as far as turning me on went. I loooooved that tie the best of any he has ever worn. Oh hell, now you have sent me on a search for brown hair/bang pictures.............Must see and live the experience again........ Don't know who to credit for these, but they might make nice avatars for you.......Hee: Hot as hell pictures of dark hair and bangs: The piece 'de Resistance: A couple of my favorite dark hair with spikes pics:
  10. Love, Love, Love this picture.................
  11. I always loved this shirt but, never ordered one. I should remedy that soon.
  12. Duh.............I am blind. I found and watched. He looked good & acted his normal silly self. I've heard him sound A LOT WORSE singing live. than last night. Hee....It seems to me, a lot of times, he is either sick, tired, or something when he is singing live on these promotional gigs, coming across as not very flattering. So I thought he sounded great last night. I can't wait to hear him sing Ashes and Falling live. The bust was ugly. So is the attention that is always placed on his oldest of fans. I'm sure they were instructed to behave like that.....However, I doubt it took much encouragement. Embarrassing to Clay, I bet. Not trying to single out or put down those fans last night, in particular. Just speaking in general. Have a good weekend ya'll............. :F_05BL17blowkiss:
  13. Clay is in 11th place on All Access spincrease chart, with 15 stations now playing it. He is now in 32nd place on the 7 day report, by spins. He has 60 spins this week as opposed to 38 last week. That is a gain of 22 spins. He's a moving and a grooving............I think when he gets in the top 20? they will start adding him to the playlist of all AC stations. I think in a couple of weeks he'll be there. At the rate he is going now. I'm guessing RCA has bought him a number 1 spot on the charts, this time., too. I also think radio can not deny him play anymore. They simply can no longer ignore the sales and touring success he has had, in spite of their blackballing him on radio. His broadway success has also had rave reviews and was the talk of NYC. Everyone knows he is popular and that people do like and want to hear and see him. They have to jump on the train now, the way I see it. He can not be denied the success he is having. JMO There is a demand for him. I missed seeing Kimmel last night. Could not stay awake. Loinger hours at work are draining my energy. Grrrr. Thank God I'll be back to regular hours next week. I did watch the singing portion from the clack at CU. However I missed the couch time clack over there. Am I blind or is there a a link for the interview part up yet?
  14. :lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1: :lmaosmiley-1:
  15. Those pics of Clay.........Too Hot. Thank you sweetheart for giving me the Keith Urban hair. It is coming along nicely. Growing like a weed. Muah....... :F_05BL17blowkiss: :big hug: ANNABEAR/AKA Mrs Santa Claus.....My poster and K-Mart CD came just now. You have made me one happy woman. Thank you for reaching out to me and offering to help. I will surely return the favor for you or pass on one to another Claymate in need.
  16. Holy Crapoly............. I'll haaaave to stay awake tonight to see "Lost" eyecandy, Josh Holloway with Dierks Bently!!!! AND Clay is going to sing and lounge Friday? I'll need some NoDoze, to stay awake for these nights............. Then some smelling salts to bring me back around, so that I can take a sleeping pill to put me in dreamland. Where I can dream about a threesome...........Triple whammy for me......Eat your hearts out...........
  17. Thanks playbiller for the late birthday picture. keepingfaith, Toby Keith has had a few songs out that I liked. I just don't like him personally, though. He is the one who was having the feud with Natalie Maines, from The Dixie Chicks, over her Bush remarks. Reckon most people agree with her now? He sings some of those "Patrotic" songs, sometimes. I hate those kind of songs. Anyway, I think he has the ugliest set of lips and mouth I ever saw. I can understand why he wears a mustache and beard. Here is his link to his site if you want to check him out. http://tobykeith.musiccitynetworks.com/index.htm I'll take Keith Urban over Toby Keith any day.
