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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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I don't know why, exactly...but I'm incredibly Zen about this whole thing. I feel a little out of place with everyone on "their roller coasters." I guess I just never even bought the E-ticket.

If he's there...great. If he sings...even better. I know there will be clack around. If he's not there...eh, I'll deal.

It's not like this will make or break his career. I'm at the point with Clay that I feel NOTHING will keep him from singing, or being a singer as a career.

Just call me Pollyanna. (Everyone else has...)

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I don't know why, exactly...but I'm incredibly Zen about this whole thing.  I feel a little out of place with everyone on "their roller coasters."  I guess I just never even bought the E-ticket.

If he's there...great.  If he sings...even better.  I know there will be clack around.  If he's not there...eh, I'll deal. 

It's not like this will make or break his career.  I'm at the point with Clay that I feel NOTHING will keep him from singing, or being a singer as a career. 

Just call me Pollyanna.  (Everyone else has...)

oh I'm not worried about it with regards to his career. But I just get nervous when he will perform because its been awhile since we saw him. I am excited about this and want to see him so bad...I can take anything except NO CLAY.

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Just call me Pollyanna.  (Everyone else has...)

Don't you mean Pollynn? :P

So, how soon does somebody get Entertainment Tonight this afternoon? I thought an East coaster at the CH used to get it fairly early, like 2:00 or 3:00? Of course, we can't count on ET to actually curtail their coverage of the recovering anorexia patient or Janet Jackson's weight loss, both of which are currently listed on the website. Ummm, mixed messages much? :blink:

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Here here here here! I no longer give a flying fig about Tat or Kaylor or whoever the frick is left.....MY BOYFRIEND WILL BE ON TEEVEEEEEEEEEEE!

I'll be darned if Carrie doesn't look like a slightly modern Ellie Mae Clampett!

My, the Fox pre-show is incredibly boring.

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I can;t be the only one thats loving his new look....

He looked so cute...love it ...its so different!!!!


he also glory noted that one to the whazooo...

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I'll bring my comments over from the AI thread:

Initially shocked, but recovering.

Okay, I rewound and watched it a couple of times. and holy crap, the audience was going nuts. Clay's face was beautiful, he sounded great, and if we could somehow cut the loser out of the duet, it would be fabulous.

My only concern - will non-fans know that was Clay? Apparently, my sister wasn't watching closely, because when she called at the end of the show she thought Clay hadn't been on.

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Wow bottlecap, that's a boatload of hyperactive bananas upthread!! Decaf, I say.

Nice to see Clay again. Interesting hair. It definitely achieved the surprise effect I'm sure was intended.

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There are three AP photos at this link [7, 8, and 9, if the slideshow happens to be moving.]

The Associated Press quote, which will run in a ton of outlets:

Second-season runner-up Clay Aiken, with a slick new look, performed a “duet” on “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me” with his alter ego, a wannabe “American Idol” contestant who evoked the originally geeky Aiken.
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I will admit that, after the difference between Beatle hair (I'm old, y'all) and Emo hair (subject of much teenaged squeeing) was explained to me, I started to dig the look. I certainly went to bed with a huge grin on my face. Off to check out what's going on in the Clay Nation this morning, and to check out the reviews.

BTW, I heard Taylor's victory song on the radio this morning. At least his voice sounded pretty good... :blink: The DJs pretty much agreed that all the AI winners' songs were inspiritational crap.

ETA: Pretty good reaction from the AI watching co-workers so far, including acknowledgement of Clay's great voice, and the comment that the hairstyle is very current. Who knew? I'll have to start paying more attention to the twenty something guys next time I go to the mall. (I was going to say "Check out the teenaged boys", but decided that sounded a little inappropriate. B) )

ETAA: Great before (Emmy hair) and after (Emo / Shag) photo at People.com, if you need a reference shot.

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Well, y'all are probably still to busy trying to caught with all the boards and the media commentary from last night's Clack, so I'll just keep posting.

Note to self: The next time Clay makes his first public appearance after a loooonnnngg draught, take a vacation day the next day. You won't be productive at work, anyway, so you might as well just stay planted on your couch at home.

I got the latest batch of on-sale JBT stuff from Clique today. Why didn't someone tell me before how freakin' cute the bucket hat was on? It's so cute, I can hardly stand mahself. Hee. :)

Waves to all those mysterious guests who keep showing up in the stats at the bottom of the page.

