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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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I'm HOME! Just in time to see fresh clack of my pasty boyfriend! Dang, where's his orange-y glow? Ahhh, but it's all good!

I LOVED Chicago! My son is still in one piece (and still very much himself) except much much cleaner! Though I'm gonna have to put off my trip to the Caribbean a little longer as I spent much more than I planned...but it was worth it.

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Happy Birthday Cameo and Muski. Happy Birthday America.

:00003653: :04: :balloons: :2164: :fest09: :partygirl:

Oh what a beautiful man. The pictures are fantastic. He is alive. Everybody have a safe 4th. Watch out for those fire works and scared children/animals. :P

ETA: Just looked at the pictures again, he is so FREAKIN cute. So many outrageous/unpure thoughts are going through this pea brain at the moment;

:ura: :bier: :voll:

Welcome back K'Andre. Hope you had a good trip and so glad that your son was great.


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Doesn't anyone find it odd that I am home instead of at the beach? Doesn't anyone care sniff, sniff it is going to be 95 and humid at home.

I was all packed and had food for the week. I was doing one last laundry, when I fell asleep and the hose diconnected. I woke to 6 inches of water in the basement. I keep my e-bay supplies in the basement, so I have been throwning out boxes, and soaked peanuts and cleaning it for the 1st time in 15 years. The laundry rags were in a paper box on the floor, the paiont cants and tools were all stored in paper boxes on the floor. I have a lot of basement floor and lots and lots of boxes. I am on garbage bag #20, dehumidifier gallon # 10 and, after 4 days, I am seeing dry spots on the floor. I am 1/2 done, but have scrubbed one room with bleach. My basement never looked so clean.

happy fourth to everyone!!! Wheeeeee!!!

On Topic, I think that Clay is really enjoying this 4th, his face was just alllllll smile.

Two more damn birthdays. I need to look through my clack. Will get back.

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Heh. Clay as a Kelck gatherer. :foto: Where does he post his pictures and his concert summaries? Is he Kelly<3Clay at KCE? B)

The HAIR. I'm trying, but it just looks soooo hot [not the good hawt] and moppy to me. :unsure:

KAndre - glad to hear your trip went well, and thanks to your son for being trained to protect our country's coastlines and whatnot.

georgiaclay, I'm sure your thoughts are very pure and spiritual. :19:

playbiller - I did assume you would be at the beach for the holiday. Bummer about your basement. :(

ldyjocelyn - some of the NC CV'ers were speculating that the long sleeves were because of the helicopter-sized mosquitos Raleigh is known for. That made some sense before I saw all the tank and tube (yikes - not good on most women) tops surrounding him. (COUGH*dork*COUGH) ;)

Off to catch up on the latest developments, and maybe take a nap. Spending too much time with your family over the long holiday week-end can be very taxing. :blink:

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((((playbiller))))) that is a bummer...sorry about your basement trouble. That is the great thing about having a Hubby...I can leave cleaning the basement to him...unfinished basements and attics give me the creeps so I avoid it at all cost. The fact that it also has my husbands home gym is not related to how I feel about it at all...no way...hee.

oh bottlecap I wish I can give you half of my new hair love. I really prefer it so much more than the spikes. He looks so cute...young and carefree!!!

I wonder if he read skatejoy and buzztechies tips for taking the perfect concert pictures...I hope he has learned not to use flash... :D

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Happy Birthday

Musicfest and cameocat

Does it seem like almost everyone here is the sign of cancer? I don't know much about horoscopes other than 1 out of 12 is a particular sign. Just seemed strange.

I thought Clay's hair looked really cute despite the heat and humidity. I introduced playbiller to that great NC weather last year at Cary, 100 degrees and 100% humidity. Good to see Ruben and hear about the three of them getting together to eat.

Since we are getting closer to the cd release, I am getting a little concerned that things will start to leak. I like surprises and don't really need to know anything ahead of time. Never looked in closets for christmas gifts. We grew up in such a small house, I pretty much knew where everything was hidden. I guess I'll have to scroll a lot.

So take your time Clay, I need a new computer before all this stuff starts. One thing has been preying on my mind. I am really concerned that Clay might end up being attached to Fox. I guess the AI5 appearance made me think of this. If this was the case I would never see Clay on my tv again. I hate FOX with a passion.

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Clay blogged! those two words always make my heart skip a beat and then of course I race over to OFC. That contest and the lingo sounded so much like him..I felt he had a big part in it. And only four people know the album title? Who would those four people be?

Happy birthday Muski and Cameocat!!

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Well, I hope that Cameocat and Muski appreciate their birthday present, not everyone gets blogs on thier birthdays!

Hey! I am running out of ideas here = too many cancers (ahem, like someone else is one, too and I am expecting a single for my birthday)

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Well, I certainly felt like a got a good scolding from Principal Aiken about snooping around through "channels" to find the title of the "Project". BWAH! Seriously, it's a "Project" now instead of just an album? B) Love it!

