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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Amen Playbiller...although I guess it is understandable when reading AI comments from a Clay board...but I would never think that anyone from AI should be a good back up or opening for Clay...

Last year the Bo fans were telling themselves that Bo didn't need to win...just look at Clay. Now that the TCO is gone...who will get the underdog Clay comparison. I guess that will be Elliott...no comparison at all.

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OK, you restarted me on another rant

Why people think that Ai is good if you leave in 4th or 7th place - They say - "look at Clay". Wrong example. Lets look at a few losers

Start with Tamyra - SHe got a TV show exemption from AI. She got a contract for an album, with BMG, which cancelled and then she got to put it out with 19. Then she changed management and resold herselt. She went on Broadway and they tried to sell her as the Idol winner, expecting she would bring in more audience. She did not bring in enough, it closed shortly after she joined. She is struggling to establish her career yet. She might have actually been better off never being on that show.

How about Cristina Christianson - she got signed by 19, was one of their first recording artists. They released her album in ENgland where it tanked, she sells realestate.

Then Year 2, Both Carmen and Kim have talked about how hard it is after AI and how hard you have to work. Carmen was on that Idol extra talking about how no one was interested in signing her. She got a foot in the door, but then she had to do the selling.

Year 3, LaToya said she was happy at fourth to Simon, voters agreed and she was voted off. She did the mall tour. She got an album out with a video and pushed single, it tanked. Mathew Rogers, kept up his AI connection, he does small interviews for Idol Extra - for what? 50 bucks? John Stevens, dropped by label after album tanked. Jasmine, her manager hates her, her album tanked. Camille ? Something weird happened. Diana will be touring, she is aggressive for her career after asking out of RCA and 19 contract. Jnnifer Hudson, may be doing very well, but she had been kicking around in theater for years before AI, AI may have gotten her in the door. Fantasia still can't support a tour, but gets nice gigs.

Year 4 - Well, everyone said how much better off Bo would be without winning, did not seem to help that much, better than other second place people, but still? Micheala, got small TV parts, now doing Idol extra small interviews (they have a professional for the big interviews). Constatine has a lot of rods in the fire, but will they pan out? Anthony is coming out with an album, but strange post - saying that he needs more people to sign up for his fan club if they want to see his album released - What does that mean? Gets some gigs. Scott Savol, payin for his own album to be shoppped around to labels. Vonzell does a lot of beauty contests and Postal events.

So enjoy yourselves, it was an honor to appear, but realize that it is nota coronation, but hard work ahead if you do not make it to the final.

End rant 2

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I really do beleive its all about marketability at this point. I guess when you look at each season...Season 2 would yield the best results for non-winners with Klo and Josh with decent recording careers with Clay and Ruben. I think this happened because Season 2 had a pretty deep talent pool.

I think the problem with Tamyra and LaToya...lack of Star quality and their musical style is not very current. With Bo...he was not credible enough as a pop/rock because his style on AI was too retro rock...With Chris...I think he has a chance to continue with a career if he gets a good band. If he hooks up with Fuel he may bring his AI fans and make them have more mainstream success. On his own...it would really depend if a record company sees potential in him and pours money in developing him..i.e. get a good band behind him with good songs and aggressive radio promotion (payola). I think it would take a lot of investment for Chris to regain his Rock cred...but getting the early boot may actually help him if this creates enough buzz in the media.

I think the easiest to market is Kat...I think youngs girls are ready to embrace another female popstar...specially if Kelly gets a down time. She is hot enough for the boys to drool over and vocally, I think she is versatile enough to go Joss Stone route or even a the style Kelly was going for on her first CD. If she does not win this thing (which is a long shot at this point) I think she has the potential to be another seuccesful non winner.

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I think it's going to be interesting to watch the not-so-subtle manipulations that are going to go on in the next two weeks. I think the Nigels / Simons / Kens et al are going to have to spin very hard to maintain the audience's interest in this particular Top 3. I will be intrigued to see how the voting numbers pan out for the Finale. I don't care how vocal and rabid the online Taylor and Elliot fans are, I don't see either of them having a broad appeal to the general voting audience, and I expect the numbers to be down from last season's Carrie / Bo showdown. I would expect Kat to suffer from a backlash (ala Nikki and Jasmine) as surviving undeservedly over a more talented and consistent fourth place finisher. I expect to see Nigel start whirling like the Tazmanian Devil in the next week. Hee. I'm popping the popcorn now - it's going to be an entertaining period. B)

Clay content? Got none today so far. Sorry.