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Well, I got some clique stuff, but they managed to leave out the tshirts. I finally realized I couldnt buy work at home tshirts (unless I wnt to mens underwear) for the price of these things and since I am home a lot without going anywhere, I bought some more. =But everything came but the t-shirts. I wrote them a nasty e-mail. I am waiting to find out what happened.

Today is a crazy oooh day.

I started thinking about how Clay used TPTB of AI. They had no idea he was going to change his look. The interview of Ryan wondering who was this guy and where was Clay was pretty funny. Rasndy bending in half laughing, Paula going insane - whoops, I don't think that is possible any more. I love that he stole the thunder. I feel sorry for the contestants and especially Taylor, but hey, if htey worked harder, singing different songs and group songs, they might have had an audience without "guest stars". I still don't kno why they never made them sing as much as they did on AI2 - What happened with Clay and Ruben - 3 new songs for the competition - the only year - 1 new group song, a 17 minute medley for the entire group Repeating the two charity singles, a duet between Clay and Ruben, a threesome song(??? what do I know about real words) a repeat of a solo for each, with Clay doing a different song than scheduled. I think we saw plenty of the idols in their RECORD HOLDING show!!!!With NO guest stars. Hurrumph.

So AI thought they would bring back Clay for a joke. I wonder how much notice Clay and his staff had to decide this is the time for him to appear as a new person? You figure, someone has to come up wioth these skits, probably not too much before the show, and then then have to see if they can get Clay because basically all the another awards would be dull and they would probably do something else. Then they have to contact Clay's people who have to decide and then they have to see what they could pull off. I think that AI loves buzz, but that they probably would like the idols to sine a little bit brighter than Clay. I sure hope SImon did not lose too much sleep over this, I wanted him wide awake last night, staring at the ceiling, thinking how he could get Clay international ASAP.

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Frankly, all I've been doing is pressing "play" and giggling.

pressing play ....giggling...and looking for Clay mention on TV...

he was on every entertainment show this evening and talk shows this morning...

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If I hadn't been forced to log off long to drive home from work and have dinner with my family, I don't think I would have been offline all day. [No, I'm not addicted at all.... :kos: ]

Anyway, ET and The Insider are coming up for me, along with Access Hollywood. I see Taylor is supposed to be on Leno tonight. I would think Jay might have some comments to make... <_< I love being able to have a "May TV Appearances" folder for Clack again. Awooo Whhoooo!


From the Access Hollywood Idol Chatter column :

The moment everyone is talking about around here is the reemergence of Clay Aiken. Folks here have dubbed his new look a cross between KD Lang and the Beatles. Inside the theater, he sounded amazing but I don't think he wasn't expecting shocked auditioner, Michael, to start trying to duet with him on the song  At one point off-camera the stage manager came out and told Ryan to sit him down. That's why the chair was brought out and you see Ryan place him there.
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Poor Taylor, winning AI5 and being over shadowed by Mr. Aiken. Just watching ET and Taylor did not look so happy when Mary Mary mentioned Clay's make over. So what do ya'll think. Am I overthinking this thing again.

P.S. Just love the hair and all the excitement.

G :04: :04: :00000442: :00000442:

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I did get that impression too Georgiaclay...Taylor got his moment...but its like at your wedding everyone keeps asking you about the best man...and tthats what everyone is talking about. Its like knowing everyone is there for you but you don't have their attention and is just going through the motion. The thing is...he won this thing ...the entertainment news shows have to cover him...but the buzz about Clay came from the fact that it was the most interesting part of the show. YEah Prince singing was another WOW moment...but its because he was there, nothing to debate about. With Clay's appearance, there is a lot to talk about. He definitely stole the show.

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What makes it even funnier is that Taylor had this set up as his "exclusive" television appearance of the day. Clay was on all networks, but really nowhere, while Taylor was co host of ET and had to sit through the whole Clay thing.

Now where is that clip about the AI contestents dissing Clay in the beginning? I need to see what Taylor said.

karma, karma, karma

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This whole AI appearance really turned out brilliantly, I think. It generated a ton of buzz beforehand, dominated the coverage afterwards, and Clay didn't have to talk to a single reporter. I think the HAIR (it deserves to be bolded at this point) becoming the main discussion point might have been hoped for, but you can't predict that kind of thing. I can't even imagine the pandemonium that's going to break out when Clay does his next major press interview. It's going to be YOOOUGEE.

I don't feel bad for Taylor, because he, after all, won the title. I don't think he resented being asked about Clay any more then he did about Prince. I think the people who might be pissed a bit are the other duet partners who might have gotten a mention but not as much buzz out of their appearances in the Finale as they probably expected.

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