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOOKWHORE........ CONGRATULATIONS TO CLAY........HE KICKED SOME MAJOR ASS THIS WEEK!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR HIS 3RD PLACE. I remember what he said. I had, and still have, that Hillary Clinton optimism, myself. Speaking of, she is kicking some major ass herself, today. I reread his blog and it just cmsu. Fell on deaf ears, though. Maybe he should start outing people by name. Sometimes the ones who need to get a clue can't........... I wish he would of had the mods sticky his blog to the top of the message board. I almost slapped the crap out of a coworker yesterday. Scared the bejesus out of myself, I did. She had my blood boiling and I got right in her face, wagged my finger and gave her the riot act. I'm so ashamed, except not. After 3 separate attempts to tell her I did not like her constant need to try and find something negative to say about my work, she still couldn't get a flippin clue. Well, by God I bet she has one now. I told my boss to get her under control or I was walking. Never had that happen to me before. I give 110 % of myself on any job and I don't have to put up with some youngin with an inferiority complex. Who has to find fault with everyone she works with just to make herself feel good. Now do I? Hee Hee. I've paid my dues to the work force and I just don't have to put up with that nonsense. I can retire. I'm not going down that road called ATDW ANGST all over again, with this cd. I don't want to track how many CD's are in what stores, or worry about CD stock. Don't care what he shoulda, coulda done. I don't want to try and protect Clay from his own fans anymore.
  19. Yeah, I think normally tours are in support of an artist's latest or upcoming CD. The poblem with Clay having the same 3000 people showing up, IMO, is due to no radio play, and perhaps people not liking what he has put out before. I can't imagine that Clay's label & team are not going to support this CD. Why on Earth would they professionally update all his sites? Like his page on Sony, his OFC, his own YouTube site, where we should let him put up what he wants to, instead of us. Also don't forget his MySpace and RCA's website has also been updated. Professional looking with great colors. Everyone who has ever joined his OFC is getting info via personal email, about his Mother's Day greeting, and links where you can go listen to his CD, and info on TV etc. At least I am and I haven't even rejoined it. They have never really done this, to this level before. So whatever has gone down between him and his label, to me, it seems to have been settled. I don't know if he will get radio play or not, but he has moved up two more spots to #40 and now has 11 stations playing him. Since when I posted info on it yesterday. It seems he is going faster this time than last. At least to me. Of course he could come down the charts as fast as he goes up. Ansamcw, Clay did say that YouTube is not a good way to promote him. I'm sorry I can't remember the context or where he said it. I seem to recall a fan mentioning to him about YouTube being a good place to support him and he said no, it isn't and said it very adamantly. Personally I think it was just his way of saying he wished the fans wouldn't put everything on there. Like all his songs where his voice had cracked etc. etc. I hope Clay doesn't tour until next Summer. So, I'm pretty sure he will do one this Fall just to spite me. He's consistant like that. Really, I would hope he waited until he had at least two successful singles on radio. Annabear is it still raining where you are? I'm waiting to pay you for my K-Mart CD..... Does it have the sexy pic I like the best on the cover ? His Wal-Mart one has the musicpass pic on the cover of the CD..I was hoping they all aren't that way. jmh?, Your song template? Now that was funny right thar, I don't care who you are....... Well, I'm going to call it a day....................I can't make a best 20 list. I'm like Claygasm. I can't even Pick past my best two on OMWH................