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My complaint is that so many think they have it made. So many use Clay as an example, as if everything just fell into his lap. Why don't they compare themselves to Justin, who is swimming as hard as he can?

Why are so many idols still hanging around idol, going to party after party at idol? Could it be that they are still sucking off the connection? How many times has JPL been in the audience already?

It must be a heady experience being on the show and having people cheer for you, but it seems to affect people's sense of reality. I think they can leave the show, be positive without trying to make it sound like now they have it made.....because, look at Clay Aiken, as if he did not have greater talent or worked hard or suffered any indignity (Carlson Daly).

Here is another example, as if there is not more than one per day.

Detroit free press - Plus, it leaves open the possibility Daughtry could go the Clay Aiken route and turn his also-ran status into a big career.

Yeah, it is Chris's choice if he could follow Clay or not, right. How about it being Chris's choice to sing with an amazing voice or maybe Chris;s choice to have charisma or not.

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Ahh, thinking about music careers as I don't wanna work this morning...

I tend to agree with Ansa...and think that if the Idol experience is taken for what it actually is - a chance for the kind of exposure that is hard for the majority of singers to get in any shape, form or fashion and a chance for many of them to get a little nest egg - don't they get $1.5-$2K for each show on the tour? And probably some appearance fees? I was under the impression that most of the contestants weren't really making a lot of money prior to Idol anyway so if they could bank $20K from the show (if they were sensible) that might be enough to finance them for a shot with the exposure they have. As for the individuals: Tamrya? Sounds like frankly she's doing better than 95% of the struggling artists out there - she's had a number of opportunities. Maybe she's just not meant to be. Christina, Carmen, Matthew, John Stevens, Jasmine, Camille, Diana, Michaela, Scott, Vonzell, BicBoi - frankly I never thought any of these should have made AI but I didn't think they were that good - so as far as I'm concerned they don't have a career because they frankly don't deserve one any more than Joe Blow on the corner. LaToya - same case as Tamyra. Jennifer, Kim, Josh, Fantasia, Ruben - they seem to ahead of the game - actually making a living at a sustainable music career in their twenties - not superstars but a living. I think that's pretty good.

And then there's Kelly, Carrie and Clay - the one-in-a-million shots. Maybe AI is more like a college degree. It doesn't guarantee you anything, just provides you more opportunities.

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KAndre is very astute, y'all.

they seem to ahead of the game - actually making a living at a sustainable music career in their twenties - not superstars but a living. I think that's pretty good.

That's it exactly, isn't? Anybody that gets off the show and is actually able to make a living of some kind off their musical "talent" should really consider themselves blessed. My favorite example of this is Bo from last season. That guy, whatever you may think of his abilities, has a real passion for music. He may not be able to sell Carrie numbers, but he is able to make a very comfortable living touring to larger crowds than he could have ever hoped for in Birmingham, so good for him. I see Taylor ending up with a very similar touring career. Elliot, I still see as a studio or back-up singer. Katharine needs a Svengali, I think, ala Tommy Mottola and Mariah Carey. Work those connections, baby!

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YAY!!! couchie is back!!!

Now I hope you will have the time to chat with us more!!

give her lots of hugs...cos she has had a bad few days!!!


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Yep, I'll have more time...now that I don't have to wait 2 minutes for the page to turn.

Mom's coming home from the hospital today. I have freakin' pink eye. And my car is making $1000 repair me now noises. Oh and I somehow inactivated my CH account. But it's Friday and this nightmarish week is almost over.

Now, where is that cute Clay Aiken guy. He's kept me company a lot this week.

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YAY! Couchie' back! Now, of course, apparently the scales of computer accessibility must be adjusted as last night my home computer lost it's frickin internet access and after struggling with it until 7 this morning I accept the fact that I'm gonna have to reformat the blankety-blank hard drive - I come into my office to bemoan the fact to you, my online friends and my freakin' office desktop's (which is a grand total of 9 months old people) hard drive has gone kablooie. Three hours later, I typing this on the third computer I've been on today. Which hates me. Which is fine because I hate it back.

Pink eye? You really have pink eye? Let me come and sit next to you as misery loves company, and I think, no I KNOW I am owed a better week starting Monday. Glad your mother is coming home!

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Oh no!!!! I hope this bad week trend does not continue...

OMG...I am in constant fear that my HD will do the same thing Kandre...I already lost my ipod..(sniff) I can;t lose my computer too!!! See I'm just being lazy...I should reformat my HD...but I have so much friggin stuff in here!