[Clay wrote "long and hard" - did he smut?!!!! :o ]

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Clay wrote "long and hard" - did he smut?!!!!  :o

Why yes, yes he did. He said he misses us, so that's the way he's making it up to us.

Hey, I'm desperate, OK?

Seriously, I love that he can snark at us, and how well he also knows us. The dissection of every single letter of any of his blogs has to make him a bit crazy...so he gently teases us about it. And his excitement about the "project" is palpable to me. He's happy about the album, and he wants us to share his joy in it.

I'm there.

playbiller, sorry to hear about your basement. That is my worst nightmare, for I have all kinds of stuff all over the floor in our basement too, not to mention our main living area is set up in the basement. Good luck with the cleanup, and sorry you had such a lousy fourth of July.

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Oh man....I love that smartass so very much.

Only 4 people know, huh? I wanna know which four people and if they take bribes. Of any sort. And I believe you know what I'm sayin'. Yes, I'm willing to sacrifice Couchie's and bottle's virtue in exchange for possible false tidbits of information.

So it really looks like the album is coming out 9/19? So I can go to the Dominician Republic and not miss something vital? Kewl!

KAndre carefully goes over how play spent her fourth and comtemplates how grateful she is for a high water table in Houston...until it floods again...

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Well, KAndre, since one of the 4 people who knows the title of the "Project" is probably Roger (Party On, Garth!), I doubt my "virtue" would be much of a temptation to him ifyaknowwhatimsayin. :ph34r:

And not even for you, my dear World Dominatrix, would I consider getting friendly with Clive... :blink:

That leaves Clay (that mission I'd gladly volunteer for) and one other mystery person - maybe Jaymes? Unless Clay meant four other people besides him, and in that case somebody's still unaccounted for....

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Morning ladies,

Play, sorry to hear about your messy fourth. I, too am also glad for a high flood plane here in Georgia. No worries here (has not rained in 40 days and 40 nights). Had a grand time of the 4th. Just visiting with friends and family and the "giant blood sucking, whelp developing bugs that come out at night".

Bottle, I am enthustically raising my hand for the one to volunteer to get the title out of Clay (LOL) and I am with you, no way would I touch Darth Clive and his black turtleneck BLECH!!!!!. I bet he wears that thing in the middle of the summer :).

My guess is the four people that know: Clay, Roger (go Garth), Kristi and Nick. It would be easier naming the four people that know the title of the album than guessing the four letters of the album and what they stand for!!!!.

Off to read the blog one more time. Such CUTE snarkiness from such a ridiculousy HAWT man.

G :nana:

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Yes, I'm willing to sacrifice Couchie's and bottle's virtue in exchange for possible false tidbits of information.

KAndre That's only two people!...What about me? I'd be good at giving up my virtue. I have experience doing that.

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Absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. At least in my case, that's true...and it sounds like it might be in Clay's case as well.

He's enjoying this contest WAY too much. The little tease.


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muski, since it's clear Clay is pure, distilled evil (oh, the joy he gets out of messing with heads! I really, really love him so), we have to do the "good cop, bad cop" thing, only using "virtue" (Bottle, I got lots and lots of spam that claims it can take care of those litte quotation marks! Call me!) and "naughtiness". You got seeded in "naughtiness" along with Ansa and ldyjocelyn. Your time will come.
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did you really choose BITE..me as your contest choice bottle...cmon confess...

I think he is very anxious to get things started. I can imagine him checking on the answers with Ruben and ahving a great time...I'm totally having fun with this...

but the title better not be something lame like ... lots a love, Clay...or I will whoop is butt...heh

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I love that picture...he seems like such a fun guy to have around. Even when he looks bored its like he is thinking of something snarky to do...

another cd title guess...


thats really a random choice, good as any I say...

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Random, random...





















Crap. Now I'm gonna have to ENTER the frickin' contest! Just I wanna talk to Clay! Man, the things I do for that man! And I need two more! Hmmm...



Think of a



All the

Way to the


Heck, he already has my cell number and my credit card info!

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Well, y'all have come up with some really good names.....all I can think of is









Happy birthday to Fear!!!!!!

I apologise for missed birthday greetings. For no reason I can think of, I tend to forget about those, even mine...I almost forgot my son's birthday this year.

And I am a pisces....have we ever done a survey on this?

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What the hell?! I sign off the computer awhile to actually go home, eat dinner, and mow my grass and miss getting the new marching orders from the puppet master? If Clay's really sitting around monitoring all those hundreds of blog comments, he needs to get another hobby. How about practicing all those new songs for the upcoming tour, dude? :glare:

Eh, I used a random letter generator (excluding x, z, and q) and sent in another 6 guesses. I don't envy whoever actually has to keep track of the entries for real.

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