  20. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY I thought people stopped paying attention to the local online fandom "know it alls a long time ago." I know I sure did. I think Clay and his marketing team have done a tremendouly good job getting him gigs on places that cater to his demographic. QVC-Rachel Rae-Paula Dean-Morning news shows-AC radio interviews-etc; etc! Let's not forget, either, all the free promoting he has got from his tour of Spamalot. His name has been everywhere for a long time. Just go check out ldyjoceln's thread where she keeps all the stuff posted said about him. I just don't give any creedence to the notion that he is not being promoted. That is just lunacy, IMHO. Am I alone in thinking the best thing fans can do to support Clay, is to disengage ourselfs from the picture? Stop doing anything other than buying his cds and going to his concerts. I don't think Clay wants us trying to promote or "Help" him, anymore. We should learn from our past mistakes, and listen to what he is trying to tell us. We "helped" him right out of radio play and sales with ATDW. He has more or less told us this. He has already mentioned to us that YouTube DOES NOT HELP PROMOTE HIM. Yet fans still put anything and everything he has ever done on there. Mistakes and all. I have searched him on there, and I'm sure he has too, and I have found some of the most unflattering stuff of him. Things that would embarrass him. I also got the impression from him that he would prefer we not contac radio to play him. Yeah I know he said call once or something, but a lot of his fans don't listen to him, AT ALL. As evidenced by his last blog. I plan to bow out on street team efforts and just let things happen the way they are suppose to happen. He has to connect to others on his own, from now on, without anymore artifical "help" from us. He needs to rely on his talent and his choices in order to do that. JMHO and all. :F_05BL17blowkiss: The only thing I want to know from this interview? Who is constantly reminding him to shut the water off when he is brushing his teeth, and WTH are they doing there? In the morning and at bedtime. Hmmmmmmmm? Inquiring minds want to know.
  21. I just checked my local AC station today and they have now added Clay's CD to their "On Demand." You can listen to the entire CD. I let out an Eeeeeeeeeee you could hear out on the patio. I am listening to the entire CD right now. I plan to at least once a day, so as not to be obvious I'm a fan..............Oh, and I just found out that you can now stream my station. I checked All Access. Clay has added another station and is now at the 42nd spot on the chart. Gained 4 spins since yesterday. I have Ashes stuck in my head. Ever since I first head it. Funny too, because Falling is my favorite song on the CD followed by Ashes. However the ear worm that constantly stays with me is this part ashes: Turn around and see what loves done to me You would not believe the way I used to be So cold Maybe love requires Walking through the fire To set me free So I could rise up from the ashes...................
  22. Clay's OMWH single now has 10 stations playing it. It has moved up to #45. A move of 14 places. Per All Access.
  23. New thread title about balls. Finally some smut. Remind me not to nominate any more thread titles, though, seeing as none of the three I nominated where on the list. I won't take that as a personal slight though. I'm stuffed. Great dinner at Marketplace grill. Anyone ever order their mini Chocolate Mess desert? I'd sure hate to see the maxi version of that. I think I just ate a pint of ice cream, with 1/2 a jar of Hot Fudge, topped with 2 cups of whipped cream, served in a beer mug. Holy cow. Trust me the fat lady is singing. Great interview Clay. He is quick wiitted and as sharp as a tack. Sexy too.
  24. I kept waiting for someone to say this. I feel the same way about the song. Clay turned this less than stellar song into something better than Natalie Grants version. But really, words like"frailty" are not words you expect to hear men use when describing their feelings. The lyrics are more femine in nature, to me. I have tried but I just can't get into this song. Even though Clay sings it purdy............ Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes. Getting ready to go out with the kids for a late birthday lunch. I think I even won dinner for two and flowers from the local radio AC station. Someone turned my name in for birthday's and my niece heard it and her mom (my sis) told me. Word for the day? Hmmmm. I'll say "Remind" I like when he sings the line, "Try and remind me now." Loved all the TV appearances and I think Ken Barnes review was pretty good. Later peeps. Gotta run..............Thanks playbiller.
  25. It's In Everyone Of Us......This is probably the only song I would skip. That is all I will say about it. I really like WIDTL and WOTW. I like the flute or whatever it is I'm hearing. I love the lyrics to most all these songs. Sorry I can't make the CD discussion tonight, but am anxious to read everyone's thoughts. The favorites and least favorites of everyone. I forgot to mention that Kenny & Dolly song, "Islands In The Stream," is mine and my husbands song. :dan1: We have an anniversary this month too. 24 years............. I knew Clay and I had similar tastes in music. Well, not always, but a lot of the time. Oh, by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Have a good evening.
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