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Awww, hugs all around.

If we all pile on the troubles list, will Clay, Team Clay, RCA, TPTB or Karma take pity and drop some good news on us?

Okay - how about this. My part of the country is currently sitting under a big green blob of rain, which is predicted to remain pretty much in place over the next freakin' seven days. I feel like I might not survive to see the sun again, much less last until we get a new Clay Aiken CD. :( Is that sad enough?

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Happily, I only had maybe 40 Gigs on my main hard drive - It would by so much worse if one of my 4 200 GB externals died on me - it's to the point I don't know where to backup anymore...I live in fear I will break down and purchase one of those seductive terabyte drives...

Pity will do the trick? I've got something...since my child has gone off to the Navy, the cat miss him dreadfully...and since he's been gone, I haven't really checked in his room once I cleaned it...I wandered back in there and found out that they very carefully and with malice aforethought, used his bed as a hairball receptacle, with the deposits made in some sort of pattern clearly dedicated to the cat gods to force the child to return. And they seem proud of it. I just threw the entire sheet set away. Tell me again why I have cats?

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Awww...kid away and cats spewing hairball all over the place surely trumps my dead ipod (oh wait...I think its just in a coma)

Bottlecap...time to make an ark I think...hope you see some sun soon.

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Hey, couchie! MWAH!

Have to share this proud mama moment. This is an upbeat post---just thought I'd warn you guys in case you want to talk about sad stuff.


But this pride is about a VERY superficial thing---not academics and how smart my kids are... 'just' sports... :unsure:

In Carrie's (she's almost 11) softball game last night, she pitched and faced 15 batters. But only twice did a bat even make contact with a pitch! I heard a couple of girls as they walked back to the dugout say, "That was scary!"


Granted, the result of one of the bat/ball contacts was a home run ...but it wouldn't have been if our outfielders had done their jobs! :angry::D:rolleyes:

It's so cute because we played against the team with her best friend on it, who is also an ace pitcher. They'd been on the same team for six years before the league split them up this year. After the game, the two teams lined up to slap hands saying 'good game, good game' down the line... when Carrie and Mia met up in the line, they grabbed each other and hugged and laughed and squealed and said, "Good pitching!" to each other!

Now THAT'S the way sports should be played! :dancingpickle::lol:

Where's Clay and why won't he answer my calls?

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Awww thats a great story muskifest...totally cute pproud mama moment.

keep those stories coming...we are all about sharing, the good and the bad.

oh I have my own proud mama moment...my two girls won their schoo'ls public speaking competition and went to the regional competition. My second daughter Taylor won 2nd place with her speech about her younger sister Caitlin who has Down Syndrome. I thought my eldest daughter will be bummed out since she is very competitive...but she was just truly proud of her sister.

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Awww, squeezes to the proud moms!

I'm not a mom, but I am a somewhat nervous auntie. The "baby" of the family, my 6'5" nephew, just got his learning permit. :ph34r: I hope this kid is able to remember that, while mowing down pedestrians and driving on the the sidewalk may be acceptable in his video games, that kind of driving doesn't work particularly well in real life. :unsure:

playbiller, I've been poking around on YouTube, and I'm pretty sure I've watched Clay stuff you've posted. I keep coming across news pieces I haven't seen before - it's really great to be able to just click on a link and watch that stuff without having to download it.

I do have a question about this

to an interview with Lynda Loveland after the Final 2 performance show. Is that chick some kind of Amazon or something? She looks likes she's a good three inches taller than Clay.
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Hee. Clayversity is getting an extremely scratchy cellcert from Quiana's 70's Soul Show in Charleston, SC. Wonder how many of the songs her group is performing will show up on the setlist for the JBT 2?


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Linda Loveland was pretty tall in all the interviews, I never saw he stand nexty to anyone else. Perhaps they have a bio on WRAL.

Linda6084, yup, that is me. Youtube had me take down several interview files aready because they said it was copyright infringment. ! more and this id is gone. They had me take down Clay and Ruben singing happy birthday - I do know that the people who own the copyright on that are pains about enforcing it.

Look at here - with this software, you can distirbute video that can play, but you are limited to 25mb. click on any file name and you will get a screen that gives you a choice of download or play. Unfortunately it does not do Rm

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:manynanas: :manynanas:

hey there has been and upswing in Clay's MOAM sales on Amazon...lots of happy mothers maybe????

Clay!!! how about some CD news on this Mother's day....

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